The Brave boy & The Mysterious Aliens

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00:00In a small town, which was once surrounded by mountains and dense forests, an extraordinary
00:08incident took place, which will change the lives of its inhabitants forever.
00:15One evening, as soon as the sun set and the stars began to shine, a magnificent light
00:21shone in the sky.
00:22The people of the city were surprised to see a strange, shiny toy plane landing slowly
00:27in the city square.
00:28The people were stunned.
00:30Their faces were filled with awe and fear.
00:33Such creatures emerged from the plane, which they had never seen before.
00:38Shiny, fast and big, with shiny eyes, long, thin creatures.
00:43The people were surprised and frightened.
00:46They were whispering to each other.
00:48They could not understand what to do.
00:51A young boy named Bilal was standing in the middle of the crowd.
00:56Bilal was different from the others.
00:58He was wearing a black leather jacket, which hung loose from his waist.
01:03And he was always known for his wild passions and a suspicious mind.
01:08While everyone else took a step back, Bilal took a step forward.
01:13Who are you?
01:14And where have you come from?
01:16Bilal asked the crowd.
01:18His voice was calm and clear.
01:20The strangers glanced at him, but he remained silent.
01:25The people of the city were worried.
01:28They were waiting for an answer, which never came.
01:32Bilal was impressed by his silence.
01:35He picked up his stick and cheered them.
01:38You are on our land, and you should answer me.
01:42The air was dense with tension.
01:44And the colorful lights of the plane were reflected from the buildings.
01:49The scene was like a different world.
01:52Suddenly, Lead Elin raised her hand.
01:55And a holographic picture was displayed on it.
01:59In that picture, a maze of doors was shown.
02:03In which the passengers were circling around a luminous star.
02:07It was a fascinating scene, which was full of vibrant colors and rotating samples.
02:13Bilal's eyes were wide open.
02:16But he stood in his place.
02:18What do you want from us?
02:20He asked.
02:21A soft, sweet voice, which echoed in the minds of all those who heard it.
02:27In the end, Lead Elin said,
02:29We have come with peace.
02:31We are in search of knowledge and understanding.
02:33Our world is dying.
02:35And we need help to save it.
02:38The crowd went silent.
02:39And the crowd went silent.
02:42However, Bilal remained calm.
02:44If you need our help,
02:47then you should trust us.
02:49The stranger shook his head.
02:51And with the wave of his hand,
02:53another hologram was displayed.
02:55In which the stranger was shown to the world in its present state.
02:59On the brink of barren, desolate and destruction.
03:03Those pictures drew the hearts of the people of the city.
03:06And they began to feel sympathy for the viewers.
03:09Bilal looked at his fellow humans.
03:12And then he looked back at the strangers.
03:14We will help you.
03:16But you should promise to respect our homes and our people.
03:20Lead Elin put her hand on her heart.
03:22A sign of gratitude and respect.
03:24We promise.
03:26She said.
03:27Her voice was full of sincerity.
03:29In the next few weeks, humans and strangers worked together.
03:33They shared knowledge and technology.
03:36The desolate city became a hub of cooperation and friendship.
03:42Bilal's bravery and intelligence
03:44had divided the distances between the two worlds.
03:47And his deeds had shown that
03:49courage and kindness can be the cause of extraordinary results even in the unknown.
03:55And in this way, the story of Bilal and the stranger became a legend.
04:00A story that is told to the children for generations.
04:04And reminds them that bravery and open-heartedness can change the world.
