The Magical Adventure of Sparkle The Unicom

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00:00Once upon a time, in the Sophiana desert of Drimavad, there used to live a beautiful
00:06Tangawala named Sparkal.
00:08Sparkal had a shiny silver coat, and a shiny Kauskazak Ayal, which shone in the sunlight.
00:17Its trunk was made of pure crystal, and it shone with magical light.
00:22Shining was a comfort.
00:23The tree used to live in a lane, surrounded by tall trees, moving flowers, and rumbling
00:32Sparkal liked to look for the wonders of Drimavad, and to make friends with all the
00:37creatures that lived there.
00:38But Sparkal had a secret dream.
00:41He wanted to find the source of all the magic in Drimavad.
00:45On a sunny morning, Sparkal decided that it was time to start his magical adventure.
00:51He packed his favorite things in a small backpack, and set off for Fasparang Woods,
00:57where he heard the sound of an ancient Kvahishad tree.
01:01It was said that the Kvahishad tree was the source of all the magic.
01:07As soon as Sparkal set out on his journey, he met a wise old man named Oliver.
01:14Where are you going, Sparkal?
01:17Oliver asked.
01:18His golden eyes were shining with curiosity.
01:21I am going to look for the Kvahishad tree, Sparkal replied.
01:26I want to find the source of all the magic in Drimavad.
01:30Oliver shook his head, thinking.
01:33The Kvahishad tree is very deep in the Sargoshi jungle.
01:36Be careful, because the journey is full of traps.
01:40But remember, the real magic comes from within.
01:43With Oliver's words echoing in his mind, Sparkal continued his journey.
01:48He crossed the Sangang river, where water flowed through a stream,
01:53and climbed the Bhasgisht mountain,
01:55where his house was playing sweet music against the stones.
02:00As evening fell, Sparkal reached the corner of Fasparang Woods.
02:04The trees were whispering secrets to each other,
02:07and their trunks were rustling in the light air.
02:10With great courage, Sparkal set foot in the jungle.
02:13The path was illuminated by the glow of his trunks.
02:16After walking for hours, Sparkal came across a mischievous sprite,
02:20named Trixie.
02:22Hello there, Sparkal. Are you lost?
02:25Trixie smiled and asked.
02:28No, I am looking for the Kvahishad tree.
02:31Sparkal replied.
02:32Do you know the way?
02:34Trixie gasped.
02:37Yes, I do.
02:39But to reach the tree, you must solve a riddle.
02:43What can you hold in your left hand, but not in your right?
02:47Sparkal thought for a while, then smiled.
02:50Your right hand.
02:51Trixie happily clapped his tiny hands.
02:55Well done, Sparkal.
02:57Follow me, and I will show you the way.
03:00Trixie guided Sparkal through the bushes and hidden paths.
03:06Finally, they reached the clearing.
03:09A magnificent Kvahishad tree was standing in the center.
03:13Its branches were shiny and filled with golden leaves.
03:16Sparkal was surprised to reach near the tree.
03:19He touched its trunk with his trunk,
03:22and a warm magical light embraced him.
03:25A soft voice came from inside the tree.
03:28Sparkal, you have shown great courage and wisdom.
03:32There is no limit to all the magic in the Dream Award.
03:36In fact, every heart has compassion, bravery and love.
03:40Your journey has proved that you are the master of real magic.
