Dead Space 2-There's No Escaping The Madness

  • last month
It found Isaac.
00:00Oh God, I'm so sorry Isaac, look at the time difference, I'll call you back later.
00:15No, it's okay, it's okay.
00:16How you doing?
00:18You're right, Isaac.
00:19The Ishmer is a great ship.
00:20I am so lucky to be serving aboard her.
00:21Don't go out last, you know they're going to decommission her next year.
00:25For what?
00:26For just pushing me to do this.
00:27If it weren't for you, I never would have made it this far, because you made me stick
00:28with it.
00:29Just remember, I'm giving you up for six months so you can do this.
00:30You know what, we must be getting out of range with our flag.
00:33Oh God, he must have so much to do right now.
00:34I know.
00:35I know.
00:36I know.
00:37I know.
00:38I know.
00:39I know.
00:40I know.
00:41I know.
00:42I know.
00:43I know.
00:44I know.
00:45I know.
00:46I know.
00:47I know.
00:48I know.
00:49I know.
00:50I know.
00:51I know.
00:52He's got so much to leave for out there.
00:57You were drifting away for a moment there, Mr. Clark.
00:58I believe you were telling me about your nightmares that you've been having.
00:59About your dead girlfriend.
01:00What was her name?
01:02I didn't want it to end like this.
01:03I really wanted to see you again.
01:05Just once.
01:06I loved you.
01:08I didn't want it to end like this.
01:14I really wanted to see you again.
01:17Just once.
01:18I loved you.
01:19I always loved you.
01:21Nicole Brannan.
01:22She was a senior medical officer stationed aboard a Planet Cracker class vessel.
01:35Part of a mining operation on Aegis 7.
01:37I understand communications went down shortly after their arrival.
01:40You were part of the repair mission.
01:43A mission for which you volunteered, am I right?
01:47What did you find aboard that ship, Isaac?
01:50Porgies, man.
01:52Leather parties.
01:53What did they find aboard the ship, Isaac?
01:56The marker.
01:57Did you have contact with this marker?
02:01Oh, I rubbed my cock all over him.
02:03It made you see things, didn't it?
02:05Things you didn't want to see.
02:07It spoke to me.
02:09What did it say, Isaac?
02:10What did it say to you, Isaac?
02:16Goddamn, that gives me goosebumps.
02:18Isaac, can you hear me?
02:28Isaac, can you hear me?
02:32Dana, I found Isaac Clark.
02:36Repeat, I have him.
02:38Great work, Franco.
02:39Be careful.
02:40He's been out a long time.
02:42Okay, good, good.
02:45Steady, steady, steady.
02:47We gotta get you out of this straitjacket.
02:49Where, where am I?
02:52All right, I know you're confused right now.
02:55I can explain everything, but you gotta trust me, okay?
02:58Listen, you're in terrible, terrible danger.
03:01Oh, I forgot about that.
03:03No, motherfucker, no.
03:12Clark made me fucking kick his ass.
03:21Franco, what happened?
03:24Oh, God.
03:26Isaac, if you can hear me, run!
03:44Wait, where?
03:45Oh, fuck me.
03:50Don't touch me.
03:51Don't touch me.
04:20Oh, bro.
04:33Did it really save that fast?
04:35I don't trust that.
04:38It did.
04:39Holy frickin' goddamn.
04:51Clark, take him down!
04:54Well, they're not gonna help me.
05:23Dude, I would have to have a diaper on.
05:53A cactus?
05:57Oh, no.
06:00What are they gonna do?
06:24Come on, Strauss.
06:25I'm here to help you.
06:29It was black.
06:31Deep black.
06:32I'm going to the room of symbols.
06:34Symbols whispered to me.
06:37And what did the symbols whisper to you?
06:41Come on, Strauss.
06:43It was just a shard.
06:45It was just a shard, but it put so much stuff in my head.
06:48So much shit in my head.
06:50There's no more room for anything.
06:54I can't remember what he looks like.
06:56I can't remember.
06:57The symbols, Strauss.
06:59What did the symbols tell you?
07:01They told me that it wasn't my fault.
07:03I didn't kill him.
07:05They didn't deserve this.
07:06I didn't deserve this.
07:10Put Mr. Strauss back in stasis.
07:12Adjust his medication up 30 milligrams.
07:15And we'll try another session first thing in the morning.
07:23Subject is Nolan Strauss.
07:25Extension 158.
07:33Okay, it just repeats.
07:40My eyes are looking much better today, yes.
07:42Whoa, I don't like the way that looks.
07:45It still hurts.
07:46I guess I'll schedule you for another session.
07:48Oh, goddammit.
07:49No, I don't need your money.
07:52I don't think I can take another session out of it.
07:55First thing tomorrow.
07:56Let's talk about what you saw today.
08:01Come on, Strauss.
08:02I'm here to help you.
08:06It was black.
08:08Deep black.
08:09Oh, my god.
08:23Dude, are you alright?
08:28Oh, shit.
08:30Black boy.
08:43We're doing war.
08:44Listen to me, man.
08:45Will it matter?
08:46Listen to me.
08:47Will it matter?
08:48We can both get out of here.
08:50Just, just cut me out of this straitjacket.
08:53No one's getting out of here alive.
08:56Don't do it.
09:05There's no escaping from what I've done.
09:07Take it easy, buddy.
09:09Just take it easy.
09:14Your rig is red.
09:17It's red.
09:20There's a health pack and a flashlight in that wall locker.
09:24You should grab them.
09:26Thanks, dude.
09:29Are you gonna kill yourself?
09:33You won't be needing it anymore.
09:37Why not, dude?
09:39Isaac, we're all gonna burn for what we did to you.
09:43Don't do it!
09:45Oh, that sucks.
09:51Thanks, thanks for the free stuff, though.
09:58Are the-
10:01Gotta make sure you don't turn.
10:04Just, like, stomping grapes.
10:24Isaac Clarke, is that you?
10:25Who are you?
10:26My name is Dana.
10:27I'm the one trying to rescue you.
10:29What's going on?
10:30You're suffering from a unique form of dementia, Isaac.
10:32Something you contracted on Aegis 7.
10:35How do you know that?
10:37How do you know all this about me?
10:39Your dementia will kill you.
10:41But if you can get here, I can treat you and get you to safety.
10:44Why should I trust you?
10:45Because I'm not the one shooting at you.
10:49Just follow the route I'm sending you.
10:52Okay, little lady.
11:01Oh yeah, I have a fucking flashlight, dude.
11:25Oh no.
11:33Why do I care about aiming a fucking flashlight?
11:38Oh no.
11:44Why would they turn that on?
11:59A log.
12:00A log.
12:07Report 1418.
12:08The recent realization that the popsicle sticks were being constructed into marker-like miniatures
12:13for over a year has led to a search of the unit for any other such phenomenon.
12:16It appears widespread, with marker forms being made out of medication bottles, hypodermic
12:21needles, and even toiletry items like nail clippers and tweezers.
12:25The research teams have all been notified of the discovery.
12:30You little marker makers, man.
12:45Okay, I'm gonna go.