Los Angeles Guerreros - Mision 4 Los Mensajeros

  • last month
kira y Eli son los nuevos miembros de la fuerza guardian, un grupo de angeles guerreros que estan comprometido en proteger al mundo de los poderes del mal. Pendiente de ser completamente guardianes, el duo de jovenes todavia tiene mucho que aprender, pero cuando la oscuridad desciende sobre la ciudad, el tiempo de formacion ha terminado. frente a la responsabilidad de ofrecer esperanza a una ciudad perdida, ellos deben aprender a trabajar juntos para hacer retroceder a los soldados de la oscuridad y convertirse en los guerreros que estan destinados a convertirse.


00:00:00In the beginning, there was one, a great Maker King who called forth all that was.
00:00:10The first of the Maker King's creations was the glorious race of angels, with none so
00:00:16bright as the Daystar.
00:00:18But the crown of his creation was Earth, where lived a race of mortal beings so like the
00:00:24King that it maddened the Daystar.
00:00:29Drawing to his side a legion of angels, the rebel fought to overthrow the Kingdom of Heaven.
00:00:35His rebellion squashed by the righteous guardians, the rebel fled to Earth, where he found his
00:00:42opportunity for revenge.
00:00:46From that day to this, a war has raged for the hearts of mortals, one side bent on destruction,
00:00:54the other, redemption.
00:00:56These are the Angel Wars.
00:00:59Ah, I hate this stupid thing.
00:01:29Practice makes perfect.
00:01:32Well, practice makes boredom.
00:01:33I want to go boarding.
00:01:35Eli, if you don't pass music, you won't get your wings.
00:01:38You know that.
00:01:39I don't see what this noise maker has to do with anything.
00:01:42I want to go be a guardian, not a choir boy.
00:01:45The idea is to be well-rounded.
00:01:48Requirements are there for a reason, Eli.
00:01:51There's more to being a guardian than flying and fighting.
00:01:57Come on, it can't be all that bad.
00:01:59Yeah, mate.
00:02:00I've played a bit myself.
00:02:02Let's hear what you've got.
00:02:04Um, we haven't... we aren't...
00:02:06We do have this one song we've been working on.
00:02:09Come on, Eli.
00:02:16That bad, huh?
00:02:24I got this one.
00:02:25Real encouraging, Swift.
00:02:45Tough guy.
00:02:50Some people are good at music.
00:02:52Good for them.
00:02:54I'm a guardian.
00:02:55Not a band leader.
00:02:56I don't need it.
00:02:57I don't know about that, mate.
00:02:59You just never know when you might need those things you never thought you'd need.
00:03:04Without music, I wouldn't have gotten my wings.
00:03:07I know, I know.
00:03:09I needed to get my wings, too.
00:03:11But it's a stupid requirement.
00:03:13That's not what I mean.
00:03:15Not as a requirement, as in I wouldn't be here.
00:03:19It saved me.
00:03:20Saved the seven, too.
00:03:22Music saved the seven?
00:03:27A long time ago.
00:03:29I wasn't a guardian yet.
00:03:31Just a young Aniwim like you.
00:03:33But you haven't been an Aniwim since the Great War.
00:03:36That's right, mate.
00:03:37The Great War.
00:04:40Reported for duty, sir.
00:04:43I need you to go to the seven.
00:04:45You will see Archangel Maikam.
00:04:47Tell him that I have sent you for Calibur.
00:04:51The great sword?!
00:04:52Yes sir, I am honored.
00:04:55I'll use it with th-
00:04:57You won't use it at all.
00:04:58Just bring it back here.
00:05:00And as quickly as you can.
00:05:01Just... deliver it?
00:05:03That's all?
00:05:04Can't a messenger do that?
00:05:07That's all?
00:05:09That is everything.
00:05:12Taliburn is made from the purest elements heaven has to offer.
00:05:16Only with this instrument can we bring an end to the demon discord
00:05:20and his path of destruction.
00:05:22Without it, all is lost.
00:05:26Yes, sir.
00:05:28Godspeed, son.
00:05:30It won't be easy.
00:05:33Whoa, I'm gonna need a bigger board.
00:05:42The great ship is nearly full.
00:05:44Victory will soon be ours.
00:05:47The wave pulse is ready, sire.
00:05:50When can we strike the final blow and finish him?
00:05:53Not yet.
00:05:55I need more power.
00:05:58Let them fight.
00:06:02Paddy, you in here?
00:06:04I need my board. Is it done yet, mate?
00:06:07Calm down, kid.
00:06:09Got it.
00:06:10Did some modifications.
00:06:12Got you an extra 2,000 hog power.
00:06:16You're the best, mate. Thanks.
00:06:18Now, before you go running off,
00:06:20let me show you a couple things.
00:06:46Soon, the third flight will be wiped out
00:06:50and the ours will be mine.
00:06:53Then, my dark fleet will be complete.
00:06:57Not even the seven can stand in my way.
00:07:01Can we please fire the wave pulse?
00:07:04Oh, just one little bitty shot.
00:07:08Go ahead.
00:07:21Now, that's what I call a big set.
00:07:26Here goes nothing.
00:08:24No riding in the hull!
00:08:27So she was uptight back then, too.
00:08:29It's hard to imagine her as an Anuim.
00:08:31Who's telling this story? You or me?
00:08:34Sorry, sorry. Please continue.
00:08:38May I help you?
00:08:40I'm here to see Michael.
00:08:41He's busy fighting a war. Or hadn't you heard?
00:08:44I've been sent by Ramuel from the Oz.
00:08:51Why would Ramuel send an Anuim to do an angel's job?
00:08:55Because wings or no wings, I'm the fastest they got.
00:08:58This is an Alpha-level mission. It shouldn't be trusted to... you.
00:09:03We have no choice. The Oz is on the front line.
00:09:07Caliburn could be the only way to end this.
00:09:09If anyone is worthy of wielding the sword that cannot be broken, it's me.
00:09:14He can't spare you. Not now.
00:09:18And he won't be wielding it.
00:09:21Just delivering the Greatsword to Ramuel.
00:09:25Only Ramuel knows the prophecy and the proper way to use it.
00:09:32Don't mess this up, kid.
00:09:44Guard it at all costs. It can't be broken, but it can be lost.
00:09:49Yes, sir.
00:10:06Looks like there'll be no waves to take me back.
00:10:09Not to worry, Caliburn, for I am the fastest angel in the fleet.
00:10:14To the Oz, Caliburn!
00:10:21Unbreakable sword
00:10:25Can't be broken
00:10:28Discord gonna get
00:10:34Trips longer than I thought
00:10:40Debris everywhere
00:10:41Debris everywhere
00:10:50The coordinates check. Where's the ship?
00:11:28Sir, I've brought Caliburn.
00:11:38Watch where you point that thing, kid.
00:11:41Come on, get in here, quick.
00:11:43He's coming back.
00:11:44Who's coming back? What's happened to the Oz?
00:11:47That answer your question?
00:11:50No. No!
00:11:53That thing ain't gonna do no good, kid. Get in here while you still can.
00:11:57I'm not a mechanic, mate. I'm a guardian. I don't hide.
00:12:01Well, there ain't nothing left to guard, except yourself.
00:12:05Wait. You can't fight it. Fighting only makes it stronger.
00:12:14Come on, demon.
00:12:37Yes. More.
00:12:41What? Why isn't it working?
00:12:51This is the last of the third flight.
00:12:55An Anawim. How unworthy.
00:13:03Great sword.
00:13:05I call on the powers the Maker has bestowed upon you.
00:13:10Aid me!
00:13:22The unbreakable sword is broken.
00:13:28Now there is nothing to stop me from winning this war.
00:13:32Thanks to you, Anawim.
00:13:37Hey, ugly!
00:13:41No! Paddy, don't!
00:13:52I'm coming, kid!
00:13:56Time to slam!
00:14:07I... I failed.
00:14:11Well, so did everyone else.
00:14:13And the great sword, Caliban.
00:14:16I broke something that can't be broken.
00:14:19The great sword can't be used for evil.
00:14:22It broke, so he couldn't use it against us.
00:14:26The Seven. They'll be coming.
00:14:29I think that's just what he wants. See those ships?
00:14:33His fleet?
00:14:34His fleet now.
00:14:36They were our ships once.
00:14:38He took them over.
00:14:40And once he has this one, it's all over.
00:14:44But we can't stay here.
00:14:46He doesn't seem to like the engine room.
00:14:48Maybe it's the noise.
00:14:53Well, at least we'll hear him coming.
00:14:55That horrible sound he makes.
00:14:57Like every wrong note being hit at once.
00:14:59That's it.
00:15:00That's what?
00:15:01When your wrench hit those pipes out there,
00:15:03the demon reacted as if he was in pain.
00:15:07These engines that are still running,
00:15:09they're all perfect.
00:15:11Well, thanks if I do say so myself.
00:15:13No, the vibrations they make.
00:15:15They're in harmony. They resonate.
00:15:17I'm talking about sounds.
00:15:19Music. Notes.
00:15:21I think if we can get Discord inside here,
00:15:24we can play him a little ditty he won't forget.
00:15:28There's 15 pylons.
00:15:30And two of us.
00:15:31How are we going to hit them all at once?
00:15:34We're going to need some help.
00:15:36Rem, you will never call this a weapon.
00:15:38He called it an instrument.
00:15:40You think you can make it one?
00:15:42What do you expect me to do?
00:15:43Hammer this thing into a glockenspiel?
00:15:46I was thinking maybe something a little more my speed.
00:16:29Not bad for a cherub, huh?
00:16:31You're not just a cherub, mate.
00:16:33You're also a right nice little piece of bait.
00:16:39Why am I the bait? I'm the brains!
00:16:42Because you're cute.
00:16:44Call me cute one more time,
00:16:46and I'll give you a two wrench tune-up.
00:16:52Why is this ship not yet fully operational?
00:16:56It's the cherub, sire.
00:16:58He's keeping some of the old engines online.
00:17:04Find him.
00:17:06Destroy him.
00:17:08We're trying, my liege.
00:17:10It's not easy.
00:17:12He's soon.
00:17:17Who are you calling teensy, bub?
00:17:19I got your teensy right here.
00:17:21Why don't you come and get it?
00:17:26I'll handle this one.
00:17:28Kid! He's coming!
00:17:33You cannot run from discord.
00:17:37Hey! Pick on someone your arm's size.
00:17:57You missed.
00:18:00No, I didn't.
00:18:06Okay, Paddy, we need a little rhythm.
00:18:09You got it, kid.
00:18:26Just as I thought.
00:18:52May I strike the last note?
00:18:54Wait. Come on. Spare me, please.
00:18:57Can it, mate.
00:19:06Ha-ha! Just here.
00:19:25I failed.
00:19:39I'm sorry.
00:19:45Kneel, paladin.
00:19:47A pride broke that which cannot be broken.
00:19:51Failure is sometimes inevitable.
00:19:54It's how you deal with it that decides your fate.
00:19:58You didn't give up.
00:20:00Well done.
00:20:04Rise, paladin.
00:20:06Rise, guardian.
00:20:09Rise and fly, angel.
00:20:21Oh, man.
00:20:50That is the best story about getting wings I've ever heard.
00:20:54Space battles. Defeating an invincible demon.
00:20:58Breaking stuff. Putting it back together.
00:21:01I want getting my wings to be that cool.
00:21:05Remember, when the maker asks us to learn something,
00:21:08whether it's music or numbers or science,
00:21:11there's a reason for it, so embrace it.
00:21:14Because you never know when a new skill will come in handy.
00:21:45Nice work, paladin.
00:21:52What did you say?
00:22:40Done and done.
00:22:42Eli, look out!
00:22:52Strange weather we're having.
00:22:54You're welcome.
00:22:56I was going to say thank you.
00:23:00So weird. These demons were crawling around a museum renovation.
00:23:04Yeah, there aren't any living souls here for them to be after.
00:23:07Even the construction crew's gone home.
00:23:09I better report it just in case.
00:23:11Hold on just a minute.
00:23:13What? I'm the leader of this mission.
00:23:15Michael will expect the report to come from me.
00:23:17Hello? If anybody's the leader here, it's yours truly.
00:23:20How about first one back to the seven gets to give the report to Michael?
00:23:24Eh, I don't know. I don't really feel like racing.
00:23:28But okay. One, two, three, go!
00:23:32Eli, you're such a cheater!
00:23:34Ah! Woo-hoo!
00:23:42This way, almighty ogre.
00:23:50I'm getting too old for this.
00:23:54Retirement, here I come.
00:23:58You can't retire, my liege.
00:24:00Who will rule us mercilessly?
00:24:02None but the true heir to my evil throne may reign in my stead.
00:24:08But sire, your only son has been dead for millennia.
00:24:12Ah, details, details.
00:24:15Behold, the bones of your future king.
00:24:20Mistaken for dinosaur remains by those ignorant humans.
00:24:25By humans!
00:24:27Your highness, is it true your son was a cousin of Goliath?
00:24:32Ha, indeed.
00:24:38All hail your new master and king, Ogryn Junior.
00:24:44Ah, me still hate you.
00:24:47And me hate the name Ogryn.
00:24:51Just because you've been released at long last from eternal torment in the underworld
00:24:56does not mean you can take that tone with me, young man.
00:25:02Your destiny is to succeed me as king so I can retire.
00:25:07Why, nothing I do ever good enough for you.
00:25:12You want evil? I'll show you evil!
00:25:18Come back here this instant!
00:25:20If you make such a big scene out of everything,
00:25:22you shall only attract more evil.
00:25:25Come back here this instant!
00:25:27If you make such a big scene out of everything,
00:25:29you shall only attract unwanted attention.
00:25:37I want to make his own market world.
00:25:40I swear!
00:25:48Victoria's gonna love my new car.
00:25:56Victoria's gonna love my new car.
00:26:14There you are, Michael. I've been looking all over the ship for you.
00:26:22What are you doing?
00:26:23I am seeking the wisdom of the Maker.
00:26:26I've got some big news to tell you before Kira gets here.
00:26:29I mean, before it's too late.
00:26:31Eli, I am aware of the chaos occurring below on Earth.
00:26:35I am seeking guidance.
00:26:37But if there's a problem down there, shouldn't we hurry up and go do something about it?
00:26:40Not just sit here?
00:26:42I'm not sitting. I'm kneeling.
00:26:45How about I zip on back down to Earth with Kira and see if we can't take care of things?
00:26:49Eli, you're not on your own understanding.
00:26:52Only by faith can this or any enemy be brought down.
00:27:07Where are you going?
00:27:08To lean on someone and make them have understanding.
00:27:11Or something like that.
00:27:13What does that even mean?
00:27:15Ah, right.
00:27:30Whoa! What is that thing?
00:27:36It's called a snack truck.
00:27:42Oh, you mean that thing.
00:27:47It says here that creature is a Nephilim.
00:27:50Half-demon, half-man, all trouble?
00:27:53Heh, not for me.
00:27:55Eli, wait!
00:28:04Michael should realize this is the way to get things done.
00:28:07Just dive in and do it.
00:28:13Gotta be smart, not fast. Like this.
00:28:16Here, giant, giant, giant!
00:28:18Come here, giant, follow me!
00:28:21Over here!
00:28:23Come here, giant, follow me!
00:28:25Over here!
00:28:35Follow me!
00:28:36Way better idea than yours, Eli.
00:28:43He shoots, he scores.
00:28:45Wait, that gives me an idea.
00:28:47I can't believe I didn't think of this before. It's a classic.
00:28:50We're up against a giant, right?
00:28:52So we should use a sling.
00:29:00Not exactly what you were expecting.
00:29:02Not really, no.
00:29:09Oh, my head.
00:29:16How'd I get here?
00:29:18Is this a dream?
00:29:20Ah, Eli. I see you have returned for guidance.
00:29:23Excellent. Join me.
00:29:25Kira and I have been getting our wingboards handed to us by an angry, rampaging demon.
00:29:30I mean, we tried everything we could think of to stop him, but nothing worked.
00:29:34Not on your own understanding.
00:29:37I don't understand what that means.
00:29:39I gotta get back to Earth before Kira defeats the giant without me and hogs all the glory.
00:29:43Perhaps this isn't about your glory, Eli.
00:29:46Humble yourself.
00:29:48There's no time for that now!
00:29:50You need to make time for it.
00:29:52You need to wake up to its importance.
00:29:55Wake up, Eli.
00:29:57Wake up, Eli.
00:29:59Eli! Are you okay?
00:30:02How long was I gone?
00:30:06You just fell onto the ice when the giant hit you with the puck.
00:30:09The giant! You lost him?
00:30:12Hey, you're the one who made me lose him.
00:30:14Come on.
00:30:16This way.
00:30:18Thanks for the hunch.
00:30:39I'll tell you to stay out of odds!
00:30:47Ogre Junior.
00:30:49Since you will not go into the family business voluntarily,
00:30:54then you shall do so by force.
00:30:58Seize him.
00:31:10It's a demon battle.
00:31:12And we're heading right into the middle of it.
00:31:28There is no escape, son.
00:31:31You must assume your destined role of ruthless lordship in my place.
00:31:36Og not want to.
00:31:38Og only do what Og feels like doing.
00:31:54If only that Og guy would stop being so stubborn.
00:31:57Yeah, stubborn. Unlike some angels I know.
00:32:05Eli, look!
00:32:08At least there is one thing we can agree upon, son.
00:32:12Two puny angels in training versus the magnificence that is us?
00:32:16Ha! No contest!
00:32:19Watch out!
00:32:24Now what do we do?
00:32:26I don't know what to do. I don't know everything.
00:32:29Lean not on your own understanding.
00:32:33We need to ask for help.
00:32:37We can't do this without your help.
00:32:50How did you do that?
00:32:53It wasn't me.
00:33:11We just got so wrapped up competing with each other before
00:33:15that we didn't stop to realize that neither of us is really in charge.
00:33:18And that no matter what we tried, neither one of us could do it alone.
00:33:22Not without help from the Maker.
00:33:24I am so proud of you, Kira.
00:33:27And especially you, Eli, for finally taking to heart
00:33:30the important lesson I was trying to impart to you.
00:33:33Why, even now, what is that beeping?
00:33:37Oh, uh, just going back over some of my moves from the battle.
00:33:46Now, what were you saying?
00:34:20Go! Now!
00:34:29Where'd they go?
00:34:31Here, demon, demon, demon!
00:34:33Come out, come out, wherever you are!
00:34:37Come on!
00:34:45Oh, no! Eli!
00:34:48Oh, no! Please!
00:34:57Having a pair of wings would so come in handy about now.
00:35:00Surprise! Coming through!
00:35:03Nice move!
00:35:05Better up!
00:35:11Eli, a little help down here!
00:35:15Better up!
00:35:29If we could just hurry up and earn our wings,
00:35:31things like this would be so much easier.
00:35:34But you know the rules. We've just got to be patient.
00:35:37Uh, I guess you're right.
00:35:40Last one back to the sevens, rotten egg!
00:35:45Why don't you go on ahead?
00:35:47I think I'll hang around for a while and practice my moves.
00:35:51Okay. He could probably use it.
00:35:53I'll see you later.
00:36:00Hello? I thought I saw...
00:36:04Show yourself!
00:36:07Show myself?
00:36:09Who are you?
00:36:11Who are you?
00:36:16Are those wings yours?
00:36:18They could be yours.
00:36:21No. I need to be patient.
00:36:24Haven't you waited long enough?
00:36:26I... I can't.
00:36:29Just imagine what you could accomplish with these.
00:36:32How many more people you could help.
00:36:50Can the wings shield him?
00:36:54Only one way for us to find out.
00:37:03Time to die!
00:37:10Well, well. How does it feel to fly?
00:37:17And I mean, me wearing these wings isn't doing any harm.
00:37:20I couldn't have said it better myself.
00:37:23But how do I control them?
00:37:33Wings, activate!
00:37:37Wings, extend!
00:37:40Wings, where are you anyway?
00:37:45Well, guess I gotta have faith.
00:38:18Slow down!
00:38:20Okay then, speed up!
00:38:23Go up!
00:38:26I wish these things came with instructions!
00:38:33How do you work these things?
00:38:41That's good.
00:38:53This is way faster than I've ever been able to go on my wingboard.
00:38:57Now to put it to the real test.
00:40:37Okay, so if there are no further questions, Godspeed today everyone.
00:40:41Oh, and Eli.
00:40:44You are to be commended for your performance these last few days.
00:40:52I think our training sessions are finally starting to pay off.
00:40:56Good on ya, Eli.
00:40:58I don't know how you're getting it done,
00:41:00but keep this up.
00:41:02You'll have Paladin's job before long.
00:41:05Good one, Swift.
00:41:07Or better yet, his wings.
00:41:10Look at you. You're a superstar.
00:41:13I guess I am, aren't I?
00:41:21You talking to me?
00:41:23You talking to me?
00:41:25Well, I'm the only one here.
00:41:27Who else are you talking to?
00:41:31Would you please come out here and join Kira and me for a moment?
00:41:34Uh-oh. They know about the wings.
00:41:41Ah, Eli. Just the angel I wanted to see.
00:41:44I don't know anything about him!
00:41:47What are you talking about?
00:41:51What are you talking about?
00:41:53Well, I was just telling Kira how oppressed I've been with your work lately.
00:42:00Your performance has been amazing.
00:42:02At this rate, you'll have my job before long.
00:42:07Don't be modest.
00:42:08You've earned all Michael's praise and more.
00:42:10I have, haven't I?
00:42:12You've been doing so much better than Kira at everything.
00:42:15Achieving your goals so much faster and more easily than she has.
00:42:19I thought maybe you could tutor her.
00:42:22Come on, Eli. I promise to practice all the time.
00:42:24Just like you.
00:42:27Great. That's settled then.
00:42:29Congratulations again on your many recent successes, Eli.
00:42:41I mean, I'm happy for you, Eli.
00:42:43I really am.
00:42:45But seriously, just between you and me, how are you doing it?
00:42:49I don't know. Just lucky, I guess.
00:42:51Yeah, some luck.
00:43:16Thanks, Eli.
00:43:17But come on now, teach me how to do it too.
00:43:20Do you presume to think you could ever be as great an angel as I?
00:43:27I'm sorry, Kira.
00:43:29I must just be overtired.
00:43:31You know, from all the extra practicing.
00:43:40And then I grabbed the molten comet by the tail
00:43:43and sent it crashing into the space hill before it could consume the Earth.
00:43:47Let's just be thankful that the astronomer is a praying man.
00:43:51He gets all the cool missions.
00:43:53On to new assignments.
00:43:55Wait, but aren't you going to commend me for my superior performance?
00:43:58I think you commended yourself just fine, Eli.
00:44:01Well, maybe someone else would like to say something.
00:44:07To the Maker be the glory.
00:44:09To the Maker be the glory.
00:44:11To the Maker be the glory.
00:44:23To the Maker be the glory.
00:44:41How did I get here?
00:44:48This is really weird.
00:44:56What's really been going on with you?
00:44:59You're obviously just jealous of my success.
00:45:17Ah, that's better.
00:45:24Ah, that's better.
00:45:37Where's your partner, Kira?
00:45:42He'll be here.
00:45:46We'll have to start without him.
00:45:48Swift, we have word that a couple of messengers are headed into the Dark City.
00:45:52I want you on call should something go wrong.
00:46:22Now, come out wherever you are.
00:46:27Come and get me!
00:46:37Come and get me!
00:46:42Come and get me!
00:46:47Come and get me!
00:46:53Want a piece of me?
00:46:58Looks like a dead end.
00:47:01For you.
00:47:22Come and get me!
00:47:25Come and get me!
00:47:51Eli, wait!
00:47:53Get off my back, why don't you?
00:47:55Where have you been?
00:47:57I had business to take care of.
00:47:59I don't need you to lecture me, okay?
00:48:01Everyone was wondering where you were.
00:48:03Well, I'm here now. You can stop wondering.
00:48:06You know, you've got some nerve.
00:48:08Just because you've got...
00:48:11They're mine. I earned them.
00:48:13Now leave me alone.
00:48:32Look, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that.
00:48:37What do you want, Eli?
00:48:47Promise you won't tell Michael about the wings?
00:48:50Why not?
00:48:51Because you'd want to keep them away from me.
00:48:54And that would be such a bad thing?
00:48:56What are you two up to in here?
00:49:00Um, studying?
00:49:04Michael, has there ever been a way for an angel to get wings,
00:49:07other than earning them?
00:49:10Not real angels.
00:49:17Could someone make wings?
00:49:21If you're referring to imitation wings,
00:49:23I suppose it's possible.
00:49:25But not worth the effort.
00:49:28I itch.
00:49:31Our wings do not come from without,
00:49:33but within.
00:49:35I'll leave you two to your studies, then.
00:49:41That was close.
00:49:43You heard what Michael said.
00:49:44Maybe it's not such a great idea for you to be using those wings.
00:49:47It's not like that.
00:49:48I'm doing things he wouldn't believe.
00:49:51What's wrong?
00:49:56They're mine!
00:49:59At what cost?
00:50:00Oh, I totally get what this is about now.
00:50:03You're just jealous of me.
00:50:05Admit it.
00:50:07I'm happy for you.
00:50:08Or at least I was.
00:50:11Happy until I started getting a little credit around here.
00:50:13Until I got to be the star student.
00:50:16Until you started lying to me and everyone else.
00:50:19I mean, what's your long-term plan here, Eli?
00:50:21You can't hide this from Michael and the others forever.
00:50:23I'm not giving up these wings, Kira.
00:50:25And not you, or Michael, or anyone else can make me.
00:50:37Stop it!
00:50:40You can't have them.
00:50:46Stop it!
00:50:50Look what these wings are doing to you!
00:50:53You're scaring me, Eli.
00:50:54Please, say something!
00:50:56Get out of my way!
00:51:14Stop this, Eli!
00:51:16Let me go!
00:51:17What are you doing?
00:51:18No, Eli!
00:51:46What have I done?
00:51:48She was trying to help me.
00:51:51She was trying to stop you.
00:51:53They all are.
00:52:11If you gain control of the wings,
00:52:13then their dark power will transfer to you.
00:52:18Please, Eli.
00:52:19Take off the wings.
00:52:22I can't.
00:52:24I won't.
00:52:25The wings are mine!
00:52:44Let me go!
00:52:46I won't.
00:52:48I'm sorry.
00:53:08Eli, can't you see?
00:53:14I just...
00:53:17Kira will recover.
00:53:19Will you?
00:53:20What's that supposed to mean?
00:53:22You're out of control.
00:53:24I am not.
00:53:25I have complete control of these wings.
00:53:28Or have these wings learned to control you?
00:53:31It's not like that at all.
00:53:33Prove it.
00:53:34What do you want me to do?
00:53:36Save another bus?
00:53:37Catch a flying comet by the tail?
00:53:39I'll do anything to prove I can handle these wings.
00:53:42Remove them.
00:53:45When we give up that which we most desire,
00:53:48we prove ourselves worthy of even greater things.
00:53:51And what if we don't?
00:53:53Then the things we desire consume us.
00:53:56There must be another way.
00:53:58There isn't.
00:54:00There is another way.
00:54:02These wings are mine!
00:54:05You can't have them!
00:54:24The wings!
00:54:40You're better off without the... you-know-whats.
00:54:43Yeah, I know.
00:54:44But I miss my competitive edge.
00:54:46I'm just glad to have the old Eli back.
00:54:49Come on.
00:54:50Someone needs our help.
00:54:52If I still had the wings,
00:54:54I could have been there and back by now.
00:54:56Well, you're not alone.
00:54:58I'm sure you're not alone.
00:55:00I'm sure you're not alone.
00:55:03I'm sure you're not alone.
00:55:06If I still had the wings,
00:55:07I could have been there and back by now.
00:55:09Well, it might take longer,
00:55:10and it might take a lot more effort,
00:55:12but you're gonna earn your wings for real someday.
00:55:14We both are, right?
00:55:37I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:39I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:40I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:41I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:42I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:43I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:44I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:45I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:46I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:47I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:48I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:49I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:50I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:51I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:52I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:53I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:54I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:55I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:56I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:57I'm so glad to have you back.
00:55:59I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:00I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:01I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:02I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:03I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:04I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:05I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:06I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:07I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:08I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:09I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:10I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:11I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:12I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:13I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:14I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:15I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:16I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:17I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:18I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:20I'm so glad to have you back.
00:56:24Wasting your time.
00:56:25You're never going to pick up
00:56:27all that garbage.
00:56:43Wasting your time.
00:56:49That poor girl. I wish we could help.
00:56:53Help what? Pick up garbage? We'd be much more useful somewhere else. Anywhere else.
00:56:59Eli, stop complaining. You're the one who got us grounded.
00:57:02Yeah, but you're the one who volunteered us for babysitting duty.
00:57:06It's better than chores on the Seven.
00:57:08I doubt that.
00:57:10What's this?
00:57:12I don't know, and I don't care. We have a mission, and it's walking away.
00:57:17This isn't a mission. It's punishment. If it was a mission, you'd have let us keep our wingboards.
00:57:24It's like a petrified bug or something.
00:57:27Just leave it alone, Eli.
00:57:29You're not even looking.
00:57:30Aren't you curious to know what it is?
00:57:32Your curiosity causes us nothing but trouble. We have a mission, and I'm sticking to it.
00:57:37Um, Kira? I really think you should see this.
00:57:41I'm sure the rock is fascinating, but...
00:57:43Kira, look!
00:57:46Come on, let's go after it!
00:57:48Eli, no! The reason we got grounded in the first place is you didn't obey orders.
00:57:53It's why they took our wingboards, so we wouldn't go flying off.
00:57:56That thing is getting away, and wingboard or no wingboard, I'm going after it.
00:58:00Eli, stop!
00:58:02I'm not engaging. I'm following.
00:58:04I'm not backing you up.
00:58:05Fine. Stay here and babysit.
00:58:07I will, but I'm tired of getting in trouble for you. When we get back to the Seven, I'm going to ask for a new partner.
00:58:12Good. Maybe I can get one, too. Someone who's not afraid to take action.
00:58:17Fine, then.
00:58:31Hey, ugly bug, wait up!
00:59:01Take action? I can take action.
00:59:03If I wanted to, I could find that thing using my brain way faster than he can jumping over rooftops.
00:59:12Where did he go?
00:59:43I don't know what it is.
00:59:47But there are a lot of them, and all of them are coming and going from the same place.
00:59:50What are those things?
01:00:04Hover on!
01:00:07Who's next?
01:00:12Who's next?
01:00:42Who's next?
01:01:03That's got to be Eli. I think.
01:01:07Kira? This is Eli.
01:01:10While you were laming out on track patrol, I was kicking bug.
01:01:15So where are you?
01:01:18Kira, come in!
01:01:27Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
01:02:26Eli, help!
01:02:28Kira? Kira, hang on!
01:03:02I'm right here.
01:03:04Kira, where are you?
01:03:06Get them off me!
01:03:07Get what off you? I don't see anything.
01:03:10Use your visor. Go to gamma screen.
01:03:30And watch out!
01:03:33Eli, behind you!
01:03:38We've got to kill the big one.
01:03:42No problem.
01:03:48Eli, that won't work. You have to hit it underneath.
01:03:51Go after its belly.
01:03:56I'm trying!
01:03:59Fall back!
01:04:00I have a plan.
01:04:07What's the plan, Kira? Quick!
01:04:18Now, Kira!
01:04:31Thanks for rushing in like that.
01:04:33It's what I do best. Still partners, then?
01:04:37You're foolhardy, you're stubborn, and you never obey orders, but... yes.
01:04:43I mean, who else is going to put up with you?
01:04:46Like it or not, we make a pretty good team.
01:05:00You're never going to pick up all that garbage.
01:05:07I know, but I can pick up this piece.
01:05:11And this one.
01:05:13And this one.
01:05:16And this one.
01:05:30And this one.
01:06:00And this one.
01:06:31Sir, how far?
01:06:39Never forget, Cameron. We're in enemy-held territory.
01:06:42Demons rule the air in this place, not angels.
01:06:46There are too many to outrun.
01:06:48Speed and stealth are the tools of the Messenger, Cameron.
01:06:52Speed and stealth. Yes, sir.
01:06:55Ah, come on!
01:06:58Stealth. Yes, sir.
01:07:19Come on, come on!
01:07:28Forgive me, sir. I let you down.
01:07:50Cameron, move!
01:07:53Sir, I'm sorry.
01:07:59Messengers do not fight, Cameron. But we are not without our defenses.
01:08:08A little bottled hope. Demons hate this stuff.
01:08:14Call for backup. Quickly.
01:08:17Mayday! Mayday! Messengers pinned down behind enemy lines. Need backup!
01:08:48Aya, Eli, Guardian Force at your service.
01:08:53Someone here call for backup?
01:09:03Relax, kid. Disaster averted.
01:09:06Are you in charge?
01:09:07He wishes. Eli's just a man-o-whip.
01:09:10Over here! We've got an Angel down.
01:09:12Ark, Angel.
01:09:18His energy is almost nil. We've got to get him back to the Seven.
01:09:21My name's Kira. I'm an an-o-whip, too.
01:09:24Guess that makes three of us. I'm Cameron.
01:09:28With all these demons, how will we get him back to your ship?
01:09:31The only way back to the Seven is to fight.
01:09:33I call dibs on the one with the funny eye.
01:09:41The message.
01:09:43Sir, you're in no condition to...
01:09:44This is our mission. Utmost importance to the Mega King.
01:09:49It must be delivered within the hour, no matter what the cost.
01:09:54But, sir, you know I can't do it.
01:09:57You can, Cameron. And they can help you.
01:10:01You have my word. It will get there.
01:10:04I know it will.
01:10:09We're to deliver the message.
01:10:11Look, you called for our help when you couldn't handle the demons. That's what we do.
01:10:15What we don't do is deliver postcards.
01:10:17Eli, that's uncalled for.
01:10:19What? He's a glorified messenger pigeon.
01:10:24The Mega King has already made the decision.
01:10:27He only writes response, disobedience.
01:10:32There are five of them, my liege.
01:10:35Three guardians and two messengers.
01:10:42I see that, Oculus, thanks to your creepy little eye.
01:10:49What I don't see is you doing anything about it.
01:10:53We've blocked transmission.
01:10:55But the shield is a problem.
01:10:57No, the messengers are the problem.
01:11:01So unless you want your wings clipped, penetrate that shield.
01:11:05I want those angels with glow or without.
01:11:18Sir, that shield's gonna pop at any minute.
01:11:21You're gonna need me to help you fight those things.
01:11:23Those are Rip Wings, Eli.
01:11:25Took out half my team in the war.
01:11:33Sir, I'm not just gonna run when the going gets tough.
01:11:36I know you're not.
01:11:38You and Kira need to help Cameron deliver the message.
01:11:41But... what about you?
01:11:44I'm gonna buy you some time.
01:11:46Sir, I won't leave you!
01:11:48Sorry, Eli. You can't face Rip Wings without wings of your own.
01:11:52Don't do this! It's just a message!
01:11:55Stay underground. Courage and Godspeed.
01:12:00Sir, I can help you!
01:12:04I wanna fight!
01:12:11Okay, demons. Let's see what you've got.
01:12:33Not bad.
01:12:51That wasn't so bad.
01:13:04Two down, my liege.
01:13:07And one of them is the Archangel.
01:13:14Come on, Eli. Aren't you just the least bit curious?
01:13:17Curious about what? The message?
01:13:19Yeah. Don't you wanna know what it says?
01:13:22You're pathetic. Why would you wanna read someone else's mail?
01:13:26Because whatever's in that message must be important.
01:13:28What? You think it's like a new commandment or something?
01:13:31No. But it must be for someone really big. A senior official, or...
01:13:35I don't know who it's for.
01:13:40Then how will you find them?
01:13:42The scroll will lead us to the right person.
01:13:45See? Like a compass.
01:13:50Wait. Haven't you read it?
01:13:53You can try.
01:14:01Oh, my.
01:14:03No message may be read until in the presence of the intended recipient.
01:14:08Oh. It looks like it's five words.
01:14:12That's it? Five words? That's a pretty short commandment.
01:14:17Let's see. Always watch behind thine ears.
01:14:21Now wait. I gotta change this other word twice a week.
01:14:25Or how about, why don't you be quiet?
01:14:28Yeah, that works, too.
01:14:31Find them! I want that message. Now!
01:15:02Impressive, isn't it?
01:15:05Careful, demon. Pride comes before the fall.
01:15:11What you've done in this city can be undone quicker than you think.
01:15:16This one gives me more credit than I deserve, doesn't he, Ramiel?
01:15:21Should I tell him about our little game?
01:15:25This isn't my doing.
01:15:28This isn't my doing. It's theirs.
01:15:33Truth is, these people don't need me to convince them to tune out your lot.
01:15:39They've done that on their own.
01:15:42And who can blame them, after all? It's a free market out there.
01:15:47What are you selling?
01:15:49Because when I look out there, all I see is despair.
01:15:53Well, then I guess that makes me a heck of a salesman.
01:15:59Of course, I've never figured out what keeps you coming back, Ramiel.
01:16:04Obviously the people aren't interested in your little messages.
01:16:09Hope keeps me coming back.
01:16:16You never cease to entertain me, Ramiel.
01:16:24Hope is the one thing you won't find here.
01:16:35Dead end.
01:16:39Not according to this.
01:16:44The only way is through there?
01:16:46I don't know. Maybe we should backtrack to another tunnel.
01:16:50I figured a messenger would run at the first sign of trouble.
01:16:55I think I'm with Cameron. Something doesn't feel right.
01:16:58Fine. Don't blame me if we're too late to deliver the message.
01:17:04Go ahead, Cameron.
01:17:11I'm sorry, Cameron. Eli can be quite obnoxious.
01:17:15Don't apologize. He's more right than you think.
01:17:18Nah, he's only jealous because you get your wings before us Guardians.
01:17:22He needn't be. They don't work.
01:17:25But you were the fastest. I remember from the Academy.
01:17:29Yeah, the Academy.
01:17:31But when I got my first real taste of action, they failed to fire.
01:17:35And haven't worked since.
01:17:37I'm sorry, Cameron.
01:17:39Poor Ramiel. The fastest messenger on Earth and his Anoem can't even get his wings to work.
01:17:44The worst part about it is he never says anything.
01:17:47Even when I cause him to get hurt.
01:17:58You again?
01:18:00That's weird.
01:18:08What's happening?
01:18:09I don't know.
01:18:17The message!
01:18:33Oh, gross.
01:18:37Where's the scroll?
01:18:39I don't see it anywhere.
01:18:41And where's Eli?
01:18:45Here's his sword.
01:18:59I found the message!
01:19:03Let me guess. Giant creature thingy behind me.
01:19:10Back to the tunnel!
01:19:12Is that really Eli?
01:19:26Someone get this beast of Ruffman!
01:19:34Cameron! You've got to fly in there and grab him!
01:19:37I'm sorry. I can't.
01:19:40I know why your wings don't work.
01:19:42You're afraid. And that's okay. We all are.
01:19:45Ramiel chose you to have by his side.
01:19:48He put his hope in you, Cameron.
01:20:03Come on, come on, come on!
01:20:10Yeah! Go Cameron!
01:20:14You have wings!
01:20:36That was interesting.
01:20:41That was amazing!
01:20:43We totally kicked that thing's...
01:20:45Oh, no. Look!
01:20:47Ah, who cares? We can take him.
01:20:49To be honest, I didn't think you had it in you, Cameron.
01:20:52Neither did I.
01:20:54But thanks to you, I do now.
01:21:01Guess you won't be needing us anymore.
01:21:03Come on. How am I going to get past those things without the Maker's two most promising guardians?
01:21:10That gives me an idea.
01:21:19I'm growing tired of this game.
01:21:21Let's try a new one.
01:21:23Tell me where the messenger is.
01:21:27Hey, over here!
01:21:28Oh, too bad.
01:21:30I would have enjoyed finishing this once and for all.
01:21:34Hey, you lousy whipwing!
01:21:36Over here!
01:21:37Catch us if you can!
01:21:42I've told them to stay underground.
01:21:46Get them!
01:21:49Come and get us!
01:21:51Yeah! Come and get us, you mangy beasts!
01:21:55Come on! Who wants Angel for dinner?
01:21:58That's a little much, don't you think?
01:22:05Woo-hoo! Over here!
01:22:07We're the ones you want!
01:22:11Cameron, run! Go!
01:22:23So, that went well.
01:23:05See you later.
01:23:23What's happened to the view?
01:23:25He knocked my eye out.
01:23:28You know what they say.
01:23:30He knocked my eye out.
01:23:33You know what they say.
01:23:34If you want something done right,
01:23:38if they so much as move,
01:23:40sting them with everything you've got.
01:23:48Of course.
01:23:50The church.
01:24:01The church.
01:24:11Sorry, kid.
01:24:13End of the line.
01:24:15Now, where's the message?
01:24:18I don't know.
01:24:20And even if I did, I'd never tell you.
01:24:23Take a look around.
01:24:24There's nowhere to run.
01:24:26And messengers don't fight.
01:24:29We are not without our defenses.
01:24:32Ooh, that's clever, kid.
01:24:34But clever isn't enough.
01:24:49This is it.
01:24:51You sure?
01:25:05I'm not sure exactly how this works.
01:25:08But I have a message for you.
01:25:11Why isn't it working?
01:25:18It's the Rip Wings.
01:25:22You won't touch him.
01:25:25Mommy, can I go see him now?
01:25:28All right, sweetheart.
01:25:29But just for a minute, okay?
01:25:36Um, hi.
01:25:38This is gonna sound funny, but I, uh...
01:25:41I have a message for you.
01:25:45He's going to be okay.
01:25:49He's going to be okay.
01:26:13What is this?
01:26:16This, my friend, is hope.
01:26:34Way to go, guys.
01:26:38A little to the left.
01:26:42How's that?
01:26:46If only the rest of it would be that easy.
01:26:49Nothing worth fighting for is ever easy, Cameron.
01:26:54You should have seen it!
01:26:56As soon as I said the words, there was this huge glow,
01:26:59and then it spread to everyone else in the room,
01:27:01and then they started to glow,
01:27:03and then the demons started to glow,
01:27:05they started to glow,
01:27:06and then the demons, they just freaked out,
01:27:08and the light, it was, it was...
01:27:10It was beautiful.
01:27:12What you do, sir, it's amazing.
01:27:17Okay, officially jealous now.
01:27:20Wait a minute.
01:27:21I signaled to Ramuel, but how did you two know to find me here?
01:27:27Who were following her?
01:27:31Can you hear them?
01:27:33Hear whom, my love?
