360 ' 10,000 IronMan Suit

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00:00All right guys, check this out man, check this video out.
00:04This is a $10,000 real Iron Man suit, right, I never even heard of that before.
00:12Let's check it out man.
00:14Hey everybody, welcome back to an all new episode of Conflicts.
00:17Today we have a special treat.
00:19This here is a very first 360 review.
00:23Now obviously we reviewed a lot of products as you can see in this room here and today
00:27you are our guest.
00:29We'll be looking at the Iron Man suit, which is right over there.
00:33So as you can already tell, it looks really cool.
00:35So it is a life-size, actually it's designed to fit me specifically, Iron Man suit, which
00:40we reviewed quite some time ago, however, this is more of a follow-on update.
00:45So you can see that it's got a nice red metallic finish, especially if you're in the market
00:49for one.
00:50This thing is a very unique showpiece and top it all, you can actually go ahead and
00:54wear it, which is actually even better than anything else.
00:57So let's see what it looks like turned on.
01:01So I actually kind of hooked it up with Google.
01:02Watch this.
01:03Hey Google, Iron Man protocol.
01:07That didn't work, let's try it again.
01:12Hey Google, Iron Man protocol.
01:15Here it goes, look.
01:22It is initiating.
01:25So you can see the light's kind of going on and got some lights going on in the room.
01:31Cue the music, sweet.
01:37All right, anyways, so let's go ahead and turn it on.
01:39So we have our lovely remote over here, hit number six, so we'll go ahead and initiate
01:44all the arc reactors and now you can go and control the suit.
01:48If you hit one, the helmet opens up and you even have a blue halo inside.
01:54Press one again, it'll close.
01:55It'll kind of flash, which is kind of neat.
01:59You hit number three and the top missiles will load up, which is really cool.
02:04So you go ahead and close that off just like that.
02:07Number four, got a missile with a laser here on the side.
02:13Number five, the other missile.
02:16And then last but not least, number two, which is the flight control on the back, which you
02:24can't see because you're there.
02:26So rotate this for you guys.
02:29There we go, can you see it now?
02:38How cool is that?
02:43It doesn't look like it's made out of metal, but it looks like it's made out of plastic.
02:49And it can break really easy.
02:51Ah, no, no, no.
03:04And then you can go ahead and turn off the lights.
03:06There we go, look at this.
03:08Ha, ha, ha.
03:13So cool, right?
03:23And again, go ahead and turn it off just like that.
03:25And say, hey Google, deactivate protocol.
03:31And then everything goes off.
03:40Ha, ha, ha.
03:42So yeah, that is Iron Man in a nutshell.
03:45Now, this particular company will make it based off of your own design.
03:49So you can go ahead and customize it, any color you like.
03:52You can even go ahead and throw in your own logo, like the way we did it right here.
03:55That's kind of cool.
03:56And yeah, they have different kind of suits that you can go ahead and wear.
03:59Now, obviously, it is a hefty price tag of $10,000.
04:03But there is a lot of technology behind it.
04:06So, let me show you.
04:08Alright, so now what I'm going to do is actually take this off.
04:11And give you guys a little tour.
04:14Please don't mind me.
04:15I'm going to go ahead and put you guys inside Iron Man.
04:18I don't know if you guys can see this, but.
04:22Ah, ha, ha.
04:24So there is a lot of mechanisms going on in there.
04:27Now, if you want to see how it looks like to actually wear the helmet.
04:32There we go.
04:34Hopefully, that's not too bad.
04:36Can you guys see me?
04:39So yeah, something like that.
04:41Ha, ha.
04:44Okay, and then let me go ahead and turn this thing on again for you guys.
04:52So you hit one.
04:58Ha, ha, ha.
04:59So that's what you see.
05:01Kind of gives you an idea of what that's about.
05:02Which is pretty cool.
05:03Ah, let me go ahead and bring the camera back down.
05:08Unless you guys really want to stay in there.
05:12I want to see what you look in here, buddy.
05:14There we go.
05:17So, if you can go ahead and see inside the suit.
05:22There we are.
05:23No, maybe on this side here.
05:24Let me just.
05:25There we go.
05:26So you guys can see how it kind of works on the inside.
05:30And it kind of gives you a demonstration of what exactly is happening all at once.
05:35So that's actually really cool.
05:37Just to kind of give you an idea of what that's about.
05:39But yeah, there you guys have it.
05:45Alright, well thank you again for watching.
05:47And if you guys.
05:48You guys are kind of wobbling there.
05:51That's what you get when you do YouTube really big, man.
05:53There we go.
05:54Alright, well thank you again for watching.
05:55And if you guys had any questions about Iron Man.
05:57Feel free to comment down below.
05:58And if you guys want to see anything else.
06:01Let me know too.
06:02We'll see you guys next time.
06:03Take care now.
06:06Take care now.
06:09Thanks for watching guys.
06:11It's pretty interesting.