Couple transform old water pumping station into luxury getaway

  • last month
A couple have spent £50,000 transforming a derelict water pumping station into a luxury countryside getaway popular with celebrities.
00:00My name's Tyler Richards. This is the project called the Water Pump Station.
00:03We purchased it for £55,000 at auction. It's a really unique property that me and my dad saw.
00:10So me and my dad do all the building work on the property and then Megan will come in and
00:13do the interior design. We've got a short-stay Airbnb business which we have seven properties
00:23on now. It's number seven and it's been a real hit with everyone. It's been fully booked for
00:28nine to ten months now and people absolutely love it, love the uniqueness about it. We've got a
00:35bedroom cinema. We've got a hot tub with views five minutes from the West Midlands Safari Park.
00:50So the property itself we purchased at auction for £55,000. I think me and my dad said that
00:55we were actually going to go to £100,000 because of how much we loved it so we got it for a steal
01:00really. Then when we started spending the money on actually doing it up we were going to spend
01:04originally £30,000 but I think because it's such a small space we wanted to put top quality stuff in
01:09like you can see the hot tub and the golf green and that. We actually did go over budget but I
01:16think in the end we ended up spending between £45,000 and £50,000 so about £20,000 over budget
01:21but I think it really shows with the bookings that we've had off the back of it and
01:25yeah spending that little bit more money has really helped. Everything was really hard but
01:29no it was an interesting project because obviously me and my dad normally do house building and
01:34things like that which are quite straightforward but it was nice to challenge ourselves so we did
01:38really enjoy it. It took us about four months in total. What it was before and what the neighbours
01:44can see now is like a real game changer really. They're enjoying it. They come over and say
01:50how much nicer it's looking so yeah it's great. George Clark's Amazing Spaces actually came about
01:55because Megan's mum watched us buy this and their advertising so they were like oh this would be
02:01great for the show and Megan was like well there must be thousands of people that applied for it
02:05like they're not going to pick us. So we applied for it then the next thing is they get back in
02:10touch saying we'd be perfect for the show but planning actually only went through a week before
02:15they were going to film so it was quite touch and go whether we were going to get planning or not
02:19so that was quite nerve-wracking but once it was all through and it was here yeah it was a great
02:23experience met some amazing people and opened up a lot of doors really for things that are in the
02:28future. They've said if we've got any future projects or anything like that get in touch so
02:33no it's been it's been great.
