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On this episode of DTB’s “Bus Invaders”, we take you inside the touring vehicle of the melodic deathcore band, Carcosa, while on "The Everything's F#.*!@D Tour" with Archspire, Aborted, and Alluvial. Carcosa is currently supporting their newest single, Mercury.

Film Date - June 6, 2024
Location - Metro in Chicago, IL

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00:00 Introduction
00:45 Driver's Area
03:21 Lounge
04:21 Kitchen
13:07 Bed
15:41 Bathroom

Digital Tour Bus is your backstage pass to your favorite touring artists! With daily video releases, we cover all genres, and have had the pleasure of featuring the likes of Matchbox Twenty, Twenty One Pilots, Megadeth, Machine Gun Kelly, Papa Roach, and thousands of others, over the past 15 years. "Bus Invaders" takes you inside an artist's home on the road, "Cooking at 65mph" showcases the culinary skills of artists on tour, and "Gear M


00:00ah, buongiorno! Johnny from Carcosa, come on inside, come check it out! We are Carcosa,
00:20you might have seen us before, we did this, oh what was it, two years ago now? A year and a half,
00:24something like that. We were in a van, so this is an upgrade, and we'll get into the wonderful
00:30upgrades that this beautiful RV has in store for us. We are on tour right now with Alluvial,
00:36Aborted, and Heartspire. We're having a blast, we're here in Chicago, just ripping it up,
00:40having a good time, and we're going to get into the guts of this vehicle. All right, so on this
00:45tour we have our good friend Sam behind the wheel over here, he also takes pictures of us and makes
00:50us look cool when he gets enough sleep and is able to do that as well, we appreciate it,
00:55but he's mostly up here pretty much all the time when he's driving, and then when we play the show
00:59if it's a long drive, he hops up here to go to sleep and snuggles up with Duber, and yeah,
01:04that's kind of all that's really going on up here. At the moment, these are the only working
01:08outlets in the RV, which I'm sure we'll talk about soon, so they're treated nice with the only
01:14working AC and power up here, which is cool for them. All right, so usually when I'm driving,
01:19I'd like to listen to albums just because I feel like it helps pass the time a little bit better.
01:24Lately, Noacon's been a big one for me, but once we're up here, we have a lot of shared power,
01:32you know, we have one long USB-C lightning cable, we have a couple of USB ports, and
01:37for some reason we haven't invested in one of these cigarette light holding
01:41charging parts, but we'll get there eventually, hopefully, I hope. So we have the illustrious
01:48and wonderful Duber here with us drumming on this tour. You might remember him from the last
01:55time we did this. Yeah, so some of you awesome fans and followers of mine might recognize me
02:01from the last episode where I look like this. I don't anymore. I'm awake now.
02:09That's an upgrade for me. All right, so this is where I sleep.
02:12There's no sheets because I'm a man. I don't need them.
02:20I sleep back here mainly because this comes off and I'm a rather large man, so I get nervous that
02:27this is going to bend down because anxiety. So I sleep back here, but little did I realize,
02:33or little did I know, this actually like hangs over the driver, so like for some reason if we
02:41like, like if Sam's just doing his thing and like hits a bridge or something, I like, I'm the first
02:46to go. So that's really cool, but it's nice, you know, the little prison mattresses reminds me of
02:53my time in Corcoran State Prison. Really good times. No sheets again because like I said,
02:59I fear nothing, and yeah, every day been waking up in a pool of my own sweat, which is awesome.
03:05I love that because this doesn't work, so that's cool, and yeah, basically everything's fucked.
03:13All right, so in addition to Sam and Duper sleeping up here, we have a few other places
03:17where the rest of us sleep. Cooper, our other guitarist, is sleeping here. He's not with us
03:21right now because he's doing merch, making us money. Thank you, Cooper. But this basically is
03:25a table where we all kind of sit during the day, maybe go on our laptops or game or whatever,
03:30and then at night you can lift this up and fold this out so it makes a nice little bed.
03:35He's the only person that doesn't have to share a bed with anyone, but it comes at the cost of not
03:39being able to go to sleep until we all decide to fuck off, so pros and cons. Then we got cabinets
03:44for everybody, so I believe these two or this one is Sam's right here because, you know, he's right
03:49there. Then we got Cooper over here, and then Duper over here. You should mention the mood lights that
03:58Oh yeah, I'll get to that. And then we tried to, you know, give some decorations with this
04:05LED strip here, but as we kind of mentioned, there's no working power, so it's now taped here
04:10for no reason, but maybe one day it'll work. And that's kind of it for this area. So this is our
04:16kitchen area, and while we really value electricity when it works because all of these things are so
04:23awesome when they work. So I always tour with a kettle now. I love having a kettle on the road
04:30because I always tour also with a French press. So I got some ground coffee. I would heat that
04:39bad boy up if it worked, and then I would drink coffee if I could, but I can't. This is a Keurig
04:44that Baina brought from home. Puts his little Keurig pods in there. Once again, he can't have
04:49any of that, so that's cool. I'm way too lazy to do three different appliances for coffee. This does
04:54it in one. Well, when it works, it does it in one press of a button, and I'm a lazy man, so that's
04:58better for me. I'm a coffee snob, so I'm particular. I grabbed this little toaster because I like
05:04having bagels and cream cheese in the morning. Once again, can't have those. We would use this toaster
05:10for multiple things, eating bagels and then maybe throwing it in the sink, but you know, it's not
05:15really going to do much right now. Not the desired effect anyways. Cooper brought his air fryer with
05:21him, which is honestly great. In other bands that I've toured with, we've also brought an air fryer,
05:26and it's actually awesome. It's so much better usually than this because this will really heat
05:32up and get hot in here. This is a little bit more in a different area, so it doesn't spread around
05:37and make everyone hot as hell. Once again, it doesn't matter. What usually gets the most work
05:44is the microwave. Something that also sucks about being in a moving vehicle is these plates can
05:50just fly out and explode, so keeping the microwave closed at all times and hopefully on its little
05:56wheels keeps that from happening. I don't think you put it on the wheels. It doesn't matter. Okay.
06:01It doesn't need to be. I just, you know, don't lead by example, right? So yeah, microwave is great once
06:07again when it works. Up here is just random stuff for the most part. We have a lot of paper plates.
06:13We do have a sink, which means we could use it, but we can't, so paper plates is always good.
06:18Instead of having to wash dishes, you just toss them like a frisbee. We've got some solo cups
06:23that I've never seen anyone use. I have my coffee up here. Not very illustrious. It's just Starbucks
06:29breakfast blend, but it's honestly pretty good. So this has been a stupid little coffee cup.
06:38It's cool. It's fine. He's got his Keurig cups up here, and then I have this illustrious coffee mug.
06:44I don't know if you can read that, but it says Buck Ease, and it's Latin for heaven, I think.
06:50I don't really know. Bain has his little coffee cups for the coffee that he can't make.
06:55Paper towel, which is probably the most used item in here, honestly, because you won't believe it,
07:03but we did just clean up before this, and it didn't look like this. And then over here,
07:09we have, I guess, the only thing that's left that's still important, which is the fridge
07:14and freezer, which for some reason still work. I guess they're run on propane and not electricity.
07:18Hell yeah. So we pretty much only have beer and water and stuff that we thought we were going to
07:26eat, or mostly John, I thought he was going to eat when the other appliances worked. So those
07:30remnants are still in there, like cream cheese, as he very lovingly mentioned earlier.
07:35But yeah, for those who are just beer and water, we just take that from the venue at the end of
07:40every night. And Captain Morgan. And Captain Morgan. So as Bain had mentioned, there is
07:44mostly beer in here. Our rider is only beer, so we just get 24 packs of beer a night, and
07:50we just can't keep up, so it's just always full. But we're Canadian boys, and I love my Canadian
07:56beer. It's actually French, but it's only pretty much sold in Canada. I stockpiled these because I
08:01love drinking them, and they aren't sold in America. So when we go back into Canada, I'm
08:06going to get like 42 more of them, and then the fridge will only be Kronenberg Blancs.
08:10As God intended.
08:11Just as he intended. So we're looking good there. I also just want to note that our
08:16driver, Sam, bought Lunchables. I don't know, it might be unbeknownst to him, but everything in
08:21here is frozen. So the ham will be like ham discs, the cheese will be cheese discs, and
08:26I'm really excited for him to enjoy that frozen treat. In the freezer, you might think we're 12,
08:33but we're actually in our 30s, but it's only pizza products. And different kinds too. Not
08:39even just like one kind. We got fucking like whatever this is. Okay, some Giuseppe stuff.
08:45There's going to be some Canadian things in here, so sorry Americans that don't know what's going on.
08:50Bagel Bites, they're making a comeback. So this is both Cooper's things.
08:53You're keeping them, or Cooper's keeping them in business.
08:55Yeah, Cooper is keeping Bagel Bites and Giuseppe in business. Good for him.
09:00Then we got some just straight up three cheese pizza pops, which, okay, so these are pizza
09:07pockets. These are McCain's. I don't think, oh no, they do sell them in the US. These,
09:11in my opinion, are far more superior than these. These are quality, it's got quality ingredients,
09:17the shape is fun to eat, and I'm just having a good time when I eat them. And then, I don't know,
09:21this is some other shit that Cooper had. It's been in there the whole time. If the RV ever works
09:27again, maybe we'll eat this stuff. We have pizza for a fucking week apparently. It's just going to
09:31turn into fossilized pizza rocks. We could throw all of those products in one thing and it would
09:36be like the same. Yeah, and that's the kitchen. Yeah, pizza and beer. Oh shit, we should talk
09:40about the merit board. Cooper, you should talk about it. I'll swap. Yeah, okay. So, this is the
09:48merit and demerit board and also the info for the show that we all have on our phones, but I just
09:55like to feel like I'm doing something every day and I write it down. We have the quote of the day,
10:00which today's quote is, this RV can eat me from the back, from me. We're playing in Detroit
10:07tomorrow. Don't get shot, smiley face. And then, just general info. We play at 7 50. It's
10:13going to be great, good time. Anyways, the merits and demerits. If you do something rad, you get a
10:20fucking merit. If you suck, you get a demerit. Can you provide an example? For example,
10:27Andrew Baina, internet superstar, it says right here. World's best guy ever, right?
10:34Where's he going? Left the laptop at the venue the other night.
10:40What does that get? Demerit. It gets a demerit right there. That's why he has that.
10:47Example of a merit. Sam has the most. Sam has the most. Okay, so Sam at first had a lot of demerits,
10:54but then he... What did Sam do? What did Sam do? He fixed the luggage bay thing. Oh yeah. He
11:01literally lock picked. Okay. Another prime example of a demerit is Andrew Baina, internet superstar,
11:08broke the key to our luggage bay in the slot. And our lovely driver, Sam,
11:16got the key out. So he got all of his demerits removed, because this is a democracy. And
11:24he then got them replaced with merits. So there's that. I only have one demerit,
11:28because I'm fucking awesome, and I don't fuck up ever. Johnny's got one demerit,
11:34because Johnny's awesome. He's lacking in the merits though, but he doesn't really do anything
11:38bad. He just kind of... I'm just here, man. I don't know. I just work here. Cooper should have
11:45more demerits, but he doesn't. I love Cooper's nickname as well. Yeah, Cooper's nickname.
11:53Everybody has a nickname. Johnny is pasta, because he's Italian. Carcosa's drummer's name's
11:58Travis. You met him in the last episode. I'm filling in for him. So my name is thus Fat Trav.
12:05Baina is internet guy, because internet guy. Cooper is Cooper. And Sam just doesn't get a
12:11nickname. Sam. Sam. He's Sam. I'd also like to state for the record, we didn't give Duber that
12:16nickname. He gave that nickname to himself. Yeah, that is mine. That is mine. Okay. I'm fat. I can
12:21make fun of myself. Okay. That's my pass. Also, side note, while you're over here, all of this,
12:29you know that stuff they were talking about that didn't work? This is it. So if you do this...
12:35Watch it work this time. Crazy. It doesn't work. Yeah. Water, all that fun stuff. And yeah, that's
12:44a day in the life of fucking super awesome superstars. This is where the magic happens.
12:51Whoa. Check it out. I actually don't know what size of this bed. What is the size of the bed?
12:57It's a double. Okay. So it's double the fun, because it's me and Andrew. We get to sleep
13:02butt to butt back here. Absolute blast. Especially when there's no AC. That means him and I are just
13:08hot buddy boys hanging out. This morning, that pillow over there, it's gray. This morning,
13:13it was dark gray, because my neck was sweating profusely. I also drool. This is a new thing in
13:19my life. So there was drool and sweat just coated all over the place. So I woke up in a frantic
13:25fright, because this is like hell. Yeah. So this is Baina's bed. It's very nice. It's got dirt all
13:32over it or some shit. He also has an Arctic tundra sleeping bag. It's an Arctic tiger theme,
13:39actually. Tiger? Look, it's tiger stripes. No, but the sleeping bag is like- Oh, yeah. Well,
13:44here's my plan, right? So we started out in Canada, and it was actually pretty cold still,
13:49as Duber would attest, in May, June. It was fucking freezing. Thank you. Don't listen to him.
13:54Anyway, so it was cold for some of the days. So I was like, okay, I have a sleeping bag,
13:57sure if it's cold, so I sleep inside of this. And then when it's hot, like right now,
14:01I sleep on top of it. And I have my little Arctic tiger sheep thing that I just throw on top
14:06instead. So I have both bases covered. Unlike him, whose pillow turns black because he sweats so
14:11much. So who's the idiot now? I mean, if you look at me, I'm a human sweater. So whether it's cold,
14:17whether it's hot, I'm sweating no matter what. There's also actually no outlets back here
14:22either. So Baina and I, when we need to charge our stuff, we have portable chargers, which have
14:27become essential now because nothing in here works. We do have some pretty cool lights back
14:33here that I just love them so much. Yeah, you turn these on if you want to blind yourself at night
14:39for no reason. Since the AC doesn't work, I have been cracking this window open. It's currently
14:46cracked. And that's quite literally been saving my life, I got to say. So yeah, why, like I said,
14:53this is where the magic happens and it's a beautiful thing. Other than that, same thing,
14:58just cupboards. So Johnny has two cupboards. I don't know why he gets two and I get one,
15:02but whatever, I guess. He has a lot of food. I just only bought beer and energy drinks,
15:08so that's fine. And then mine is this guy. I'm paying to fit my purse there, very important.
15:14And then we got MacBook and Steam Deck for entertainment and headphones and extra clothes
15:20and batteries, I guess now. And that's kind of all that's going on back here. We closed this
15:26when we wanted to not see that anymore because Cooper stays up a lot later than we do usually.
15:31So this is our bathroom. It is really nice to be able to pee this time. That's great,
15:36especially for me. But the first thing we did was we got this lovely hang in there poster.
15:40We felt like Johnny really needed it, especially. And now it's an everybody thing, not just me.
15:47And I love this. Also, Sweetwater sent us a snare case for Duber along with the stickers,
15:52so we stuck that on there. Thank you, Sweetwater. Very small little sink thing going on here.
15:57Nobody seems to use it except for me. I don't know why. But I also have an apothecary of everything I
16:03need here. Again, I don't know why nobody uses this except for me. I love it. So that's my
16:08toothbrush, toothpaste, et cetera. And the bathroom in here has a really small shower,
16:13which works but is only cold water. But it's better than nothing. And now that it's hot,
16:18it's actually way better than nothing. And then, yeah, you can go pee in here.
16:22And we got a bunch of towels because there's five of us in here. And that's kind of it.
16:26There's actually... So there's a bag down there. So that bag gets used in case of emergencies.
16:33And that emergency is hot bagging. If you don't know what hot bagging is, usually it's a pretty
16:40bad idea or it's more of a courtesy thing. You don't take hot shits just straight up in that
16:45toilet because our poor driver or whoever has to clean out the tank has to also clean out
16:51someone's poo. So just to cut that out entirely, you put a garbage bag in there, you take a
16:58fast steamer, and then usually the triple bag method is what Duber does. And I think it's
17:04fantastic. Hold on, hold on. I don't do it. I don't like, oh, I got to poop. Where's the RV?
17:11Yes, but have you done it before? Yeah, I have. You taught us about... I know of the method
17:17because of him. I taught you guys because I've been touring for fucking my whole life. That's
17:21true. Anyways, it is a good thing to have because sometimes there's an emergency and you got a blast
17:26and on tour, you just don't always eat super healthy and your stomach will punish you for it.
17:32And if you come prepared with bags to toss in that little children's toilet, then you're set.
17:38Prime example is when it's 5 a.m. and you're waking up and your driver's leaving, loves,
17:45and you go with a little walkie talkie because you're in a bandwagon, you go, hey,
17:49insert name here, can you stop? And he goes, I can't hear you. And then you go, oh no,
17:55what do I do? And then you hop back. You have to. And then you sit there for like 30 minutes
18:02because you're stuck in traffic with poop hanging out the window and you're like, I don't know when
18:05to let go of this because I don't want to get a ticket. But then you go, ah, I don't care. Not my
18:11band. Thanks so much for taking another Digital Tour Bus episode with us. This is a, well, sort
18:20of big upgrade for us, but regardless, we like showing you around. We're on tour right now with
18:24our expired boarded alluvial, but this is going to come out after that. So instead of coming to
18:27that tour, go check us out. We're on Instagram, Facebook, everywhere else. It's just at carcosabc
18:32or carcosabc.com for all new music, merch, and whatnot. And yeah, that's kind of it, I think.
18:39Thanks for having us again.