• last year
00:00:00¿Le dieron el radio?
00:00:02Gracias, no tengo.
00:00:03¡De acuerdo a sus posiciones ahora!
00:00:08¡Silencio! ¡Acción!
00:00:11¡Hay disparos en el lado este del huerto! ¡Tenemos a un hombre caído!
00:00:15Lo tenía, pero escapó.
00:00:17Tranquilo, ya viene la ayuda.
00:00:19¡Vete! ¡Puedes atrapar al asesino de tu padre!
00:00:22No, no te dejaré aquí.
00:00:24No seré la razón por la que no hagas justicia.
00:00:26Ese asesino ya me arrebató a mi padre.
00:00:29No dejaré que también te separe de mí.
00:00:37¡Y corten!
00:00:39¡Buen trabajo, chicos!
00:00:41Jenna, Trevor, díganme cómo se sintieron.
00:00:44¡Me encantó!
00:00:46De acuerdo, tomen cinco minutos y devolveremos los primeros planos.
00:00:49Gracias, chicos.
00:00:50¡Buen trabajo!
00:00:51¿Cómo crees que se vio?
00:00:52Ese último beso se sintió muy real.
00:00:54Cuatro tomas.
00:00:56Creo que debimos haber repetido algunas de ellas.
00:00:59¿Y robar algunos besos más?
00:01:02Podríamos ensayar ahora.
00:01:05Alguien del equipo nos verá.
00:01:07Estoy seguro de que ella conoce nuestro secreto.
00:01:10Bueno, yo he sido muy cuidadosa, ¿sabes?
00:01:13Apenas lo sabe Roxanne y somos muy cercanas.
00:01:15Por favor, los fanáticos dicen que estamos juntos.
00:01:18Los fanáticos lo han dicho desde la primera temporada y no estábamos juntos.
00:01:22Ellos sienten nuestra química.
00:01:25No se escribieron de esa manera.
00:01:27Por favor.
00:01:29Trevor, escucha.
00:01:30Creo que de verdad me gustas, ¿de acuerdo?
00:01:33Pero pasamos muchos días en el set actuando como enamorados.
00:01:39Quiero asegurarme de que sea real.
00:01:42Dime la verdad.
00:01:43Si no estuviéramos en el programa, ¿no estaríamos juntos?
00:01:48Tal vez.
00:01:49No lo sé.
00:01:50Bien, yo sí lo sé.
00:01:52¿Qué diría Roxanne que haga ese disparo fatal para mi personaje?
00:01:56Eso no pasará.
00:01:57Roxanne está enamorada de ti.
00:02:00¿De quién estoy enamorada?
00:02:02Pues de mi personaje, Investigador Privado Jackson Raines.
00:02:06¿Será este su final?
00:02:08Oh, no.
00:02:09El amor de Kate te ayudará a superar esto.
00:02:12Lo siento, no es el final, Investigador Privado Jackson Raines.
00:02:16Eres muy buena con las palabras, Roxanne.
00:02:19Eso trato.
00:02:21Ustedes son geniales, de verdad lo son.
00:02:23Pero lo necesito en maquillaje, señor Trevor.
00:02:27Así que...
00:02:28Bien, con su permiso.
00:02:32Cuando escribiste el programa,
00:02:33¿imaginaste el personaje de Jackson tan guapo?
00:02:37Al principio, no.
00:02:38Pero te diré que esa escena del beso fue exactamente como la imaginé.
00:02:45¿Cómo fue besar a Trevor?
00:02:49No hablaste de eso toda la semana y creo que salía humo.
00:02:52Se sintió...
00:02:56Fue como si no estuviera besando a Trevor.
00:02:59Mi personaje estaba besando a su personaje.
00:03:02Y eso fue todo.
00:03:03Quiero decírselo a Trevor.
00:03:05Ha sido mi compañero y amigo durante tres años.
00:03:08Estoy acostumbrada a contarle todo.
00:03:12Y él es tan dulce.
00:03:13¿Y estás seguro de estar enamorado?
00:03:15Quiero estar así de segura.
00:03:18Pero aún no lo estoy.
00:03:21Y ese es tu problema.
00:03:25Mientras más tardes en decidir,
00:03:27más le dolerá a él y afectará al programa.
00:03:31¿Y qué hay de ti, Diana?
00:03:33¿Permitirás que este programa acabe con tu vida amorosa?
00:03:36Si este programa acabara con la vida amorosa de alguien,
00:03:39será con la tuya.
00:03:42Está bien, es cierto.
00:03:43Pero no significa que yo esté equivocada.
00:03:45Sabes que yo podría...
00:03:48¿Qué es eso?
00:03:59¡Oye, detente!
00:04:02¡Llena, vamos!
00:04:04¡No eres policía, eres actriz!
00:04:10¡Oye, alto!
00:04:12Oye, oye, tranquila.
00:04:14No estoy haciendo nada malo.
00:04:16¿De verdad?
00:04:17¿Entonces por qué corres?
00:04:19Estaba persiguiendo ese halcón.
00:04:21No me digas, dame tu cámara.
00:04:23No lo creo.
00:04:25Es un set de filmación privado.
00:04:26Las fotos lo arruinarán para los fanáticos.
00:04:29Escucha, no tomé ninguna foto de tu filmación.
00:04:33Y si lo hubiera hecho, no las entregaría.
00:04:35No importa lo aterradora o hermosa que seas.
00:04:40¿Llena, estás allí?
00:04:41Sí, estoy aquí, lo conseguí.
00:05:07Hola, Stan.
00:05:08¿Cómo está mi fotógrafo de naturaleza favorito?
00:05:10Cansado, hambriento y cubierto de savia de árbol.
00:05:13Sí, ¿pero tomaste la foto?
00:05:16Oh, sí, lo tengo.
00:05:17Un halcón gris en todo su esplendor.
00:05:19Será perfecto para el artículo de la revista.
00:05:22Sería mejor para la portada.
00:05:24Ya veremos.
00:05:25¿Cuándo me la enviarás?
00:05:27Mañana en la mañana.
00:05:28Oye, ¿sabes cuándo van a contratarme?
00:05:31Sé que te han considerado.
00:05:34Vamos, Stan.
00:05:35Una foto de ese halcón es difícil de conseguir.
00:05:38Esa foto del halcón te ayudará, pero si tienes otras,
00:05:41envíalas y hablaremos cuando regreses.
00:05:44Está bien.
00:05:45Gracias, Stan.
00:06:01Marjorie, hola.
00:06:02¿Barty te envió para saber cómo estoy?
00:06:04Mi esposo puede controlar a sus actores.
00:06:07No, yo vine para ver a algunos actores que elegí.
00:06:10También para saber si querés estar lista para las películas.
00:06:14Como directora de casting, te haría protagonizar un éxito de taquilla para el verano.
00:06:18Yo lo siento.
00:06:19Marjorie, estoy cómoda en la televisión.
00:06:22El programa tiene mucho éxito.
00:06:24La televisión puede tener más tiempo para contar historias,
00:06:27pero las historias románticas, épicas, las más hermosas,
00:06:33se cuentan en la pantalla grande.
00:06:36Debo admitir que algunas de mis historias favoritas son películas.
00:06:40Quedan algunas buenas historias por contar,
00:06:43a las que les vendría bien tu talento.
00:06:46¿Puedo comenzar a buscar?
00:06:50Lo pensaré.
00:06:51Hablaré con Barty primero.
00:06:53De acuerdo, estaré esperando.
00:06:54Sabes dónde encontrarme.
00:06:56Ya debo irme.
00:06:57Fue bueno verte.
00:06:58Está bien.
00:07:07Solo deja que el director hable con Mitch al menos 15 minutos.
00:07:11Te garantizo que es el correcto.
00:07:14Sí, sí, claro.
00:07:15Escucha, Hank.
00:07:16Hank, debo irme.
00:07:17Debo irme.
00:07:19Hablamos luego.
00:07:21¿Cómo está mi estrella favorita?
00:07:24Terminamos de filmar las tomas para el final.
00:07:27No quiero adelantarte nada.
00:07:30Será el mejor episodio hasta ahora.
00:07:32Eso no lo dudo.
00:07:34¿Entonces para qué me llamaste?
00:07:36Creí que las negociaciones serían el próximo mes.
00:07:38Sí, sí.
00:07:39Sobre eso.
00:07:40Tengo buenas noticias.
00:07:42Y algunas otras noticias.
00:07:45Sí, la buena noticia es que tus fanáticos te adoran.
00:07:49Mira todo esto.
00:07:54Nada mal, ¿eh?
00:07:56Y aún quedan las cajas.
00:07:57Mira todo esto.
00:07:59Esto es muy bonito.
00:08:03Soy yo.
00:08:05No es precisamente una figura de acción, pero no está mal,
00:08:08la verdad.
00:08:09Entonces, ¿cuáles son las otras noticias?
00:08:12Van a cancelar Echo Point.
00:08:18No es gracioso.
00:08:22¿Hablas en serio?
00:08:23Sí, hablo en serio.
00:08:25¿Una semana antes del final de temporada?
00:08:27¿Por qué?
00:08:28Yo, yo, yo lo sé, pero la cadena cambiará los programas
00:08:31ambientados en pueblos pequeños por programas en la ciudad,
00:08:34que son mejores para los patrocinantes.
00:08:37Así que...
00:08:38Eso es terrible.
00:08:39¿Qué significa eso para Roxanne?
00:08:49¿Cuántos para Roxanne, Trevor y el equipo?
00:08:51Estarán bien.
00:08:53Todos estarán bien.
00:08:54Tú también lo estarás.
00:08:55De hecho, trabajarás de inmediato.
00:08:59Otra cadena está preparando un piloto de drama médico.
00:09:02Tendrías que ir a la audición.
00:09:04No estoy segura, Barty.
00:09:07De acuerdo.
00:09:11¿Qué tal una comedia?
00:09:12Tienes mucha energía, ¿cierto?
00:09:13Ahora hay tres por comenzar.
00:09:18¿Qué opinas sobre hacer una película?
00:09:26Estuviste hablando con Marjorie, ¿cierto?
00:09:29¿De qué me estás acusando exactamente, Christopher?
00:09:32¿Intentas prepararme para otra desastrosa cita a ciegas, madre?
00:09:36No, no.
00:09:37Inocentemente te contaba una historia divertida sobre mi joven y atractiva estilista.
00:09:41Si te interesa, tengo su número telefónico.
00:09:45No voy a salir con ella.
00:09:46No es para una cita.
00:09:48Cariño, necesitas un corte.
00:09:51Lo que hagas después de un corte de cabello depende totalmente de ti.
00:09:55Eres increíble.
00:09:57Mamá, no tengo tiempo para dedicarme a una relación ahora.
00:10:01¿Sabes qué?
00:10:02La chica correcta te ahorraría tiempo.
00:10:05Cuando tu padre y yo nos unimos, mi carrera y la suya despegaron.
00:10:09Nos ayudamos mutuamente.
00:10:11No necesito la ayuda de nadie, excepto...
00:10:13la cabaña por una semana.
00:10:18Es mal momento.
00:10:19Tu padre me sorprenderá con un viaje romántico allá.
00:10:23He revisado el pronóstico de nieve toda la semana.
00:10:25¿De nuevo?
00:10:27Pero puedes quedarte en la casa.
00:10:30Papá convirtió mi antigua habitación en un gimnasio.
00:10:34algunas fotos de un zorro ártico...
00:10:37o de búhos podrían...
00:10:38darme la ventaja que necesito para este empleo.
00:10:43Está bien, Christopher.
00:10:45Déjame ver qué puedo hacer.
00:10:50Marjorie es directora de casting.
00:10:52Y, por supuesto, le gustan más las películas.
00:10:55Una película puede causar un gran revuelo.
00:10:57Pero será solo eso.
00:10:58Podría jurar...
00:10:59que esa mujer sabe cuando hablo de ella.
00:11:02Escucha, querida.
00:11:03Preguntaré sobre algunas películas.
00:11:05Pero sé que será temporal...
00:11:07hasta que encontremos un programa que sea sólido.
00:11:10Cariño, ¿cómo va tu día?
00:11:13Ah, maravilloso, cariño.
00:11:15Oye, hoy hablé con Jenna Wilde en el set.
00:11:18Te reunirás con ella hoy, ¿cierto?
00:11:21Sí, quizá.
00:11:22Puede ser.
00:11:23Pregunta por ti.
00:11:24Bueno, quisiera saber si sientes que está lista para la pantalla grande.
00:11:27Jenna Wilde está lista para cualquier cosa.
00:11:29Necesito la campaña.
00:11:30¿Me bromeas?
00:11:31De hecho, iba a llamarte...
00:11:32para preguntarte si tenías algún proyecto en el que ella pudiera participar.
00:11:36Ah, tengo algunas ideas.
00:11:38Oh, solo quería confirmar.
00:11:40¿Estarás ocupado esta semana?
00:11:43Cariño, te dije que mantuvieras tu agenda abierta...
00:11:47para una sorpresa, quizás, en la cabaña.
00:11:49Lo sé, lo sé.
00:11:50Pero estoy seleccionando actores para una película romántica...
00:11:53y debo ver algunos posibles protagonistas.
00:11:56Puedes comenzar la sorpresa sin mí.
00:11:58Yo te alcanzaré luego.
00:11:59Wow, wow, wow.
00:12:00No, no, no, no.
00:12:01Ya conoces el trato.
00:12:02Seleccionamos talentos juntos.
00:12:04Un momento.
00:12:05Sabes que los actores de teatro necesitan más apoyo.
00:12:08Además, sin mi ayuda, nunca encontrarás un proyecto.
00:12:12¿Quieres apostar?
00:12:14De acuerdo.
00:12:15¿Qué apostarás?
00:12:16¿Lavar los platos por dos semanas?
00:12:18Lavar la ropa por un mes.
00:12:20Ah, tú vas a perder, querido.
00:12:27Muy bien.
00:12:28Es toda tuya, Chris.
00:12:31Sin embargo, hay una tormenta en camino.
00:12:33Podrías quedarte atrapado un par de días.
00:12:36Te debo una.
00:12:38Y yo te la cobraré.
00:12:40Córtate el cabello.
00:12:48¿Vas a estar bien?
00:12:53Creo que sí.
00:12:55Bueno, hazme un favor, ¿sí?
00:12:57Por favor, por tu viejo agente.
00:13:01por favor, alguno de estos programas.
00:13:04Por supuesto.
00:13:05Solo necesito tiempo y...
00:13:08un lugar tranquilo para pensar.
00:13:13Oye, lo tengo.
00:13:17¿Por qué no te quedas en mi cabaña?
00:13:19Barty, no podría hacer eso.
00:13:21La cadena anunciará la cancelación del programa esta noche.
00:13:24¿De acuerdo?
00:13:25Eso significa que te acosarán para pedirte fotografías,
00:13:28entrevistas, comentarios y ese tipo de cosas.
00:13:32Eso suena horrible.
00:13:34Bueno, quédate allá, ¿bien?
00:13:36Tendrás mucha paz y toma el tiempo que necesites para decidir.
00:13:41¿De acuerdo?
00:13:42Te enviaré algunos guiones y allí podrás revisar todo a tu propio ritmo.
00:13:46Creo que eso sería...
00:13:49¿Estás seguro, Joe?
00:13:52Envíe un mensaje con la dirección.
00:13:54Bueno, no hay servicio celular allí,
00:13:56pero sí hay internet y un teléfono fijo.
00:13:58¿De acuerdo?
00:13:59¿También tendré que bombear agua de un pozo?
00:14:02Ignoraré ese comentario.
00:14:03Escucha, Jenna.
00:14:05No solo eres mi mayor estrella.
00:14:08Eres la hija que nunca tuve.
00:14:11Tómate una semana para relajarte.
00:14:15Gracias, Barty.
00:14:22Roxanne, me alegra tanto que respondieras.
00:14:26¿Escuchaste algo sobre el programa?
00:14:28Lo siento mucho, Roxanne.
00:14:31¿Estás bien?
00:14:33Ni siquiera parece real.
00:14:35¿Cómo lo tomó Trevor?
00:14:40Bueno, no lo sé.
00:14:42¿Aún no has hablado con él sobre esto?
00:14:44Aún no lo he hecho.
00:14:45Hola, ¿puedes oírme?
00:14:47No puedo escucharte bien.
00:14:48¿Tú me escuchas?
00:14:49Lo siento, Roxanne.
00:14:50Volveré pronto.
00:14:51Envíame un correo si me necesitas.
00:15:21Cielos, Barty.
00:16:21Gracias, papá.
00:16:33Si te vas ahora, no presentaré cargos.
00:16:36¿Presentar cargos?
00:16:38Tú me seguiste, acosador.
00:16:40¿Por qué, Aria?
00:16:45Tú fuiste quien me persiguió.
00:16:46Porque me estabas tomando fotos.
00:16:48No a menos que seas un halcón, te lo probaré.
00:16:50¡No te muevas!
00:16:52¿Qué quieres decir con halcón?
00:16:55Soy fotógrafo de naturaleza.
00:16:56Tomo fotos de...
00:16:57No sé por qué te lo explico.
00:16:59Irrumpiste en mi casa.
00:17:01Ahora sé que mientes, porque esta no es tu casa.
00:17:04Sí, lo es.
00:17:05También te lo probaré.
00:17:13¿Le dijiste a Jenna Wilde que podía usar nuestra cabaña?
00:17:47Yo iba a decirtelo, cariño.
00:17:49Iba a decirtelo.
00:17:53Y Jenna necesitaba escapar de la prensa.
00:17:56¿Cómo pudiste hacer algo tan astuto sin contármelo primero, genio malvado?
00:18:02I love you.
00:18:05Evil genius.
00:18:07You know what? I've always liked Jenna.
00:18:09She'll be good for Chris.
00:18:11And with the snow storm, they'll spend the whole week together.
00:18:15Wait, honey, I don't understand.
00:18:17Chris went to the cabin?
00:18:21What's Chris doing in the cabin?
00:18:23Well, hopefully falling in love.
00:18:25Are you crazy?
00:18:27No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:18:29I have to go right now. I have to fix this.
00:18:31No, let go of that, Barty Dixon. You're not going to do it. It's late.
00:18:34And if they fall in love, well...
00:18:38Come on, Margie.
00:18:40They're not going to fall in love, Margie.
00:18:45Do you want to bet?
00:18:47Would you bet on your son's happiness?
00:18:52Oh, Barty, this isn't about happiness.
00:18:54It's about grandchildren.
00:18:56Well, I think you're too young to be a grandmother.
00:19:01Good try, Grandpa.
00:19:03Oh, I can feel that they're doing well right now.
00:19:07No, no.
00:19:09No, no, of course not. I'm not going.
00:19:12Why not?
00:19:14I got here first.
00:19:15It's my cabin.
00:19:17It's your parents' cabin.
00:19:23Okay, fine.
00:19:25I'm going to look for a hotel.
00:19:27Yes, only if you're flying in a helicopter.
00:19:30The road is covered in snow. I barely made it through the day.
00:19:33Oh, well, what am I supposed to do?
00:19:35Sleep in my car?
00:19:41Oh, my God.
00:19:43Enough. I...
00:19:45I guess you can stay here.
00:19:49Do you know how to make a girl feel welcome?
00:19:52You threatened to kill me.
00:19:55Try to do it a third time.
00:20:00Listen, I'll use the guest bedroom downstairs.
00:20:03You can sleep in the main bedroom or in your car, because I don't care.
00:20:10Good night.
00:20:19Go away.
00:20:26Go away. I don't know anything.
00:20:29I don't want an interview.
00:20:30Roxanne, it's Trevor.
00:20:31And I don't have any comments about the cancellation of my show.
00:20:35Roxanne, it's Trevor.
00:20:37Please, open up.
00:20:41Oh, it's not a good time.
00:20:44But I need your advice.
00:20:48No, no, no, no.
00:20:49I'm not good at giving advice.
00:20:51I'm a complete mess with everything.
00:20:55It's about Jenna.
00:20:56You know her better than anyone.
00:20:58Come on, Roxanne.
00:21:02Okay, wait.
00:21:03Give me a minute.
00:21:16How are you?
00:21:49Good morning.
00:21:50Good morning.
00:21:51What is all this?
00:21:55And I'm sorry.
00:21:58I know it wasn't your fault last night,
00:22:00and I chose this pan for something better than threatening you.
00:22:08And I'm sorry too.
00:22:12Did you make enough to feed a whole village?
00:22:14Is there anyone else coming?
00:22:15No, um, I only know how to cook in large quantities.
00:22:20I'm sorry.
00:22:21It doesn't matter.
00:22:21We can eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
00:22:24For three days.
00:22:29Uh, I'm Chris, by the way.
00:22:35Delighted, Chris.
00:22:37I'm Jenna.
00:22:43So you're the son of Barty and Marjorie.
00:22:47How is that possible?
00:22:49It's hard to explain.
00:22:50Yes, they're intense.
00:22:51But most good agents and directors are.
00:22:54It's weird that they didn't make you an actor.
00:22:56Oh, they tried.
00:22:58They took me to a lot of auditions when I was a kid.
00:23:01But when I turned 16, I found my own path.
00:23:04I took my dad's camera, started taking pictures,
00:23:06and I fell in love with it.
00:23:08Were they disappointed?
00:23:10They were devastated.
00:23:13But now they've improved at pretending to support me.
00:23:16I'm not surprised.
00:23:17I don't know if I could stop acting.
00:23:21You're an actress?
00:23:23What did you think I was?
00:23:26Oh, I don't know.
00:23:27A security guard?
00:23:29You look like an ordinary person.
00:23:34An ordinary person?
00:23:38I meant average.
00:23:43Wow, this is humiliating.
00:23:48By the way you react, I see you have talent for drama.
00:23:51All right.
00:23:52So that's what you think, huh?
00:23:54I guess you didn't want more tobacco.
00:23:56Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:23:57Hey, don't throw it away.
00:23:59I'm sorry.
00:24:00It wasn't my intention.
00:24:03Could you please leave that on the table?
00:24:07Well, it's been a real pleasure to meet you, Chris.
00:24:10And I think it will be interesting to share the cabin with you.
00:24:16And since I cooked, you can clean.
00:24:19I think it's great.
00:24:21I like washing dishes.
00:24:23More for me?
00:24:29It's great to see where you write the show.
00:24:32It's very beautiful.
00:24:37Why did you come?
00:24:39I came to see you.
00:24:41I came to see you.
00:24:43I came to see you.
00:24:45I came to see you.
00:24:47I came to see you.
00:24:49I came to see you.
00:24:51Why did you come?
00:24:53I need to talk, and you're the only person who knows.
00:24:57You wrote that incredible kiss scene for us.
00:25:02Yes, it was great.
00:25:04But now I feel like something's wrong.
00:25:07Oh, you don't want me to get involved in this.
00:25:11Believe me, I'm not good with relationships.
00:25:14What are you talking about?
00:25:15You write incredible things for the show.
00:25:17No, I write things about crime for the show.
00:25:20It took three seasons for Jackson and Kate to kiss,
00:25:22and I had to shoot one.
00:25:24But it was a great scene.
00:25:26It was a great scene.
00:25:27Yes, great.
00:25:30Well, I don't need you to fix our relationship.
00:25:33I just need a little information to help me.
00:25:37She didn't tell you anything?
00:25:39No, not really.
00:25:42She just thought it was a good kiss.
00:25:44I also think it was.
00:25:46But then she said she wouldn't be with me if it weren't for the show.
00:25:49And now that the show was canceled, well...
00:25:55Do you think she broke up with me?
00:25:58No, Trevor, no.
00:25:59I'd be crazy if I did.
00:26:01You're smart, talented, and handsome.
00:26:04Do you think I am?
00:26:08Well, I...
00:26:12He'd know what to do.
00:26:13I just have to think like him.
00:26:15No, no.
00:26:16You just have to be a little patient, okay?
00:26:19The last time I talked to Jenna, she was driving.
00:26:21Maybe where she is, there's no reception.
00:26:23And she misses you.
00:26:26If I were her, I'd miss you.
00:26:34Well, if you want, I'll help you find her,
00:26:37just to make sure she's okay.
00:26:41Very well.
00:26:42You're the best.
00:26:43Thank you very much.
00:26:46My God, you smell amazing.
00:26:55Hi, Dad.
00:26:58How's it going over there?
00:27:00Tell me, is everyone still alive?
00:27:03Last night we fixed things, but I think I offended her.
00:27:08I knew it!
00:27:10What did you know?
00:27:11No, nothing, nothing.
00:27:12I just won a bet with your mother.
00:27:16No, you haven't won yet.
00:27:19What can I do for you?
00:27:21Uh, could you check if the printer is on?
00:27:26Uh, yeah, it is.
00:27:29I'll send some scripts to Jenna.
00:27:30Hey, I want to talk to him.
00:27:31And I can send them straight to the printer if it's on.
00:27:33And listen, I'm going to need you to help her practice her lines.
00:27:39No, no, no, no.
00:27:40She doesn't want my help.
00:27:42I want to talk to him.
00:27:43She can't read all the dialogues by herself.
00:27:45Technically, she can.
00:27:46Marty, give me the phone.
00:27:48Let's go.
00:27:49Hi, honey, how are you?
00:27:50Hi, Mom.
00:27:51Hey, I just wanted to know how your haircut went.
00:27:56You cut it, right?
00:27:57Yes, of course.
00:27:59You're lying.
00:28:01No, I'm not lying.
00:28:03Christopher, I know you're lying.
00:28:05I can hear your hair.
00:28:06Mom, you can't hear my hair.
00:28:09Which means you still owe me one.
00:28:11Then you could help Jenna.
00:28:15She's a really good girl.
00:28:20But I'm not going to promise anything.
00:28:22Oh, thank you so much, honey.
00:28:24Hey, at least comb your hair before you talk to her.
00:28:28That's all I'm asking.
00:28:29Did she cut her hair?
00:28:30No, she didn't cut her hair.
00:28:31Well, bye, Mom.
00:28:32I love you.
00:28:33Bye, have fun.
00:28:41It's not that long.
00:28:48Your father said he'd send me some scripts for auditions.
00:28:52Yes, the printer is over there.
00:28:57Hey, I don't know how you did it,
00:28:59but you used almost all the dishes in the cabin.
00:29:02It's impressive.
00:29:07If you need me to read with you,
00:29:09I can help you.
00:29:11Oh, no, thank you.
00:29:13I'm fine.
00:29:19I'm going to get my camera and give you privacy.
00:29:39What are you doing?
00:29:45I'm sorry.
00:29:46It's okay.
00:29:47I took some great pictures.
00:29:49I need more, but it's not bad.
00:29:51You didn't move, so it's fine.
00:29:53I'm sorry.
00:29:54I'm fine.
00:29:55I'm fine.
00:29:56I'm fine.
00:29:57I'm fine.
00:29:58I'm fine.
00:29:59I'm fine.
00:30:00I'm fine.
00:30:01I'm fine.
00:30:02I'm fine.
00:30:03I'm fine.
00:30:04I'm fine.
00:30:05I'm fine.
00:30:06I'm fine.
00:30:07I'm fine.
00:30:09I thought something was wrong.
00:30:11No, to photograph nature,
00:30:13you have to stay still for a long time.
00:30:17How long?
00:30:18It depends.
00:30:19Sometimes minutes,
00:30:21sometimes hours.
00:30:23My goodness.
00:30:25How do you know you're not wasting time?
00:30:29You don't know.
00:30:31But sometimes I feel there's a moment
00:30:33that's worth waiting for.
00:30:35And I'm waiting.
00:30:37Yes, but you're not still for hours.
00:30:40Oh, yes.
00:30:42You must know how to wait
00:30:44for the perfect moment.
00:30:46When the lens relaxes
00:30:48and you get the perfect focus.
00:30:53Stop it!
00:30:54You have a great expression on this one.
00:30:56I thought you didn't photograph people.
00:30:58Maybe I should.
00:31:00You know,
00:31:01the only problem with people
00:31:03is that they like to pose.
00:31:04They don't look natural.
00:31:05Maybe if you stay still for a long time
00:31:07they'll forget you're there.
00:31:09That's an interesting idea.
00:31:17How are your auditions going?
00:31:20I don't know.
00:31:21Maybe they're nervous,
00:31:23but so far I haven't liked any of them.
00:31:27It's happened to me too.
00:31:29Do you want me to help you?
00:31:31It's always better to read with someone.
00:31:34And you're good?
00:31:36Then you'll read to Jeff
00:31:38and I'll be Dr. Brooks.
00:31:40A medical drama?
00:31:49Do you really want us to read sitting down?
00:31:53Can't you read sitting down?
00:31:57Of course I can read sitting down.
00:32:04Don't you prefer to bring your camera first?
00:32:08I have it here.
00:32:12Oh my God.
00:32:13Are you going to be okay?
00:32:17You're right.
00:32:18I'm sorry.
00:32:26Can I make a quick observation?
00:32:30This lighting.
00:32:32You'll have circles under your eyes
00:32:34and you'll look tired.
00:32:35You should get closer to the window.
00:32:38Hey, I promise.
00:32:39If it doesn't work,
00:32:40I won't talk anymore.
00:32:52That looks a little better.
00:32:55Do you have any other observations?
00:33:06How do I look now?
00:33:18Are you ready?
00:33:22Three, two, one.
00:33:25Jenna Wild, reading for Dr. Brooks.
00:33:31Doctor, what's going on?
00:33:35Is the treatment not working?
00:33:38The nurse found pills under your pillow.
00:33:42When did you stop taking them?
00:33:45Jeff, I need to know.
00:33:47About two weeks ago.
00:33:50When did you start getting worse?
00:33:52I don't understand.
00:33:53When you have a condition that can be treated,
00:33:56don't you want to get better?
00:33:59Will my wife know?
00:34:02The law doesn't allow me to tell her anything.
00:34:06So you'll tell her.
00:34:11Because she deserves to know.
00:34:14Jeff, when someone loves you,
00:34:17you deserve to know.
00:34:23Oh, God.
00:34:27How did it go?
00:34:30I think much better than usual.
00:34:41Here you go.
00:34:46It looks like my father got you another hearing.
00:34:49Yes, I'd better hurry and send this one.
00:34:53I'll leave the camera on the tripod.
00:34:56And if you need help, I'll be close.
00:35:01Well, we know from your neighbor that she was at home until three in the afternoon.
00:35:05Then she went out, called her mother at 4.15,
00:35:08and she thinks she was downtown, maybe meeting someone.
00:35:12Now listen to this.
00:35:14Then she disappeared after she called you at 7.22, right?
00:35:19And no one has contacted her since then?
00:35:30That was great.
00:35:32But I'm starting to feel uncomfortable with this.
00:35:37I think it's very sweet of you to worry about Jenna.
00:35:41Me too, but this...
00:35:43It's starting to feel a little...
00:35:49I do it all the time for the show.
00:35:52I thought that, you know, thinking like Jackson would help me improve Trevor.
00:35:57Oh, yes, yes, I understand.
00:35:59And it's true, but in the show, he solves crimes and...
00:36:03And this looks like Jenna needs some space.
00:36:13Just sit down for a moment.
00:36:17Look at him.
00:36:23This is ridiculous.
00:36:25I want to apologize for this.
00:36:29I had fun, I had fun doing this.
00:36:31I enjoyed doing it with you and...
00:36:37I needed to distract myself a little.
00:36:42And forget.
00:36:44So I don't remember that they canceled the show.
00:36:49I know.
00:36:51It's terrible.
00:36:56Hey, we've known each other for, what, three years?
00:37:01We never spent time together?
00:37:13Ah, this looks important.
00:37:15Maybe it's an email about this fan campaign to make a movie for the show.
00:37:20Wouldn't it be fun?
00:37:22That's what Jenna said.
00:37:24Fun for you and a lot of work for me.
00:37:29Ah, this is my agent.
00:37:31He says he prepared an interview for me for now.
00:37:34I have to go now.
00:37:37Okay, thanks for this.
00:37:39I appreciate it.
00:37:41I'll call you later, okay?
00:37:44Whenever you want.
00:37:48Hey, Trevor.
00:37:52If you want...
00:37:54You can come tomorrow and we can continue with this.
00:37:57I'm talking about...
00:37:59Jenna's investigation.
00:38:01Yes, of course.
00:38:05We'll continue with the case.
00:38:07Back to the case.
00:38:29You're alive!
00:38:31Again they say on the internet that I died?
00:38:33No, but I'm starting to think that it's possible that it happened.
00:38:36Where are you? You're safe.
00:38:38No one has been able to locate you.
00:38:40Relax, I'm fine.
00:38:42Are you worried?
00:38:44Well, no, but some people are.
00:38:46What is that?
00:38:50Oh, nothing.
00:38:52Wait, let me see.
00:38:54That was my name?
00:38:56No, it's nothing. I'm just investigating something, but it's not ready to be seen.
00:39:00Well, I'm glad you're okay.
00:39:02And don't worry, I already told you who you needed space for.
00:39:08Trevor. He came to see you.
00:39:09And I think he called everyone who knows you.
00:39:11Your mother, your neighbors.
00:39:13He didn't bother you, did he?
00:39:15No, he really seemed worried. He was very sweet.
00:39:19I should have talked to him, but I don't know what to tell him.
00:39:23Are you going to break up with him?
00:39:25No, Trevor is great.
00:39:27Yes, and he also smells great.
00:39:31Oh, what were you saying? I didn't hear you.
00:39:33It was easy to be with him during the show, but now that it's over, I...
00:39:38I need time to sort out my feelings.
00:39:41Well, sort them out quickly, because he's looking for you.
00:39:48Roxanne, could you maybe keep him busy?
00:39:53Who? Trevor?
00:39:55Just for a few days. Keep him busy, whatever it takes.
00:39:59No, no, no, no. That's not a good idea.
00:40:03I finally feel like I can relax and be myself.
00:40:05I just need a little more time to sort this out.
00:40:13Well, he's supposed to come tomorrow.
00:40:16I could distract him for a few days.
00:40:20order food on Friday,
00:40:22and invite him to watch the end of the show.
00:40:24But that's all. You have until Friday.
00:40:26Thank you. I owe you one.
00:40:28Hey, Jenna.
00:40:30What was that? Are you there with someone?
00:40:32Wait a minute.
00:40:33A new audition has just arrived. I thought you'd like it.
00:40:36Yes, thank you.
00:40:39Who is he?
00:40:41He's my agent's misguided son.
00:40:45I'm trapped with him until the roads clear up.
00:40:48Oh, that sounds terrible to you.
00:40:50Don't talk to me about that.
00:40:52He's a natural photographer, and he's not used to sharing with people.
00:40:56I also think he's a little rude.
00:41:00No, I saw him. I can say he's rude.
00:41:03He's smart, and he's also very attractive.
00:41:06Well, I could find out if he's single for you.
00:41:09Oh, for me, yes.
00:41:11Go ahead. Find out if he's available for me, and then tell me.
00:41:14Okay. Bye, Roxanne.
00:41:16I love you.
00:41:18Don't die.
00:41:33Hot chocolate?
00:41:35I didn't know you were a fashion photographer.
00:41:38You have great pictures.
00:41:41My first jobs.
00:41:43I didn't know my mom kept them.
00:41:47Landscapes, fashion, urban photography.
00:41:53I liked the pictures behind the scenes.
00:41:56I liked the pictures.
00:41:58I like the pictures.
00:42:00I like the pictures.
00:42:02I liked the pictures behind the scenes.
00:42:04But nature paid better.
00:42:07Oh, you followed the money.
00:42:09I'm working to get hired.
00:42:13In that magazine, they pay for traveling to wild and exotic places.
00:42:17I can imagine you in the jungle.
00:42:20Perfectly still for hours.
00:42:23That would be great.
00:42:25It seems fun, but maybe a little lonely.
00:42:30You take great pictures of people.
00:42:34It's a shame you waste it.
00:43:00To anyone following or watching tonight's show.
00:43:04I'm Jenna Wild.
00:43:06The girl who was lucky enough to play Detective Kate during these three years.
00:43:11I'm very grateful.
00:43:13I'm very grateful.
00:43:15I'm very grateful.
00:43:17I'm very grateful.
00:43:19I'm very grateful.
00:43:21I'm very grateful.
00:43:23I'm very grateful.
00:43:25I'm very grateful.
00:43:26I'm very grateful.
00:43:28I'm very grateful.
00:43:30I enjoyed playing her and being her voice during these three years.
00:43:38I'm here tonight because I don't want to miss her.
00:43:44I feel she has much more in her story that deserves to be told.
00:43:49And I know there are brave fans who try to keep the show alive through a movie.
00:43:59I want to work with them.
00:44:02And with everyone I can to give this story a better ending.
00:44:08And until I do, I'm going to keep Detective Kate alive in my heart.
00:44:15And I hope you do too.
00:44:23Enjoy the show.
00:44:37I thought you were studying your lines.
00:44:40Do you need help?
00:44:42Thank you. I was recording a message for the fans.
00:44:45The end of my show will be broadcast today.
00:44:54So, Mr. Dixon.
00:44:57Ready to pay?
00:45:01You owe me one for Mitch.
00:45:04I thought you had another audition today.
00:45:07That's right.
00:45:08Wow, right on the edge.
00:45:10Good job.
00:45:11Okay, but you owe me one for the Trillizos Bronson.
00:45:14They already hired them.
00:45:16Oh, come on.
00:45:18How many times do I have to win before you stop betting against Trillizos?
00:45:23Against three?
00:45:25Okay, fine.
00:45:26Then pay for Chris and Jenna's bet.
00:45:28Wait, what?
00:45:29They've been in the cabin for days.
00:45:32Nothing's happened.
00:45:33So pay.
00:45:34No, not yet.
00:45:36I think there's a big surprise waiting for you.
00:45:39No, no, no.
00:45:40Listen, I love him.
00:45:41But the boy doesn't even have a romantic hair.
00:45:45Believe me, there won't be any surprises.
00:45:52Oh my God!
00:45:53Come on, sit down.
00:45:54When did you do all this?
00:45:57Well, I started with little, but it took so long that I kept adding and adding.
00:46:02It didn't take that long.
00:46:05Okay, you got me.
00:46:07Almost everything was ready.
00:46:09My parents were supposed to come, and my father still likes to court my mother.
00:46:14Oh, well done, Barty.
00:46:16Hey, I made the food.
00:46:19And it smells delicious.
00:46:21But this view...
00:46:23I never would have imagined that Barty Dixon could be so romantic.
00:46:29It's a shame he skipped a generation.
00:46:34I'm just kidding, calm down.
00:46:36With this scene...
00:46:37I'd say you have...
00:46:50Can I ask you a personal question?
00:46:53Oh my God, um...
00:46:57Why can you only cook for more than 20 people?
00:47:01Oh, um...
00:47:03Isn't that normal?
00:47:07As I grew up, my parents owned a banquet service.
00:47:11Most of their clients were movie studios with a lot of people.
00:47:15But even when I cooked for the family, my mother prepared too much.
00:47:20We gave a little to the neighbors and we still had some left.
00:47:23And I always thought all mothers were like that.
00:47:27Uh, no.
00:47:29Not all of them are like that.
00:47:31My parents always left the events late.
00:47:34They brought appetizers that they had kept in my mother's bag.
00:47:36And they were usually cold and rancid.
00:47:40And very elegant for my young taste buds.
00:47:43I hated leftovers.
00:47:45That's terrible.
00:47:47Leftovers are the best.
00:47:50Well, yours were great.
00:48:02It's open.
00:48:06You can sit down. I'll be right there.
00:48:09Uh, okay.
00:48:14I already found out where Jenna is.
00:48:17It looks like her agent got her a cabin or...
00:48:26Oh my God.
00:48:28Is something wrong?
00:48:31Uh, no, not at all.
00:48:33I hope...
00:48:35I hope it doesn't bother you.
00:48:37But you look amazing, Roxy.
00:48:43Why would that bother me?
00:48:45Well, because between us...
00:48:47I don't...
00:48:49I don't know.
00:48:51I brought popcorn.
00:48:54Yeah, I see.
00:48:56I'll go find where to put them and you can sit down.
00:49:03It looks amazing.
00:49:05It's incredible.
00:49:19Do you take pictures of me while I read my lines?
00:49:22Yes, you make a strange...
00:49:24concentration expression.
00:49:26In fact, it's fascinating.
00:49:28Oh, no, please.
00:49:30No duck lips.
00:49:32It's not true. It's the way I can read.
00:49:33Okay, fine.
00:49:35You win.
00:49:37What did you get this time?
00:49:39Another comedy or a drama?
00:49:41I have two here.
00:49:43This is the first one.
00:49:45And it's nothing like that.
00:49:47To be honest, I'm not sure what it is.
00:49:49What's the title?
00:49:51The Myth of Eth...
00:49:53Ethereon the Colossus.
00:49:55That sounds like a tongue twister.
00:49:57Can I see it?
00:50:00Is it a fantasy novel?
00:50:02My character is Princess Evelina.
00:50:04No, no.
00:50:06Look, the text says you're in the ship...
00:50:11The Hammer of Mephistopheles?
00:50:14What else did they send you?
00:50:16Oh, the second one is...
00:50:18a romance...
00:50:20called Heart of Siren.
00:50:22Heart of Siren?
00:50:24Sounds mysterious.
00:50:26Is it good?
00:50:29It's smart and...
00:50:31passionate and...
00:50:33my character is strong, but...
00:50:39The truth is that it scares me a little, but...
00:50:41I always wanted to make a movie like Heart of Siren.
00:50:46The Space Program with the Princess
00:50:48seems too much to me.
00:50:51Although, with my luck, it's the one I'll get.
00:50:56don't do that audition.
00:50:58Yes, but...
00:51:00what if I let it pass and it turns out to be a great success?
00:51:03And what if it is?
00:51:05I don't know if they've told you this, but...
00:51:07you don't have to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.
00:51:11It's okay to pursue what you really want.
00:51:19No, I won't leave you here!
00:51:21I won't be the reason you don't do justice!
00:51:23That murderer already took my father from me.
00:51:25I won't let him separate you from me either.
00:51:28How do you feel?
00:51:30I really like this one, but...
00:51:32I'm afraid to get my hopes up.
00:51:34Don't be afraid.
00:51:36You'll do great.
00:51:41Are you ready?
00:51:44I'm ready.
00:51:46Three, two, one.
00:51:48Jenna Wilde,
00:51:50reading the script.
00:51:52I'm ready.
00:51:54I'm ready.
00:51:56I'm ready.
00:51:58I'm waiting for Fiona in Mermaid's Heart.
00:52:05So when will she come?
00:52:09We can't talk about her.
00:52:18I didn't do anything.
00:52:20Stop looking at me like that.
00:52:24As if I had already left.
00:52:25I would have left like a faded photo or a distant memory.
00:52:32But you're leaving.
00:52:34How should I look at you?
00:52:35Like I'm here.
00:52:38I came for you.
00:52:41I'm here with you because my heart burns for you.
00:52:50Please stay with me.
00:52:58What do you think?
00:52:58Was it good?
00:53:03Yes, I think you did it.
00:53:10Here you go.
00:53:16Thank you for this and for dinner.
00:53:21You're welcome.
00:53:32Good night.
00:53:35Good night.
00:53:46Roxanne, you missed the end.
00:53:49I can't.
00:53:50I don't want it to end and my heart breaks like they're going to leave the story.
00:53:56If you had written that ending, would you have done it differently?
00:54:02I don't know.
00:54:05But I would have.
00:54:08I had a brilliant idea for the next chapter of your story.
00:54:14Tell me about it.
00:54:15I'd like to know what happened to Jackson and Kate.
00:54:19They're not together.
00:54:20Very good.
00:54:21Well, not yet.
00:54:24What do you mean?
00:54:25They already kissed.
00:54:28A kiss doesn't hurt.
00:54:30I don't know.
00:54:31I don't know.
00:54:32I don't know.
00:54:33I don't know.
00:54:34I don't know.
00:54:35I don't know.
00:54:38A kiss doesn't hurt.
00:54:41Then they should kiss more.
00:54:43You know.
00:54:44I mean, until everything comes together, don't you think?
00:54:49Well, calm down, Tiger.
00:54:51You can't rush the characters.
00:54:54You see, for example, Jackson is hurt and he's not ready.
00:55:02Listen, you're wrong about that.
00:55:05He is ready.
00:55:06I'm wrong?
00:55:08I created the character.
00:55:11Yes, you write it, but I interpret it.
00:55:16I can assure you that he's been ready since episode 14.
00:55:21I could feel it.
00:55:28He really thought he was going to die.
00:55:30And when he heard Kate's voice, when she spoke,
00:55:34his heartbeats changed.
00:55:37And since then, every time we film,
00:55:40he looks her in the eye and his heart beats the same.
00:55:46I can feel it now, talking to you.
00:55:51Just like that.
00:55:54Can you feel it and tell me you're not ready?
00:56:04Excuse me.
00:56:06It's my agent.
00:56:08He's crazy.
00:56:10He says it's an emergency.
00:56:12I'm sorry, but I have to go.
00:56:16I'll see you later, okay?
00:56:24See you later.
00:56:29Come in.
00:56:32The actress finally woke up.
00:56:34But what are you doing?
00:56:36Breakfast in bed.
00:56:38I hope you like it.
00:56:42What's all this?
00:56:44From the fans.
00:56:48Dear Kate,
00:56:50I lost 10 kilos in the gym while I watched you fight crime.
00:56:54You speed up my heart, Derrick.
00:56:56And these shoes...
00:56:58Hey, they smell a lot.
00:57:00Check that one.
00:57:02Let's see.
00:57:04Dear Detective Kate,
00:57:06I did this while I watched your show.
00:57:08Thank you for entertaining me while I was working.
00:57:12With love, Jessica.
00:57:14This is very sweet and just what I need.
00:57:18Jessica's jam.
00:57:20Your fans love you.
00:57:22Oh, well, they love my character, Detective Kate.
00:57:26But since she's not here,
00:57:28I can keep it.
00:57:30It's a great responsibility.
00:57:32Especially for my friend Roxanne.
00:57:34She's the writer and creator of Kate.
00:57:36At least, she was.
00:57:40I can't believe how fast they snatched this from us.
00:57:46Hey, there's a beautiful canyon on the way.
00:57:50And I was thinking of going to take some pictures.
00:57:54Do you want to come with me?
00:58:40Roxanne, it's Trevor.
00:58:42You're going to love this.
00:58:44Can I come in?
00:58:54Do you remember the fan campaign?
00:58:56Yes, the one about making a movie about Echo Point.
00:59:00Well, that was a crazy night.
00:59:02Oh, but why?
00:59:04For the ending?
00:59:06No, I think it started earlier.
00:59:08For something over the top.
00:59:10Asking for the show to continue.
00:59:12And they're raising money.
00:59:14How much do they have?
00:59:16Look at their social media.
00:59:24We should tell Jenna.
00:59:26She needs to know now.
00:59:32Hey, Chris!
00:59:37You'll see.
00:59:46It's so peaceful here.
00:59:52You know,
00:59:54when I want to get away from the noise of the city
00:59:56and also from the madness of the people,
00:59:58I come to this place.
01:00:00And I enjoy being here.
01:00:02It's so peaceful.
01:00:04It's so peaceful.
01:00:06It's so peaceful.
01:00:08It's so peaceful.
01:00:10It's so peaceful.
01:00:12It's so peaceful.
01:00:14And I enjoy every moment.
01:00:18I think I haven't relaxed
01:00:20since my show started.
01:00:22You haven't told me
01:00:24how a fantastic cook
01:00:26became a TV star.
01:00:28That was just luck.
01:00:30No, no, no.
01:00:32I've seen your auditions.
01:00:34I don't believe you.
01:00:36But it's true.
01:00:38It's true.
01:00:40I wanted to be an actress since I was very young,
01:00:43until I met my roommate, Roxanne,
01:00:45who wrote a show
01:00:47and Ecopoint was born.
01:00:49She's great.
01:00:51Yes, she's very smart.
01:00:53You'll like her.
01:00:55Well, on the day of the casting,
01:00:57we offered the banquet service
01:00:59and when I finished downloading,
01:01:01Roxanne came to me,
01:01:05Her protagonist had withdrawn
01:01:07and hadn't told anyone
01:01:09and begged me to replace her.
01:01:11And they gave you the role
01:01:13without considering anyone else.
01:01:15Something like that.
01:01:19that is to say,
01:01:21you've never had to audition?
01:01:23Well, how fortunate.
01:01:27I didn't feel like that.
01:01:29I was terrified.
01:01:31Every day,
01:01:33I thought that maybe
01:01:35someone would tell me
01:01:37that I shouldn't be there
01:01:39Sometimes I still feel like that.
01:01:45I thought I loved to cook,
01:01:47but when I stood in front of those cameras,
01:01:51I felt something new
01:01:53and I try to cling to that.
01:01:59If it helps,
01:02:01I think you're very good.
01:02:08I'm sure you can choose
01:02:10the program you want.
01:02:14I hope so.
01:02:16I would like
01:02:18to work with someone like Roxanne
01:02:20and I'm afraid it won't be the same.
01:02:26Did you take the photo of the bird?
01:02:30Yes, I was able to take it.
01:02:37I didn't know we had signal here.
01:02:40Excuse me?
01:02:42Yes, of course.
01:02:52I finally find you.
01:02:54I've been calling you for days.
01:02:56Yes, what's up?
01:02:58I need you to come.
01:03:00To the magazine's office?
01:03:02Yes, the photo of the hawk.
01:03:04Everyone loved it.
01:03:06They want to hire you
01:03:08as a full-time field photographer.
01:03:10Good salary, travel budget,
01:03:12everything you wanted.
01:03:14That's great.
01:03:16They want you on a plane to the Galapagos
01:03:18and they also mentioned Thailand.
01:03:26Is everything okay?
01:03:28Yes, everything is perfect.
01:03:30I did it.
01:03:32They hired me.
01:03:34That's great.
01:03:40Well, should we go back?
01:03:42Yes, yes.
01:03:56you're going to the Galapagos?
01:04:01I'm going to buy a plane ticket
01:04:03and a pair of shoes.
01:04:05Yes, and safe places
01:04:07to stay still and wait.
01:04:15Take this.
01:04:17For what?
01:04:19So you can have me with you.
01:04:21I would say that...
01:04:23I swear I feel
01:04:25that this trip is getting longer
01:04:27every time I drive.
01:04:29That's because you're driving
01:04:31slower and slower, Grandpa.
01:04:33Well, if you wouldn't make me stop
01:04:35every five minutes to go to the bathroom.
01:04:37Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?
01:04:39Well, the road is clear.
01:04:41They removed the snow
01:04:43and that's why we were able to pass.
01:04:45Yes, and well, Barty owes me
01:04:47some romantic holidays
01:04:49we were able to take.
01:04:51Also, there's some news
01:04:53I wanted to give you in person.
01:04:55What news?
01:04:57The movie you sent us
01:04:59about Mermaid's Heart,
01:05:01the director saw it
01:05:03and he was begging us
01:05:05all morning to have you in his movie.
01:05:07Oh my God, really?
01:05:09Congratulations, Jenna.
01:05:17what's the luggage for?
01:05:19Oh, because Stan called.
01:05:21They hired me in the magazine.
01:05:23I have to go to the office.
01:05:26Well, that's great.
01:05:28We're proud of you.
01:05:34Why don't you help Chris
01:05:36take his luggage to the truck
01:05:38while I talk to Jenna?
01:05:40Of course.
01:05:42Oh, how I envy you, son.
01:05:44You'll travel a lot, won't you?
01:05:46A new adventure awaits you.
01:05:48I'm proud.
01:06:02I know that look.
01:06:04What look?
01:06:06The one
01:06:08that means I lost a bet.
01:06:10I'll tell you
01:06:12the details.
01:06:14First of all,
01:06:16you had to see the director's expression
01:06:18when he saw your audition.
01:06:20And it will be filmed in Fiji.
01:06:22And wait until you read
01:06:24the script.
01:06:26You're sending me to Fiji?
01:06:28The bad news is that
01:06:30the shoot starts in two weeks,
01:06:32so you don't have much time.
01:06:34I come from television.
01:06:36We receive the scripts the same day,
01:06:38so two weeks is a luxury.
01:06:40That's true.
01:06:42Well, I love your enthusiasm.
01:06:44I knew I could tempt you
01:06:46to stay away from television,
01:06:48but I didn't think it would be so soon.
01:06:50To be honest, me neither.
01:06:52I don't know what I would do
01:06:54for a script like this.
01:06:56But something Chris told me
01:06:58gave me the courage to try.
01:07:00You should thank him.
01:07:02Oh, yes.
01:07:04Well, when I saw him,
01:07:06I heard him.
01:07:08I couldn't believe it.
01:07:10I really couldn't.
01:07:12How did you get him to connect
01:07:14with so much passion?
01:07:16I don't know if I did that.
01:07:18Well, what you did worked.
01:07:21Oh, boy.
01:07:23I wish I was as romantic
01:07:25as Barty is.
01:07:29We should be married
01:07:31and have grandchildren.
01:07:33Tell me how you and Barty
01:07:35ended up together.
01:07:37Oh, dear.
01:07:39I'm afraid if I tell you,
01:07:41you might not want my help anymore.
01:07:43I doubt that.
01:07:45Besides, if you don't tell me,
01:07:47I'll have to ask Barty.
01:07:49Christopher, I must tell you
01:07:51a tragic story
01:07:53about how I met your mother.
01:07:55Dad, I already know that story.
01:07:57No, you only know the cute version.
01:07:59Well, before going out
01:08:01with your mother,
01:08:03I went out with an actress.
01:08:05He was behind a friend of mine
01:08:07who was a model.
01:08:09She was tall, thin, perfect,
01:08:11very beautiful.
01:08:13Of course he liked her.
01:08:15Well, he courted her.
01:08:17And she asked me to go with her
01:08:19when she went out with him.
01:08:21Strange, isn't it?
01:08:23But what could you do about it?
01:08:25So, she was there
01:08:27and in the middle of the date
01:08:29I argued with your mother
01:08:31about something stupid.
01:08:33Oh, dear.
01:08:35He was an easy target.
01:08:37It was very easy to annoy him.
01:08:39I said something about the television
01:08:41not going anywhere
01:08:43and he always bit the hook.
01:08:45I saw the actress five episodes
01:08:47in a soap opera in another state
01:08:49and when she left I realized
01:08:51that what I missed the most
01:08:53about going out with her
01:08:55was the opportunity
01:08:57to confront
01:08:59her stubborn friend Margie.
01:09:01I thought I had gotten rid of him.
01:09:03Not so fast.
01:09:05He was still looking for me.
01:09:07I played my part.
01:09:11He stayed there.
01:09:14He was there with that big smile
01:09:16on his face
01:09:18and the louder he screamed
01:09:20the bigger his smile became.
01:09:22I don't remember a word
01:09:24of what he said.
01:09:26I just remember feeling that connection.
01:09:28You know?
01:09:30At one point he was screaming
01:09:32and the next we were kissing
01:09:34on the street.
01:09:36We were together
01:09:38and the actress found out.
01:09:40She fired Marjorie as her agent.
01:09:42She took my tires
01:09:44and set my office on fire
01:09:46but I had never
01:09:48been so happy.
01:09:52Tell me what happened next.
01:09:54He invited me to dinner
01:09:56and we've been married for 36 years.
01:10:02Dad, this one is much more interesting
01:10:04than the one you told me about.
01:10:06Yes, now you know why we softened it
01:10:08when you were a kid.
01:10:10Yes, I understand your point.
01:10:12The conflict
01:10:14in relationships
01:10:16strengthens them.
01:10:20No, that's not what I said.
01:10:22The moral of my story is
01:10:24don't go out with actresses.
01:10:26They're dangerous.
01:10:28That's your point?
01:10:30Yes, of course.
01:10:32What I mean is
01:10:34think about who you want
01:10:36to spend the rest of your days
01:10:41Make sure it fits
01:10:43in your life,
01:10:45not just in your heart.
01:10:49Did you know that Chris
01:10:51likes to wash the dishes?
01:10:53Yes, I know.
01:10:57Good luck.
01:10:59And make sure you don't forget
01:11:01your parents, okay?
01:11:03Thank you, Dad.
01:11:05We're very proud of you
01:11:07Good morning.
01:11:11let the boys say goodbye.
01:11:13Let's go inside now.
01:11:19Thank you
01:11:21for being here with me.
01:11:23Well, we didn't have a choice.
01:11:27I'm glad
01:11:29I didn't kill you with that pan.
01:11:31Me too.
01:11:43why don't you come with me
01:11:45to my job?
01:11:47Well, I'm going to travel,
01:11:49but we could go together.
01:11:51You're asking me
01:11:53to quit my career?
01:11:55I'm going to make a movie.
01:11:57I know, I know.
01:12:00We could go to Europe or Asia.
01:12:02It would be an adventure.
01:12:04You could audition wherever you want
01:12:06after your movie that's holding you back.
01:12:16Jenna, are you here?
01:12:22Here you are!
01:12:24Are you okay?
01:12:26Yes, I'm fine.
01:12:28Trevor found your agent.
01:12:30He found out you were in his cabin
01:12:32and brought us here.
01:12:34Actually, I think it's very romantic.
01:12:36Yes, I wanted to make sure
01:12:38you were okay
01:12:40and I wanted to give you the news.
01:12:42What news?
01:12:46Echo Point will return.
01:12:48But it was canceled.
01:12:50It was canceled,
01:12:52but the fans started a campaign
01:12:54to make a movie.
01:12:56It's true, but this morning
01:12:58it just exploded.
01:13:00Something in your post, Jenna,
01:13:02made a big difference.
01:13:04The network saw the numbers
01:13:06and decided to make the movie.
01:13:08And that means a lot of work for me.
01:13:10They're even considering
01:13:12filming a fourth season.
01:13:14Well, that's great,
01:13:16but I just accepted
01:13:18another movie.
01:13:20I don't know if I can.
01:13:22You don't have to worry.
01:13:24Here we are.
01:13:26It's so nice to see you guys.
01:13:28Barty and I reviewed it
01:13:30and Siren's Heart will end
01:13:32before Echo Point starts.
01:13:34And the network has confirmed
01:13:36all of this.
01:13:38Everything was agreed upon
01:13:40and they accepted.
01:13:42You can do both.
01:13:44Listen, she wants you tomorrow
01:13:46for the interviews and the photo shoot.
01:13:48That's right.
01:13:50Roxanne, I'm so happy for you.
01:13:53Come with us.
01:13:55Don't you think we should
01:13:57load your car?
01:13:59Come on, let's talk for a minute.
01:14:13You're Roxanne, right?
01:14:15Yes, and...
01:14:17you're the computer guy.
01:14:21That's right, Chris.
01:14:27I guess it's time
01:14:29for me
01:14:31to go home.
01:14:33It's been a pleasure.
01:14:51Roxanne, is she gone?
01:14:59Trevor, are you okay?
01:15:01It's my heart.
01:15:03It stopped beating.
01:15:05Okay, I should call...
01:15:07No, no, no, wait.
01:15:09It stopped beating differently
01:15:11because of you.
01:15:15I don't understand you.
01:15:17Since I started seeing you,
01:15:19my heart was beating
01:15:21when I heard your voice.
01:15:23And that also happened
01:15:25when I was looking for you.
01:15:27It was like I knew
01:15:29I was going to find you.
01:15:33this time it didn't happen
01:15:35when I saw you here.
01:15:39now that you're talking to me.
01:15:41Did that change?
01:15:46I think it's my fault.
01:15:48No, no, no, no,
01:15:50it's not.
01:15:52Yes, it is.
01:15:54I let this continue
01:15:56when I wasn't sure,
01:15:58but you were,
01:16:00so I wanted to be.
01:16:02I kept going and...
01:16:04I don't even remember
01:16:06why we started dating.
01:16:08Season 3, episode 14, scene 12.
01:16:10First take.
01:16:12Oh my God, that's...
01:16:14very specific.
01:16:16Don't you remember?
01:16:18We were working on a case
01:16:20and we got caught in that basement
01:16:22when you told me,
01:16:24we can do this,
01:16:26I won't let anything happen to you.
01:16:28You know,
01:16:30that was the first time
01:16:32my heartbeat changed
01:16:34and I knew it.
01:16:38I never told you that.
01:16:40Yes, you did.
01:16:42No, I didn't.
01:16:44My character told your character that.
01:16:46Those weren't my words.
01:16:50what do you think I felt?
01:16:52What made me rescue you?
01:16:54Maybe your heart was beating
01:16:56for someone else.
01:16:58I didn't need to be rescued.
01:17:04you've been my partner
01:17:06in the fight against crime
01:17:08for three years,
01:17:11I don't love you
01:17:13that way.
01:17:15And apparently,
01:17:17you don't love me that way either.
01:17:23Then, who am I in love with?
01:17:29I think you'll have to find out for yourself.
01:17:39Gracias, Jenna.
01:17:55Bien, debo irme.
01:18:01Está bien, Barty, tú ganas.
01:18:03Ahora desearía no haberlo hecho.
01:18:05Christopher, lo sentimos mucho.
01:18:09Conseguí el empleo que quería.
01:18:11Podré viajar y me pagarán por eso.
01:18:13Estoy bien.
01:18:15Eso no...
01:18:17nos preocupa.
01:18:21¿Recuerdas la historia que te conté?
01:18:23Sí, tenías razón.
01:18:25No, no.
01:18:27No, no.
01:18:29Sí, tenías razón.
01:18:31Las actrices son peligrosas.
01:18:33No, yo me equivoqué.
01:18:35Sí, las actrices sí son peligrosas.
01:18:39todas las mujeres no son.
01:18:41Lo que debí decir es que cuando encuentras
01:18:43la indicada, vale la pena.
01:18:47¿Y no me rendiré?
01:18:49Seguiré buscando.
01:18:51Oye, espera, ¿qué quieres decir con que seguirás buscando?
01:18:53No, Chris, cuando encuentras la indicada,
01:18:55no sigues buscando.
01:18:57Papá, es obvio que Jenna no era la indicada.
01:18:59Bueno, escucha, ¿la amas?
01:19:05Sí, eso significa que sí.
01:19:07Ella es la indicada.
01:19:09Pero ella se fue con otro hombre.
01:19:11Es una tontería.
01:19:13¿Ese hombre?
01:19:15¿Ese hombre, el actor?
01:19:17Ellos son peores.
01:19:19¿Es una broma?
01:19:21¿No puedes vencerlo?
01:19:27Oye, ¿qué vas a hacer?
01:19:35Esperaré el momento adecuado.
01:19:49Perdóname, Roxanne.
01:19:51No sé cómo es que no pude verlo antes.
01:19:54¿Ver qué?
01:19:58¿Qué sucede?
01:20:00Tú eres mi detective, Kate.
01:20:18Oye, Margie, esa es Jenna Wilde,
01:20:20la gran estrella de cine y televisión.
01:20:22¿Cine y televisión?
01:20:24¿Qué están haciendo ustedes aquí?
01:20:26Vinimos a saludar y a ver cómo te están tratando.
01:20:28¿Cómo estuvo Fiji?
01:20:30Muy ocupado, pero increíble.
01:20:32Escuché cosas buenas sobre tu actuación.
01:20:34Jenna, ¿estás segura de que solo quieres hacer
01:20:36la película de Echo Point?
01:20:38El representante de la cadena hizo una oferta
01:20:40para la cuarta temporada y es muy buena.
01:20:42Lo siento, Barty, ya estoy decidida.
01:20:44Ni siquiera quiero escuchar la oferta.
01:20:46¿No? Bueno, creo que querrías escucharla.
01:20:48Soy tu agente, sé que puede decir que no,
01:20:50pero debo decírtelo.
01:20:52Barty, déjala tranquila, ¿de acuerdo?
01:20:54Déjala perseguir lo que realmente quiere.
01:20:56Estamos esperando por ti.
01:20:58Tengo que irme.
01:21:00¿De acuerdo?
01:21:06Enciendan la máquina de nieve,
01:21:08hagamos que parezca que estamos en invierno.
01:21:11La hija del capitán ha desaparecido.
01:21:13¿Ya lo olvidaste?
01:21:15Me dispararon, detective.
01:21:17No hay tiempo para lamentarse.
01:21:19Vamos, tenemos trabajo que hacer.
01:21:21¿Qué trabajo?
01:21:25¿Cómo voy a trabajar así?
01:21:27¿Cuál detective?
01:21:29¿Cuál compañero?
01:21:31Querría medio hombre.
01:21:39Yo lo querría.
01:21:41Si esa mitad es Jackson Raines,
01:21:43puedes apostar que yo sí.
01:21:45¿Lo eres?
01:21:53¿lo eres?
01:21:57¡Muy bien!
01:21:59¡Buen trabajo, chicos!
01:22:01¡Vaya, eso estuvo genial!
01:22:03Es la primera vez que te veo salirte del guión.
01:22:05Sí sentí que tenía que hacerlo.
01:22:07¿Te sentiste cómodo con eso?
01:22:09Sí, muy bien.
01:22:11Gracias, tú también.
01:22:13Buen trabajo.
01:22:15Con tu permiso.
01:22:17Ojalá lo hubiera escrito así.
01:22:21¿Cómo han estado?
01:22:23Apenas regresé de Fiji anoche.
01:22:25¿Todo está bien?
01:22:27No estás enojada, ¿verdad?
01:22:29¡Dios mío! No, no, no. Estoy feliz por ustedes.
01:22:31Me alegro. Esto ha sido increíble.
01:22:33Estoy muy feliz.
01:22:40¡Tienes que contarme!
01:22:42¿Puedes venir un momento?
01:22:44Debemos tomar algunas fotos.
01:22:46Tengo que ir.
01:22:48Hablaremos luego.
01:22:50¿A dónde vas?
01:23:00¡Estás aquí!
01:23:02Y ni siquiera tuve que quedarme quieto.
01:23:04Esto es genial.
01:23:06Oh, y puedo estar aquí.
01:23:08¿Puedes creer que me están pagando
01:23:10por tomarte fotos?
01:23:12Creí que estabas al otro lado del mundo
01:23:14fotografiando tortugas.
01:23:16Quería estar aquí.
01:23:20¿Por qué?
01:23:24¿Sabes por qué?
01:23:26No quería perderme este momento.
01:23:34Enfoque de amor.
01:24:00Enfoque de amor.
01:24:04Enfoque de amor.
01:24:06Enfoque de amor.
01:24:08Enfoque de amor.
01:24:10Enfoque de amor.
01:24:12Enfoque de amor.
01:24:14Enfoque de amor.
01:24:16Enfoque de amor.
01:24:18Enfoque de amor.
01:24:20Enfoque de amor.
01:24:22Enfoque de amor.
01:24:24Enfoque de amor.
01:24:26Enfoque de amor.
