Resident Evil 2 Remake Claire Perfect Red Elegant Dres

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Resident Evil 2 Remake Claire Perfect Red Elegant Dres
00:00Come on, Chris.
00:24Where are you?
00:27Oh, shit.
00:33They're inside, too.
00:36You there?
00:37I found a way out.
00:38It's in here.
00:39Send reinforcements.
00:40East, hallway.
00:43Oh, my God!
00:46Send reinforcements! East hallway!
00:55I should help this guy.
01:11Oh, great.
01:21Where are you?
01:23Focus, Claire. Focus.
01:53Oh, my God!
02:00Open up! Hurry! Open up! Open this goddamn door!
02:06I'm here!
02:08Open the door! Hurry up! Hurry up and open it!
02:12Give me your hand!
02:13Help me!
02:17Hold on! Give me your hand!
02:23Oh, my God!
02:54Get off!
02:59Help! Help!
03:05Watch out!
03:09You all right?
03:11You're safe. For now.
03:17Marvin Branagh.
03:18Marvin Branagh.
03:25Obviously, someone taught you well.
03:27Yeah. I know how to take care of myself.
03:31Come on.
03:43So nobody knows what caused this?
03:48There's a lot of theories.
03:50But all I know for sure is that this place is crawling with zombies.
03:53Yeah. You're telling me.
03:57Hey, keep that on. Just in case.
04:01I'm not going to be around long.
04:03Once I find Chris, we're out of here.
04:05You're really Chris' sister?
04:09Why? Did you find something?
04:12He's on vacation.
04:14Europe, I think. Left weeks ago.
04:19That's great news.
04:21Well, I've got more for you.
04:23Looks like there might be a way out through this secret passageway.
04:32We should probably get you to a hospital.
04:34Forget about me. I can take care of myself.
04:37No. Don't be ridiculous. You're going to need some help.
04:40Listen, Claire.
04:42Save yourself.
04:45So you can see your brother again.
04:49Now, you'll probably need this.
04:54No. I'm not taking that. You're going to need...
04:59And be careful.
05:02If you see one of those things,
05:05no matter who they were, you can't hesitate.
05:08Take them out if you can.
05:11Or you run.
06:14I won't budge.
06:28It's okay.
06:29It won't hurt you. I promise.
06:33Do you need help?
06:35Here. You can take my hand.
06:39You need help.
06:42I'm sorry. I can't understand you.
06:46You need help.
06:51He's right behind you.
07:17You've got to be kidding me.
07:21We're not going to cut it.
07:27This thing's got to go down.
07:45Oh, crap.
07:48Oh, God.
08:07Little girl?
08:09It's safe now.
08:11It's over.
08:18Are you sure?
08:21Yeah. I promise.
08:23Everything's fine.
08:26I just need you to lower that ladder for me.
08:30Will you help me find my mom?
08:34Your mom is down here?
08:38I think so.
08:40I hope so.
08:48Of course.
08:50I'll help you.
09:06This way!
09:19It won't move.
09:23You got it!
09:27So, what's your mom like?
09:30She works at Umbrella.
09:32She's making an important new medicine.
09:35Umbrella? That big pharmaceutical company?
09:38Sure. I don't get to see her much.
09:41Well, hopefully you'll get to see her again soon.
09:46So, where's your dad?
09:48He, um, worked with my mom, but he's gone.
09:53Wow. Both of my parents are gone.
10:22Come on.
10:24Over there!
10:31It's closed.
10:33Damn it.
10:35We need a keycard.
10:42Here, come help.
10:52And you're sure this is the way?
10:54This is how my mom took me last time.
11:00I've been looking everywhere for you, Sherry.
11:03Brave little girl to leave her house in the middle of this mess.
11:09On the ground, hands behind your head.
11:11You can't be serious.
11:14On the ground. Now.
11:20Sherry, tie her hands.
11:23Why are you doing this?
11:25Shut up. Tie her.
11:28Okay, then. You tie her up now or she dies.
11:39What's this all about?
11:41Child endangerment for starters.
11:49Come here.
11:51What are you going to do to her?
11:53None of your fucking business.
11:55When you hurt her, I swear to God, my brother is starstruck.
11:57Sherry, get over here.
12:00What's your name?
12:04What's your fucking name?
12:08Sherry, you come with me now or say goodbye to Claire.
12:13Okay, okay, I'll go.
12:16You better be taking me to my mom.
12:20Don't listen to him. He's full of shit.
12:24Stop hurting her, please!
12:26Don't tell me how to do my job.
12:28Stop! Let me go! Let me go!
12:32Obviously, nobody taught you manners. We'll fix that.
12:35Oh, yes, we will.
12:36Let me go! Let me go!
12:39I'll get you, you fucker!
12:52Stay safe, Sherry.
