What Can You Cut With Paper

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00:00Did you know you can cut almost anything with paper?
00:02I didn't know.
00:03Snap a car in half with rubber bands?
00:04That's false.
00:05Make a knife blade out of milk?
00:07That's illogical.
00:08In this video, we're going to be answering the weirdest questions on the internet.
00:11This is an explosive baseball bat.
00:13It's a double barrel, 50 caliber baseball bat.
00:18It's powered by 27 caliber rifle blades.
00:23It's quad was about 50 milliseconds.
00:25That's genius.
00:27Did the drone hit the tee?
00:28It cut before we saw it.
00:29I need answers.
00:30That is a very important question.
00:32Screw the science behind why this is so-
00:34All right, more importantly, wow.
00:35It was flying over the tree.
00:39It did.
00:39The drone was like, oh crap, my bad.
00:41He's rolling a big one.
00:43Oh wait, this is King of Random.
00:44He's probably doing some science stuff.
00:46Can you make a rope strong enough to pull a car out of paper towels?
00:49I would think no, but it looks like it's actually working.
00:52It makes sense though, because when you thread things together, it makes them super strong.
00:56What you're seeing here is a trampoline-
00:58I can't hear you.
00:59It was really loud.
01:00My left ear is hurting.
01:01This is a trampoline made of thousands of rubber bands.
01:04Oh my God, that actually is working.
01:08They didn't tell us how much that weighed though.
01:09It would have been nice to know how many pounds of force it stopped, but oh well.
01:13You know what we haven't done though?
01:15Crush a car of rubber bands.
01:16Yeah, we crushed a safe, which I personally thought was one of the most incredible things
01:20we've ever done.
01:21It also looks like a good way for somebody to get smacked with a rubber band.
01:27These guys are-
01:29I think what he said is the car's about to squish.
01:31And then it squished.
01:34I wish we could speak Russian so we could do stuff with these guys.
01:37They seem pretty smart.
01:38Why did you zoom in on his butt?
01:39Is that just a Russian thing?
01:40You just zoom in on butts?
01:41I think that's the everywhere thing.
01:43Everybody likes a good butt.
01:44Have you ever wondered if lightsabers are real?
01:46They're not.
01:46They're from movies.
01:47You're stupid.
01:48They are.
01:49I should have known this.
01:50I was literally there when we cut into a safe in a video.
01:52Hacksmith made the world's first real working lightsaber.
01:55I legit held this lightsaber and then-
01:57Jimmy, shut up.
01:59They're doing such cool stuff.
02:00Fair enough.
02:01Look at that.
02:01It's going right through the door.
02:02Did you get to do this?
02:04It looks like there was some cutting involved.
02:06Not with the saber.
02:07I'm talking about the camera.
02:08Cutting your mom.
02:09Waterpark made out of tape.
02:11Is the tape sticky though?
02:12They might be onto something.
02:14I guess tape is kind of just like a bunch of plastic
02:16and then water slides are a bunch of plastic.
02:18They could have done this with tarp
02:19and it would have been probably way easier.
02:21Three, three, three, three.
02:24He just said three, four times?
02:26I mean, there are multiple slides.
02:28It constitutes as a waterpark.
02:30Yo, these guys are kind of showing us up.
02:32They're kind of doing what we were doing in like 2018.
02:34But we recreated Squid Game.
02:35They bought rolls of duct tape.
02:37That's impressive.
02:38Squid Games was already made.
02:39It's easy.
02:39Netflix, you had the blueprint set up.
02:42They had the blueprint.
02:44Not with duct tape.
02:45How strong is hair?
02:46Ew, gross.
02:46Why does hair gross me out?
02:48Hair grosses me out so much.
02:49It's the hydraulic press guy.
02:51I love this channel.
02:52I'm shouting them out because I like them.
02:54Wait, are they going to be able to lift that with just hair?
02:56Oh my god.
02:57Wow, hair is strong.
02:59It can lift whole 277 kilos.
03:03The hair on your head can lift 600 pounds.
03:06Take someone with long hair.
03:06You're telling me you can just lift them by their hair?
03:08It would probably hurt profusely.
03:10Does the hair in the video look like it's in pain?
03:11That's a good point, dog.
03:13You got me on that one.
03:14A boat made from plastic water bottles?
03:16Apparently you can just make any...
03:17Why is your hand on my hand?
03:18Why did you want to touch my hand?
03:20I'll let it slide this one time.
03:21Apparently you can make a boat out of anything these days.
03:23They're going like rafting in it.
03:24Flying a man with only balloons.
03:26David Blaine did this.
03:27Are they doing what David Blaine did?
03:28This is pretty crazy.
03:30Dude, this is what we tried to do but couldn't do.
03:33What happens if all the balloons just started popping?
03:35He pops on the ground.
03:37Not worth it to me.
03:38I would do it.
03:39Sign me up.
03:39I jumped off of building for this channel.
03:41You haven't seen it yet, but you will.
03:43Not this channel.
03:43Wrong channel.
03:44I forgot this is the good channel.
03:46You should subscribe.
03:47Oh no, Jimmy.
03:49I'm sorry.
03:50You're going to watch somebody fly with a leaf blower and actually do it.
03:53You're going to see somebody be a bigger man than you are.
03:56We tried to make me fly, not a plane.
03:58He still achieved flight.
04:00He got closer than you.
04:01No way.
04:02Are you kidding me?
04:04If that keeps going, that's the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life.
04:06Now there's just a runaway plane with a leaf blower.
04:08No, I think he has control over it.
04:10Look at it.
04:11It's like listing and tilting and stuff.
04:13There's no way this is going to work.
04:14Just throw it.
04:15And then it works and they're like, oh.
04:16Oh crap.
04:17Now we got to stop it.
04:18Now there's a leaf blower plane terrorizing the town.
04:21Let's say you need some food and all you have is your McDonald's that you ate
04:25yesterday and you need to go fishing.
04:27What you're going to do is get some thread from your grandma.
04:29Do you want to miss it?
04:30This is definitely a question I did not need an answer to.
04:33Well, now you got it.
04:34No chance does he actually catch a fish.
04:37Oh guys, I got a big bluegill.
04:39He should have put a chicken nugget on the end of the fishing hook as well.
04:42That's a pretty impressive catch for that.
04:44I know that sounded ironic, but that's a pretty big fish to catch on a McDonald's box in a straw.
04:49McDonald's four piece box in a straw.
04:51I love how he has all the attire on though.
04:53So he looks so serious.
04:54Can you cut this thing with paper?
04:56We did this in a video back in the day.
04:58Oh, look at coconut.
04:59We did a coconut.
05:00It's like you go on Google and you go, what can paper cut?
05:04Wow, look at all these things paper can cut.
05:06Everyone does the same thing.
05:07Now we're back to the giga chad that is Hacksmith.
05:09I didn't know he owned a suit like this.
05:11He should wear this more often.
05:12He should have wore it when he came to town.
05:14Yeah, it looks good on him.
05:15Look at that.
05:15And he made a working iron, oh.
05:18Ooh, an iron man shield?
05:20An iron man shield?
05:22Mr. Tony Stark's known for his shield, the symbol of Iron Man.
05:26I deserve it.
05:27Are we done?
05:27Yeah, all the Marvel kids are crying right now, aren't you?
05:30I want to say this.
05:30I'm so glad that Disney bought Marvel because...
05:33Bro, he's shooting lasers and you're talking about stupid things?
05:39Oh, that's so cool.
05:41I'll admit it.
05:42He's cooler than us, specifically Chris.
05:44That's a low, low bar.
05:46Self-deprecation, the best form of comedy
05:48because nobody else gets hurt except for yourself.
05:50Tesla versus Tank.
05:52Which is winning, Tank or Tesla?
05:54I'm going to say Tank.
05:56Gentleman's bet.
05:57It's our honor on the line.
05:58I vote Tesla, he votes Tank.
06:00If you're right, nothing happens.
06:02If I'm right, I shave your eyebrows.
06:03No, shaving eyebrows is my thing.
06:05I like shaving your eyebrows.
06:06I just want to do it once.
06:07The internet would love it.
06:08If that's your fetish.
06:09My fetish is this guy into this tank top.
06:12He's killing it.
06:13Three, two, one, go.
06:17Oh, that was...
06:19What was the point of the countdown?
06:21Elon Musk.
06:23Elon, what are you going to do?
06:25Your car can drive itself,
06:26but versus an artillery vehicle at war,
06:30it would be incapacitated.
06:31What's the point of Tesla having the highest safety rating
06:33of all time if it can't tow a tank?
06:35Your child might be safe, but you can't tow a tank.
06:37See that water jet?
06:38Do you think he can cut that bowling ball in half?
06:40Get to the point.
06:41There's no point, it's a ball.
06:42That's all I wanted.
06:44Nice, like a cake.
06:45How do you make a machine that shoots water that quick?
06:47PSI, pressure per square inch.
06:50And by pressure, I meant pound.
06:51Wait, bowling balls are thick?
06:53What did you think they were?
06:54I thought they were hollow.
06:55You've never watched How It's Made?
06:56It's Fidget Spinner Rocket.
07:00Wait, it's...
07:02That's dangerous.
07:04Directly behind what they were hiding behind got caught on fire.
07:08Oh, it lost the firework.
07:10That's going fast.
07:11That was needlessly dangerous.
07:14Hey guys, don't do that at home.
07:15But cool.
07:16Cleaning tank.
07:16Oh my God.
07:17It's a tank that cleans.
07:18It's literally a cleaning tank.
07:20That is genius, dude.
07:21Sometimes I think I'm smart and then I'm like,
07:23why did I never think to do this with like a RC car or anything?
07:27I was a stupid child.
07:27How about this?
07:28Give your kid an RC car, but put a little vacuum on the front.
07:31When he plays with it, it cleans the house.
07:33I should just be a father.
07:34I should put all of the tools to make this in front of Tucker.
07:37And if he can't somehow put together this cleaning robot, then...
07:41Put him up for adoption.
07:42This next person is going to make a knife with milk.
07:44Wait, why did milk lumpy?
07:46You mean chunky.
07:46Why chunky, Jimmy?
07:47Because it went bad.
07:50I'm disgusted.
07:51I'm disgusted, but I'm also curious how this works.
07:53I can't stop.
07:54Yeah, I can't stop watching it, but I'm utterly disgusted.
07:57Milk hardens if you leave it out?
07:58It hardened over time.
08:00Like it calcified, right?
08:01That's why you should check the expiration date.
08:03They never drink chunky milk.
08:04You know what else they should check?
08:05The subscribe button.
08:06If it doesn't say subscribe, I'm going to punch you.