LA 2028 chiefs outline the impact five new sports will have on the Olympics

  • last month
Cricket, flag football, baseball/softball, squash and lacrosse will be added to the Los Angeles Games in 2028
00:00We're actually bringing five sports. So we've got flag football, we've got cricket, we've got squash,
00:06we've got lacrosse, and we've got baseball and softball. And so our belief in the beginning is
00:12we want to have the greatest sports program in the history of the Olympics because we are a
00:15great sporting city. And so we are bringing some of the most important, most traditional,
00:20most meaningful sports in our country, baseball, softball, and flag football. And we're bringing
00:25some of the most important, most accessible sports in the world, cricket and squash.
00:30There's a billion and a half people who cricket is what makes the sun rise and sunset every day.
00:35And they're going to be paying attention to the Olympics like they never have. And that's an
00:38audience and a group of people who's going to have an exposure and awareness to LA that may
00:42not have paid attention. And you think about lacrosse. It's a sport that has a truly special
00:47history in our country, created by the six nations. It's truly authentic to the land we are on.
00:55And including that in the program was a really special opportunity. And the 36 sports we have
00:59on our program will mean this will be the greatest collection of athletes the history of the world
01:03has ever seen in one place.
