Hindi movie clips

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00:00Don't pick up the phone.
00:01I told you last time, didn't I?
00:03Don't do it.
00:05Don't do it.
00:06Baby, don't do it.
00:08If you want me to stop, then tell me to stop.
00:10Stop! I'm telling you to stop! Can't you hear me?
00:13I asked you to talk to me, didn't I? Talk to me!
00:16Why do you keep shouting at me?
00:18Rumi, last time...
00:19What last time?
00:21I made a mistake last time.
00:22It was my mistake, okay?
00:30Look, listen.
00:32If I hadn't married Robby, I wouldn't have stopped you.
00:34Rumi, until you are married,
00:36you will make this mistake.
00:39Tell me something.
00:41When Robby loves you,
00:44do you close your eyes and think about me?
00:48Or do you open your eyes and look at him?
00:59You should have told me that you were going to be late.
01:02I was waiting for you to have dinner.
01:05You didn't have dinner yesterday, and I was waiting for you.
01:08If you had told me once...
01:10I would have told you.
01:14If you still close your eyes, you look at him.
01:20I would have told you.
01:25I would have told you.
01:30You still don't lose your habit.
01:41You deserve him.
01:45You are made for each other.
01:47I can't stand for you, and you can't stand for yourself.
01:50You keep looking at each other all day.
01:53If you are hungry, you eat each other.
01:55You get inside each other. That's it.
01:58You make me sick.
02:05You still have a choice.
02:08I told you, Robby.
02:10I told you, because I love you.
02:18And I told you, because I love you.
02:28Very, very much.
02:30Very, very much.
02:37But you lied to me.
03:26Next time, when you go to meet him...
03:30go in a car.
03:34Not a rickshaw or your friend's scooter...
03:36with your face covered, wearing glasses like a thief.
04:00I'm sorry for last night.
04:04It was too much.
04:13I'm sorry.
04:16I'm sorry.
04:19I'm sorry.
04:22I'm sorry.
04:25I'm sorry.
04:28I'm sorry.
04:31I'm sorry.
04:35I don't want to be at the wedding.
04:41Anyway, the wedding registration was next week.
04:45There won't be a problem in being legally separated.
04:50So, the wedding is over now?
04:55This wedding never took place.
05:00You don't have to worry.
05:03Nothing will happen to you.
05:06There are a lot of people...
05:09who come from London, Canada to get married.
05:13They go back as soon as the wedding night is over.
05:18People will think I'm the same.
05:20Are you out of your mind?
05:23It's not a joke.
05:25You can do it, you can break it.
05:28It's not a joke, son.
05:29You're married.
05:40Sandhu's son is still alive?
05:47So what?
05:50He got married to you.
05:53You forget everything.
05:56You forget everything.
06:19I thought you'd be okay.
06:24I tried my best.
06:26When you've decided not to live together...
06:28what can you do?
06:30It's up to them.
06:32This is the water purifier.
06:35You gave me 21 pairs.
06:3720 in the suitcase and one in his clothes.
06:41How embarrassing.
06:43If you don't have a girl, you should've come back.
06:46You should've settled everything, Prabhakar.
06:52Would you like some tea?
06:57No, I'm good.
06:59I'll be right back.
07:00I'll be right back.
07:02I'll be right back.
07:04I'll be right back.
07:06I'll be right back.
07:08I'll be right back.
07:11I'll be right back.
07:13Some other time.
07:15I'll drink the tea you make.
