दिल्ली में हुए कोचिंग हादसे के बाद पटना जिला प्रशासन ने सतर्कता बढ़ाते हुए पटना में चल रहे सभी कोचिंग संस्थानों की जांच शुरू की और इसी कड़ी में कुल 124 कोचिंग संस्थान ऐसे पाए गए जो मानकों पर खरे नहीं उतर रहे थे। उन कोचिंग संस्थानों को बंद करने के दिशानिर्देश पटना जिलाधिकारी ने दे दिए हैं। अभीतक कुल 1100 आवेदन प्राप्त हुए हैं जिनमें से 500 कोचिंग संस्थानों का निबंधन किया जा चुका है और अन्य 600 कोचिंग संस्थानों की जांच जारी है। डीएम ने साफ किया कि जो भी कोचिंग सेंटर पटना जिला प्रशासन द्वारा बनाए गए मानकों पर खरे नहीं उतरेंगे उन पर मुकम्मल कार्रवाई की जाएगी।
#patna #biharnews #patnadm #delhicoaching #districtadministration #coachinginstitute
#patna #biharnews #patnadm #delhicoaching #districtadministration #coachinginstitute
00:00We have received about 1,100 applications and all of them have been tested.
00:07As per the results, we are getting the applications.
00:10We have received about 500 applications for coaching so far.
00:15We are also renewing some of the applications.
00:19We are getting them tested regularly and we will do it very soon.
00:24The application will not be delayed.
00:27We have received about 600 applications for coaching so far.
00:33We are giving notice to all of them regarding the shortcomings.
00:38We are giving them a month's time.
00:43We will find out the shortcomings.
00:47After that, we will verify the shortcomings.
00:51We will take the necessary action.
00:54The applications that have been rejected,
00:57the applications that have not been found worthy of being rejected,
01:00about 124 coaching institutions,
01:03their list has been given to all of them.
01:05If they are not managed properly, they will be shut down completely.
01:10Because they did not have the infrastructure to run them.
01:15That is why they were not rejected and they will not run.