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It is very difficult to get recollection of past lives unless so many layers around one's Soul get cut off. Once the vision is crystal clear only then one can find out about past lives.
00:00What proofs you have for reincarnation?
00:04Then how can you recall experiences of past lives?
00:09How can you recognize another person that you met in past life?
00:15At the time of death and after death,
00:21memory, you get total loss of memory.
00:27Past memory totally goes away
00:31because of the severe pain of death.
00:37Because of that, you can't remember anything of your past.
00:43Same way, at the time of death,
00:46during stay in the womb and the next delivery of your next life,
00:55one has to pass, soul has to pass through so many pains, agonies.
01:01So when severe pain is there,
01:05anybody can get loss of memory, unconsciousness, even right now also.
01:11So during these phases,
01:15there is a lot of problem of memory.
01:21You forget everything about your past life.
01:24So it's very difficult to get recollection of your past life.
01:28Only when so many layers around your soul get cut off,
01:34you can have pure vision, direct vision of your soul.
01:40Then and then only you can find some past life's events.
01:46Otherwise not.
01:48It's very difficult because all the time
01:51you are involved in all this worldly life,
01:55good and bad, anger, lust, greed, pride,
01:59all these things have surrounded you
02:02and you are all the time engrossed in it.
02:05So you won't be able to find inner peace, inner clearance.
02:11Vision is always surrounded by all these things.
02:14It is dirty, not clear, crystal clear vision.
02:19Then you can find out your past things.
02:22But it is not important to find out what was you in the past life.
02:28This is all useless thing.
02:32Whatever I am here right now, I am interested in my present.
02:36I want to forget my past.
02:38In this life also I want to forget my past
02:41because past will always make you unhappy.
02:44Future will also make you unhappy.
02:48If you remain in present, you are always at bliss and joy,
02:52full of happiness.
02:55So always try to remain in present.
02:58Those who have seen past life in this life,
03:03they also don't give any importance to that
03:07because it always gives unhappiness.
03:10Right now in this life,
03:13one finds that his mother of this life
03:18is wife of his past life.
03:22So how can he live with his mother?
03:26It will be very painful to him.
03:28So this memory is not required.
03:31On the contrary, it is good if you forget your past life.
03:35You remain in present life.
03:43Copyright ┬й 2020 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
03:45No part of this recording may be reproduced
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