Ep 19B: Khadija's Role in the Beginning of the Revelation | Lessons from the Seerah | Yasir Qadhi

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Ep 19B: Khadija's Role in the Beginning of the Revelation | Lessons from the Seerah | Yasir Qadhi


00:00The Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam returned back to Khadija, his heart was palpitating
00:08and he says to her, cover me up, cover me up.
00:13He told Khadija all that had happened and I am worried for myself.
00:19So Khadija responded to him, that no by Allah, there's no reason for you to be scared.
00:27You are good to your kin, and you take on the burdens of other people, and you give
00:35money to those who have nothing, and you are hospitable to the guest, and you do all types
00:43of good.
00:44And according to one book, Khadija, she immediately went to Adas, a Christian slave of one of
00:50the uncles of the Prophet, he was the one who eventually accepted Islam at the incident
00:54of Ta'if.
00:55Khadija first went to him and asked him if he was familiar with what is going on.
01:00He said, what?
01:02The angel of God in this heathen place of idols of Mecca?
01:06How is this possible?
01:08Because he understood this as an angel.
01:09So when Khadija got the sense that this is something that is related to Judaism and Christianity,
01:15then according to the word reported in Bukhari, she goes to Waraqa ibn Nawfal.
01:18So Waraqa ibn Nawfal is Khadija's older cousin.
01:22He says that Wallahi, this is the same keeper of secrets, and he calls him An-Namus, holiest
01:29of holy.
01:30This is the major angel that came down to Musa, how I wish I were a young man, so that
01:37I could help you when your nation ridicules you, persecutes you, expels you.
01:43My nation will expel me?
01:45Waraqa says, yes, because never has any prophet been sent except that his people ridiculed
01:52him, persecuted him, and expelled him.
01:54And you're not going to be any different.
01:56So after Iqra, for another six months, nothing was revealed.
02:00And we don't know an exact date.
02:01Some say three months, some say six months.
02:03And so the process is resumed a little bit back to normal.
02:06And then when I was just walking about my way, I heard a sound.
02:10I looked up in the heavens, and I saw the same angel that had come to me in Iqra, sitting
02:18on a throne or sitting on a kursi that was in the heavens and the earth.
02:25And once again, I trembled, and I began to palpitate.
02:29I rushed back to Khadija again, saying, Zammiluni, Zammiluni.
02:35According to one report, he said, Dathiruni, Dathiruni.
02:38And that was when Jibreel came and revealed the second revelation.
02:42Ya ayyuhal muddathir, O you who is wrapped up in garments, Qum fa-andhir, stand up and warn.
02:50So with Iqra, they say he became a nabi.
02:54With Qum fa-andhir, they say he became a rasul.
02:57That now you need to go and spread the message.
02:59Qum fa-andhir.
03:00And when you warn the people, what should you do?
03:02Warabbaka fakabbir.
03:03Make sure you glorify your Lord.
03:06Throughout this warning, you need to pray to Him, have strength from Him, worship Him.
03:10Wathiyabaka fatahhir.
03:12And as you go and tell others to be pure, make sure you yourself are pure.
03:15And make sure that your clothes are clean.
03:17But there's a symbolism here, that make sure you are not polluted with sins,
03:21as you tell the other people not to be polluted with sins.
03:24Wathiyabaka fatahhir, warrujiza fa-ajur.
03:27And abandon all false idols.
03:29Wala tamnun tastakthir.
03:31And don't be greedy for what is in the hands of men.
03:34Don't be greedy for what they have, that they do favors for you.
03:37No, do things for the sake of Allah, and expect your reward from Allah.
03:40So, these verses are again clearly munasib.
03:44They fit in perfectly with what the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam is supposed to do,
03:47and that is to warn the people.
