Schneeweischen Und Rosenrot (1979) ENG sub

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00:08:50How much are the hamper men?
00:08:52One kreuzer, little one.
00:08:56But the big one costs half a kreuzer more.
00:09:01I'll have to ask my mother first.
00:09:13I'll buy the hamper men.
00:09:20Or the little one.
00:09:23Or maybe the child.
00:09:27Or the big one.
00:09:28I'll buy them all.
00:09:30All of them, the way they hang there.
00:09:36Then take them all.
00:09:38Schöne Hamper.
00:09:48Und die sind alle für euch.
00:10:01Das ist ein Läufer.
00:10:03Schöne Hamper.
00:10:06Diese Decke passt auf einen großen Tisch.
00:10:09Den Wandteppich hängt man hinter das Bett.
00:10:18Dieser hier ist für eine Eckbank.
00:10:24Gefällt euch nichts?
00:10:26Ich glaube, ihr habt gar nicht richtig hingesehen.
00:10:30Mir genügt es.
00:10:31Packt alles für mich zusammen.
00:10:34Dazu nehme ich diese beiden Taschen hier.
00:10:39Die Wolle ist von unserem Schafen.
00:10:41Die Knöpfe hat meine Schwester geschnitzt.
00:10:54Das ist der Hermannienstollen.
00:10:56Der Wald, die Felsen und alles.
00:10:58Der Wagen holt gerade das Silber ab.
00:11:01Der Hermannienstollen?
00:11:12Ist der Eingang jetzt mit Stämmen vernagelt?
00:11:15Woher kennt ihr den unheimlichen Stollen?
00:11:18Wir haben ihn auf der Jagd entdeckt.
00:11:20Warum nennt ihr ihn unheimlich?
00:11:23Ein bösartiger Geist geht darin um.
00:11:26Er hat die Bergleute vertrieben.
00:11:28Von allen Männern ist nur mein Großvater dageblieben.
00:11:31Er hat keine Angst vor dem Bergeisb.
00:11:33Und ich auch nicht.
00:11:36Er will es noch mal versuchen mit dem Stollen.
00:11:38Aber er braucht mindestens 2 Männer, die mutig sind
00:11:40und nicht Frauenkinder haben.
00:11:42Wie soll er die finden?
00:11:44Außer uns wohnen nur noch Schneeweißen und Rosenrot
00:11:46in dem verlassenen Tal.
00:11:48Sag deinem Großvater, wir würden mitgehen.
00:11:50Wir sind keine Bergleute, aber wir fürchten uns nicht.
00:11:52Und wer seid ihr?
00:11:54Wir sind Jäger.
00:11:56Ich heiße Michael.
00:11:58Und das ist mein Bruder Andreas.
00:12:01Und ich bin Klaus.
00:12:06Dürfen wir euch besuchen?
00:12:08Wenn wir zurückkommen?
00:12:12Unsere Mutter freut sich immer über Besuch.
00:12:15Und wir auch.
00:12:17Geht nicht in den Stollen.
00:12:19Der Berggeist würde euch töten.
00:12:24Bei der nächsten Jagd kommen wir.
00:12:26Bis zur nächsten Jagd können Wochen vergehen.
00:12:28Der alte Bergmann könnte krank werden
00:12:30oder den Mut verlieren.
00:12:32Wir dürfen nicht so lange warten.
00:12:34Was redest du vom Großvater,
00:12:36wenn es dir um Rosenrot geht?
00:12:38Und du?
00:12:40Geht es dir vielleicht nur um den Stollen?
00:12:42Ich möchte wissen, was in dem Berg vor sich geht.
00:12:46Aber vielmehr denke ich an Schneeweißchen.
00:12:50Noch nie hat mir ein Mädchen so gut gefallen.
00:12:52Suchen wir uns eine Herberge.
00:12:54Wenn die auch nach Hause reiten,
00:12:56kommen wir so schnell nicht wieder weg?
00:13:18Drei große Tafeltücher.
00:13:20War zu kleine Decken.
00:13:22Sogar Kissen, Läufer, Wandbehänge.
00:13:24Ohne ein einziges Stück gründlich zu prüfen.
00:13:30Und der andere kauft ohne Sinn und Verstand
00:13:32Spielzeug zusammen
00:13:34und verschenkt die Hälfte an wildfremde Kinder.
00:13:38Wer so leichtfertig sein Geld ausgibt,
00:13:40hat nicht schwer dafür gearbeitet.
00:13:42Vielleicht haben sie nicht alles für sich gekauft.
00:13:44Fremdes Geld zu verschwenden ist noch schlimmer.
00:13:46Was ist das?
00:13:48Sonst bist du froh,
00:13:50wenn wir ein Kissen
00:13:52und ein paar Weidenkörper verkauft haben.
00:13:54Sonst sind die Kunden keine jungen Männer
00:13:56und ihr sprecht nicht unentwegt von ihnen.
00:14:02Ihr habt zwei Jäger getroffen,
00:14:04die ihr Geld ausgeben,
00:14:06als hätten sie es gerade im Wald gefunden.
00:14:10Und ihr bewundert sie wie Königssöhne.
00:14:12Wie Königssöhne?
00:14:17Ich hätte mit den anderen wegziehen sollen.
00:14:19Dann wärt ihr wenigstens immer unter Menschen
00:14:21und wüsstet besser,
00:14:23wie es in der Welt zugeht.
00:14:35Schneeweißchen, ich freue mich doch auch,
00:14:37dass ihr so viel verkauft habt.
00:14:39Und wenn der Winter früh kommt,
00:14:41bleiben ja kaum noch Markttage in diesem Jahr.
00:14:45Schneeweißchen, Rosenroth,
00:14:47die Jäger sind da.
00:14:53Frau Gertrud, guten Tag.
00:14:55Großvater ist fragen,
00:14:57ob ihr ihm eure Lampe bauen würdet.
00:14:59Es sind zwei Männer gekommen,
00:15:01die wollen mit ihm in den Stollen.
00:15:03Gib ihm nicht die Lampe.
00:15:05Der Bergleist wird sie töten.
00:15:07Die Bergleute in dem Stollen
00:15:09erschlagen und verschüttet wurden.
00:15:11Aber Großvater wird nie wieder
00:15:13zwei Männer finden, die mitgehen wollen.
00:15:17Großvater Matthias ist all die Jahre hier geblieben,
00:15:19weil er die Hoffnung nie aufgegeben hat.
00:15:23Wenn der Bergleist
00:15:25die Menschen jetzt in Ruhe lässt,
00:15:29dann holen wir alle zurück.
00:15:37Ich wünsche deinem Großvater
00:15:39und den beiden Fremden Glück.
00:15:45Und wenn sie aus dem Stollen zurück sind,
00:15:47dann sollen alle zu uns kommen.
00:15:49Du natürlich auch.
00:16:07Die Hecke ist wieder verschlossen.
00:16:30Wie groß ist die Macht des Bergleistes?
00:16:32Sie reicht nicht weiter
00:16:34als der Schatten des Berges.
00:16:36Der Typ ist in unser Dorf gekommen.
00:17:06Hier wurde Schneeweißjens
00:17:08und Rosenroths Vater erschlagen.
00:17:10Der Bergleist
00:17:12hat diesen Felsen
00:17:14nach ihm geschleudert.
00:17:16Könnte sich das Gestein
00:17:18nicht zufällig gelöst haben?
00:17:20Er hat am Ende des Stollens
00:17:22etwas entdeckt.
00:17:24Als er es uns zeigen wollte,
00:17:26stürzte dieser Felsen auf uns.
00:17:28Er hat uns den Felsen
00:17:32Der Bergleist
00:17:34stürzte dieser Felsen auf ihn.
00:17:47Wir dürfen uns nicht irre machen lassen.
00:18:34Diesen Schatz
00:18:36hatte der Vater
00:18:38der Mädchen entdeckt.
00:18:40Darum musste er sterben.
00:18:42In diesem Berg
00:18:44stecken mehr Schätze
00:18:46als in irgendeinem anderen Gebirge.
00:19:00Wir holen die Schätze
00:19:02Wir holen die mutigsten Bergleute
00:19:04des ganzen Landes hierher.
00:19:08Für euch sind die traurigen Zeiten vorbei.
00:19:12Was ist das?
00:19:28Mir ist so heiß.
00:19:32Ein Hammer?
00:19:36Wie für ein Kind?
00:20:02Ist er tot?
00:20:08Er atmet noch.
00:20:32Dort hin.
00:20:58Es ist keine schwere Verletzung.
00:21:07Hearst du das?
00:21:13Dass wir die Quelle jetzt erst sehen.
00:21:15Wir haben nur auf Matthias geachtet.
00:21:19Vielleicht kommt er zu sich,
00:21:21wenn wir ihm ein nasses Tuch auf die Stirn legen.
00:21:32I'm thirsty.
00:21:33Me too.
00:22:33Ha ha ha ha ha!
00:22:37Do you still want to take back the human pack?
00:22:40And rob my treasures?
00:22:43As bear and falcon you will live.
00:22:47By man and animal.
00:22:49Hunted and hunted.
00:22:52You are the one and only.
00:22:55And can never be the other.
00:22:58Unless you are loved in this form.
00:23:04But that will never happen.
00:23:09Before the moon changes three times, you are starved.
00:23:14Or killed by the hunters.
00:23:59The horses!
00:24:00They're back!
00:24:03Don't you hear me?
00:24:10What happened?
00:24:11Grandfather suddenly came to the horse.
00:24:13He lay down when he sat.
00:24:14The other ran after him.
00:24:16Without the brothers?
00:24:17When I heard him and ran out, he fell down.
00:24:20Like dead.
00:24:21He's bleeding.
00:24:22But he's alive.
00:24:23And then?
00:24:24He couldn't say anything anymore.
00:24:26Wake up!
00:24:31Where are Andreas and Michael?
00:24:35I don't know.
00:24:37They must have brought me out of the mountain.
00:24:41And then?
00:24:43When I came to, they were no longer there.
00:24:51You are unlucky.
00:24:53Or trapped.
00:24:54Trapped somewhere.
00:24:57We have to find them.
00:24:58We want to carry him in.
00:25:00The mother will be here soon.
00:25:02She can help him better than we can.
00:25:07When grandfather is awake again, I'll come after him.
00:25:25We'll never see you again.
00:25:29When you're dead, we'll leave.
00:25:33I hate these stables.
00:25:35The mother will come too.
00:25:37If you brought grandfather out of the stables,
00:25:40you'll escape the mountain spirit too.
00:26:00Can you hear us?
00:26:09We have to go to the entrance.
00:26:12Maybe they can't answer.
00:26:25The sound of thunder
00:26:50We'll go straight to the stables.
00:26:52not to the left and not to the right until we are in front of it.
00:27:10We can't get through here.
00:27:33M and A. Michael and Andreas.
00:27:37There were the horses.
00:27:43Maybe they already fought the mountain ghost here.
00:27:52I don't know.
00:28:00Why didn't we see the source before?
00:28:06I'm thirsty.
00:28:10Don't drink from it! There has never been a source here.
00:28:14I'm terribly thirsty.
00:28:46Did you find them?
00:29:46No one leads the sword as well as you do, Master Bertram.
00:29:50Bring Michael and Andreas back to me.
00:29:55Every enemy of your sons shall be killed by this sword.
00:30:05You, hunter Dietmar,
00:30:08have the sharpest eye and the safest hand.
00:30:13I will save your sons from every danger,
00:30:16and I will risk my life.
00:30:19I will risk my life.
00:30:49I will risk my life.
00:31:19I wish you a good day and a good hunt, gentlemen.
00:31:23We thank you for the wishes, but we are not hunting.
00:31:27What else should hunters of the king be looking for in the forest?
00:31:31We are looking for two young men.
00:31:34Something may have happened to them in this abandoned area.
00:31:38Do you live near here, grandfather?
00:31:41Yes, I live here.
00:31:44I live here.
00:31:46Do you live near here, grandfather?
00:31:55Calm down.
00:32:00Two handsome gentlemen of proud races.
00:32:04One blond with bright eyes, the other dark.
00:32:09Matisse or Melchior was the name of the blond,
00:32:12and Albrecht... no, no, no.
00:32:15Almarich or Adalbert...
00:32:18Maybe they were called Michael and Andreas.
00:32:21You are saying it, Mr. Hufjäger.
00:32:24Michael and Andreas, yes,
00:32:27were the two brothers who asked me for the shortest way out of this forest.
00:32:34They wanted to ride in the south before winter.
00:32:38Do you understand that, Master Bertram?
00:32:40Why did they tell you that?
00:32:43Because I saved them from death.
00:32:46They were lost in the forest for three days and three nights,
00:32:50and found no way out.
00:32:52And when did you meet them?
00:32:55Well, the moon has changed once in a while.
00:33:01You don't catch them anymore.
00:33:10I don't know.
00:33:20Not far from here, a big brown bear drives its creatures.
00:33:25A falcon always flies around in its vicinity.
00:33:29You should bring the fur of the bear and the feathers of the falcon to your king.
00:33:40I don't know.
00:34:05That was a good throw, Dietmar.
00:34:07He was as careless as a young bird.
00:34:10As if he was not afraid of us.
00:34:18Shoot, Dietmar!
00:34:38Shall we try again?
00:34:41The first snowfield.
00:34:44We can't see anything now. We'll go to the stables with Grandfather Matthias tomorrow.
00:34:52That can only be Grandfather Matthias.
00:34:55Here? So close to the stables?
00:35:07Let's go.
00:36:08Grandfather Matthias!
00:36:11Where are you?
00:36:16Something must have happened.
00:36:31A beautiful boy.
00:36:34A beautiful evening, you girls.
00:36:38Good evening. Good evening.
00:36:41What brought you here?
00:36:44Or did you want to collect the last mushrooms?
00:36:48What happened?
00:36:51Like what just happened.
00:36:55I wanted to make a little firewood, but...
00:36:58I wanted to make a little firewood, but...
00:37:07Just leave it, dear child.
00:37:10I'll do it myself.
00:37:14Go home before it gets dark.
00:37:17It's not safe here.
00:37:20Oh, we'll go quickly then.
00:37:29Be careful, girls.
00:37:34There's no other way.
00:37:40What are you doing?
00:37:44You ungrateful bastards!
00:37:47You ungrateful bastards!
00:37:50You ungrateful bastards!
00:37:53You ungrateful bastards!
00:37:56You ungrateful bastards!
00:37:59How dare you cut off a piece of my proud beard?
00:38:03How dare you cut off a piece of my proud beard?
00:38:07What did you give me?
00:38:09What did you give me?
00:38:25What did you give me?
00:38:43Come on, Snow White.
00:38:46We still have to fill the other food pit.
00:38:55We still have to fill the other food pit.
00:39:11We haven't been strolling for a long time.
00:39:14You know what we promised Mother.
00:39:18It's going to get dark soon.
00:39:25It's going to get dark soon.
00:39:30Snow White, there were riders here.
00:39:39The tracks are fresh.
00:39:43They're coming back.
00:39:49Greetings, girls.
00:39:52Be careful. There's a big bear running around here.
00:39:55We're right behind him.
00:39:57What's wrong with him?
00:40:00Maybe he can't fly anymore.
00:40:20What's wrong with him?
00:40:23Maybe he can't fly anymore.
00:40:28The hunters shot him.
00:40:38Poor Volker. We'll take care of him until he can go back to the forest.
00:40:57We'll take care of him until he can go back to the forest.
00:41:27We'll take care of him until he can go back to the forest.
00:41:57We're not getting married.
00:41:59You're still haunted by those two hunters.
00:42:02They don't think of you anymore.
00:42:08You always said we should never separate.
00:42:11But we can only stay together if we marry two brothers who understand each other as well as we do.
00:42:22She always liked it here.
00:42:27Of course.
00:42:29But it's not about me.
00:42:31I could stay here with Grandfather Matthias.
00:42:34But you're young.
00:42:36You shouldn't ruin your life in this one-night stand.
00:42:53What sad eyes he has.
00:42:57I've never seen a man like you.
00:43:02Come in to the stove and warm yourself.
00:43:45Are you happy, yes?
00:43:47That you got company from the forest?
00:43:53You know each other.
00:44:06He's hurt.
00:44:11That looks bad.
00:44:14We'll make you a herbal bandage.
00:44:16Then it'll heal quickly.
00:44:18If you want, you can stay with us until spring.
00:44:23And you?
00:44:25You'll stay until winter is over.
00:45:06The first beautiful spring day.
00:45:08Are you coming with us?
00:45:52Come on.
00:46:22Come on.
00:46:30You hideous, sneaky scoundrel!
00:46:34Haven't I punished you enough?
00:46:37You and your brother.
00:46:39I own all the treasures of the mountain.
00:46:42All of it.
00:46:45Whoever touches it, dies.
00:46:52You won't live long.
00:46:55You and everyone who helps you.
00:46:57Get out of my mountains and this forest.
00:48:13The damn bird!
00:48:44It could be a human.
00:48:46But also a bird.
00:48:48Our falcon.
00:48:52Wait! We'll help you.
00:49:16Help! I'm drowning!
00:49:30Do you want to drown me alive?
00:49:34Have mercy, you good people.
00:49:38Don't be afraid.
00:49:40It's not deep here.
00:49:45Am I a fish that you want to drag me into the net?
00:49:49Here's your boat.
00:49:51I can't get in.
00:49:54My beard is still stuck in the net.
00:49:57Why did you fall into the water?
00:50:00I wanted to catch a fish.
00:50:03One of us needs something close in the pan.
00:50:08The net belongs to Grandfather Matthias.
00:50:11A fish pulled me out of the boat.
00:50:14And into the net.
00:50:16And then there was this damn falcon.
00:50:19The falcon?
00:50:20What does our falcon have to do with your fish?
00:50:23Why did he scream?
00:50:25Falcon or fish?
00:50:27I'm completely lost.
00:50:30This murderous cold water is killing me.
00:50:36If I don't get ashore soon and put on dry clothes,
00:50:40I'll die.
00:50:48I can't help you any other way.
00:50:50Hurry up!
00:50:55What do you want to do?
00:51:04Are you the devil, you whore?
00:51:08You don't deserve such a face.
00:51:15You cut off the best part of my beard.
00:51:26Get out of here! You don't deserve it!
00:51:45He had a beard like the Koehler.
00:51:47And he finally took it.
00:51:49But otherwise he looked different.
00:51:51We have never seen the Koehler and the fish before.
00:52:21The Koehler
00:52:52The Koehler
00:53:14Now I'll cut off your throat.
00:53:21The Koehler
00:53:52The Koehler
00:53:57The Koehler
00:54:03The Koehler
00:54:15The geese, the long-legged ones, have to help me.
00:54:31It's that old man Bertie again.
00:54:35How do you know our names?
00:54:37Do you live in a house on the edge of the forest?
00:54:39With your mother?
00:54:43Then the message for you is...
00:54:45...a blessing that I meet you here.
00:54:49I was on the way...
00:54:52I was on the way to you.
00:54:54A wolf attacked me in the forest.
00:54:58Just look... he rushed towards me.
00:55:02And now I fall into the roaring water...
00:55:06...or hang myself in my own forest.
00:55:09Help me...
00:55:11...before it's too late.
00:55:15He's lying.
00:55:16For years, not a single wolf has been seen in this forest.
00:55:19But if he falls...
00:55:21...we have to help him.
00:55:23Twice he has insulted us for our help.
00:55:26Help me, dear girls...
00:55:28...and I will reward you generously.
00:55:30We don't help for money.
00:55:32I wanted to bring you a message...
00:55:34...from two unhappy people...
00:55:36...who will never see the light of day again.
00:55:40That's why I was thrown into this gorge... the mighty mountain spirit...
00:55:49...who held them captive.
00:55:50Who sent you to us?
00:55:53Oh, go on, go on.
00:55:55Who asks for much doesn't like to help.
00:55:57If you don't want to do the least...
00:56:00...for an old, helpless man...
00:56:03...then you won't even want to free two poor prisoners.
00:56:07From an abandonment... times seven he falls deep under the ground.
00:56:13Who are you talking about?
00:56:14They are hunters like me.
00:56:17Help me now.
00:56:21First tell us your name...
00:56:23...and where we can find the abandonment.
00:56:25A few steps behind the gorge of the mountain spirit... will find a dark piece of forest on the edge of a meadow.
00:56:32There, in front of three big, shining stones...
00:56:36...look for a bush that bears black fruits.
00:56:40In its shadow... will find the entrance to the underground abandonment.
00:56:45Tell us your name.
00:56:48Michael and Andreas.
00:56:55But don't speak to any living being...
00:56:58...not a human being or an animal.
00:57:00Not a word.
00:57:02Don't help him.
00:57:04Rosenroth is lying.
00:57:17The abandonment
00:57:32The hands shall stifle you... three stupid milk-faces.
00:57:38The devil shall get you by force... steal my precious beard.
00:57:48You shouldn't have helped him.
00:57:51Not at all.
00:57:53Now he can't make himself invisible.
00:57:57What does he have to do with Andreas and Michael?
00:58:00We have to find out.
00:58:17The abandonment
00:58:48The abandonment
00:59:02The three shining stones.
00:59:10And a bush with black fruits.
00:59:13Why haven't we noticed the abandonment yet?
00:59:43The abandonment
00:59:46The abandonment
01:00:10There must be an exit.
01:00:16The abandonment
01:00:24Is that the passage to the abandonment?
01:00:28The abandonment
01:00:45There's another door.
01:00:58The abandonment
01:01:05The mountain spirit lives here.
01:01:28The mountain spirit lives here.
01:01:31This bag belongs to Andreas.
01:01:33Now I've got you, you curious, simple goats.
01:01:38Have you said goodbye to the sun?
01:01:42You'll never see it again.
01:01:49The abandonment
01:01:56Now you're shaking.
01:02:00You can't help yourselves.
01:02:07And your friend the bear
01:02:12can't help you now either.
01:02:16You are in my castle.
01:02:19I have driven away all the people.
01:02:22You are the mountain spirit? A dwarf?
01:02:25I am a giant of wealth and power.
01:02:32I am the lord of the mountain.
01:02:46The abandonment
01:02:52Now you are all in my power.
01:02:56Go to hell!
01:02:59Go to dust!
01:03:01No human being will ever again
01:03:04stretch out his hand for the treasures of my mountain.
01:03:09You wanted to free two prisoners.
01:03:13What do you think they are?
01:03:16There they are.
01:03:20The bear is Michael
01:03:23and the falcon is his brother Andreas.
01:03:29Stop, you scum!
01:03:40Drop the stick!
01:03:57Are you really Andreas?
01:04:13The mountain spirit has turned you into animals.
01:04:16But you still feel like humans.
01:04:19Come home with us.
01:04:21You should stay with us forever.
01:04:26We will never leave you in the lurch.
01:04:32We will never leave you.
01:05:02We will never leave you.
01:05:33What is that?
01:05:43There, it looks like a corridor.
01:05:45Quick, follow the gate.
01:05:51We have to go through.
01:06:03Where are we?
01:06:05Is this for real?
01:06:07Yes, this is the armory.
01:06:32Let's go.
01:07:02Don't let a drop of water come out of the stone.
01:07:05The mountain spirit must have let the spring flow.
01:07:08Your friendship and courage
01:07:10were stronger than the anger of the mountain spirit.
01:07:32We are the sons of a king.
01:07:35Our father's castle is on the other side of the mountain.
01:07:39Do you want to come with us?
01:08:32We will never leave you.
01:08:35We will never leave you.
01:09:32We will never leave you.
01:09:35We will never leave you.
01:09:38We will never leave you.
01:09:41We will never leave you.
01:09:44We will never leave you.
01:09:47We will never leave you.
01:09:50We will never leave you.
01:09:53We will never leave you.
01:09:56We will never leave you.
01:09:59We will never leave you.
01:10:02We will never leave you.
01:10:05We will never leave you.