Mr Queen S01 E29 Hindi Dubbed

  • last month


00:00[♪ music begins to play ♪ and continues for the rest of the video ♪
00:30[♪ music continues for the rest of the video ♪ and continues for the rest of the video ♪
01:00Isn't it difficult?
01:01Look and tell me.
01:08A true king never lies.
01:30Why did you do this to him?
01:40Is it alcohol or something else?
01:41It can't be a person's smell.
01:43So it means he didn't drink poison.
01:46I can't believe it.
01:47Such small hands.
01:48He drank a glass of poison and gave his life.
01:53His hands are also warm.
01:55It means he is alive.
02:01Malika, let's go from here.
02:04What has happened?
02:26How are you?
02:27I am fine.
02:28How are you?
02:29I am fine.
02:31Take this.
02:32Your possession.
02:36We shouldn't leave this girl like this.
02:40I will take her for her last rites.
02:52Sir, let's go.
02:58Let's go.
03:15Where is Ramyaan?
03:16Is he fine?
03:17He must have gone far away from the palace.
03:20I have apologised to his mother.
03:22And I have sent him to Hangyang.
03:24Both mother and daughter can live there.
03:26Will she meet her mother?
03:28She wanted to meet her mother so much.
03:31Thank God.
03:32This is great.
03:36But how did you do this?
03:37Did you give her any medicine?
03:39I gave her Mafecian.
03:42This is the same medicine that doctors used in the past.
03:45Have you heard of it?
03:46Of course.
03:47I have read The Three Kingdoms for Kids many times.
03:50The Three Kingdoms for Kids?
03:53Why didn't you tell me?
03:54You could have told me what game you were going to play.
03:56Whatever happened, happened in a hurry.
03:58If more people knew about it, it could have been dangerous.
04:05Did you receive any message from Master Hong?
04:08That girl is with him right now.
04:13You did a great job.
04:15But why did you put yourself in danger like this?
04:19Just for a servant?
04:20She wasn't just a servant working in the palace.
04:22If I hadn't done anything for her today,
04:25she would have lost her life today and thousands more tomorrow.
04:29And it would have been easier for me to do all this.
04:33The more I read about him,
04:35I thought he would be very stupid.
04:37But he turned out to be the leader of the stupid.
04:40There is no need to talk so much now.
04:42You won't live long.
04:44I won't live the rest of my life with shame.
04:47What are you guys talking about in this era?
04:49How dare you call the King...
04:50This is their way of thanking me.
04:52Our queen's style of speech is very different from theirs.
04:58And your queen's dictionary is completely useless.
05:00It has a lot of wrong translations.
05:02Did you read it?
05:03I left it open, anyone could have read it.
05:05Okay, so will the queen's life always be in danger?
05:09Why does everyone want to kill me in this palace?
05:11I will try my best that this never happens to you.
05:13Trust me.
05:15Why should I?
05:16I can take care of myself.
05:17I can take care of myself.
05:19I know how to defend myself.
05:23And anyway,
05:25everyone thinks I'm stupid in this palace.
05:48Did you try to kill the queen?
05:51The queen has become the king's pawn.
05:53She has exposed all the weaknesses of our family to the king.
05:57She has turned away from the family in the love of the king.
06:00There is no truth in this.
06:02I knew you wouldn't believe it.
06:05That queen whom you loved so much,
06:08turned out to be so weak that she forgot everything in the love of the king.
06:12Ever since you made me your king,
06:14I have only tried to make you like me.
06:18Not just because I can live with you in your house.
06:21I have always tried to be like you.
06:24I have always respected you.
06:27But now that you have tried to harm the queen,
06:31I end this father-son relationship with you.
06:37If my queen wants anyone here,
06:39no matter who is standing in front of her,
06:41I will behead him.
06:49The doors of my house will always be open for you.
06:53Whether you consider me your enemy or your father.
06:57You are my son and no one can take this right away from me.
07:12By the way, who can hide that treasure in this palace?
07:16There can be two people.
07:18And they are the ones who don't like me from day one.
07:21One is Devi Jo.
07:23And if you look at her, her motive is also very strong.
07:33If you look at her, her behavior on the day of the hunt,
07:37If you look at her, her behavior on the day of the hunt,
07:42It was such that she can do this planning.
07:46But she didn't come to my palace.
07:50Here you go.
07:53It is doubtful, because I can see a lot these days.
07:57And there is definitely a solid motive behind it.
08:00Or is it the work of Queen Azam?
08:02She is a very cunning woman.
08:03But how did those documents reach Queen Azam?
08:07I don't understand.
08:11What could be the possibility?
08:15And most importantly, what is in that treasure?
08:34I have not done any magic today.
08:37I have come here to apologize for my behavior.
08:41You have definitely bowed your head in front of me for some reason.
08:45So tell me, what is the reason for this?
08:48The relationship between the two families is not good.
08:51Still, thank you for coming here.
09:04I hope that after today's incident, you must have realized.
09:12This is the time to walk on the path of truth.
09:15We will work by keeping personal interests aside.
09:20If any one of us ever destroys the house,
09:24then both the families will have equal loss.
09:26And I have a suggestion to put an end to this trouble.
09:31That these relationships should be ended.
09:34This is a suggestion?
09:36A lot of people have lost their government posts.
09:39And this is due to the hatred between the two families.
09:42And now is the time to act wisely.
09:45We should work together.
09:47If I am not mistaken, then you mean to say that
09:50both the families have lost their jobs.
09:54But the point is that both the families will work together now.
09:58So will all of you support me?
10:24The war of the ministry has gone on for its own greed.
10:28But the sad thing is that I could not do anything against it,
10:32even though I knew everything.
10:34And that is why I request Kim Jong-un
10:37to resign from the post of the training commander.
10:46I can't give up so soon.
10:48I will fight till the last moment.
11:12Listen to me carefully.
11:15Eat slowly and peacefully.
11:19There is a lot to eat. You will get full.
11:30If I had any problem, I would never eat this food.
11:38Look, I promise you.
11:40I will treat you well.
11:42I will treat you well.
11:44But tell me, why did you run away from here?
11:48Actually, the thing is...
12:03Come, my dear child.
12:07You turned out to be very brave.
12:09I am very proud of my daughter.
12:10I am very proud of my daughter.
12:22Don't cry.
12:26Be quiet. Be quiet.
12:28My child.
12:36We have to look happy in front of Mallika.
12:38It is not good for her health to be sad for so long.
12:42I understand.
13:01It is time for you to wake up.
13:11Didn't you sleep well last night, Mallika?
13:15You will fall sick if you are sad.
13:20There is a lot going on in my mind.
13:22I was thinking about that. That's why I couldn't sleep.
13:26Anyways, he must have slept well.
13:29Whom are you talking about?
13:31The one who has tried to mess with me.
13:33Whom are you talking about?
13:35The one who has tried to mess with me.
13:38You must have slept well last night.
13:41I hope you slept well.
13:47Yes, Mallika.
13:49I want to meet my father.
13:51Tell him to come here.
13:53Yes, Mallika.
14:05Your father is coming.
14:08So soon?
14:15I just sent a message to meet you.
14:19I didn't know you were coming here.
14:22Yes, dear.
14:25But I think it is good that you came here.
14:27I have made a mistake.
14:32And what happened that day...
14:34Yes, you tell me.
14:36No, no. You tell me first.
14:38No, no. You are my father. You tell me first.
14:45Forgive me for that day.
14:47Forgive me first.
14:49No, no. You first.
14:58We are just like each other.
15:02You are absolutely right.
15:07I wanted to meet you because...
15:10I want to ask you about the contract.
15:15You know about it?
15:17Everyone is going crazy about it.
15:19What is so special about it?
15:24The contract.
15:26In the contract,
15:28all the illegal activities of the tribe are mentioned.
15:31That means, Andon tribe is going crazy about it.
15:34That's why the soldiers are trying to get it.
15:38I wanted to meet you.
15:41Ever since you came to live with the king,
15:44the contract is also missing.
15:47Maybe the king has brought it with him.
15:50A while ago, my loyal servant left his work and ran away.
15:52I was lucky.
15:54I found him. I asked him why he ran away.
15:57The day the contract was missing,
15:59the same day, Kani came to my house.
16:02And since that day, everything started going wrong.
16:05My servant thought that maybe this is happening because of him.
16:08That's why he ran away.
16:10Oh, God. My queen, please forgive me.
16:15That means, it's not your fault.
16:19But now,
16:22I understand everything.
16:28So, it was Queen Azam who tried to kill me.
16:31I made this special for you.
16:33This ice is considered to be more precious than gold.
16:39And even Debi Jo bullied me.
16:42Someday, I will cook for you.
16:44I want to eat now.
16:46And whatever happened that day,
16:48whoever tried to kill me,
16:50you will have to prove yourself innocent in front of everyone.
16:52So, you are threatening me.
16:54I have heard a lot about you.
16:57Now, I am not scared.
17:10I have to go. I have an important work.
17:12I have to go.
17:14Where will you go?
17:16I have to open the gates of hell for someone.
17:19The one who messes with me will not be happy.
17:22I will kill everyone one by one.
17:30My daughter was very innocent.
17:32Queen looks like a witch.
17:34She can't be my daughter.
17:36Only parents can understand their children well.
17:39And if you see,
17:40our queen is no less than a rabbit.
17:43Am I right?
17:45Now, she is not a rabbit anymore.
18:10This makeup is from the olden days.
18:13This clip is made from peacock feathers.
18:16It has a feeling like
18:18Devil wears Prada.
18:21But this beauty has hidden power.
18:23And today, I will wear the most beautiful jewellery.
18:27What are you thinking?
18:30I feel good
18:33when I am presented with fireworks.
18:40What are you doing?
19:00What have you brought for us?
19:03What we see often is not what it is.
19:11You mean,
19:13we have to divide it into two to look inside?
19:16It looks like a bad potato.
19:19And we are not able to understand your purpose.
19:22We should not harm the truth without knowing it.
19:25We should see it before it reaches any conclusion.
19:29Because what has happened,
19:31we can't change it by trying a million times.
19:34Ganesh is my son.
19:36He is my son.
19:38He is my son.
19:40He is my son.
20:00I have prepared a brunch for you.
20:03You made me eat so well yesterday.
20:06So I thought I should also do something.
20:10I had kept this cold drink to drink at the end.
20:14No one will doubt that it can even kill someone.
20:25Enjoy it.
20:31No, I am not thirsty at all.
20:34I have made it with so much effort.
20:36I told you, I don't want to drink it.
20:37But you made me drink it.
20:39I made it standing in this heat.
20:43But what if you don't drink it?
21:04The taste of ice comes after chewing it.
21:08I had told you a few days ago,
21:11that it will be my responsibility to take care of your beauty and health.
21:15And I will do this job happily all my life.
21:18But if you start doubting everything about food and drink,
21:22then tell me, what will you eat?
21:24We have just resigned from our position.
21:27It doesn't mean that we will do whatever we want.
21:29Do you think you will remain a queen by upsetting your tribe?
21:32Oh my dear queen,
21:34I am very worried about my husband and my tribe.
21:38I will do what I think is right.
21:49Oh, Minister.
21:52Yes, Your Highness.
21:54I agree that I forget to give this palace to my heir because of my busy schedule.
21:59But how can I forget the responsibility of being a king?
22:03You go immediately and convey my message to him.
22:11I don't understand, Your Highness.
22:16This is the same thing that you have always done.
22:22What is happening there?
22:24You will be punished for this.
22:28Your Highness, please forgive me.
22:31You can kill me if you want.
22:33What have you done?
22:35I was not telling you all this.
22:37I will kill you.
22:45My life and death is in your hands, Your Highness.
22:49Why will I kill you?
22:51What will I do by killing you?
22:53Punish me.
22:55Kill me, Your Highness.
22:57My hand is not only for killing.
23:03I know that you don't have any other option, Minister.
23:05It would be better if you don't use your brain.
23:12It was better than this.
23:14You would have punished me, Your Highness.
23:17I will die.
23:22How will you spy on me?
23:24If you keep getting scared for no reason.
23:29I have to go somewhere before the royal court starts.
23:32It is important.
23:33I have to go somewhere before the royal court starts.
23:37And you, can't you go somewhere else and study?
23:40Look, you scared our minister.
24:03I hope I will sleep peacefully tonight, Your Highness.
24:06Didn't you learn to talk to your elders?
24:09As you can see, I have a lot of burden on my head.
24:12I won't be able to bend this much.
24:15This is such a sacred place that our elders have only worshipped here.
24:19And it is considered unauthorized to come to such a place so honestly.
24:23Before saying anything to anyone,
24:25one should always check one's character.
24:29Oh, I am sorry. I totally forgot.
24:31I should do something for my late father-in-law.
24:34Oh, I can't believe myself.
24:36I have forgotten all my manners.
24:43What are you doing?
24:45But I am very religious.
24:47I won't leave without praying for him.
24:50I told you not to touch anything.
24:53Even you left something in my room.
24:57Without informing my elders,
24:59you didn't care about the rules.
25:03And look what has happened now.
25:06What are you trying to do?
25:08I told you that I am returning it.
25:11I am returning the madness that I have gone through because of you.
25:14What kind of behavior are you doing by coming here?
25:17Don't you feel ashamed to talk to your elders like this?
25:22Oh yes, I totally forgot.
25:24How will she come?
25:26She didn't teach you manners since childhood.
25:28What should I say now?
25:30All these things are taught by mother only.
25:31And you didn't even have a mother.
25:33What kind of mother-in-law are you?
25:36I agree that my mother didn't bring me up.
25:39But why are you like this?
25:41Your mother brought you up.
25:44Oh, it's hot.
25:49I am so angry that I didn't even realize that it's so hot.
25:53By the way, it would have been great if your beloved daughter's picture would have been on the wall.
25:58Aren't you in your senses, Mallika?
26:01Maybe I have lost my senses.
26:04I should have been like this from the beginning with a mother-in-law like you.
26:09So be careful from today.
26:18If you ruin my bangles, I will cut your hands.
26:24Pray that I never have to see this face.
26:58I think I should have worried about someone else and not Mallika.
27:01There were so many people.
27:10A good defense is a good defense.
27:12A good defense is a good defense.
27:30Oh, I didn't know you were standing here.
27:34I can't believe that someone's existence can be so meaningless.
27:39I have come here to throw stones.
27:40Will you throw?
27:41You play this game yourself.
27:45You must have seen those documents.
27:51Thank God I found it, otherwise I would have died.
27:57Tell me.
28:00You wanted that, right?
28:03Didn't you really kill Obol, Mallika?
28:07Now no matter what I say, you won't believe me.
28:10I had to keep the king away from you so that I could kill Obol and throw him in the well.
28:14So that I become bad and everyone kills me.
28:17And you become great in everyone's eyes.
28:22By the way, it is really easy to become good with people's sympathy.
28:26But with the passage of time, you are becoming bad and not even realizing it.
28:40Sometimes look in the mirror, how ugly you have become.
29:11Try yourself if you want to survive.
29:14I don't want to be good in the eyes of people.
29:35The moment I fell in the pond in front of you,
29:37it was also possible that you would have saved me by doing anything.
29:49And it proves that I am better than you in every way, we have no competition.
30:08Kim Joa Jeon, former training commander.
30:12He has resigned from his post.
30:15Yes, my king.
30:17The reason for the delay in making the decision was that all of you could stand with me on this decision.
30:22I am very sorry.
30:26Forgive me, I said it by mistake.
30:29I wanted to say that it is a very good thing.
30:37My king, today's next issue.
30:39Before there is anything else, I would like to tell you all something.
30:44I will make a separate place to finish the three times collection.
30:48And its name will be Samjung Lijongjong.
30:52Now what is this trouble?
30:56This legislation will be made only so that the three times collection problems can be solved after taking a detailed review.
31:02According to Joseon, agriculture is banned.
31:06And that is why it is very important for our farmers to be happy.
31:10And that is why Joseon's government will punish those who do not comply with this law to ease the difficulties of the farmers.
31:18To take such a big step, you should have consulted us first.
31:22Maybe one of us would have given you good advice.
31:25I can't make any compromise for happiness now.
31:28This is better for everyone.
31:29I mean, your advice is of no use to me right now.
31:41And today, I present the late emperor Samjong as a guest and legalize his law from today.
31:48I think the emperor is very excited today.
31:58My emperor, today you had to reward someone from the office.
32:03I don't have any order from today.
32:06I only have the permission to bring a proposal.
32:09The court has given you permission to bring a proposal.
32:12The court has given you permission to bring a proposal.
32:15The Ministry of War is now empty, Your Majesty.
32:19And a weak army is a sign of a failed empire.
32:23And that is why we all want you to appoint someone else as the head of the Ministry of War through the Jaldi Jaldi Defense Organization.
32:45Kim Jong-un, the minister of justice, salutes your majesty.
33:16It can be a big problem, because it has the importance of the tribe.
33:20Look, both the tribes should apologize to each other, because...
33:24This too will definitely be done by someone.
33:28But I am thinking, how will we ignore so many requests?
33:31If we do this, then the upper class will get a chance to rebel.
33:36So now everything is in your hands.
33:39You can do whatever you want.
33:41Still, it will be difficult to keep everyone on their side.
33:42You must have heard the saying that the best defense is the best defense.
33:46But the important thing is that we have to do something before our enemy sets his trap.
33:51We don't have much time to keep these people busy.
33:54I would like you to keep an eye on Jong-chong yourself.
33:57And I will send you personally.
33:59So that you can go and investigate those three cities and find out who is in trouble.
34:04One more business trip?
34:09Do all this for me.
34:12Along with time, you both are sitting here and ordering me.
34:16As if I am a donkey, I will go wherever you send me.
34:19No, you are not alone. I am with you.
34:23Once the trouble is over, I will give you some days to rest.
34:28I am ready to go.
34:30Maybe I will give. I said maybe you. I said maybe I will give.
34:34I don't think he would have listened to you completely.
34:36What a stupid friend I have raised.
34:43Your Highness, I have brought a letter for you.
34:49I won't do anything to you. Come here.
34:58I have brought a letter for you, Your Highness.
35:05What has happened to you? Are you not feeling well?
35:07Are you not feeling well?
35:11You have a very delicate heart.
35:37What should I do with you?
35:39It's a complicated matter.
35:42The day I lived as I wanted, the day I lived in my own way, it's over now.
35:47It's a mysterious matter.
35:49Even if I stay up all night and stay up all night, the world is still me.
35:54Your Highness, why are you so serious?
35:57Your Highness, why are you so serious?
36:00Your Highness, why are you so serious?
36:04Your Highness, why are you so serious?