¡Top 20 Mejores DECISIONES de Marvel!

  • hace 2 meses
Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, en esta lista veremos las decisiones más sabias y acertadas tomadas por Marvel Studios para sus películas, tanto en el MCU como en otros.


00:00But that's not all, folks. Here's the real blockbuster. Brace yourselves, you might want to sit down.
00:05Spider-Man's real? Spider-Man's real name is...
00:08Hey, hola y bienvenidos a Watch Mojo Español. Yo soy G, y para esta lista veremos las decisiones más sabias y acertadas tomadas por Marvel Studios para sus películas,
00:18tanto en el MCU como en otras producciones.
00:25Call it, Captain.
00:27Número 20. Hacer presidente de Marvel Studios a Kevin Feige.
00:31El universo cinematográfico de Marvel ha tenido muchas personas que han contribuido a su éxito general.
00:47Sin embargo, es difícil no atribuirle al menos una parte de su éxito al presidente de Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige.
00:54Él imaginó el universo interconectado de Marvel.
00:57Su pasión por el material es evidente, y sus audaces decisiones sobre a qué darle luz verde han llevado a algunos éxitos inesperados para la franquicia.
01:16Han surgido muchos universos cinematográficos desde que comenzó el MCU, pero pocos han tenido el mismo éxito.
01:22Parte de esto tal vez se deba a que no tenían a alguien que supervisara sus películas con tanto entusiasmo como Feige.
01:29Número 19. Charlie Cox como Daredevil.
01:32Daredevil es una de las mejores series de superhéroes de la historia, y su protagonista Charlie Cox contribuyó en esto.
01:52Cox interpreta a Matt Murdock, Daredevil, el abogado ciego convertido en un superhéroe justiciero.
01:58No solo entiende la parte física del papel, lo que se nota en sus convincentes gestos y soberbia ejecución de las coreografías en las ya legendarias escenas de lucha, sino también comprende el corazón de Matt Murdock.
02:22Ya sea con un discurso en un tribunal o para el Punisher en una azotea, Cox siempre da lo mejor de sí mismo.
02:33Data su reciente aparición en más propiedades del MCU, seguramente se va a quedar un buen rato.
02:39Número 18. J.K. Simmons como J. Jonah Jameson de nuevo.
02:43J.K. Simmons es J. Jonah Jameson y punto.
02:47Pocas veces un actor ha sido tan perfecto para un papel.
02:54Simmons captura muy bien la personalidad fanfarrona y exagerada del magnate de las noticias.
03:00Es sin duda uno de los mejores momentos de la trilogía de Spider-Man de Sam Raimi, con su verborrea y divertida actitud egocéntrica.
03:17Así, cuando el personaje regresó al MCU, puede que fuera obvio traer de vuelta a Simmons, aunque ya no pueda lucir el peinado de Jameson.
03:24Aún así, le aplaudimos a Marvel Studios por hacerlo.
03:35Número 17. Dejar que Capi sea el líder.
03:38Si el MCU tuvo una estrella al principio, esa fue sin duda Tony Stark.
03:48Marvel pudo haber construido a los Avengers y, por tanto, la saga del infinito únicamente en torno a él.
03:54Pero en lugar de eso, le dio al Capitán América el papel de líder.
03:58Puede que su primera película no fuera un éxito rotundo, pero su marca creció a medida que crecía el personaje, haciéndose más exitosa y carismática con el paso del tiempo.
04:11No solo sabía patear traseros, sino que Steve Rogers también nos llegaba al fondo con sus discursos.
04:16Capi siempre valió la pena, solo que el público y algunos Avengers tardaron tiempo en darse cuenta.
04:27Número 16. Esperar el momento ideal para Vengadores Unidos.
04:32Una de las frases más icónicas de los cómics de Marvel es Vengadores Unidos.
04:36Esta frase, que suele decir el Capitán América, fue muy esperada por los fans.
04:41El MCU se burló de nosotros varias veces, primero con el título de la primera película de Avengers, que es Avengers Assemble, en el Reino Unido e Irlanda.
04:50Además, Capi casi dice la frase al final de Age of Ultron.
05:01Sin embargo, no es sino hasta el final de Endgame cuando por fin la dice.
05:11Todos los héroes regresaron a través de portales para enfrentarse a Thanos y sus ejércitos.
05:16Y justo cuando todo estaba en su punto álgido...
05:34La espera valió tanto la pena.
05:37Número 15. Arriesgarse con Blade.
05:39Las películas de superhéroes de los años 90 eran más fracasos que éxitos.
05:44Aún así, la entonces desesperada Marvel apostó por el éxito de Blade, una oscura propiedad suya sobre un justiciero cazavampiros.
05:59La actitud tensa de la película, junto con su impresionante acción y la perfecta elección de Wesley Snipes como Blade,
06:06contribuyeron a que Blade fuera la primera adaptación exitosa de Marvel.
06:19Puede que Marvel no se llevara gran parte del éxito de la película,
06:22pero Blade ayudó a preparar el terreno para el renacimiento de Marvel de las últimas décadas.
06:28Número 14. Hacer películas animadas de Spider-Man.
06:32Spider-Man's movies usually do well, but one about a Spider-Man who is not Peter Parker
06:37was still a risky bet, at least for the executives.
06:47Thanks to the people of Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse, the idea turned out to be not only a financial success,
06:53but also with the critics and the public.
07:01The animation is incredibly beautiful, the characters look authentic,
07:06the interpretations are excellent and the humor is the icing on the cake.
07:10Its sequels are forced to be just as exciting.
07:20After so many Spider-Man stories, Marvel needed something different,
07:25and these movies look like new and dazzling versions of the hero.
07:30Número 13. Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool.
07:33In another perfect combination between actor and role,
07:36Ryan Reynolds looks so much like Deadpool that it would not surprise us that the character would change universe
07:41and control him like a puppet.
07:49Reynolds gives the immortal mercenary the irreverence he deserves
07:52and performs with conviction the few serious moments of Wade Wilson.
07:57Deadpool movies could have been made without Reynolds' participation,
08:01but we would say that they would not have the same success without his charisma and humor.
08:08I'm a zeitgeist.
08:10I like to say you have the power to put your finger on the pulse of society.
08:16No, I spit acidic vomit.
08:19Do you want me to demonstrate?
08:20No, we'll take your word for it.
08:21No, thank you.
08:22Listen, we've all eaten at Arby's.
08:23And with the next installment of Deadpool in the MCU,
08:26surely Reynolds continues to rock the role.
08:29We could bet on it.
08:30Número 12. Divide Infinity War into two movies.
08:34The path to follow in the MCU was not very clear at first.
08:37The plan to reach a confrontation with Thanos was there,
08:40but it was not decided exactly how, but until 2014.
08:44It was then that Avengers Infinity War was announced and that it would have two parts.
08:59This decision was brilliant for several reasons.
09:02From a financial point of view, obviously two movies make more money than one,
09:06but it also worked wonderfully for the story.
09:09Infinity War was able to give Thanos an adequate development,
09:13as well as to offer a monumental cliffhanger
09:16that made everyone impatient to see the sequel.
09:20And Endgame had more time to pay tribute to the previous movies
09:24and offer an epic and satisfactory ending.
09:33Where did that bring you?
09:38Back to me.
09:39Número 11. Include Stan Lee in all the movies.
09:43Marvel movies usually include several jokes and easter eggs.
09:48Although they are fun, the most beloved recurring elements of Marvel movies
09:52are Stan Lee's cameos.
09:54The legendary Marvel Comics creator appeared in almost all Marvel movies that have been made.
09:59Welcome back to the back, sir, Dr. Richards.
10:02I've got the usual for you.
10:04Good to have you back, sir.
10:19Are you Tony Stank?
10:22Yes, this is Tony Stank.
10:29Número 10. Taking risks with James Gunn and Guardians of the Galaxy.
10:33Before Guardians of the Galaxy was released in 2014,
10:37the team of interplanetary superheroes was far from being a well-known name.
10:42James Gunn was not a renowned director either,
10:45and was known for his movies Slither and Super.
10:51However, Marvel's decision to take risks with less known characters
10:56and with an independent director gave its fruits to the great.
11:00The Guardians movies are the most memorable of the MCU,
11:03with a lot of humor, heart, action and great soundtracks.
11:08They catapulted Chris Pratt to the super star,
11:11made the audience fall in love with a talking tree,
11:14and there is not enough time to talk about how fun Dave Bautista as Drax is.
11:27I'm going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots in the galaxy.
11:31Número 9. Making Deadpool and Logan for a mature audience.
11:35Guys, seriously, you don't want to do this.
11:41Most superhero movies are limited to a 13-year-old audience,
11:46in order to expand their audience and get bigger profits.
11:50However, they surprised a few fans and probably a few executives
11:54by making Deadpool and Logan for a bigger audience.
11:57And what a deal.
12:04The rating gave them maturity,
12:06and the immaturity it needed to do justice to the original material.
12:10Although a version was later released suitable for the entire Deadpool audience,
12:14the criticisms were mixed.
12:16Of course, violence and language for adults are not a requirement
12:20when it comes to reaching an adult audience,
12:22but in these movies, they don't hurt.
12:30Número 8. Loki as the first villain.
12:38It's no secret that Marvel's cinematic universe
12:41has had a kind of problem with villains.
12:44That's why, with his first big crossover,
12:47it was crucial that they find someone worthy of bringing together the most powerful heroes on Earth.
12:58Luckily, with Loki, they had that and more.
13:01Although he started as Thor's nemesis,
13:03he is quite charismatic enough to face any of the Avengers.
13:07His appeal is mostly due to actor Tom Hiddleston,
13:10whose interpretation has made Loki one of the fans' favorites.
13:18He's ingenious, sarcastic, ambitious, but he's also nice.
13:22Loki broke the mold of the two-dimensional villain
13:25and contributed to making the Avengers an incredible movie.
13:38I'll have that drink now.
13:41Número 7. Mark Ruffalo as Hulk.
13:49Maybe Incredible Hulk didn't have the massive success of Iron Man,
13:52but it was still well received,
13:54and Edward Norton made a memorable Bruce Banner and Hulk.
13:58Considering these facts,
14:00at the time it was surprising and a little worrying to know that they would hire someone else.
14:06And what if the other guy says no?
14:09Fortunately, Mark Ruffalo did a wonderful job in taking Norton's place,
14:14and it could be said that he added even more nuances to Banner,
14:17in addition to making Hulk feel much closer than in the 2008 movie.
14:22That's my secret, Captain.
14:26I'm always angry.
14:27Like Chris Evans as Captain America,
14:30he fit so well in the role that in retrospect it's hard to imagine someone else in the character.
14:38Número 6. Choose Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.
14:49No matter how brilliant it was to choose the acclaimed actors
14:52like Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen for X-Men,
14:55let's say it was even smarter to risk with the then little-known Australian actor Hugh Jackman.
15:08He may not have Wolverine's complexion in the comics,
15:11at least in his first appearances,
15:13but he has the attitude,
15:15capable of facing the anger and regret of Logan,
15:18in addition to a great comic rhythm when necessary.
15:22Jackman played the character for 17 years,
15:25demonstrating a level of commitment and dedication to the role that few actors are willing to give.
15:30For the fans, this resulted in countless great moments,
15:34in addition to a level of slow development of the character
15:37rarely seen in an action franchise.
15:52Número 5. Preparation for the first crossover.
16:02Taking into account the number of studies that have tried to emulate the concept since then,
16:07it is easy to forget how revolutionary a superhero team movie was in 2012.
16:13The Avengers left the public open-mouthed,
16:16and after several crossover movies, it is still in force.
16:19However, part of the success is due to the foundations that the MCU sat on from before.
16:36Marvel released careful movies,
16:39carefully elaborated for their individual heroes,
16:42before trying to bring them together.
16:44This not only created expectations,
16:46but also helped us get to know these versions of the characters
16:49in their respective worlds before seeing them face each other.
16:57Oh, if Marvel's imitators had learned from their example.
17:09Número 4. Tom Holland as Spider-Man.
17:20There have been many Spider-Men in the last two decades.
17:24That entailed a risk of exhaustion and a lot of pressure for any newcomer to wear the iconic suit.
17:29But luckily, Marvel managed to choose Tom Holland.
17:39Holland brings a wonderful and contagious youthful enthusiasm to the role.
17:43It is a pleasure to see his Peter Parker and Spider-Man in action,
17:47with an ideal balance between the humorous side and the vulnerable side.
17:59Holland's role also worked well for Marvel,
18:02since many of its male protagonists had a lot of experience.
18:06And Holland's youth gave the younger audience a hero to identify with.
18:20Número 3. Give more autonomy to their filmmakers.
18:36Marvel Studios has maintained a fairly strict control over its directors.
18:40At least in the MCU.
18:42It is said that their rules and restrictions influenced
18:45Joss Whedon to leave after Avengers Age of Ultron.
18:52Therefore, it is incredible to see that they have softened their posture
18:55and begun to allow the directors to contribute more.
18:58Before, James Gunn's vision for Guardians of the Galaxy was mentioned,
19:02but the directors Taika Waititi and Ryan Coogler
19:05gave Thor, Ragnarok and Black Panther, respectively, their own inimitable styles.
19:19Marvel seems to realize that it has something good in its hands.
19:23Número 2. Include Spider-Man in the MCU.
19:33Spider-Man is, unequivocally, Marvel's most renowned hero.
19:37Or at least he was before the MCU.
19:39But in the 1990s, Marvel sold the character's cinematographic rights,
19:44along with many others.
19:46Fortunately, they were able to reach an agreement with Sony
19:49for Tom Holland's Spider-Man to be in his universe.
19:53In 2019, Marvel and Sony discussed the character's future,
19:57which caused a collective heart attack to Marvel fans.
20:00However, the companies were soon able to reach a rather secret agreement.
20:06Please, don't ever leave us, Spidey.
20:09Hey, we're not done yet, but we're almost done.
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20:17If you liked this video, give it a like,
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20:21and, as always, I'll see you in the next video.
20:38You're probably going to like them.
20:40Now, let's get to the end.
20:42Number 1.
20:43Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man
20:46The truth is...
20:54I am Iron Man.
20:59Marvel Studios has made very good decisions to get to where it is.
21:03But none has been worth as much as choosing Robert Downey Jr.
21:07to play Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man.
21:11Stark, we need a plan of attack.
21:13I have a plan.
21:17Downey Jr.'s convincing and charismatic performance
21:21fit like a glove.
21:22It was the perfect choice to give the shot
21:25and often lead Marvel's cinematic universe.
21:29It is not surprising that his career was parallel to Marvel's.
21:33Both went through very difficult times,
21:35but they managed to radically change his fate.
21:40I'm a piping hot mess.
21:43It's fair to say that without Downey, we wouldn't have MCU.
21:46At least, not as we know it.
21:48Thank you, sir.
21:49You are Iron Man.
21:51And I...
21:59Iron Man.
22:01Do you agree with our choices?
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