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00:00Sameer, what are you saying?
00:02You are asking your wife to give a lift to someone else.
00:05I am asking her to give a lift.
00:07He is such a coward. He won't talk to me.
00:10When the fish is stuck in the thorn, trap him.
00:13Only then our life will be set.
00:15We will have money, car, everything.
00:17We will rob him.
00:22I can't do all this.
00:23What can't you do?
00:26You can dance, right?
00:28Can't you dance?
00:29You can talk with love, right?
00:31Can't you do that too?
00:33Look, to move ahead in life,
00:35it's important to do all this.
00:37Sameer, I love you a lot.
00:39That's why I am saying,
00:41if you don't support me in moving ahead in life,
00:43who else will?
00:46You just want to dance, right?
00:49I just want to dance.
00:58I just want to dance.
01:18Lali, you also have it.
01:20No, I don't want it.
01:22It's a soft drink. It won't harm you.
01:25Sameer, I enjoyed it.
01:30You also dance.
01:31The song is so good.
01:58What happened to her?
02:00I think she is tired of dancing.
02:02I will take her to the bedroom.
02:04Leave her.
02:12Are you okay?
02:13Are you okay?
02:14Are you okay?
02:15Are you okay?
02:16Are you okay?
02:17Are you okay?
02:18Are you okay?
02:19Are you okay?
02:20Are you okay?
02:21Are you okay?
02:22Are you okay?
02:24Be careful.
02:25Sameer, I love you.
02:28Sameer, I love you a lot.
02:39Let's go.
02:41Let her rest.
02:43Sir, where will we go at this hour?
02:45Stay here.
02:51Where will we stay here?
02:53You are our boss.
02:54We won't let you sleep on the sofa in the hall.
02:57You are our family.
02:58You can sleep here.
03:01You chill.
03:02I will freshen up and come.
03:25You know I love you.
03:39Why are you sitting so far away from me?
03:44Come closer.
03:48I love you.
03:52I love you, sir.
04:23Sameer, Come here.
04:25You are my life.
04:39Sameer, get up.
04:40I'm ruined, Sameer.
04:43Sangam sir did this to me.
04:45I told you.
04:46I told you not to do anything to me.
04:49I will kill him.
04:51Are you out of your mind?
04:52Let's go.
04:53Are you out of your mind?
04:54Let's go.
04:55With great difficulty, he came into our clutches.
04:57And whatever he has done to you, he will dance to your tunes.
05:02And whatever we say, he will do.
05:05And you?
05:06You want to fight with him and spoil the whole thing?
05:08You don't have to fight with him.
05:10You don't have to hit him.
05:11You have to love him.
05:18This was my plan.
05:19And you were going to spoil it in your anger?
05:25This was your plan?
05:29You used me.
05:33You sold me for your selfishness.
05:39I won't stay with you even for a moment.
05:43Where will you go?
05:44Where will you go?
05:46To your parents?
05:47Or they will kill you?
05:51Don't forget, Lali.
05:53You are Lali Tyagi.
05:54And you eloped with Sameer.
05:57Your family won't let you in.
06:03What are you saying?
06:05So do as I say.
06:07Be a good wife.
06:09Support your husband.
06:12There is a chance to make your life.
06:14Don't waste it.
06:18Life is important to live.
06:43Good morning, sir.
06:56Sameer, you are promoted from today.
07:03From today, you will sit next to me.
07:05And take care of the cash counter.
07:07Thank you, sir.
07:25Sir, I am thinking of buying a car.
07:28Lali has some problem.
07:32Of course.
07:33Buy a car.
07:34What is the delay in a good deed?
07:40Lali is very happy to hear this.
07:51Lali, I love you so much.
07:53Lali, I am very happy today.
07:55I have been promoted.
07:57Yes, Lali.
07:58Just do as I say.
08:07Sangam, come home after Sameer's duty.
08:10I will wait for you.
08:20Sorry, sir.
08:21I got late.
08:24Sameer, you can come whenever you want.
08:27No problem.
08:29Thank you, sir.
08:33I have to attend an important meeting.
08:36You take care of the shop.
08:37Of course.
08:38Don't worry.
08:39I will take care of it.
09:11What happened, Lali?
09:19Lali, what happened?
09:23What happened?
09:27Lali, tell me. What happened?
09:37Lali, I came here because you called me.
09:40I didn't come here to make you cry.
09:44I meet you because I see that love in you that I have never seen in my life.
09:52I agree that when I saw you for the first time, I wanted to get you.
09:57But love starts with attraction.
10:03When I meet you and listen to you, you talk about me.
10:07And today I really love you.
10:11Do you think that I will harm you?
10:18No, Lali.
10:20I am not like that.
10:23And yes.
10:26I promise you.
10:28I promise you.
10:31That after today, I will never touch you without your consent.
10:37If you call me.
10:40Then only I will come to meet you.
10:41Otherwise I will not come.
10:46But yes.
10:49Even if you don't call me.
10:53Still I will always love you.
11:07I like simplicity on you.
11:22Sir, you have come back so early.
11:33These are movie tickets, sir.
11:36Take Lali for the movie.
11:38But why, sir?
11:39I told you.
11:56What did you do?
11:57What did you do that you came back so early?
12:02He was out for an hour and a half.
12:06And I earned so much money.
12:08And if I would have been out all day.
12:10Then I would have earned more money.
12:12That's why I sent him to you.
12:14So that he can sit in your lap as Devdas.
12:18I will not be his servant all my life.
12:21I want to be the owner of that shop.
12:23I want that shop.
12:25And if you have to do anything to fulfill this dream.
12:28You will do it.
12:30And yes.
12:32The mistake that you have done.
12:34That mistake should not happen again.
12:38Pick up your phone.
12:40And message her.
12:42And tell her to come here.
12:45Now you have that much time.
12:48As long as I go inside and come back.
12:51Be a good wife.
12:53And if you don't do this.
12:56Then I will push you out of this house.
12:59Do you understand?
13:52You had told me.
13:55That you will come whenever I call you.
14:00I will wait for you tomorrow.
14:11Wow Lali.
14:13You have done great.
14:15This is like my wife.
14:17I told you to message her and you called her.
14:19I love you.
14:21Love you so much.
14:37I love you.
14:55You are looking very beautiful.
15:29Lali, what is all this?
15:31From today our relationship has started.
15:34Our first day of love.
15:38You love me.
15:41You also love me.
15:44A girl is like the water of a river.
15:48The sound that the emotions get.
15:51It flows there.
15:55Do you know?
15:58I ran away from home.
16:00I left my house, my family and everything.
16:03And I married Sameer for my love.
16:08But today he has brought me to this point.
16:12But that day you said.
16:15That you will never harm me.
16:19That you will always love me.
16:21And gave me a new support to live.
16:27I am yours from today.
16:45You don't have to worry about Sameer.
16:51And I promise.
16:53That I will always love you.
17:03Do you think we are fools?
17:04We will give you 30 lakhs.
17:08Five cars.
17:10We have five cars.
17:12We will send Lali along with the driver.
17:15We will not give you a single penny.
17:18Sir, this is not right.
17:21Sir, you only told me to buy a car.
17:23Look, I have done a lot for you.
17:28What have you done?
17:32Shall I tell you what you have done?
17:35You have tried to trap me.
17:38You have used your innocent wife.
17:41She is Lali's husband.
17:43That is why she is tolerating you.
17:49I love her.
17:51And she also loves me.
17:55If you are so fond of earning money.
17:57Then don't earn at the cost of your wife's body.
18:00Earn with honesty and hard work.
18:04If you don't want to, then come here.
18:06You will get your salary.
18:08Not a penny more.
18:09But if you don't want to come.
18:11Then you can go out right now.
18:13Got it?
18:14Tell me.
18:15Why did you do this?
18:16I had asked Sangam to make Majnu.
18:19And you went and became his servant.
18:24Do you know?
18:26What is the pain of serving your wife to a stranger?
18:31First I tolerated you.
18:34Because I wanted money from her.
18:37But now.
18:38Now when there is no hope of getting money.
18:41I won't leave her.
18:43I won't leave her.
18:44She used my wife.
18:46I will kill her.
18:47I have called my aunt's sons from Azamgarh.
18:50I will shoot her in the middle of the road.
18:53And after that.
18:55I will go to jail.
18:56I will be released from jail.
18:59Then I will be with you.
19:00With the same love.
19:02But till the time I don't kill her.
19:05Till then you will be locked in this room.
19:08Because I know very well.
19:10You won't stay without meeting her.
19:12That's why your coming and going is stopped.
19:14And this phone of yours.
19:16Will go to me.
19:17Come inside.