Have you ever spotted a celebrity out in Sheffield?

  • 2 months ago
We asked people have you ever spotted a celebrity out in Sheffield


00:00Have you ever seen any celebrities whilst you've been out and about in Sheffield?
00:03Out and about in Sheffield, I probably have. Off hand just now, I can't remember.
00:07But, going for a drink before the match at Hillsborough, I noticed Richard Hawley and Pete McKee standing next to each other chatting.
00:17I was overwhelmed because I like both of them. They're both Wednesday acts, so they're obviously intelligent and artistic.
00:22And it was a pleasure to see them at the match. It made the match better.
00:26So that was actually at, in the ground?
00:28It was actually at the Wednesday 1867 suite, yeah, before the game.
00:33Have you ever seen anyone famous out and about in Sheffield?
00:36I once saw Jeremy Cook in the Wigan pen. And I once saw Glenn Luvins, who was a Wednesday player, stood on that corner.
00:44Which corner's that?
00:46This corner here by Barclays Bank.
00:48So, the top of Fargate, effectively?
00:49Yeah, the top of Fargate, yeah. Those are two that I can think of off the top of my head.
00:53I saw Sam Hutchinson on the footballer walking down Fargate.
00:58Can you tell me if you've ever seen anyone famous out and about in Sheffield?
01:03Yeah, going back many, many years. I saw the development of Town Hall steps.
01:10The City Hall steps.
01:15So, the City Hall steps up there?
01:16No, it's got to be Town Hall.
01:19Yeah, yeah. It's got to be Lincoln Park. But, yeah, I think it was in the, I don't know if it was in Perth.
01:29I can't remember what year it was actually.
01:32Was it a big crowd there?
01:35Yeah, and I didn't really know. I think it was probably in, I think it would be in the 60s.
01:49Can you tell me if you've ever seen anyone famous on the streets of Sheffield?
01:52Yeah, one actor, I think he's a drummer. I think he's a drummer for Action Monsters.
01:55Matt Holder?
01:56Yeah. We're down at Wetherspoons down here, having breakfast at Wetherspoons. Carver. Is it Carver House down there?
02:03Is that the one that's...
02:05Near the train station.
02:07Near the train station?
02:08Yeah, Wetherspoons, just before the train station.
02:11Excellent. Anyone else?
02:14Couple of footballers here and there. Kell Brook. Had a pint with Kell Brook down in, where were we?
02:21Commercial, down at Commercial the other week, yeah. Had a pint with Kell Brook.
02:27Big friend of mine's played with Academy Jordan Roads, but he's more Ruddersfield. Nah, he's at Hobbit Ruddersfield, so not really Sheffield relevant, nah.
02:37That's about it, celebrity-wise. Oh, and my dad, kit manager for Wednesday.
02:42Can you tell me please if you've ever seen anyone famous out and about in Sheffield?
02:45Yeah, we've seen Ronnie. We've sat with Ronnie when he won the World Championship.
02:50Ronnie O'Sullivan?
02:52Where was that?
02:53It were at a cafe down here at Crucible, where he used to go, yeah. The day after he won the World Championship, yeah.
03:02We've got photos with Kup and everything that they brought.
03:06Have you ever seen anyone famous on the streets of Sheffield?
03:09Quite a few times, but the one that was most memorable was seeing Jarvis Cocker coming out of what was the old Midland Bank on Exel Road about 25 years ago.
03:19Can you tell me if you've ever seen any celebrities out and about in Sheffield?
03:23Well, apart from when the snooker season was on and the last World Championships, and obviously you see a lot of the snooker players sometimes around town,
03:32and I saw them all outside Crucible having their pictures taken. That was quite nice.
03:35But I was taking a back one time on my lunch break and I saw the press were there, and it turned out that Prince William had made an appearance in the Peace Gardens.
03:48So, yeah, that took me by surprise and it was one of those unannounced things and you have to do a pinch yourself moment.
03:55So, I'd say that's probably the most famous person I think I've ever encountered. But, yeah, that was a nice one.
04:03Can you tell me if you've ever seen any celebrities out on the streets of Sheffield?
04:08No, so I didn't even see him in a medal all once, and my dad got very excited.
04:12We were quite young, it was many years ago, but yeah, that was quite cool.
04:15Was he doing a special appearance or was he just out and about?
04:17No, he was just shopping. He was on his own. He looked a little bit embarrassed to be recognised, but yeah, no, it was good.
04:26Nothing I can think of. I think I've seen Sheffield United football players around Sheffield, which I expected.
04:34Any players in particular?
04:36I can't think of now. No, I can't remember the names of the players. It's been a while ago, but I can't think of anybody else to be honest.
