I promise servant leadership! Defence CS Tuya says after taking oath

  • 2 months ago
Defence CS Soipan Tuya has said she will provide servant leadership to the people of Kenya. https://shorturl.at/oDgFF
00:00I, Roslinda Soipan Tuya, being appointed a Cabinet Secretary of Kenya, do swear that
00:12I will at all times be faithful to the Republic of Kenya, that I will obey, respect and uphold
00:21this Constitution of Kenya and all other laws of the Republic, that I will well and truly
00:30serve the people and the Republic of Kenya in the office of Cabinet Secretary, that I
00:38undertake to hold my office as Cabinet Secretary with honor and dignity, that I will be a true
00:47and faithful counselor to the President for the good management of the public affairs
00:53of the Republic of Kenya, that I will not diverge directly or indirectly such matters
01:01as shall come to my knowledge in the discharge of my duties and committed to the secrecy
01:09except as may be required for the due discharge of my duties as Cabinet Secretary, and that
01:17I will perform the functions of my office consensuously and to the best of my ability.
01:27So help me God.
