• 2 months ago
Nilai tukar (kurs) rupiah pada perdagangan hari ini ditutup menguat 141,5 poin atau 0,88 persen ke level Rp15.893,5 setelah sebelumnya di Rp16.035 per dolar AS. Berdasarkan data Bloomberg, rupiah sempat dibuka pada level Rp16.013 per dolar AS.


00:00Let's move on to other trading indicators, where the value of the Rupiah exchange has strengthened significantly and for the first time since May left a level of 16,000 Rupiah per US dollar.
00:17Quoted from RTI data until our trading this afternoon, the Rupiah strengthens sharply at 0.44% at a level of 15,949 USD.
00:27For the first time, the value of Rupiah has strengthened below 16,000 since 22 months ago.
00:32Previously, the Rupiah has been opened to strengthen at 0.18% at a level of 16,000 per US dollar in the trading on Thursday morning.
00:40The Rupiah continues to strengthen in the middle of the US dollar index. On Thursday morning, it fell sharply at 0.08% at a level of 103.12.
00:49The Rupiah strengthens in the middle of a positive sentiment from a sharp increase of US$145.04 billion per July 2024.
01:01The position of a solid Rupiah reserve is considered a safe zone to maintain Rupiah stability without the need to push the rise of the Indonesian Bungabang.
01:12We will immediately update you on the Rupiah exchange rate movement for the next major currency.
01:17The data collected by our editorial team can be seen on the TV screen.
01:23The Rupiah exchange rate movement for the US dollar is at 15,914 Rupiah.
01:29Then for the euro, the position is at 17,415 Rupiah.
01:35The Pound Sterling at 20,231 Rupiah and the Japanese at 108.85 Rupiah.
