Tanya-Robin-Ben, 10/01

  • last month


00:00You did. Thank you very much.
00:02WTVH 5. CBS, for Ithaca.
00:07Who is Jimmy Maguire?
00:09The perfect addition to Jeopardy!
00:11I went to school at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.
00:14This outgoing Bachelor is part of Jeopardy's new Clue Crew.
00:17It's great being here as part of the Clue Crew.
00:19What's the Clue Crew?
00:20For so long, we've watched clues as text. This time, we are going to bring clues to life.
00:25Jimmy, another reason to watch Jeopardy!
00:29America, meet the new Jeopardy! Clue Crew.
00:33Yeah! Woo-hoo!
00:40This is Jeopardy!
00:44Let's meet today's contestants.
00:46An attorney from Washington, D.C., Ben Martin.
00:50A high school social studies teacher from Chicago, Illinois, Ellen Ruhr.
00:56And our returning champion, an immigration counselor from Toronto, Canada, Tanya Knight,
01:03whose one-day cash winnings total $3,500.
01:08And now, here is the host of Jeopardy!, Alex Trebek.
01:15Thanks, Johnny.
01:16Ladies and gentlemen, welcome as we start the week.
01:19You'll be seeing more members of our Clue Crew throughout the program today.
01:23Ellen and Ben, you'll be seeing through the entire half hour
01:26because they are today's challengers facing our champ, Tanya.
01:30Pick up the signaling buttons. Good luck. Here comes the Jeopardy! round.
01:33Let's go to work.
01:36What awaits you in these categories?
01:39First of all, the History Channel.
01:41And it's all about a series called Men at Work, which starts tomorrow on the History Channel.
01:47We have ad campaigns for you.
01:49We want you to know your Muppets.
01:52We have something about presidential lifetimes.
01:55University of Michigan alumni.
01:58And finally, appropriately, each correct response will end in the letter X.
02:03Tanya, you go first, of course.
02:05Let's start with ends in X for $100.
02:07In a guessing game, you might ask, is it bigger or smaller than this kitchen item?
02:14What is a bread box?
02:16Ends in X for $200, please.
02:17All right, let's go to Cheryl at the L.A. County Museum of Natural History.
02:21What is the standing between two dueling dinosaurs?
02:24A Triceratops and this carnivore?
02:28What is a Tyrannosaurus Rex?
02:29Rex, that's it.
02:30Ends in X for $300, please.
02:32Ah, well, we have the Video Vanity Double awaiting you there.
02:35Found it quickly.
02:37Before, you had a chance to accumulate much money, but you can risk up to $500.
02:41$500, please.
02:42All righty, here is the clue.
02:44Take a look.
02:45It's the state capital whose flag is seen here.
02:49What is Phoenix?
02:50Phoenix, yes.
02:51You're at $800.
02:52You're the only one with money.
02:54I'll take ends in X for $400, please.
02:56In Monopoly, if you land on this space that has a diamond ring on it,
03:00you'll have to pay $75.
03:03What is the luxury tax?
03:05And I'll finish out the category ends in X for $500.
03:07Agate with bands of white and brown, black or red,
03:11is often referred to by this name.
03:17It's often referred to as onyx.
03:19Ben, we come back to you.
03:20Know your Muppets for $100.
03:22Ernie's roommate.
03:23He collects paperclips.
03:26Who is Bert?
03:27Bert, love him, yeah.
03:28Know your Muppets for $200.
03:29Originally a backstage worker on the Muppet Show,
03:31Rizzo is one of these animals.
03:35What is a rat?
03:37Know your Muppets for $300.
03:38Take a look.
03:39We're not sure what the creature seen here is,
03:40but we do know his girlfriend Camilla is one of these birds.
03:46What is a chicken?
03:48Know your Muppets for $400.
03:50Dr. Teeth and Rolf play this instrument.
03:55What is the piano?
03:56That's it.
03:57I'll take, finish out the category,
03:58take Know Your Muppets for $500, please.
04:00Take a look at the monitor.
04:01One of the two phrases that begin with hi
04:04associated with the Muppet scene here.
04:09What is hi-ho?
04:11And the other one is hi-yah.
04:15I'll take Presidential Lifetimes for $100.
04:171732 to 1799.
04:21Who is George Washington?
04:23Presidential Lifetimes for $200.
04:261882 to 1945.
04:29Who is Theodore Roosevelt?
04:31I mean Franklin Roosevelt.
04:32Oh, sorry.
04:34Who is Franklin Roosevelt?
04:35Who is Franklin Roosevelt?
04:36I ruled against you before you had a chance to correct.
04:38Ben, back to you.
04:39Moved to University of Michigan Alumni for $100.
04:41All right.
04:42Though Michigan had a single-sex dorm
04:44known as the Virgin Vault,
04:46this material girl lived in East Quad.
04:50Who is Madonna?
04:51Madonna, yes.
04:52I'll take University of Michigan Alumni for...
04:53Hang on just a second.
04:54Oh, sorry.
04:55That's all right.
04:56$500 for you and Tanya.
04:58Ben in the lead with $1,900.
05:00And we're gonna take our break now.
05:08Construction work in Central New York is good pay.
05:11But when you get hurt, the pay stops.
05:14Hurt on the job?
05:15You could be entitled to more than a small weekly workers' compensation check.
05:19My buddies told me to call Kenny and Kenny.
05:21They helped me get good care and a reasonable settlement for my injuries.
05:25Hurt on the job?
05:26I'm attorney Mike Kenny and my law firm starts working for you the moment you call.
05:30Call 1-800-390-1636.
05:33Remember, Kenny and Kenny is working for you.
05:36We can help.
05:37Tonight, catch an all-new hard-hitting King of Queens.
05:42Then, the in-laws are back on an all-new Yes Dear.
05:45Cue the banjo music.
05:46And Ray's having a midlife crisis.
05:48Where the hell do I belong?
05:50Right here.
05:51An all-new Raymond.
05:52Next, go back to your high school reunion with Monday's smash hit new comedy.
05:56Remember the guy at graduation who mooned everyone?
05:59Yeah, what happened to that idiot?
06:00I married him.
06:01An all-new Still Standing.
06:02It's all here on TV's best night of comedy, CBS Tonight.
06:05And later, catch Dave on an all-new Late Show.
06:08Smart shoppers across America are discovering America's Best.
06:12Come inside and find a huge selection of incredible new glasses for everyone.
06:17These look great on me.
06:18Cool, I get to pick two?
06:20Yes, everyone gets two pairs of glasses with lenses for just $59.95, including a doctor's eye exam.
06:26$59.95, what a deal.
06:28I had to see for myself.
06:30Seeing is believing for everyone at America's Best.
06:33Check out new frames online or call 1-800-2-BEAR.
06:36Holy sale and soon!
06:38According to the U.S. Department of Labor, since George Pataki's been governor, New York's lost 300,000 jobs.
06:46New York has among the lowest rates of job growth in the country.
06:50122,000 of the jobs lost were upstate.
06:54Is yours next?
06:55Tom Golisano is the only candidate for governor with a proven record of creating jobs and a plan to bring jobs back to New York.
07:03Tom Golisano, governor, bringing jobs back to New York.
07:10Today's third-place contestant will receive a trip to the luxurious La Costa Resort and Spa north of San Diego,
07:16offering championship golf, tennis, and a world-famous spa.
07:20From La Costa Resort and Spa.
07:22Today's second-place contestant will receive a trip to the island of Bermuda for a week's stay at the Sinesta Beach Resort.
07:28Enjoy a 25-acre oceanfront resort, spectacular views of the Atlantic, tennis, water sports, fine dining,
07:34European health and beauty spa, and three secluded beaches.
07:37And now, once again, here's Al.
07:42Ben Martin is a Washington attorney who has had some weird experiences in his life.
07:47He's done some exotic traveling and has encountered many blood-sucking parasites.
07:53That's right. The indicator of a good trip for me is whether I get attacked by one.
07:58And when I was in Kenya, it was ticks, and in Thailand, it was leeches.
08:01So I knew those were good trips.
08:03How'd you get the leeches off?
08:04The leeches, actually, they move rather slowly.
08:06So if you can see them, as long as you wear open-toed shoes, like sandals, you can take them off before they get...
08:10But if they do attach, then you just use a DEET-type insect repellent and they fall right off.
08:14Oh, really?
08:15Yeah. Luckily, nothing ever attached to me. I was very, very fortunate.
08:17Okay, good.
08:18Ellen Rourke from Chicago, Illinois, high school social studies teacher.
08:24Once given a private moonlight tour of, I assume, the Roman Coliseum?
08:29That is correct.
08:31How did you rate this private moonlight tour?
08:34I defaulted into it.
08:36My traveling companion, who I was with, she had previous plans with this person's friend.
08:44And so I was sort of stuck with his wingman, I guess is what you would call it.
08:48I was sort of stuck with him.
08:50It turned out...
08:51I've never heard it referred. I'm the wingman. Watch out.
08:55So I was stuck with this guy who spoke pretty much no English, and I speak no Italian,
08:59but I sort of used Spanglish as sort of a go-between, and it turned out that he was a policeman,
09:05and he said that he could give me a tour, and we got on the Vespa.
09:09I saw the Coliseum at night all by myself. It was beautiful. It was amazing.
09:13I'm sure it was with a wingman, yes.
09:16Tanya Knight is our champion.
09:18She had an interesting experience with the man you wound up being permanently attached to.
09:25He showed you his handcuff marks on your first date?
09:28It was my sister's birthday. We were all at a nightclub.
09:31He came up to me, started a polite conversation, and said,
09:34Look at these handcuff marks I have. I got them last night when I spent the night in jail.
09:38I was a little taken aback, but I guess I was in my early 20s and attracted to the wild type.
09:42It turned out not to be so wild after all.
09:44He probably had a wingman, too.
09:47Ellen, you make a selection here.
09:50I'll take University of Michigan Alumni for $200, please.
09:54Before intoning this is CNN, it was U of M for this man who overcame a childhood stutter.
10:03It was James Earl Jones.
10:05University of Michigan for $300.
10:06The salesman he created wouldn't die until 11 years after this author's senior year in 1938.
10:13Who is Arthur Miller?
10:15I'll take Presidential Lifetimes for $300.
10:171913, 1994.
10:20It was Richard Nixon.
10:22University of Michigan for $400.
10:24It'd take more than 60 minutes to honor this Anchor alum, also a character in The Insider.
10:32That would be Mike Wallace. Ben, back to you.
10:34Finish the $500, Michigan, please.
10:36Lawrence Kasdan wrote this Kevin Kline, Glenn Close ensemble film partially based on his years at Michigan.
10:43What is The Big Chill?
10:45I will take Ad Campaigns for $100, please.
10:47A long-running campaign shows fabulous places that don't take this credit card.
10:53What is American Express?
10:54That's right.
10:55Ad Campaigns for $200.
10:56A Sports Illustrated subscription drive popularized the phrase,
11:00the gift that does this.
11:03What is Keeps On Giving?
11:04That's it.
11:05I'll take Ad Campaigns for $300, please.
11:07The following clip dramatizes a famous cartoon ad for this man's products.
11:13Hey! Quit kicking sand in our faces!
11:16You're too young to remember that ad campaign.
11:21That was for Charles Atlas.
11:23Go again, Ellen.
11:24I'll take Ad Campaigns for $400.
11:27This company took us for a ride with It's Such a Comfort to Take the Bus and Leave the Driving to Us.
11:34What is Greyhound?
11:35Greyhound, yes.
11:36How long to go?
11:37I'll take Ad Campaigns for $500, please.
11:38Ridley Scott directed the Share the Fantasy ads for this Tony perfume.
11:45Share the Fantasy, Chanel No. 5.
11:48Ellen, back to you.
11:49I'll try the History Channel for $100, please.
11:51In Earthmovers, the prototype of this modern machine is described here.
11:56The Foley brothers hit upon the idea of pushing material ahead of a team of animals instead of drawing it from...
12:03What is a bulldozer?
12:04You're right.
12:05I'll take Presidential Lifetimes for $400.
12:071843 to 1901.
12:10Who is McKinley?
12:12Presidential Lifetimes for $500?
12:131856, 1924.
12:17Who is Harding?
12:20Who is Wilson?
12:21Wilson is right.
12:22I'll take History Channel for $200, please.
12:23On Power Tools, this comedian muses,
12:25There isn't a guy I know that doesn't say more horsepower would be better.
12:31Who is, uh...
12:34Ooh, say it again.
12:35No, you didn't say it.
12:37Who is Tim Allen?
12:38Tim Allen, yes.
12:39History Channel for $300?
12:40Take a look.
12:41The episode seen here is devoted to this development.
12:45A revolutionary symbol of industrial superiority.
12:48A production technique that transformed nations.
12:52What is the assembly line?
12:53You're correct.
12:54I'll take the History Channel for $400, please.
12:55Take a look.
12:56It's the item described here as improved by blacksmith William Dimmitt.
13:01What made Dimmitt unique was that it had a solid stem
13:05running through the middle of a screw-like twist.
13:08What is a drill?
13:14What is a drill bit?
13:15Drill bit, yes.
13:16That's what made it special and unique.
13:18Well, we have Ellen on the board with $2,800.
13:20Ben at $1,900.
13:21Tanya at $1,000.
13:22Tanya, you pick first when we come back after this.
13:29Today at 5 on Eyewitness News 5,
13:32we're on your side.
13:34Police believe they have the person responsible
13:36for Syracuse's latest homicide,
13:38and he's a 15-year-old boy.
13:40Find out how the court is handling this minor
13:42accused with a fatal stabbing.
13:44And the first big frost of the year
13:46will hit tonight.
13:47How can you keep Jack Frost
13:48from destroying your plants and garden?
13:50We're on your side with tips for dealing
13:52with tonight's big chill.
13:54We're on your side.
13:56Today at 5 on Eyewitness News 5.
13:59New York is facing tough challenges.
14:01Our schools are failing,
14:02and we're below the national average in job creation.
14:05In times like these,
14:06you deserve more than empty promises
14:08and negative ads.
14:09That's why I've offered a detailed plan for the future.
14:12To improve education, smaller classes,
14:15and real accountability.
14:16To get our economy moving,
14:18help for small businesses,
14:19and better job training.
14:21Take a look.
14:22Let us know what you think,
14:23because we need everyone working together
14:26to build the future our children deserve.
14:31Businesses move fast these days.
14:33So does MVP.
14:34We keep adding new plan options,
14:36reaching out to more people than ever.
14:38We constantly work to improve communication
14:40between MVP and our members,
14:42businesses, doctors, everybody.
14:44Our vision is clear.
14:45To provide members with the peace of mind
14:47that their health care needs will be met.
14:49Even if you call us at 11 o'clock at night,
14:51there are real people here to help you.
14:53People for better care.
14:55Play the people at JoinMVP.com.
14:58We both went from a size 14 to a size 5,
15:01and now we share our clothing.
15:03Everybody's talking about L.A. Weight Loss Centers.
15:05People tell me I look great now,
15:07and I'm learning how to take a compliment.
15:09It's amazing to hear that,
15:10to hear people referring to me as being tall and skinny.
15:13Within two weeks,
15:14I was already starting to wear a dress size less,
15:17and that was fabulous.
15:19And it's the only program that I've honestly seen really work.
15:23L.A. Weight Loss Centers.
15:24Call for your free consultation.
15:32All right, Double Jeopardy time.
15:33Two daily doubles.
15:34Here are the categories.
15:35We start off with...
15:36Titles taken from Shakespeare.
15:41They were in that.
15:43County seats.
15:47Travel tidbits.
15:48Sounds like a plan.
15:50All right, Tanya, start us off.
15:52I'll try travel tidbits for $200.
15:54Altdorf, Switzerland,
15:56boasts a statue of this archer with his son,
15:58the apple of his eye.
16:01Who is William Tell?
16:03Travel tidbits for $400.
16:04The telecom tower on Black Mountain in this Aussie capital
16:07boasts a revolving restaurant.
16:10What is Canberra?
16:12Travel tidbits for $600.
16:14Disney has announced plans to build a theme park
16:16in this former crown colony on China's southern coast.
16:20What is Hong Kong?
16:22Travel tidbits for $800.
16:23Here's Sophia at SeaWorld.
16:25This spiny sea creature that I'm holding
16:27is on a lot of menus in Martinique,
16:29where it's known as Orsan.
16:32What is a sea urchin?
16:33Sea urchin, correct.
16:34Travel tidbits for $1,000.
16:35It's fun to ride the aerial tramway
16:37from Manhattan to this East River Island.
16:40Catch it at 2nd Avenue and 59th Street.
16:44What is Staten Island?
16:47What is Coney Island?
16:50What is Brooklyn?
16:52What is Roosevelt Island?
16:53All right, Ben, you go again.
16:54Sounds like a plan for $200.
16:56Zapata's plan of Ayala called for redistribution of land
16:59to indigenous people in this country.
17:03What is Mexico?
17:05County seats for $200.
17:06What is the tremendous seat of Pitkin County, Colorado?
17:13That would be Aspen.
17:15Ben, back to you.
17:16County seats for $400.
17:18In California, Marysville is the seat of Yuba,
17:21and Yuba City is the seat of this county,
17:23named for a mill owner.
17:28Remember Sutter's Mill?
17:29Sutter County.
17:31We'll move over to Afrikaans for $200.
17:33What is the property on which you would normally wear a capy?
17:38What is your head?
17:40Afrikaans for $400.
17:41To an Afrikaaner, a clip springer, like a Reebok,
17:43is one of these.
17:46What is a shoe?
17:49What is a deer?
17:51It's an antelope.
17:52Back to you, Tanya.
17:54Afrikaans for $600.
17:56There you go.
17:58All right.
17:59You have $600.
18:00You can risk $1,000.
18:04I'll risk $1,000.
18:05All right.
18:06Here's the clue.
18:07To an Afrikaaner, this city is Kapstad.
18:11What is Cape Town?
18:13You're at $1,600.
18:14Okay, now.
18:15I'll take Afrikaans for $800.
18:17Afrikaans for $800.
18:19This one should be easy to feel.
18:20This grasslands name is from the Dutch for field.
18:25What is a Serengeti?
18:27Tanya or Ellen?
18:29What is the Transvaal?
18:32It's Veldt.
18:34We'll go Afrikaans for $1,000.
18:36This 11-letter term for a South African pioneer
18:39refers back to the boars who made that long walk.
18:44What is a trek boar?
18:47Ellen or Ben?
18:51Correct response.
18:52What is a boar trekker?
18:53Boar trekker.
18:54Tanya, back to you.
18:56Title taken from Shakespeare for $200.
18:57Sonnet 30, line 2, by Post.
19:02You have to name the book.
19:06And the line taken from Shakespeare,
19:08Remembrance of Things Past.
19:11Tanya, go again.
19:12Sounds like a plan for $400.
19:13In December of 1946,
19:15this country rejected the USA's Baruch Plan
19:18for international control of atomic energy.
19:22What is the Soviet Union?
19:23That's it.
19:24Sounds like a plan for $600.
19:25Favoring moderate terms for reconstruction,
19:28they vetoed the Wade-Davis Plan in 1864.
19:33Who is Andrew Johnson?
19:36Who is Abraham Lincoln?
19:38Sounds like a plan for $800.
19:39The plan of colonial union named for this city in New York
19:42called for a grand council and a president general.
19:48That was the Albany Plan.
19:50Sounds like a plan for $1,000.
19:51The Marshall Plan is more formally known
19:53as the ERP or this program.
19:58What is the European Reconstruction Program?
20:02What is the European Recovery Program?
20:04Recovery Program.
20:06I will take they were in that for $200, please.
20:08Richard Dreyfuss can be spotted, if you're attentive,
20:11in the 1967 version of this Jacqueline Suzanne book.
20:16What is Valley of the Dolls?
20:18Title taken from Shakespeare for $400.
20:19Answer there.
20:20The Ever Daily Double.
20:21Once again, you can risk up to $1,000,
20:23even though you're at a minus $400 at the moment.
20:26Okay, I'll risk $1,000.
20:27Okay, here is the clue.
20:30The Tempest, Act 5, Scene 1, Line 183 by Huxley.
20:35What is Brave New World?
20:36That's it.
20:37You're on the plus side again.
20:38Title taken from Shakespeare for $600.
20:41Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5, Line 26 by Faulkner.
20:47What is the sound in the theory?
20:48That's it.
20:49Minute to go.
20:50They were in that for $800, please.
20:52Mel Gibson makes a punked-out cameo
20:54in this 1997 Robin Williams Billy Crystal comedy.
20:59What is Fatherhood?
21:02What is Analyze This?
21:05Ellen's not gonna ring in.
21:06What is Father's Day?
21:08We've been so close on so many of these clues.
21:10Ben, go again.
21:11They were in that for $1,000, please.
21:12When this future TV angel appeared in 1974's Evil in the Deep,
21:16she was billed as Cheryl Stopplemore.
21:20Who is Cheryl Ladd?
21:22Title taken from Shakespeare for $800.
21:23Richard III, Act 1, Scene 1, Line 1 by Steinbeck.
21:29What are the grapes of wrath?
21:32Tanya or Ben?
21:34What is Up, Mice and Men?
21:37What is the winter of our discontent?
21:40Tanya, select.
21:43Oh, Ben.
21:45Yeah, Ben just noticed the score.
21:47He's at minus $100, which means he will not be around to compete in Final Jeopardy.
21:52This was a weird game, guys.
21:53I mean, you would go up and you'd come so close with your responses,
21:56be a word or a syllable off.
21:58Tanya's $800, Ellen $2,000.
22:00Here's the Final Jeopardy category.
22:01Science News for you, too.
22:03Back in a moment.
22:05We carry all the top brands of paint.
22:08Chase Pickens recommends Glidden Color for creating a special mood.
22:12Over 6,000 custom colors.
22:14Now save $7 a gallon after $5 mail-in rebates.
22:18Glidden Color Flat, $6.99.
22:21Satin, $8.99.
22:22And you can easily install Armstrong Arbor Real Laminate Flooring.
22:26Select natural or antique oak or maple.
22:29Just $1.99 a square foot.
22:31Get into Chase Pickens now and save.
22:36Hi, everybody.
22:37Welcome to our spot.
22:38You can't believe the deals we got on school bags.
22:40We got about 10, 15 different styles.
22:42Fabulous prices.
22:43We beat everybody where that's concerned.
22:45Also, we got leather portfolios for the office people.
22:47We got a lot of stuff.
22:48Got a super clothes on and leather jackets for only $99.
22:51Got all kinds of duffle bags and a great purse special for only $14.
22:55So if you got some time, come on down to Forever Leather in the Sanger Town Mall in New Hartford
22:59and check out Forever Leather's fabulous, fabulous leather sale.
23:02You'll never be sorry that you did.
23:04Thank you very much.
23:06Let's set the record straight.
23:08Under Governor Pataki, New York's created over 600,000 new jobs.
23:12That's a fact.
23:13We've just built the world's most advanced microchip facility, Upstate.
23:18High-tech centers up excellence to create thousands of new jobs.
23:22We've just opened our first new steel plant in Northeast, Upstate.
23:26These are challenging times.
23:28Together, we'll meet today's challenges and create tomorrow's opportunities.
23:38We'll be back with Final Jeopardy! right after this.
23:42New honey bunches of oats with strawberries.
23:45We want everyone in America to try it.
23:47He tried new honey bunches of oats with strawberries.
23:49We took the combination of honey oat clusters and flakes and added slices of real strawberries.
23:54New honey bunches of oats with strawberries.
23:58According to the U.S. Department of Labor, since George Pataki's been governor, New York's lost 300,000 jobs.
24:05New York has among the lowest rates of job growth in the country.
24:09122,000 of the jobs lost were Upstate.
24:13Is yours next?
24:15Tom Golisano is the only candidate for governor with a proven record of creating jobs
24:20and a plan to bring jobs back to New York.
24:23Tom Golisano, governor, bringing jobs back to New York.
24:27Hi, everybody.
24:28Welcome once again to Forever Leather Spots.
24:30And boy, do we have some great leather specials for you right now.
24:33We've got a lot of closeouts at only $99.
24:35That's right, lambskin and heavy gauge cowhide for only $99.
24:39We have a super fur special for only $14.
24:41Large bags, too.
24:43We also have this large duffel bag on sale for $24.
24:46If you've got some time and you want to get some great deals on leather goods,
24:49want to come down to Sanger Town Square in New Hartford and check out Forever Leather's fabulous, fabulous sales.
24:54You'll never be sorry that you did.
24:56Thank you very much.
24:57Syracuse Community Health Center will proudly present an evening of jazz on Friday, November 1st.
25:02Enjoy dinner and dancing, and help us continue to fulfill our mission in Central New York.
25:06Call 476-7921, extension 253, to reserve your ticket.
25:14This captioning is sponsored in part by ...
25:16Break sales don't come any bigger.
25:18Get 50% off lifetime break pads and shoes at Meineke.
25:22At Meineke, you won't pay a lot, but you'll get a lot.
25:27Category of science news. Here's the clue.
25:29It's the reason that airlines altered many of their trans-Pacific flight plans on March 23rd, 2001.
25:36Ladies, you have 30 seconds. Good luck.
26:10Tonya, did you get anything down there? I don't think so, huh?
26:13It was not a good day.
26:15What did you lose?
26:17So you're going to wind up in second place, unless Ellen ...
26:20Well, even with Ellen risking everything.
26:22She didn't risk everything.
26:23What did you put down? What is a solar eclipse?
26:25No, you remember when Mir came crashing down to Earth?
26:28And it landed in the Pacific, and people didn't want to be hit by parts of it, so they changed their routes.
26:34What did you lose?
26:37Okay, that leaves you with $1,601.
26:39You're the new champion.
26:40Not a lot of money, but you can build on that tomorrow.
26:43And we hope you will join us, too.
26:45So long.
26:46Promotional consideration provided by ...
26:49Hey, with all you have going on, who has time to clean?
26:54Call Mary May's. It's one less thing to worry about.
26:58I want my family to eat healthy.
27:00They want great taste.
27:02That's why I only use Eggland's Best Eggs.
27:04Eggland's Best has it all.
27:06Mmm, so good.
27:08Tum's new Fresh Blends.
27:10In peaches and cream, strawberries and cream and vanilla cream.
27:13Only the food-tasted is good.
27:15Try new Fresh Blends.
27:18Introducing the Rembrandt Plus Bleaching Kit.
27:20Professional whitening at home.
27:22It's quick and easy.
27:23Rembrandt Plus Bleaching Kit.
27:25Only your dentist whitens better.
27:28Now you can do something about the appearance of scars.
27:31From burns to acne.
27:32Surgical scars to stretch marks.
27:34For new and old scars.
27:35Mederma. Skincare for scars.
27:37Is it magic?
27:39That is, to all.
27:40It feels like music.
27:42But it tastes like Joe Malone.
27:45Jazz it up with Zara Red.
27:47Come on.
