Albert @ bonus, 1/73

  • last month


00:14From Television City in Hollywood,
00:17here's the game where knowledge is king
00:19and lady luck is queen.
00:21It's the Joker's Wild.
00:23And now here's the host of our show, Jack Perry.
00:32Thank you very much.
00:33Annemarie Cord, you're welcome once again
00:35to the Joker's Wild,
00:36where the players determine their own fate
00:38by spinning those category wheels
00:39and try to make pairs and triples.
00:41Those of you who are watching know
00:42that we crowned the new champion on our last show.
00:44He won two games,
00:45but we didn't have a chance to get a decision from him
00:48as to whether or not he wanted to try to go
00:51for the third win and break the jackpot.
00:53Let's reintroduce the new champion,
00:55if you will, Johnny Jacobs.
00:57Yes, I will, Jack.
00:58Our current champion is an insurance agent
01:00from Montebello, California,
01:02and his name is Albert Wisdom.
01:08Al, you certainly proved on our last program
01:10that your last name is not a mistake.
01:12You've displayed a lot of wisdom,
01:14enabling you to win so far $1,150 in cash,
01:17$2,170 in prizes,
01:20and right now you have to use that wisdom
01:22to make a decision.
01:23If you quit right now, it's all yours,
01:25but if you decide to go ahead,
01:27all you have to do is win one more game.
01:30If you win the next game, you will break the jackpot.
01:33In the jackpot right now in cash,
01:34we have $2,500,
01:37and in addition, for breaking the jackpot,
01:38you would go home with this lovely gift.
01:42It's the 73 Nova,
01:44the basic dependable car made better this year
01:46with real improvements to make it even better.
01:49Nova for 73,
01:51built to give you a better way to see the USA.
01:53Now, the wisdom, do you take your money and quit,
01:56or do you take a risk and try to break our jackpot?
01:58What do you do?
02:00I think I'm going to be chicken and stock.
02:06You're going to be chicken and stock?
02:08That's your privilege, it certainly is.
02:10He's going to quit at this point with a lot of prizes,
02:12with $1,150 in cash,
02:14and you leave this program with our very, very good wishes
02:17for a good sport and a fellow
02:18who really knows how to play our game.
02:20Thank you very much.
02:21And we'll be back to meet two new players
02:22right after these messages.
02:25Whenever a champion retires, we need two new players,
02:28and we do have two new players.
02:29Johnny Jacobs, who are they?
02:31Jack, our next player comes from a town
02:33with a population of 75.
02:36Here is Nancy McKelvey.
02:39And her opponent is a coach
02:41of Babe Ruth Little League Baseball,
02:43and he's going to play a game
02:45where he's going to play a game
02:47where he's going to play a game
02:50of Babe Ruth Little League Baseball.
02:51Here is Steve Cherna.
02:53Welcome to the program, both of you.
02:57Nancy, what's that small town you live in?
02:59Well, it's Shattuck, Illinois.
03:01I have to plug that.
03:03One claim to fame is it was the center of population
03:05in 1960 of the whole United States.
03:07I see.
03:08How long did you live there?
03:1019 years.
03:11Are you married now?
03:13And what does your husband do?
03:14He's in credit and collection work
03:16for an auto leasing firm in Los Angeles.
03:18Very nice.
03:20And Steve, you work with the Babe Ruth Little League, huh?
03:23How did your team do last year?
03:24We finished second.
03:25Well, better luck next year.
03:27Isn't that what they always say?
03:29Very good.
03:30Players, on with our game here.
03:31I think you know how to play it.
03:32Make pairs and triples.
03:33The first player to get to $500 first wins the game.
03:34He gets a chance to spin for prizes.
03:35And here are the categories we'll be using.
03:37Famous Redheads, Laurel & Hardy,
03:40South America, Psychiatric Terms,
03:43and The Renaissance.
03:45The lady will go first.
03:46Nancy McKelvey, your first spin.
03:47Good luck.
03:50Joker, Laurel & Hardy, The Renaissance.
03:54I think I'll take Laurel & Hardy.
03:56All right.
03:57It's a $100 question
03:58because you've made a pair with the Joker.
03:59In the Battle of the Century,
04:01one of the most massive battles of its type
04:03was staged for the camera.
04:05What was the ammunition used in the Battle of the Century?
04:10That's right.
04:11For $100.
04:12Your spin is off.
04:14Keeps running.
04:15Good luck.
04:17South America, Joker.
04:19The Renaissance.
04:20South America, please, for $100.
04:21You also have a pair with the Joker.
04:23$100 question.
04:24This country was named by America Vespucci in 1499.
04:28The name means Little Venice.
04:30Name the country.
04:33Tie game.
04:34$100 to $100.
04:35Your spin, Nancy.
04:39Laurel & Hardy.
04:41Well, I'll try The Renaissance.
04:43$100 question.
04:44You have a natural pair.
04:45Name the religious leader of the 1500s
04:49who hosted his religious protests,
04:50known as the 95 Theses,
04:52in Wittenberg, Germany.
04:54Martin Luther.
04:55That's correct.
04:56You go to $200.
04:57Keeps running.
04:58Your spin.
05:03Famous redhead.
05:09I think I'll go off the board
05:10and take South America for $100, Jack.
05:12South America.
05:13You're taking the two Jokers
05:14and making a $100 question off the board.
05:16What is the name of the famous cape
05:19at the southern tip of South America?
05:21Cape Horn.
05:22That's right.
05:23You go to $200.
05:24Score tied up again.
05:25$200 to $200.
05:26Nancy McKelvey.
05:35Well, I'll try Renaissance.
05:36$200 question.
05:37The prince and the discourse
05:39are works of this noted
05:41Renaissance political theorist.
05:43What is the last name of this Renaissance figure
05:45whose name has become synonymous
05:47with crafty planning?
05:50That's correct.
05:51You go to $400.
05:56South America.
05:57Laurel and Hardy.
05:58Famous redheads.
05:59South America, please.
06:00Kind of a bad spin of the wheels
06:02at this juncture.
06:03Only a $50 question.
06:04There are only two South American countries
06:06which have no coastline.
06:08Name either one of these landlocked countries.
06:11Bolivia or Paraguay is right.
06:13You go to $250.
06:15Now it'll all depend on what the wheels show.
06:18All right, Nancy.
06:21Psychiatric terms.
06:22And a triple.
06:28I think I'm going off the board
06:29for famous redheads.
06:30All right.
06:31You have two jokers.
06:32You're going for a $100 question
06:33with famous redheads.
06:34If you answer correctly,
06:35you'll be at $500.
06:36That's enough to win,
06:37but Steve Torna does get one final spin.
06:41This famous redhead played Endora,
06:45the mother of Samantha,
06:46on Bewitched for many years.
06:48For $500, name her.
06:51Correct for $500.
06:57Because she is so far ahead of you, Steve,
06:59no combination of categories would help you
07:01except one.
07:02If you can pull three jokers
07:04and answer one question,
07:05you would be the champion.
07:07Other than that,
07:08or anything short of that,
07:09she would have become
07:10the champion of the Joker's Wild.
07:12Let's see what you get.
07:13Here goes.
07:17It's all over.
07:18The champion is Nancy McKelvey.
07:22Congratulations, Nancy.
07:24You've won $500,
07:25and in just a moment,
07:26we'll give you a chance to spin for prizes.
07:27Steve, you had a short stay.
07:28We hope not too unpleasant.
07:30Backstage, some going-away prizes for you.
07:32Thank you very much
07:33for being a contestant in our program.
07:34Goodbye, Steve Torna.
07:38And now, as it happens to all players,
07:40it happens to you, Nancy McKelvey.
07:42You spin for prizes.
07:43As you know,
07:45with three jokers,
07:46you get a prize.
07:47If a devil comes up,
07:48you lose all the prizes.
07:49Johnny Jacobs will now tell you
07:50the first prize
07:51for which you will be spinning.
07:52From Brother,
07:53a smartly-styled,
07:54truly electric,
07:55portable typewriter
07:56with full-office keyboard,
07:57repeat keys,
07:59two-color ribbon,
08:00and convenient lid cover.
08:03Three jokers gets that for you.
08:04A devil loses it.
08:05Spin, and good luck.
08:11You've got prize number one.
08:13Let's see if you want to take a risk
08:14and go for prize number two.
08:16It's a Bell & Howell-powered
08:17Zoom 8 movie camera
08:19that takes wide-angle, normal,
08:20and telephoto shots
08:21in ordinary light,
08:22plus a dual-eight projector
08:23and a screen,
08:24title set, and film,
08:25which we're sure
08:26will come in handy
08:27at your stay
08:28at Marriott's Camelback Inn
08:30for relaxation,
08:32and recreation.
08:33One of the world's
08:34finest resorts
08:35in the sun-drenched desert
08:36of Scottsdale, Arizona.
08:38Now, you have to decide.
08:39Do you quit with your typewriter
08:40or go ahead for that
08:41vacation-at-home movie
08:43out there?
08:47What do you think?
08:48I've got to go for my husband.
08:49We lived in Phoenix
08:50and he loved it,
08:51so he'd love to go back
08:52for a vacation.
08:53Very good.
08:54We hope you get your vacation.
08:55Let's see if we can get
08:56three Jokers.
08:57You have one Joker,
08:58two Jokers,
08:59three Jokers.
09:00Very good.
09:03You have two prizes,
09:04including the vacation,
09:05and now we'll see
09:06if you're tempted
09:07to try to risk
09:08for this third prize.
09:09The Joker would like
09:10to make your den
09:11a little bit nicer
09:13by adding the Panasonic
09:14Orbital TV
09:16and the amazing
09:17phone messenger
09:18to screen incoming calls
09:20while you enjoy
09:21the marvelous set
09:22of great books
09:23relaxing in your
09:24beautiful pair
09:25of Straddle Lounger
09:26low-back lounge chairs,
09:27all together
09:28worth almost
09:33Now, you have to decide, Nancy.
09:35Do you quit with your
09:36first two prizes
09:37or take a chance
09:39on the devil coming up?
09:40What do you do?
09:49I don't dare go home
09:50if I lose that trip
09:51to Scottsdale,
09:52so I better just stick.
09:53Stay with what you have.
09:54You can't lose the trip.
09:55A very wise choice,
09:56I would think,
09:57because that devil
09:58hasn't come up in a while
09:59and is just about due
10:00very shortly.
10:01You know, they do come up
10:02every once in a while,
10:03so you'll be happy
10:04with that trip.
10:05And we'll find out
10:06whether you want to
10:07continue playing or not
10:08right after these words.
10:10The champion is
10:11Nancy McKelvey.
10:12She has $500
10:13and now must decide
10:14whether she wants
10:15to go on or not.
10:16If you go on
10:17and lose the next game,
10:18you'll lose your $500,
10:19but you'll keep
10:20the prizes, of course.
10:21If you go on
10:22and win two more games,
10:23you'd break our jackpot.
10:24In the jackpot right now,
10:25we have cash
10:26of $2,500
10:27and in addition
10:28for breaking the jackpot,
10:29you would drive home
10:30in the Chevy Nova
10:31worth $2,600.
10:32The choice is yours.
10:33Do you quit now
10:34or do you take a risk
10:35and try to break our jackpot?
10:42What's your choice, Nancy?
10:43What will it be?
10:44What's it gonna be?
10:45She's looking out there
10:46at her husband
10:47and family
10:48and what's it gonna be?
10:49I think I'll try
10:50one more game.
10:51One more game.
10:52All right, fine.
10:56It's always nice
10:57and probably her husband
10:58out there said,
10:59okay, go.
11:00We're going to Scottsdale.
11:01Anyway, what's the difference?
11:02Let's find out
11:03in just a moment
11:04if she can win
11:05the second game
11:06as we ask Johnny Jacobs
11:07to introduce
11:08the next challenger.
11:09Okay, Jack,
11:10our next player
11:12to collect money
11:13from many of us,
11:14here is Al Chapman.
11:19Hi, Al.
11:20Welcome to Junk as Well.
11:21It's nice being here.
11:22How come you collect money
11:23from so many of us?
11:24Well, that's part of my job.
11:25What's that?
11:26Collecting taxes.
11:27You're a tax collector?
11:33You weren't here
11:34looking for anybody special,
11:35were you?
11:36No, not at all.
11:37Just to play the game.
11:39Well, I'm sure you'll find
11:40our audience
11:42very fair-minded.
11:43I understand you were
11:44released from the Army
11:45not long ago.
11:47How long ago?
11:48Well, I just got from Germany
11:49back in July.
11:50In July.
11:51Delighted to have you
11:52here on the program.
11:53We wish you both good luck.
11:54And here are the categories
11:55which are going to be used
11:56on this game.
11:57They are Fads and Fashions,
11:58Movie Life Stories,
11:59LBJ, Lyndon B. Johnson,
12:00TV Variety Shows,
12:01and Science.
12:02Champion in her second game,
12:03trying to go on
12:04to break that jackpot,
12:05spin first, Nancy.
12:06Good luck.
12:09TV Variety Shows,
12:10Movie Life Stories,
12:11and a Pair.
12:12I'll take TV Variety Shows.
12:14It's a $100 question.
12:15Joe the Bartender
12:16and Crazy Guggenheim
12:17were featured on
12:18his American Scene
12:19magazine every week.
12:20On whose show
12:21did these two characters
12:23Jackie Gleason.
12:24That's right,
12:25for $100.
12:26Now, Captain,
12:27your first spin.
12:28Good luck.
12:33Fads and Fashions,
12:36I'll take Science
12:37for $50.
12:40This common compound
12:42is the acetyl derivative
12:44of salicylic acid.
12:49I'm going to get this right
12:50if I stay here all day.
12:51Salicylic acid.
12:52It is widely used
12:53against fever
12:54and as an analgesic
12:55for minor pain.
12:57What is the common name
12:58of this substance?
13:00Isn't that simple?
13:02Thank you, Al.
13:05I sure made that sound tough, though.
13:08Score $100 to $50
13:09and your spin, Nancy.
13:14Movie Life Stories.
13:17I'll go Movie Life Stories.
13:18$200 question.
13:19Sal Mineo
13:20performed the movie life story
13:22of this famous drummer.
13:24For $200 more,
13:26name him.
13:28Gene Krupa is right.
13:29You go to $300.
13:33Your spin, Al.
13:44That hasn't happened
13:45in quite a while.
13:46Three jokers.
13:47Al, I don't know
13:48if you know the rule of our game
13:49which says if you're lucky enough
13:50to pull three jokers
13:51and answer one question,
13:52any question
13:53on any of the five categories,
13:54you will become
13:55the new champion
13:56of the Joker's Wild
13:57and win $500.
13:58If you miss the question,
13:59the game goes on as usual.
14:01Which category do you want to play?
14:03I'll take science.
14:04Science again.
14:05This question is worth $500
14:07and the championship
14:08and here it is.
14:10A Dutch naturalist
14:12created an instrument
14:13which has become
14:14the primary tool
14:15of medical research.
14:17For $500 and the championship,
14:19what was the invention
14:21of Anton van Leeuwenhoek?
14:25The stethoscope.
14:27That is wrong.
14:29That is wrong.
14:30The answer is the microscope.
14:32The microscope.
14:34You lost a golden opportunity here, Al.
14:37And the game goes on as before.
14:39$300 to $50
14:40and it is your spin, Nancy.
14:44LBJ and a joker.
14:50I'll try LBJ.
14:52If you answer correctly,
14:53you have $200 more.
14:54That will give you $500.
14:55But Al does get one final spin.
14:58In 1937,
15:00LBJ was elected
15:01to his first public office.
15:03For $500 in total,
15:06what was it?
15:08House of Representatives.
15:10Yes, I'll accept
15:11Congressman or House of Representatives.
15:13For $500, you are right.
15:19Al Chapman,
15:20this kind of puts you
15:21in a very tough position.
15:22She is so far ahead
15:23that the only way
15:24you could catch her
15:25would be that
15:26which you did
15:27a couple of moments ago.
15:28Spin three jokers
15:29and answer a question.
15:30Anything short of that,
15:31she will have won
15:32her second game
15:33and will have in cash
15:36All right, Al.
15:37Let's see if you can come up
15:38with three jokers again.
15:42It's all over.
15:43And again,
15:44Nancy McCarty
15:45has won a game.
15:50Congratulations, Nancy.
15:51You have $1,000 in cash
15:52and once again,
15:53you get a chance
15:54to spin for prizes.
15:55As for you, Al,
15:56you missed a golden opportunity.
15:57We regret very much
15:58for your sake.
16:00there will be some
16:01going away prizes for you.
16:02Thank you so much
16:04We'll give Nancy
16:05a chance to spin for prizes,
16:06but first,
16:07these important words.
16:10Nancy McKelvey
16:11has won two games.
16:12She keeps looking out
16:13to the audience
16:14to her husband
16:15as to whether
16:16she should continue
16:17playing or not.
16:18But first,
16:19you have a pleasant short
16:20to try to win
16:21some more prizes.
16:22You've already won
16:23$860 in prizes
16:24and now we give you
16:25a chance to spin
16:26for three more.
16:27What is the first one
16:28she'll be spinning for, Johnny?
16:29First one, Jack,
16:30is the Frederick Willis
16:31Precision Crafter
16:32Pro Quality Pool Table
16:35Three jokers gets it for you.
16:36Devil loses it.
16:37Spin and good luck.
16:42Devil hit.
16:43I told you
16:44that devil was bound
16:45to come up pretty soon
16:46and there it is.
16:48you didn't lose
16:49any of the previous prizes.
16:50You still have those
16:51including that much-wanted
16:52trip to Scottsdale.
16:53Now you face
16:54a bigger decision.
16:55You have yourself
16:56$1,000 in cash,
16:57$860 in prizes.
16:58You have won two games.
16:59If you win
17:00one more game,
17:01you will break our jackpot.
17:02In the jackpot,
17:03you will take home
17:04an additional $2,500
17:05in cash
17:06and the Chevy Nova
17:07which is worth
17:09Do you want
17:10to quit now
17:11or take a risk
17:12and try to break
17:13the jackpot?
17:24What do you say, Nancy?
17:25Let's hear what
17:26she has to say.
17:27I've been pretty lucky,
17:28I feel,
17:29but that devil
17:30gave me a signal.
17:31I'm going to quit
17:32Scottsdale with the money
17:33and we don't blame you
17:34for that.
17:35It's your privilege.
17:36We hope you
17:37and your husband
17:38have a lovely,
17:39lovely time in Scottsdale.
17:40Let's say goodbye
17:41to Nancy McKelvey.
17:42Goodbye, Nancy.
17:44that's a couple
17:45of times
17:46on the road
17:47that's happened
17:48which means,
17:49of course,
17:50we have to have
17:51new players.
17:52Whenever Champion
17:54it leaves two
17:55vacant spots
17:56on the program
17:57and so now,
17:58Johnny Jacobs
17:59will introduce
18:00two new people
18:01and here is
18:02Ute Salisbury.
18:03And her opponent
18:04is called
18:05a hot dog.
18:06Here is
18:07Steve Sachs.
18:08Welcome players
18:09to the Jokers Wild.
18:10Nice to have you
18:11with us.
18:12Is it true,
18:14both you
18:15and your husband
18:16are teachers?
18:18my husband
18:19is a professor
18:20at Northern Arizona
18:22And your first name
18:23is U-T-E?
18:26it's pronounced
18:28not Ute.
18:31And you're one
18:32of the famous actors?
18:34But you don't spell
18:35yours the same.
18:37hers is Uta,
18:39And you're U-T.
18:41And you're
18:42U-T to Q-T.
18:44And Steve Sachs,
18:45you're a hot dog.
18:46I know what
18:47a hot dog is
18:48but a lot of people
18:49around the country
18:50who don't ski
18:51probably don't.
18:52Tell us what
18:53a hot dog is.
18:54A hot dog is
18:55somebody who
18:56just goes crazy
18:57on snow,
18:58just really enjoys
19:00My chiropractor
19:01doesn't get me
19:03Where do you ski?
19:05I'm up at Mammoth
19:06but next week
19:07I think I'll be
19:08going to Colorado.
19:09I see.
19:11try Aspen
19:12and try the
19:13Francis's up there.
19:14The hospitality
19:15is magnificent
19:16and all the people
19:17in Aspen
19:18treat you just lovely.
19:19We just got back
19:20from there
19:21and had a lovely time.
19:24I wish you
19:25both good luck
19:26on this program.
19:27Take a look
19:28at the categories
19:30Spinning Good Luck.
19:32Gary Cooper,
19:36all single categories.
19:38I'll take newspapers.
19:39$50 question.
19:40A famous editorial
19:41published in
19:42the New York Sun
19:43in 1897
19:44assured a little girl
19:45that there was
19:46a Santa Claus.
19:47For $50,
19:48what was
19:49the little girl's name?
19:53I have no idea.
19:55do you have any idea?
19:56Calamity Jane?
19:59No, Virginia.
20:01Yes, Virginia,
20:02there is a Santa Claus.
20:03I'm sure you've heard
20:04that expression.
20:06your spin, Steve.
20:10famous resorts
20:11and newspapers.
20:13Let's try
20:16$50 again.
20:17This doctor
20:18was sentenced to
20:19life imprisonment
20:20for setting
20:21the leg of
20:22John Wilkes Booth
20:23after the assassination
20:24of Abraham Lincoln.
20:25Name him.
20:26Dr. Mudd.
20:27Mudd is right
20:28Very good.
20:29A score of
20:3050 to 0
20:31in favor of
20:32Steve Sachs.
20:33These messages first
20:34then right back.
20:35We asked a hundred...
20:36With the score
20:37of 50 to 0
20:38in favor of
20:39Steve Sachs,
20:40our time has run out.
20:41So players,
20:42are you able
20:43to come back
20:44to our next show?
20:45First of all,
20:47will you come back?
20:48Yes, I'd love to.
20:49Uta, excuse me.
20:50And how about you,
20:52I'd be glad to.
20:54When you come back,
20:55we will be using
20:56the same categories.
20:57And now,
20:58for all of us
20:59here on The Joker's Wild,
21:00Jack Barry is saying
21:01thanks for watching
21:02and goodbye everybody.
21:04Departing contestants
21:05receive an assortment
21:06of wines
21:07from Morgan David
21:11Pink Catawba,
21:12Dry Wines,
21:13and their newest
21:14taste sensation,
21:15Cold Air.
21:16A wine
21:17for every occasion
21:18from Morgan David.
21:19And a $25 gift certificate
21:20from Spiegel,
21:21the famous
21:22catalog company,
21:23which offers
21:24over 50,000
21:25exciting items.
21:28what the blank
21:29is going on here?
21:30What the blank
21:31is he doing?
21:33I know her
21:34and him.
21:35They're blanking
21:38get a load
21:39of this blank.
21:40Holy blank,
21:41this is funny.
21:42Match game,
21:43you'll laugh
21:44your blank off
21:45today at 6.30
21:473.30 Pacific,
21:48only on
21:49Game Show Network.
21:57I want,
21:58I want,
21:59I want,
22:00I want,
22:01I want,
22:02I want,
22:03I want,
22:04I want,
22:05I want,
22:06I want,
22:07I want,
22:08I want,
22:09I want,
22:10I want,
22:11I want,
22:12I want,
22:13I want,
22:14I want,
22:15I want,
22:16I want,
22:17I want,
22:18I want,
22:19I want,
22:20I want,
22:21I want,
22:22I want,
22:23I want,
22:24I want,
22:25I want,
