• last year
Pantaleón y las visitadoras es una película peruana realizada en el año 1999, y basada en el libro homónimo, escrito por Mario Vargas Llosa.1​2​ Fue dirigida por Francisco Lombardi, y entre sus protagonistas destacan la colombiana Angie Cepeda y el peruano Salvador del Solar. Obtuvo el premio del público en el Cuarto Encuentro Latinoamericano de Cine.
00:01:48Just a little bit is a little bit of a gun
00:01:51The service of intelligence investigate absolutely told us over subpoena tanto privada como profesional
00:01:57In result a school a military detour video from El Primer Puesto
00:02:00Eligio alarma de intendencia las mejores notas en matemáticas economía y administración
00:02:05por lo cual tuvo el honor durante los cuatro años de estudios de usar la bandera el día de la clausura de fin de
00:02:10Año hasta ahora ocho años después de su graduación ningún cadete ha logrado alcanzar su promedio ponderado
00:02:15prefiere el deporte y el estudio a las fiestas y diversiones
00:02:19pero tampoco escapa la vida social
00:02:21Asistió a la fiesta de su promoción con alfonsina reaño con quien luego de tres años de noviajo contrajo matrimonio
00:02:27se trata de una muchacha decente seria buena ama de casa y buena esposa
00:02:32Nuestras investigaciones han confirmado que el capitán pantoja no es mujeriego en cinco años de matrimonio ni una cana al aire ni borrachín y fiestero
00:02:41parece que estuviese hablando de un santo militar fíjate lo que el capitán montes escribió sobre él
00:02:47Organizador nato sentido matemático del orden capacidad ejecutiva
00:02:54Deja en chiclayo un magnífico recuerdo y solicito la superioridad se sirve a asignarle un año más a este cuartel
00:03:00en razón a que condujo la administración del regimiento con eficiencia y verdadera inspiración
00:03:09Este capitán es nuestro hombre lópez
00:03:11Panda el desayuno ya está servido ya voy
00:03:15me cosiste mi galón si mi teniente dicho teniente o escucha mal perdón mi capitán
00:03:21Hasta que me acostumbre vas a seguir siendo mi tenientito amor hoy que linda está esto
00:03:26a dónde crees que nos manden esta vez pantita yo estoy rogando porque nos dejan en lima y tú
00:03:31cualquier sitio del perú donde hay un cuartel es bueno para mí tú y tu vocación tú estás casado primero con el ejército y
00:03:36después conmigo a dónde te gustaría que nos mande
00:03:39Aparte de lima no a chiclayo otra vez mata agno pura
00:03:43no te interesa ninguna ciudad de la sierra o de la selva es una posibilidad
00:03:47odio la sierra la selva y quitos podría ser
00:03:50la cosa es que sea una ciudad y no un campamento de una guarnición pues panta tienes que pensar en el cadetito
00:03:56porque ya puedo soñar con empezar a encargarlo no ahora
00:04:01O la noche no importa que no sea sábado en este momento estoy como cinco minutos retrasado
00:04:06Puchita y según mis cálculos lo que demora ir de aquí al ministerio es como 30 minutos y sin considerar inconvenientes de tráfico
00:04:11está bien bueno vamos a tomar desayuno mi capitán
00:04:19Buenos días señorita soy el capitán pantoja tengo una cita con el general cuyasos si capitán lo está esperando con el coronel lópez
00:04:30Felicitaciones por el nuevo video gracias mi coronel y por la manera tan brillante en que lo ha logrado
00:04:35Gracias mi coronel informaron de su ascenso
00:04:37sacó el primer puesto a la primera y por unanimidad el jurado por si fuera poco
00:04:42felicitaciones capitán gracias mi general
00:04:46Siéntese siéntese
00:04:50Garrito no gracias ya ve mi general ni fumador ni borrachín ni ojo vivo un oficial sin vicios
00:04:58ya tenemos quien representa nuestro glorioso ejército en el paraíso junto a san martín y santa rosa de lima
00:05:05Tampoco hay que exagerar algunos vicios tendré que ustedes no conocen conocemos todo de usted capitán
00:05:10se quedaría visco si supiera las horas que hemos dedicado a estudiar su vida
00:05:15bueno al toro por las astas
00:05:19el asunto que aquí nos reúne requiere la más absoluta reserva me refiero a la misión que se le va a encomendar
00:05:27Se trata de lo siguiente pantoja de un tiempo de esta parte la tropa de la selva está
00:05:35Cuando nos informaron del problema pensamos que se trataba de hechos aislados y manejables
00:05:40productos del exuberante clima o el tipo de alimentación de la zona
00:05:44pero no fue así
00:05:46las cosas han ido de menos a más el general es cabino pero sobre todo el padre beltrán
00:05:51que dicho sea de paso ya me tiene hinchada las pelotas con sus partes diarios exigiendo que corrijamos la situación
00:05:56han tomado algunas medidas pero hasta ahora ni castigos ni escarmientos han logrado solucionar el problema
00:06:02por eso nos hemos visto la necesidad de tomar medidas más radicales y es acá donde usted entra a tallar pantoja
00:06:10Estoy un poco confundido mi general la verdad es que usted se va a hacer cargo de algo muy importante
00:06:15el general es cabino le voy a informar los detalles de la misión en cuanto se encuentre en el lugar de los hechos
00:06:20parte el próximo lunes pantoja
00:06:22espero que le guste la selva
00:06:24desde ya cuenta con toda mi confianza y apoyo para esta difícil y delicada misión
00:06:29Le deseo la mejor de la suerte pantoja y recuerde el prestigio de nuestra institución
00:06:36está en sus manos
00:06:51Bueno la cosa ya empezó a andar
00:06:54Bueno la cosa ya empezó a andar pero esto es un tiro al aire
00:07:05Ustedes me van a identificar a esos bandidos señoritas
00:07:08sin llorar sin llorar tenemos que salir frente a todos esos soldados ellos van a formar aquí enfrente
00:07:15ustedes espían por la ventana y apenas reconozcan al burro lo señalan miren bien señoritas miren bien
00:07:21Elijan cual prefieren para padre de sus hijos el general collas es mi general
00:07:29Aló tigre como estás
00:07:33Está bien está bien voy a recibir a ese capitán pero te advierto que yo me lavo las manos
00:07:43Ay esos estrategas de lima sigue con la idea de ese servicio
00:07:50Que dios nos ampare
00:07:53Algo me huele raro en todo este asunto porque
00:07:54qué tiene que ver el prestigio del ejército con problemas relacionados con el clima la alimentación o la salud de la tropa no entiendo
00:07:59Ay amor deja de romperte la cabeza lunes hablas con escabino y te enteras de qué se trata
00:08:03O a lo mejor ha pasado algo en la selva y yo ni siquiera me he enterado
00:08:05Voy a revisar internet un momentito
00:08:06Un momentito mi capitán en este momento su misión es llevar a su esposita al cine y a comprarle ropa de verano para que no se achicharre en la selva
00:08:13Es una orden
00:08:14Lo que usted ordene mi general
00:08:15Después a manera de premio yo lo dejaré meterse bajo mis sábanas y acariciarme de discreción
00:08:22Me estás robando el uniforme amor
00:08:27Y cual a dar de la amazonía toda
00:08:30Me siento obligado a levantar la voz en defensa de las mujeres de nuestra región
00:08:36No soy un antipatriota
00:08:39Pero mi amor por el ejército no me impide decir la verdad
00:08:44Esta ola de violaciones que azota nuestro territorio aterrando y mancillando el honor de nuestras bellas mujeres
00:08:53tiene un culpable
00:08:55Los violadores son soldados de nuestro ejército
00:09:01Sí señoras y señores nuestros propios soldados
00:09:06Es doloroso admitirlo
00:09:09Pero tengo pruebas irrefutables
00:09:12¿Qué está pasando con nuestro ejército?
00:09:15Me pregunto ¿Qué dicen las autoridades?
00:09:19¿Qué dice el general escabino?
00:09:22¿Y qué dice el padre Beltrán capellán del ejército?
00:09:26Deberían ser encerrados en un calabozo de por vida por depravados y abusivos
00:09:32Pero la misericordia del señor es infinita y les abre una puerta para su perdón y salvación
00:09:36¿Soldados, juráis ante Dios y la patria tomar por esposas a las aquí presentes, honrarlas, cuidarlas y ser fieles a ellas hasta que la muerte los separe?
00:09:48¡Sí, juro!
00:10:33No se preocupen señora
00:10:35After a few days, mosquitoes don't bite.
00:10:37They won't even listen to you.
00:10:39Thank you.
00:10:40Don't let him eat you without a snack.
00:10:42He's a softie.
00:10:44Oh, it's so hot.
00:10:48I can't stand this clothes anymore.
00:10:50You'll have to get used to it, Chola.
00:10:53It looks like this is the freshest season of the year.
00:10:55I hope they have air conditioning in the military villa.
00:10:57If not, I'll die.
00:10:59The first thing I'm going to ask you is for wine.
00:11:01And if not, I'll get you one myself.
00:11:05You're all wet.
00:11:08We human beings sweat when we're hot.
00:11:12I'm going to dry myself off.
00:11:13No, it doesn't bother me at all.
00:11:15On the contrary.
00:11:19Well, let's unpack.
00:11:21No rush.
00:11:25Alta, what are you doing?
00:11:27I'll take care of it.
00:11:29I don't recognize you.
00:11:32Captain Pantaleon Pantoja is entrusted with the mission
00:11:35of organizing, implementing and managing
00:11:38a service of visitors for garrisons,
00:11:40border posts and affiliates,
00:11:42in order to meet the natural needs of...
00:11:44Etcetera, etcetera.
00:11:46Excuse me, General.
00:11:48What does that mean?
00:11:52It means...
00:11:55Yes, whores.
00:11:57General Collazos and his strategists from Lima
00:11:59have had the brilliant idea of providing women to the troops,
00:12:02moving them from one camp to another
00:12:04so that the soldiers could go berserk.
00:12:06And you,
00:12:08a captain of the Peruvian army,
00:12:10an officer of...
00:12:12Caficho, Chulo,
00:12:14or whatever those individuals are called
00:12:16who trade with sex are called.
00:12:18Excuse me, General.
00:12:20I don't understand.
00:12:22I don't understand.
00:12:24I don't understand.
00:12:27But I think I don't feel capable of fulfilling that mission.
00:12:30I beg you to reconsider...
00:12:32It's too late for that, Pantoja.
00:12:34It's an order, and orders are obeyed.
00:12:36I'll try to do my best.
00:12:38I don't want you to ever set foot
00:12:40in the commandant's office or any of the Iquitos barracks.
00:12:42From now on, you are exonerated
00:12:44from attending all official events,
00:12:46parades, tea parties, etcetera.
00:12:48And I forbid you to wear a uniform,
00:12:50dressed only as a civilian.
00:12:52Should I even come as a peasant to my job?
00:12:54Your job?
00:12:57Your job will be very, very far from the commandant's office.
00:12:59I would like to know
00:13:01what kind of material and logistical support
00:13:03I will have to carry out my mission.
00:13:05An officer has stood out for that.
00:13:07Lieutenant Bacacorso.
00:13:09He will carry out links between you
00:13:11and your superiors.
00:13:13Any other questions, Captain?
00:13:19We will not live in the military life,
00:13:21nor will you be able to get together with the wives
00:13:23or the family of the officers.
00:13:25I'm sorry, Chola.
00:13:27Let's pretend we're civilians.
00:13:29I'll be a salesman who comes to set up a business.
00:13:31I don't understand.
00:13:33What kind of job have they given you
00:13:35that we have to hide like this?
00:13:37I'm talking to you.
00:13:39I'm listening to you, Pantaleon Pantoja.
00:13:41I want you to explain to me what this is all about.
00:13:43You swore to me that there would never
00:13:45be lies between us.
00:13:47Remember that you swore to me.
00:13:49Why don't you want to tell me?
00:13:51What happens is that I'm going to work
00:13:54in the intelligence service.
00:13:58I understand why there is so much mystery.
00:14:00But tell me.
00:14:02What do you have to find out?
00:14:04I can't tell you anything, Chola.
00:14:06They are superior orders.
00:14:08Tell me, Pantita.
00:14:10Who do you have to spy on?
00:14:12Is there going to be a war with Ecuador or Brazil?
00:14:14Does it have anything to do with the Rio protocol?
00:14:20You can't imagine, Lieutenant,
00:14:23what it's like for me to have to hide
00:14:25from my wife the tenor of my mission.
00:14:27I've never lied to her or hidden anything from her.
00:14:33I assure you, Captain, that many officers
00:14:35would do anything to be in her skin.
00:14:37I don't.
00:14:39I've been screwed with this job.
00:14:41How can I organize a visitor service
00:14:43if someone has never had contact
00:14:45with prostitutes in their life?
00:14:47I don't even know where to start.
00:14:49From the beginning, Captain.
00:14:51Go to a brothel to see how things are.
00:14:53I recommend Mrs. Leonor's,
00:14:55better known as Chuchupe.
00:15:01I've heard she wants to transfer her business
00:15:03to her girls, who are the best.
00:15:05They're going to get a job there.
00:15:07I'd love to help her,
00:15:09but you know, the instructions I saw
00:15:11are endless.
00:15:21Go, go, go!
00:17:17I love formalities like you.
00:17:47Good evening, ma'am. My name is Pantaleon Pantoja.
00:17:51Welcome to Chuchupe's house.
00:17:54We treat everyone here well.
00:17:57Except for the militiamen who want to shoot for free.
00:18:01Tell me, what can I do for you, sir?
00:18:03Well, I'd like to talk about business with you, but in private.
00:18:08Does that mean you're avoiding me?
00:18:12One beer and two glasses.
00:18:15The house invites you to the first round.
00:18:17Or do you prefer something stronger?
00:18:19No, thank you. I'm not used to drinking.
00:18:22Look, I'm a businessman.
00:18:26And I've come to live here in Iquitos
00:18:28with the intention of investing in a business.
00:18:32I've heard that you have a lot of money.
00:18:36Yes, I have a lot of money.
00:18:38And I'd like to invest in a business.
00:18:41I've heard that you want to close your own business.
00:18:45And I was thinking of...
00:18:47Of starting a business?
00:18:49I'll give you some advice.
00:18:51You seem like a serious man.
00:18:53And I like you.
00:18:54Don't get involved in this.
00:18:56It's a bad business.
00:18:58If you want to make money, start a business.
00:19:02It's strange.
00:19:03I was told that here, because of the heat, there's a lot of demand.
00:19:08But among the militants and politicians who consume and don't pay,
00:19:11the coimas that have to go through the middle world
00:19:13and the rent that goes up every month,
00:19:15I'm losing money, sir.
00:19:17The best thing is to cut for the healthy
00:19:19and save the little savings that I have left for old age.
00:19:26I'm just sorry for my girls.
00:19:28Some of them have become very affectionate.
00:19:31They're good girls, healthy, hard-working.
00:19:33Maybe we can reach a beneficial agreement for both.
00:19:36I don't know if you'd be interested.
00:19:39Your knowledge, your experience,
00:19:41are extremely valuable for my plans.
00:19:44If you were to close your place,
00:19:47I'd be very interested in hiring you.
00:19:49You and some of your girls.
00:19:51I'm interested.
00:20:07I'm going to take Polillas to the military positions of the CEL.
00:20:10The truth is that I've never thought of something like this.
00:20:13It would be a round business.
00:20:15But don't dream, Mr. Pantoja.
00:20:17They'll never let us enter the barracks.
00:20:19I already have permission to enter.
00:20:21And don't call her Polillas.
00:20:23Or puta, please.
00:20:25The proper nomenclature is visitor.
00:20:29Do you have permission to enter the barracks?
00:20:31I'm not going to let you in.
00:20:34Do you have permission to enter the barracks?
00:20:38Don't tell me you're a soldier.
00:20:41Of course I'm not.
00:20:44I want you to think carefully about what we've talked about.
00:20:47In a few days, I'll come up with a job offer.
00:20:51I already told you I'm a bandit.
00:20:53Your offer has fallen from the sky.
00:20:57Excuse me, Chucho.
00:20:58The Colombian wants to talk to you.
00:21:01The Colombian?
00:21:03I thought you weren't in Iquitos. What do you want?
00:21:05Should I tell her to wait?
00:21:07I'd rather tell her right away.
00:21:09If you're looking for a job, you've come to the wrong place.
00:21:12Wait a minute, Mr. Pantoja. I'll be right back.
00:21:14Yes, just a moment.
00:21:17She's Colombian, right?
00:21:19Nobody knows that.
00:21:20She says she's Colombian.
00:21:22She's been working abroad for a while.
00:21:25I'm sure she's in trouble, that's why she's back.
00:21:28She's very attractive.
00:21:31She's one of the best you can see around here.
00:21:34But I don't recommend her.
00:21:36That woman is bitter.
00:21:40Two men have already taken their lives for her.
00:21:42It's a bad thing, sir.
00:22:02Well, it's time.
00:22:05It's past eleven.
00:22:07Pochita, my head hurts horribly.
00:22:10How is it not going to hurt?
00:22:12And you know what?
00:22:13I'm glad you feel terrible.
00:22:15You came in the middle of the day and fell, you idiot.
00:22:18Don't you remember?
00:22:19Can you lower your voice a little?
00:22:21I've never felt so bad in my life.
00:22:23Come to me, darling.
00:22:25Right now you're going to explain to me what this is all about, Pantaleon.
00:22:28Where were you last night?
00:22:30This damn job.
00:22:32It's part of the mission they gave me.
00:22:34I hate these things.
00:22:37You've been with women, haven't you?
00:22:40Men only get drunk until dawn with women.
00:22:43I'm sure you've been.
00:22:45Never, Pochita.
00:22:47Don't cry because you make me feel like a criminal and I'm not.
00:22:50I swear I'm not.
00:22:51I've never had or will have eyes for another woman.
00:22:54You know.
00:22:55Then tell me where you were last night.
00:23:01The subscriber, Captain of the Peruvian Army,
00:23:04Intendancy, Pantaleon Pantoja,
00:23:06in charge of organizing and putting into operation
00:23:08a service of visitors for garrisons, border posts
00:23:11and affinities throughout the Amazon region,
00:23:13respectfully presents himself, greets and informs
00:23:19that he has already taken possession of the location
00:23:21Situ Abrias del Río Itaya,
00:23:22affected by the fifth region for command post and logistics center,
00:23:27that the soldiers who are in charge of the service
00:23:30who respond to the names of Sinforoso Caigüas
00:23:33and Palomino Río Alto have already been placed in their positions,
00:23:36to whom, with very good judgment,
00:23:37superiority has been chosen by their gifts of good behavior,
00:23:40docility and an apparent indifference to people of the other sex,
00:23:44because, otherwise, the type of work they will have
00:23:47and the idiosyncrasy of the environment that will envelop them
00:23:49could cause in them temptations
00:23:51and consequent problems for the service,
00:23:53that during the first week,
00:23:55the subscriber had to concentrate most of his time and effort
00:23:58in cleaning and setting up the premises,
00:24:01that a week to do this work could seem excessive,
00:24:04but the truth is that the location was in unusable conditions
00:24:08and, with the excuse of the expression, filthy,
00:24:10taking advantage of the fact that the army had abandoned it,
00:24:13this deposit had been used for heterogeneous and illegal practices,
00:24:17the subscriber then,
00:24:18had to look for Sinforoso Caigüas and Palomino Río Alto
00:24:21of the indispensable and necessary team,
00:24:23see receipts 1, 2 and 3,
00:24:25so that, working diligently under their control,
00:24:27they would burn the garbage,
00:24:28sweep the floor and walls
00:24:30and disinfect everything with chalk.
00:24:34The walls have been nailed and painted,
00:24:37the exterior terrain has been deburred and cleaned
00:24:39and the small boat that was in very poor condition
00:24:42has been refactored and put back into operation.
00:24:44With all this,
00:24:45the subscriber has the honor of informing that,
00:24:47in seven days,
00:24:48imposing, of course,
00:24:49work of 10 and up to 12 hours
00:24:51and neglecting his wife,
00:24:52who, without help,
00:24:53had to take care of the search and conditioning of a house,
00:24:57has managed to turn the indescribable mule that he received
00:25:00into a habitable place,
00:25:01simple but tidy,
00:25:03clean and even pleasant,
00:25:05as it corresponds to all dependence on our army,
00:25:08even clandestine,
00:25:09as is the case of the present.
00:25:18THE END
00:25:34Hi! What a miracle, so early!
00:25:37This is Alicia, the neighbor next door.
00:25:39She helped me clean all this mess.
00:25:41Alicia, he is my husband,
00:25:42so that you are convinced that I am not a widow.
00:25:44Nice to meet you, and thank you for everything.
00:25:46Excuse me, I'm in a bit of a hurry.
00:25:50Well, Pochita, I think I'm leaving.
00:25:51We'd better leave the movie for tomorrow.
00:25:53No, why?
00:25:54In a while you'll be out again, you'll see.
00:25:56I'll pass by your house to go to the function at eight.
00:25:58What do you think?
00:26:09What do you think?
00:26:11It's going to be my new outfit.
00:26:14I prefer it with a military uniform.
00:26:17Are you going to leave again?
00:26:19I'd rather stay here with you a thousand times
00:26:22and take care of the little cadet.
00:26:24Although, if you want, we could do it now.
00:26:26That's faster.
00:26:27Don't you want to?
00:26:28I don't want to, nor can I.
00:26:29I'm going to leave too.
00:26:30I'm going to stay with Alicia and go to Salsino together.
00:26:32You're making me jealous, your friend Alicia.
00:26:34Pochita, you're with her all day.
00:26:36What do you want me to do?
00:26:37Do you want me to send you away every night?
00:26:38Besides, it's the fault of that blessed secret job you have.
00:26:41It's as difficult for you as it is for me.
00:26:43You have to have a little patience, love.
00:26:46Leave that.
00:26:47Don't change.
00:26:48Stay like that.
00:26:52I like you more every day.
00:26:59They're coming!
00:27:01The subscriber, Captain Peruvian Army,
00:27:03Intendancy, Pantaleon Pantoja,
00:27:05respectfully presents, greets and informs the following.
00:27:09The expected ship, given by the Navy,
00:27:11has arrived at our logistics center in the Itaya River.
00:27:14The ship, mentioned,
00:27:16was piloted by the sub-officer Carlos Rodriguez Arabia,
00:27:19who quickly remarked on the secret nature of the mission entrusted to him.
00:27:26There are only six days left for the pilot operation to be carried out,
00:27:31in the position of Orcones.
00:27:33Mrs. Chuchu Pesina does me the favor.
00:27:35The regulation is the regulation.
00:27:38It is also necessary to tell you, gentlemen,
00:27:40that the success of the operation depends on the future of the service.
00:27:44The girls are ready, sir.
00:27:45Do you want to see them?
00:27:46Yes, let them pass, please.
00:27:48Caigua and Río Alto have designed the uniforms
00:27:50for the visitors' costumes.
00:27:52This model is with strips, sir.
00:27:53What do you think?
00:27:55In addition, it has a closure for a quick dressing.
00:27:58What do you think?
00:28:00Aradita could follow a little.
00:28:03Aradita could follow the clothes a little more,
00:28:06so that his little things are more noticeable.
00:28:08It is to the waist, ma'am.
00:28:10What happens is that Aradita has a slender body,
00:28:12pure fiber, not a gram of fat.
00:28:14Well, it is better that he begins to get fat, little girl.
00:28:16You already know the taste of the troop,
00:28:17type of ranch.
00:28:18Chupito, from today, double portion of food.
00:28:21Returning to the issue of uniforms,
00:28:22do you like them or not?
00:28:24I think it's very nice, sir.
00:28:25But why have they made everything green and red?
00:28:27Even the cards for the dusts,
00:28:29sorry, for the benefits,
00:28:31are made with those colors.
00:28:33They are the emblematic colors of the visitor service.
00:28:36Green for the exuberant beauty of the region,
00:28:40and red for the virile ardor of the classes and soldiers
00:28:42that our service will help to plaque.
00:28:44I propose that all the girls paint the nails
00:28:46of the hands and feet in green.
00:28:48Look how beautiful they are.
00:28:50And the underwear is also red and green.
00:28:53Do you want to see?
00:28:55No need, Pechuga.
00:28:57I congratulate you.
00:28:58You have done a great job.
00:29:00You can leave.
00:29:10Mr. Rodríguez,
00:29:13here we are not going to tolerate
00:29:14any kind of indiscipline or lack of respect.
00:29:16If you do not feel able to control your low instincts
00:29:19and to carry out this mission
00:29:20according to the established rules,
00:29:22I will have to remove you from the service.
00:29:26Is it clear?
00:29:27Yes, sir.
00:29:30Let's go.
00:29:39Do not worry, Mr. Pan.
00:29:40I know Chuchu.
00:29:41I can assure you that you must have the locations
00:29:43and everything else ready for our arrival.
00:29:45Everything will be fine.
00:29:47It is our fire test, Chuchu.
00:29:58Very good, ladies.
00:30:01We are about to arrive.
00:30:03Whenever you want, Mr. Panta.
00:30:05We are ready to go.
00:30:08How am I?
00:30:09They are all very well.
00:30:13There in Gorkones
00:30:15there are about twenty brave soldiers
00:30:17who sacrifice themselves day by day for the country,
00:30:19depriving themselves of all kinds of comforts
00:30:21and basic needs.
00:30:23Some of them have not seen a woman for months.
00:30:27This is just a pilot experience,
00:30:29but if it is carried out with patriotism
00:30:31and a high degree of dedication and sacrifice,
00:30:34I assure you that the service of visitors
00:30:36will spread throughout the entire Amazon region
00:30:38bringing joy and comfort to our sacrificed soldiers.
00:30:43We are going to make three hurrahs
00:30:46for the service of visitors
00:30:48and for our glorious armed forces.
00:30:50Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
00:30:58We are arriving, Mr. Panta.
00:30:59Let's get ready to disembark.
00:31:01Go ahead, ladies.
00:31:02Show those soldiers what you are capable of.
00:31:04Let's go, Carajo.
00:31:05To deprive them.
00:31:06Until Chepa arrives.
00:31:07To deprive them.
00:31:50At 4.55 p.m.,
00:31:52the soldiers occupied their respective locations.
00:31:54Lalita and Pechuga were located in the food depot,
00:31:57Iris in the infirmary,
00:31:59Sandra in the radio station,
00:32:01and Vanessa in the dining room.
00:32:03Back, back, back.
00:32:07I do not need to remind you
00:32:09that it is up to you that the ladies verify
00:32:12that the soldiers who serve the homeland
00:32:14also know how to behave like men.
00:32:18It's all yours, sir.
00:32:20The instructions are as follows.
00:32:24each user will be able to stay
00:32:26up to a maximum of 20 minutes in the location,
00:32:28full time according to the regulations of the service.
00:32:33the user has the right to a single service,
00:32:36simple and normal,
00:32:37which means that he must leave the location
00:32:40as soon as the service is completed.
00:32:43It is terminally prohibited,
00:32:45under penalty of definitive expulsion of the user,
00:32:48to request the visitor sexual abuse,
00:32:50such as manual or oral masturbation,
00:32:56the so-called black kiss,
00:32:58and other extravagances that are not worth mentioning.
00:33:04users who wait
00:33:06must keep absolute silence
00:33:08and with posture
00:33:10so as not to disturb the partner in action.
00:33:16Give the order to start, Félix.
00:33:19First row, forward!
00:33:29Four minutes, 46 seconds.
00:33:37Six minutes, 11 seconds.
00:33:39No one has yet reached the maximum time stipulated for the service.
00:33:43The validity of these brands is only relative,
00:33:45as a general symptom.
00:33:46Due to the isolation of this position,
00:33:48users have a long-term average impatience.
00:33:52Some have not left here since six months ago.
00:33:54I see.
00:33:55That's why they are abnormally fast.
00:33:59This broke the record.
00:34:00Two minutes, 22 seconds.
00:34:02What do you think?
00:34:04I think we're going to have to tabulate
00:34:06the variable of prolonged abstinence in our future calculations.
00:34:11A success!
00:34:12A resounding success!
00:34:13And everything worked in the most absolute order
00:34:15and within the time and deadlines provided.
00:34:18In addition, Pantoja managed to save
00:34:2018% of the game we had assigned for the test.
00:34:24The commander of the post,
00:34:25Alférez Santana,
00:34:27sent a very praiseworthy part
00:34:28where he congratulates the visitor service
00:34:31and asks that the process be accelerated
00:34:32for its normal operation.
00:34:35Enough, López.
00:34:36Everything is clear, isn't it?
00:34:37Well, write.
00:34:38Communicate to the commander-in-chief
00:34:40of the fifth region, General Roger Escavino,
00:34:42that the visitor service for garrisons
00:34:44exposed to borders and affinities
00:34:46is authorized to fulfill the mission
00:34:48for which it was created.
00:34:5310,000 weekly?
00:34:55But that's a delusional exaggeration, Pantoja.
00:34:58No, General.
00:34:59It's a scientific statistic.
00:35:01Look at these pictures.
00:35:03It's a careful calculation
00:35:05and rather conservative.
00:35:09The 10,000 weekly benefits
00:35:11correspond to the primary psychobiological need.
00:35:14If we tried to cover
00:35:15the virile plenitude of classes and soldiers,
00:35:17the figure would be 53,200 weekly benefits.
00:35:21Who has put you in your head,
00:35:22such aberration?
00:35:24Who the fuck has told you
00:35:25that the virile plenitude
00:35:26is only achieved by fornicating?
00:35:28The most prominent sexologists,
00:35:30biologists and psychologists, Father.
00:35:32I told you to call me Commander, damn it!
00:35:34Sorry, Commander.
00:35:36I have allowed myself
00:35:37to bring a bibliographic material.
00:35:39They are extracts of works
00:35:40by the Austrian psychoanalyst
00:35:42Sigmund Freud,
00:35:44by Wilhelm Steckel,
00:35:46whose nationality did not appear
00:35:47in the encyclopedia
00:35:48consulted by which he speaks,
00:35:50by the popular magazine Selecciones,
00:35:52and by Dr. Carlos Alberto Seguín,
00:35:54our compatriot.
00:35:56Now, if you prefer to consult
00:35:57the books directly,
00:35:58I have some of his works.
00:36:00I wanted to get to that.
00:36:02I have been informed
00:36:03that you distribute pornography
00:36:04to the soldiers.
00:36:05I know very well, Pantoza.
00:36:06In the garrison of Borja,
00:36:07your assistant, that dwarf,
00:36:08distributed this nonsense.
00:36:11Two nights of pleasure,
00:36:12life, passion and loves of Mary,
00:36:14the tarantula,
00:36:15Julia and the horse.
00:36:16Sit down here,
00:36:17I'm going in there.
00:36:18Super ass.
00:36:20It is an idea of ​​my collaborator
00:36:21that I decided to put to the test.
00:36:23And the result was that
00:36:24I was able to get
00:36:25a copy of the book
00:36:26in the library of the logistics center.
00:36:29And the result was
00:36:30that the soldiers' erection was accelerated
00:36:32and with that save time.
00:36:33Now we do it regularly.
00:36:35So it wasn't once
00:36:36the initiative of that satanic dwarf.
00:36:38It is the very service of visitors
00:36:40that gives pornography to the soldiers.
00:36:42We only lend the magazines.
00:36:44There is no budget to give them away.
00:36:46But I assure you, my general,
00:36:47that the result has been positive.
00:36:49The soldier who is reading
00:36:50and looking at the photos
00:36:51while in line
00:36:52finishes the performance
00:36:53two and up to three minutes earlier
00:36:54than the one who does not read anything.
00:36:56This saving of time
00:36:57has allowed us to reach
00:36:58the 500 weekly benefits
00:37:00counting with just five visitors.
00:37:02I will have heard everything
00:37:03before I die, my God.
00:37:05Let me retire, my general.
00:37:07I understand, father.
00:37:10And finish your report at once, man.
00:37:13The situation of the service is dramatic.
00:37:15At the expense of great efforts,
00:37:17we have, as I said,
00:37:18reached the 500 benefits.
00:37:19But we are overwhelmed.
00:37:21By radio, by phone,
00:37:22they call us and ask us ...
00:37:24I'm going to complain
00:37:25to the commandant's office
00:37:26of the fifth region
00:37:27for their discrimination
00:37:28and preferences.
00:37:29The Guarnición del Río Santiago
00:37:30receives a convoy every week
00:37:31and I receive one every month.
00:37:33Can you imagine
00:37:34that two visitors
00:37:35can serve
00:37:36130 numbers of people?
00:37:38What the fuck is going on, Pantoja?
00:37:41It's been three weeks
00:37:42that my people
00:37:43have been waiting
00:37:44for the convoy to arrive.
00:37:45And the days go by.
00:37:47It is essential
00:37:48that the service grows.
00:37:50I am waiting for the authorization
00:37:51of General Collazos
00:37:52to my request
00:37:54General Collazos
00:37:55has informed me of your request
00:37:57and I have ordered him
00:37:58to come
00:37:59so that he can personally
00:38:00listen to your report.
00:38:02Because you know very well
00:38:03that if it were for me ...
00:38:05I know what you think,
00:38:06my general,
00:38:07but ...
00:38:08Do you already have an answer?
00:38:10The army wants us
00:38:11to continue
00:38:12providing our service.
00:38:13That means
00:38:14we can hire more girls.
00:38:15Only five more for now.
00:38:17I want you to bring
00:38:18ten candidates tomorrow
00:38:19to choose five.
00:38:20Or actually four,
00:38:21because I have already thought of one.
00:38:24The Colombian.
00:38:27I respect what you say, Mr. Panta,
00:38:29but I do not recommend it.
00:38:31That woman is extremely difficult
00:38:33and dangerous.
00:38:35I have thought about it
00:38:36very carefully.
00:38:37I am willing to take the risk.
00:38:39The income I could provide
00:38:41for the service
00:38:42justifies the decision.
00:38:45if the system is adequate,
00:38:48And if not,
00:38:49we withdraw it.
00:38:50We do not lose anything.
00:38:52You are a cynic.
00:38:54They are people of bad living.
00:38:55I admit it.
00:38:56But what can I do?
00:38:57And on top of that, you accept it as if nothing.
00:38:59But how can I deny it
00:39:00if you have seen me, love?
00:39:01These are things of work.
00:39:02My mission ...
00:39:03I'm tired,
00:39:04more than tired,
00:39:05of that mission, Pantaleón.
00:39:06As soon as I find out
00:39:07that you have been involved
00:39:08with that P ...
00:39:09Calm down, love.
00:39:10I swear that none of that will happen.
00:39:12That woman ...
00:39:13I could have imagined
00:39:16But that you,
00:39:18my Pantita,
00:39:19you are always so polite,
00:39:20so serious and hardworking.
00:39:22You mess with that
00:39:24and that horrible dwarf.
00:39:27That you become a ...
00:39:30The only thing I can promise you
00:39:31is to look as little as possible with them.
00:39:34I'm very sorry, but ...
00:39:36it's part of my job.
00:39:39The letters are too small for my taste.
00:39:42Why don't you put a yellow background?
00:39:45Like Eva.
00:39:47Mr. Panda likes it like that,
00:39:48red and green.
00:39:49Like the girls' uniforms.
00:39:52Did you see that he loved it?
00:39:54And what do you think of the name?
00:39:56I don't know.
00:39:57I would have preferred to call it
00:40:02It's more poetic.
00:40:07Oh, look, there they are.
00:40:09They are the half girls.
00:40:12Let's go.
00:40:27Sour tits, Mr. Panta.
00:40:30A sample of meat and bone
00:40:31so you can choose your taste.
00:40:33I ask for ten and he brings me twenty.
00:40:35Chuchupe, I can't spend the entire day
00:40:36taking an exam.
00:40:37The taste ran away
00:40:38and women started coming out
00:40:39like flies from the whole neighborhood.
00:40:40You've come all the way from Saquan de Múnich to look for me.
00:40:43It's not my fault, Mr. Panta.
00:40:45Well, let's select the five that are missing.
00:40:47The Colombian hasn't come?
00:40:51Let me go out to the bathroom for a moment, sir.
00:40:53Ah, there you are, Mr. Panta.
00:40:55I'm going to the bathroom.
00:41:05Make it, form it, and you're going to send it to me one by one with their respective files.
00:41:09Let's start with the Colombian.
00:41:15Hurry up, hurry up, we don't have all day.
00:41:17Let's see, quickly, everyone, forming a line.
00:41:19That's it, like that.
00:41:21Are you done filling your files?
00:41:46Good morning.
00:41:47Good morning.
00:41:49So this is the famous Pantilandia.
00:41:52I couldn't imagine what it would be like.
00:41:54The famous what?
00:41:57That's what they call this.
00:41:59What a weird name, right?
00:42:01If you don't mind, I'm going to thank you for referring to this place as the logistics center,
00:42:05instead of Pantilandia.
00:42:07Did Chupito explain to you why he brought you here?
00:42:11Yes, he told me something.
00:42:13He told me that you were going to inform me about the salary and obligations.
00:42:21It would be three weekly convoys and ten minimum benefits per convoy.
00:42:27Convoys are the trips to the barracks.
00:42:30That's right.
00:42:32So the benefits should be ...
00:42:44As for the percentage, it is 50% of what is deducted from the classes and soldiers per squadron.
00:42:50The other 50% is invested in maintenance.
00:42:53Here it is explained.
00:42:57Now, if you don't mind, and although perhaps in your case it is not necessary,
00:43:03I have to comply with the norm.
00:43:06This way.
00:43:21Could you take off your dress, please?
00:43:26What a pity.
00:43:27This is my thing, sir.
00:43:29But if you don't mind ...
00:43:33Report to the wardrobe department at 8 o'clock to get a uniform conditioned.
00:43:38Wardrobe department?
00:43:39On the ground floor. Chupito will tell you.
00:43:42Could you help me with the closure, please?
00:43:47It's stuck.
00:44:03There it is.
00:44:07What are you doing? Let go!
00:44:09What's wrong?
00:44:10I have to warn you. I have to warn you.
00:44:12Two things.
00:44:13First, you can't shut me up.
00:44:15You are forced to treat me like the rest of the visitors.
00:44:18And second, you will never allow that kind of trust with me again.
00:44:23Well, but you had the time to get upset, Mr. Fanta.
00:44:29I didn't want to offend you, it was to do you a favor.
00:44:34Forgive me.
00:44:38Forgive me.
00:44:41Okay, but don't do it again.
00:44:45And now please leave, I have other things to deal with.
00:44:52As you wish, sir.
00:44:54Thank you.
00:45:10See you tomorrow.
00:45:24See you tomorrow.
00:45:29Is it far?
00:45:30No, this is the last page.
00:45:35Breast, 1528, first trimester.
00:45:41Fanta, does your job have anything to do with supplying food for the military troops?
00:45:46Pochita, please, this is a secret document. You know I can't tell you.
00:45:50You've been working a lot lately, love.
00:45:53You stop all day and you bring work home.
00:45:56Things were going faster than I expected.
00:45:58But I'll finish in a minute.
00:46:00I have to send this report to Lima before I resign.
00:46:03Yes, you have left Iquitos more than 10 times.
00:46:0612 times.
00:46:20Hey, come here.
00:46:51We are the Mayans here, damn it!
00:46:53Abuse us! Abuse us!
00:46:55We all come for you!
00:47:02He's just a native of the area.
00:47:04I'm sure he knew we were coming.
00:47:07I don't like this, Chuchupe.
00:47:09If he were to give this public knowledge of the service we are doing...
00:47:12...it would be the collapse, the debacle.
00:47:14Don't worry, Mr. Fanta.
00:47:16Nobody will find out.
00:47:21The Voice of Cinchuchuchi.
00:47:25A program produced and directed by...
00:47:28...its safe servant, Don Germán Lauro Rosales...
00:47:33...of Cinchuchuchi.
00:47:35Good afternoon, dear listeners.
00:47:39I ask you to leave your receivers...
00:47:42...your daughters and younger children...
00:47:45...because with the frankness that characterizes me...
00:47:48...I will have no choice but to refer to raw facts...
00:47:53...and call things by their name.
00:47:58Prostitution, dear listeners.
00:48:03A novel system of carnal trafficking...
00:48:07...through the sacred rivers of our Amazon.
00:48:12A mobile and motorized lupinar called Pantilandia...
00:48:17...is clandestinely sending its sinful and immoral services...
00:48:23...to the barracks of the country.
00:48:26Dozens of letters and phone calls have informed us...
00:48:31...that they have been arriving at the offices of Radio Amazonas.
00:48:35Hello? Yes, father, I'm listening.
00:48:38We'll talk later.
00:48:40...to this group of shameless odalisques...
00:48:44...to sail through the main rivers of the region...
00:48:48...towards the barracks and border posts of the Amazon.
00:48:54I ask, who or who is behind this industry of sin...
00:49:00...that flourishes at the sight and patience of the authorities?
00:49:06Nothing will stop our crusade for progress...
00:49:10...morality, culture and the Peruvian patriotism of the Amazon.
00:49:15The time has come to unmask the monster...
00:49:19...as the apostle did with the dragon...
00:49:22...by cutting off the head with a single cut.
00:49:27We still don't know who or who...
00:49:31...presides over the industrial complex of Pantilandia.
00:49:35But your safe servant is committed to investigate...
00:49:39...and reveal the identities of those responsible.
00:49:42Whoever falls, falls.
00:49:50How was it, Paquito?
00:49:52Delirious, maestro. Delirious.
00:49:57General Escavino is mad about Cinchi's statements on the radio.
00:50:01And what can Father Beltran tell him?
00:50:04He has all the reasons in the world to be worried.
00:50:07People are starting to talk about the service.
00:50:10As we grow, it will be more difficult...
00:50:12...to maintain the secret character of our mission.
00:50:15And now with that journalist...
00:50:17...who threatens to carry out an investigation.
00:50:19Cinchi is a money-grubber, Captain.
00:50:22If he gets annoyed, give him some money and it's settled.
00:50:25You want me to pay him?
00:50:27No, I don't make arrangements with extortionists, Bacacorso.
00:50:30I've never done it and I'll never do it.
00:50:35Good morning.
00:50:37What are you doing here so early?
00:50:39The appointment was at nine o'clock.
00:50:41Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Panta, but...
00:50:44...I needed to talk to you for a moment.
00:50:48What is it about?
00:50:51I beg you, don't be angry.
00:50:54It's just that...
00:50:56...I don't know what to do.
00:50:59I don't know what to do.
00:51:03I beg you, don't smoke in this office.
00:51:15Well, tell me.
00:51:17Is there a problem?
00:51:21Is it about you, Mr. Panta?
00:51:23About me?
00:51:25I feel that you have something against me.
00:51:27And I don't know why.
00:51:29What do you mean?
00:51:30You practically don't talk to me or even look at me.
00:51:35I'd even say that my presence bothers you.
00:51:38No, you're wrong, Miss.
00:51:42I treat you the same way as the rest of the visitors.
00:51:45Can I be frank, Mr. Panta?
00:51:55I think you're treating me like this so I fall in love with you.
00:51:58Me what?
00:52:00I remind you that I'm a married man, Miss.
00:52:02Just like most men I sleep with, Mr. Panta.
00:52:07Being married is not a reason for a man...
00:52:09Well, for me it's a reason more than enough.
00:52:11But you should do it too.
00:52:14See how right you were?
00:52:17As soon as I talk to you, you get angry.
00:52:21But you know what?
00:52:24I like that.
00:52:27The thing is, I'm like crabs.
00:52:31I don't like to go against the tide.
00:52:33So if I get so dirty, I'm going to fall in love with you.
00:52:37I don't recommend it.
00:52:43Mixing work with pleasure is a sign of a bad procedure.
00:52:50That's something slightly difficult in our profession, Mr. Panta.
00:52:55You know what I mean.
00:52:58Don't you feel anything when you see us naked?
00:53:02That would be horrible.
00:53:05I warn you, being a straight man doesn't mean being a coward.
00:53:08Don't get it wrong.
00:53:11I love it when it's hot like this, Mr. Panta.
00:53:15It gets nice.
00:53:20Have a drink.
00:53:23Thank you.
00:53:28I don't think you're a coward.
00:53:32But I do think you like it, that you're holding back.
00:53:46I can't deny that you're a very attractive woman.
00:53:50And don't think I'm indifferent to your charms, but...
00:53:55it's not possible.
00:53:58Not even once?
00:54:01Not out of curiosity?
00:54:04Look, if you order me to...
00:54:06I can't give you that kind of order.
00:54:08That would be an abuse of authority.
00:54:12I wouldn't have anything wrong with that.
00:54:15You have the right to try the merchandise I offer.
00:54:20It would be something like a quality test.
00:54:34And I don't want you to talk about this again.
00:54:46The thing is, you've been talking badly about me.
00:54:50You're not afraid of me.
00:54:53But I'm not like you think I am.
00:55:08No, don't be unfair.
00:55:10You know I'd love to spend more time together.
00:55:13Yes, of course, to take care of Cadetito.
00:55:16Can't you think of something else?
00:55:18Don't you like being close?
00:55:20Santa, please.
00:55:22I'm sorry, but you have a neck.
00:55:27I know what's waiting for me at home.
00:55:31What's wrong?
00:55:36Oh my God, Santa.
00:55:38Don't tell me you don't like me now.
00:55:40You're a pervert, aren't you?
00:55:42Let's go, Pocha.
00:55:51Come in.
00:55:54Good morning.
00:55:56Did you send for me?
00:55:58Have a seat, miss.
00:56:10I called you to remind you of the rules
00:56:13and the obligation to follow them to the letter.
00:56:16Here's a copy for you to study again,
00:56:18and if there's something you don't understand,
00:56:20you can ask.
00:56:24Are you mad at me?
00:56:26Do you still have the audacity to ask me
00:56:28after the ridiculous show you were offering in public?
00:56:32Now I understand.
00:56:36It's about what happened yesterday at the club.
00:56:40Don't tell me you're jealous.
00:56:42The rules clearly state that there's incompatibility
00:56:44between a visitor and a whore,
00:56:46and you were behaving like a prostitute last night.
00:56:48The rules don't prohibit us from going out with a friend,
00:56:50Mr. Panta.
00:56:51One doesn't behave in such an obscene way with a friend,
00:56:54so for the good of the service,
00:56:55I'd rather you stop seeing that guy.
00:56:57Thank you very much.
00:56:59He's not a guy.
00:57:02His name is Nicolás Lobatón,
00:57:05and he wants to marry me.
00:57:15If that's what you want...
00:57:22Think it over, please.
00:57:25I have to remind you that if you don't marry me,
00:57:28you'll have to leave.
00:57:31You can't marry a married woman.
00:57:37He's the one who wants to get married.
00:57:41I just want a little affection...
00:57:44and protection.
00:57:47I have that right, don't I?
00:57:50I suppose you do.
00:57:53I'm sorry.
00:57:55I think I've been unfair to you.
00:57:57Don't worry, Mr. Panta. I'm used to it.
00:58:03You're a very strange person.
00:58:07I don't understand you.
00:58:10You should do something else.
00:58:12You too.
00:58:15This job doesn't suit you, Mr. Panta.
00:58:19You don't even dare to test your visitors
00:58:22like anyone would in your situation.
00:58:25Excuse me.
00:58:35Are you still willing to volunteer
00:58:39to perform a quality test?
00:58:45Of course.
00:58:49I have to inform you that this test,
00:58:51which we will perform for the only time,
00:58:54is of a secret and strictly laboral nature.
00:58:59I don't want you to get confused, Miss Olga.
00:59:02The only motivation I have to perform this test
00:59:06is to test and perfect the service.
00:59:25One breast.
00:59:26Two sandra.
00:59:27Three iris.
00:59:28Four lelita.
00:59:29Five Vanessa.
00:59:30Six Colombianos.
00:59:31Seven coca.
00:59:32Eight salome.
00:59:33Nine pichusa.
00:59:34Ten peludita.
00:59:35Entire and complete, Mr. Panta.
00:59:37Work plan for the day?
00:59:39Three convoys.
00:59:40Two 48-hour convoys and one returning tonight.
00:59:43I made a raffle with the sticks, Mr. Panta.
00:59:46The first convoy of three girls
00:59:48will arrive at the end of the day.
00:59:52The first convoy of three girls
00:59:54will arrive at the end of the day.
00:59:56I'm Cristiano.
00:59:57Iván, with me, coca, peludita and sandra.
00:59:59Rivalto is already breastfeeding Dalila,
01:00:01so we can leave immediately.
01:00:03Don't get involved, Chupito.
01:00:05You're always doing stupid things, Mr. Panta.
01:00:07Twenty soles for peludita
01:00:09for talking in the queue without permission.
01:00:12What else do we have?
01:00:14The two and three convoys will leave at dawn.
01:00:17In the two, Lalita, Vanessa and the Colombian.
01:00:21I'll take him to the Bolognese garrison in the Pasal River.
01:00:24The return on Thursday at noon, Mr. Pantoja.
01:00:28Go on boarding.
01:00:30Behave as usual,
01:00:32at the height of the circumstances.
01:00:34And remember,
01:00:36Ennobleses and dignifies.
01:00:38To work.
01:00:39Excuse me, Mr. Panta.
01:00:47¿Algún problema?
01:00:52No, ninguno.
01:00:54Es que se me ha metido una piedrita en el zapato.
01:01:01¿Y usted no nos acompaña esta vez, Mr. Panta?
01:01:05Tengo asuntos que atender acá.
01:01:07Qué pena.
01:01:09Yo pensé que podíamos irnos.
01:01:11No, no.
01:01:13No, no.
01:01:16Yo pensé que podíamos repetir el test de calidad.
01:01:20¿No le gustaría pasar la noche conmigo?
01:01:23Los resultados del test fueron óptimos
01:01:25y permitieron recabar información malosísima y de primera mano.
01:01:29Yo le agradezco la realización de la prueba,
01:01:31pero no creo que sea necesario ni conveniente repetirla.
01:01:35¿Algún problema, Don Panta?
01:01:37Llevamos cinco minutos de retraso.
01:01:39No, ninguno, Chuchupe.
01:01:41Esto no debe volver a ocurrir.
01:01:43La falta de discreción me pone en una situación incómoda
01:01:45con el resto del personal,
01:01:46cuyo rendimiento además puede diminuir
01:01:48ya que dedicarán su tiempo a comentarios que extraerán su atención.
01:01:51Si eso es lo que le preocupa, podemos ir a un hotel
01:01:54o a otro lugar donde no nos vea nadie.
01:02:07Pocha, ya te he dicho que no me llames cuando estoy trabajando,
01:02:09a menos que...
01:02:12Voy ahora mismo.
01:02:14Aquí tiene los resultados del último análisis.
01:02:22¿Está seguro, doctor?
01:02:24Sí, señor Pantoja.
01:02:26Su esposa está embarazada.
01:02:32No quería decirte nada hasta estar completamente segura.
01:02:36Por fin, Pantita, por fin.
01:02:42Voy a ser papá.
01:03:03Qué pensativo, Panta.
01:03:07¿Qué haces todavía por acá?
01:03:10Es que fui la última en bañarme.
01:03:12Se fueron sin mí.
01:03:18Qué raro verlos sin su dichosa maquinita.
01:03:23Yo pensé que usted nunca dejaba de trabajar.
01:03:25El Dalila vuelve a las siete.
01:03:28O sea que sí está trabajando.
01:03:32¿No se lo río?
01:03:35No, gracias.
01:03:48Desde el día de la prueba nunca más hemos estado solos, ¿no?
01:03:54¿Está nervioso?
01:03:58¿Qué es lo que está buscando, Olga?
01:04:01Nada especial, don Panto.
01:04:04Pensé que usted y yo...
01:04:05¿Usted y yo?
01:04:07Creo que he sido suficientemente claro desde el principio.
01:04:10Por razones de trabajo...
01:04:12Usted no puede pensar en otra cosa que no sea el trabajo.
01:04:15Ni menos aún cuando hablo con usted.
01:04:29Y ahora, con permiso, debo ir a mi oficina.
01:04:31No, quédese.
01:04:34Yo soy la que se va.
01:04:37¿Pero sabe qué?
01:04:40Puede ser que usted como jefe y como amante sea excelente.
01:04:44Pero como persona es insoportable.
01:04:46Y yo no soy su amante, señorita.
01:04:51Pero se mueve de ganas, don Panto.
01:05:03Hoy nos hemos permitido hacer un alto en el camino...
01:05:07...para celebrar la prestación número 20.000...
01:05:10...que le ha tocado de suerte a Pechuga.
01:05:12¡Bien, Pechuga!
01:05:20Veinte mil prestaciones...
01:05:22...ofrecidas a los clases y soldados...
01:05:25...de nuestras unidades de frontera...
01:05:28...constituyen un modesto éxito para el servicio.
01:05:33...que el servicio de visitadoras...
01:05:35...ha utilizado su potencia operativa al máximo...
01:05:38...como puede dependerse de la descomposición del total de 20.000...
01:05:42...en sus sumandos componentes.
01:05:46Nuestro objetivo, en lo que resta del año...
01:05:50...es alcanzar las 200.000 prestaciones.
01:05:53Cifra ambiciosa, mas no imposible...
01:05:57...si el personal continúa como hasta hoy...
01:06:00...manteniendo su alto promedio de rendimiento...
01:06:03...y con los refuerzos que hemos planeado contratar próximamente.
01:06:06¡Que vivan los 20.000 pueblos!
01:06:45¡Alma Vista!
01:07:07¿Quiere bailar, Don Panto?
01:07:23¿Te siente cómodo, Don Pantita?
01:07:26No estoy muy acostumbrado a este tipo de cosas...
01:07:29...pero me siento cómodo.
01:07:32¿Te siente cómodo, Don Pantita?
01:07:35No estoy muy acostumbrado a este tipo de reuniones.
01:07:38Creo que he tomado mucho, estoy un poco mareado.
01:07:42Tranquilo, solo cierra sus ojitos.
01:08:02¡Cambio de pareja!
01:08:04¡Cambio de pareja!
01:08:30¿Por qué no quería bailar conmigo, Olga?
01:08:33¿Y usted por qué no me lo pidió?
01:08:36Todo este tiempo me ha tratado como si fuera invisible.
01:08:41Las cosas son complicadas, Olga.
01:08:44Pero yo no entiendo esas complicaciones.
01:08:47¿A un hombre le gusta una mujer o no le gusta?
01:08:51Y usted me ha demostrado que no le gusta.
01:08:55Me gusta.
01:08:57Me gusta muchísimo.
01:09:00Y la verdad es que no he podido dejar de pensar en usted desde que...
01:09:08Desde que nos acostamos.
01:09:16Si yo pudiera...
01:09:19De poder, puede.
01:09:23Todo está en que quiera.
01:09:30Pero aquí no.
01:09:32Lo digo por usted.
01:09:35Creo que estamos dando un espectáculo.
01:10:18Así que esta es la famosa colombiana.
01:10:22Todos quieren con ella.
01:10:23Mire cuántos hay en su fila.
01:10:37Ey, ey, ey.
01:10:38¿A dónde crees que vas, burrito?
01:10:41¿Acaso ya no te gusta esta montura?
01:10:43Sí, sí me gusta, Pechuga, pero creo que esta vez voy a cabalgar en otra yeguita.
01:10:47Soldado, vuelve inmediatamente a su fila.
01:10:50Mi foja de servicio me permite coger a la visitadora de mi gusto.
01:10:53Y he decidido probar a la colombiana, a ver si es tan buena como dicen, señor.
01:10:56En este instante vuelva a la fila de la visitadora Pechuga.
01:10:58La señorita colombiana tiene ya demasiados usuarios.
01:11:01Cada visitadora puede tener hasta un máximo de 20 prestaciones.
01:11:03Así lo señala el reglamento, señor.
01:11:06Y conmigo serían...
01:11:12Diecinueve usuarios, señor.
01:11:18¿A dónde crees que vas, soldado?
01:11:20Usuario número 20, señor.
01:11:22Mi foja de servicio me permite esta elección.
01:11:27¿Acaso no se dan cuenta que la señorita visitadora tiene exceso de trabajo?
01:11:31Cuando le llegue su turno va a estar tan agotada
01:11:33que su rendimiento no va a alcanzar ni al 25% de su performancia habitual.
01:11:36Les aconsejo que vuelvan a sus respectivas filas.
01:11:40Yo no me canso así nomás, don Panta.
01:11:43Al contrario.
01:11:44Cada soldadito que paso me va dejando más...
01:11:48Les aseguro que los últimos de mi fila van a ser igual de atendidos como los primeros.
01:11:53Si no me cree, póngase al final de la cola.
01:12:05Diez prestaciones es lo que obliga al reglamento.
01:12:07No tiene ninguna obligación de atender a más soldados.
01:12:10Solo diez.
01:12:42Perdóname, Olga.
01:12:45Es que estoy como loco.
01:12:48No sé qué me pasa.
01:12:52Siento coqueteos con la tropa.
01:12:55Simplemente no lo soporto.
01:12:56Me hierve la sangre.
01:12:57Me provoca a meter al calabozo esos soldaditos que te miran como si...
01:13:01No sé, como si fueras...
01:13:03¿Una visitadora?
01:13:06Eso es lo que soy, ¿no?
01:13:08Pero no estás obligada a coquetearles.
01:13:10Eso no lo ordena el reglamento.
01:13:13Bueno, tengo que atraerlos, Panta.
01:13:16No solo se trata de tener buena mercadería.
01:13:18Hay que saber venderla y mostrársela al cliente con sonrisitas y cositas para que vengan a mi fila.
01:13:27No me gusta que hagas eso.
01:13:28Y no hay necesidad.
01:13:29El sistema está organizado de tal modo que todas ustedes tienen garantizadas las diez prestaciones para el pago básico.
01:13:34Bueno, pero nuestra ganancia está en las prestaciones extras.
01:13:38Si me conformo con servirle a diez, mi ingreso se reduce a la mitad.
01:13:49Lo que sí te puedo aceptar es que me retires del servicio.
01:13:53No te pido que te retires del servicio porque hay un contrato de trabajo que he afirmado y que debes cumplir.
01:13:57Pero además, las proyecciones estadísticas del servicio no suponen que tu rendimiento tenga que ser tan alto.
01:14:03Es tan difícil de entender.
01:14:05Mira, te lo puedo explicar de otra manera.
01:14:07Mis proyecciones a largo plazo no suponen que ninguna visita...
01:14:12Considerando mi crecimiento a lo largo de mi vida,
01:14:15la realidad es que no solo estoy a favor de una persona,
01:14:18sino también de todo el mundo.
01:14:21Tengo más que opinar,
01:14:23y las cosas son las mismas.
01:14:26No quiero que me cumpla la responsabilidad
01:14:28del lugar que estoy en.
01:14:30No quiero que me cumpla la responsabilidad que estoy en.
01:14:33We consider it an abusive privilege that the visitor service is exclusive to the barracks.
01:14:45We demand that older citizens and military convicts have the right to use that service,
01:14:51and at the same reduced rates as the soldiers.
01:14:53But that service only exists in your rotten minds, gentlemen.
01:14:57How dare you ask the audience for such nonsense?
01:15:01We have seen it with our own eyes, sir.
01:15:04A lot of women arrive in your boats.
01:15:07We also want women, sir.
01:15:09Not only the soldiers have needs.
01:15:11I have not had any information about what you are telling me.
01:15:15It seems to me that a lot of chuchuguas are taking you, my friends.
01:15:19But, General, have you seen the face of Caficho, Mayor of Paiva?
01:15:23No, General.
01:15:25If the press found out about that absurd request,
01:15:29the mayor's office would not last long, Mr. Paiva Rungui.
01:15:34And now get out of my sight, damn it!
01:15:37What are you waiting for? Get out of here!
01:15:48What's wrong?
01:15:53You regret it again, don't you?
01:15:56I feel like shit doing this to my wife.
01:16:01I know.
01:16:03You've never cheated on her.
01:16:05You only did it every 15 days.
01:16:07On Saturdays at 10 p.m.
01:16:10I remember it, Panta.
01:16:12You've told me a thousand times.
01:16:43Panta, don't exaggerate. No one is looking at you.
01:16:46It's never a good idea to take such precautions.
01:16:49You never know.
01:16:51What time would you be ashamed to be seen with me?
01:16:54I'd have to be crazy to be ashamed to be seen with a woman like you.
01:17:02There's a party in La Cucho Verde on Friday.
01:17:05I have my medical leave on that day.
01:17:08I want to go.
01:17:10You could go with Sandra. She's also on leave.
01:17:12No, I want to go with you.
01:17:15With me?
01:17:17You know that's impossible.
01:17:19I've told you a thousand times that you can't see us together.
01:17:24I know.
01:17:54I want to see you dance.
01:17:58And come back.
01:18:00Like this.
01:18:04You can't deny that some girls are as they want to be.
01:18:08You said it, girls.
01:18:10Pure silly things.
01:18:12No woman is really worth it.
01:18:16Show me a real woman.
01:18:18One that takes your breath away.
01:18:21One that gives you goosebumps just by looking at her.
01:18:24That one.
01:18:27If that woman is a womanizer...
01:18:36I'll beat the shit out of you.
01:18:39You're a fool.
01:18:42Come on. You have to work.
01:18:52You have to dance.
01:18:54You have to dance.
01:19:00What are you doing?
01:19:02I'm covering the social section of the local newspaper, Mr. Pantoja.
01:19:06I think we have enough, don't we, Mario?
01:19:12And giving the exact 16 hours...
01:19:15on the clock that bakes the wall of our studios...
01:19:18Radio Amazonas is pleased to present to its dear listeners...
01:19:23the best-listened program of its kind...
01:19:27The Voice of Cinchi.
01:19:31I promised to unmask that individual...
01:19:35without law or principles...
01:19:37who impunely governs that vicious circle...
01:19:41and the tarnished so-called service of visitors...
01:19:45better known as Pantilandia.
01:19:51Cinchi fulfills its promises, my dear radio listeners.
01:19:58We have investigated, observed, verified everything exhaustively.
01:20:05And now we are in a position to reveal...
01:20:09the identity of that species of pharaoh.
01:20:14It is true that Pantaleon Pantoja has a wife...
01:20:19and that she has been leading a double life...
01:20:22sunk, on the one hand, in the pestilent swamp...
01:20:26of her love for Olga Arellano, the Colombian...
01:20:30the one so remembered as beautiful and popular...
01:20:33meritorious of the East...
01:20:35and, on the other hand, having a dignified and respectable life...
01:20:40under the protection of ignorance...
01:20:43in which she had her own wife.
01:20:48To whom, from this radio, we offer all our moral support.
01:20:54And we remind you that it is better to live in the light of truth...
01:21:00than in the darkness of ignorance.
01:21:05What does the army have to do with Pantilandia?
01:21:10Does Pantaleon Pantoja have the authority...
01:21:14to bring prostitutes into the barracks?
01:21:18General Escavino, Father Beltran, the mayor, the prefect...
01:21:23are aware of this carnal trafficking...
01:21:27and they turn a blind eye?
01:21:30We, the people of Loreto, will continue to investigate...
01:21:35whoever falls with the courage and love for the truth that characterizes us.
01:21:41Have you heard the voice of Cinchi?
01:21:49Devastating, Master. Devastating.
01:22:06Pocha, let me explain.
01:22:08There is nothing to explain. Everything is clear. Get out of my way.
01:22:12Pochita, I can't tell you that.
01:22:13Let me!
01:22:14Think about Cadetito. You are my wife.
01:22:17Forget about me and Cadetito. You are a liar, a hypocrite.
01:22:22It's because of this damn job.
01:22:24Pocha, you know how I am today.
01:22:26Remember when I was commissioned to the ranch of that regiment?
01:22:29That my appetite opened, that I gained 12 kilos, that I learned to cook.
01:22:32Or when they made me responsible for the uniforms of a garrison.
01:22:35Do you remember?
01:22:36Do you remember that I got fired for the rags, for the fashion,
01:22:38that I designed a new battle pants,
01:22:40that the head of the barracks thought I was an American?
01:22:43Pochita, I am like this.
01:22:46The job absorbs me, transforms me. I can't control it.
01:22:49Then stay with your whores, with your Colombian and all that crap.
01:22:56Don't touch me!
01:22:58You disgust me.
01:23:02Leave me.
01:23:11And I have also failed my superior with words and thoughts
01:23:14for punishing my friend Franco.
01:23:16I know it was a serious mistake, but just to ...
01:23:19You are our father, if you know, Marías.
01:23:26Your Excellency.
01:23:29No, not me, but ...
01:23:32No, Your Excellency.
01:23:36Yes, Your Excellency.
01:23:50Pocha, please listen to me.
01:23:53Let me talk.
01:23:56I have submitted my resignation to you, Pochita.
01:23:59I have asked the general to relieve me of my position.
01:24:02And what have I answered you?
01:24:04Nothing yet, but I hope that you will free me from this mission and ...
01:24:07Secret mission. Intelligence service.
01:24:10You are a liar, Pantaleón Pantoja.
01:24:12Don't call me again until I'm completely away
01:24:15from that disgusting world in which you have gotten into.
01:24:19Pocha. Pochita.
01:24:35What are you doing here?
01:24:42I wanted to see you.
01:24:47How are you?
01:25:08Don't worry.
01:25:11They have screwed it up.
01:25:14From the commander and principal chaplain,
01:25:17to the priest of the cemetery of Iquitos.
01:25:20With your tenacity and patience,
01:25:23you will get rid of each and every one of your enemies.
01:25:26The only thing that worries me is that fag of Cinchi.
01:25:29If I were you, with all due respect, Captain ...
01:25:32General Collazo has ordered me to silence him.
01:25:35Excellent, Captain.
01:25:37I have a couple of assistants who will leave you silent forever.
01:25:40They know how to hit where it hurts most, Captain, without leaving a trace.
01:25:43No, Bacacorso, it's not about that.
01:25:45It's about something worse.
01:25:481, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
01:25:511, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
01:25:541, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
01:25:571, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
01:26:12My dear Pantaleon, how are you?
01:26:16One moment, Mr. La Mano.
01:26:32Beautiful sight.
01:26:35I congratulate you.
01:26:37How is it?
01:26:39They told me you wanted to talk to me, Mr. Pantoja.
01:26:44A wise idea.
01:26:46People like us should not confront and hurt each other.
01:26:50It's a waste of time.
01:26:54I didn't call you to talk, Mr. Laodano.
01:27:03But to give you this.
01:27:09Please open it.
01:27:12And tell me if you think it's enough.
01:27:25Mr. Pantoja, are you trying to bribe me?
01:27:31You who threw me into the river accusing me of a blackmailer,
01:27:34now you send me to call so that for a handful of money I speak well of your prostitute?
01:27:40So that he does not speak.
01:27:42So that he never again in his life mentions the service of visitors.
01:27:45The truth is that I do not know, Mr. Pantoja.
01:27:48Pantilandia is one of the most important events of the end of the millennium
01:27:53here in Iquitos and in the whole world.
01:27:55And at any time CNN or Time asks me for a chronicle.
01:27:59That would give me a writing.
01:28:01Every first few days of each month,
01:28:03you will receive an amount equal to what is in that envelope.
01:28:10Now we understand each other, my friend Pantoja.
01:28:17I do not want to take your time anymore, my illustrious friend.
01:28:20Until the next month and ...
01:28:23If you wanted, without any cost,
01:28:26it could be a special broadcast,
01:28:29denying some data that I once spread against you,
01:28:34and that will surely ...
01:28:36Until the next month.
01:28:39Until the next month.
01:28:55You're not going to eat anything, Captain?
01:28:58The truth is that I'm a little unappetizing.
01:29:02You have to eat.
01:29:04Since your husband left, you have lost a lot of weight.
01:29:07Yes, they have told me something.
01:29:12Did you finally get an answer to my last report?
01:29:15In view of the increasingly alarming presence of civilians
01:29:17on the banks of the rivers waiting for the service convoys,
01:29:20I propose the creation of the regular unordinary rotation system.
01:29:25This system will prevent the civilian population from foreseeing our arrival,
01:29:28which will prevent their presence and the difficulties they cause.
01:29:31To function properly,
01:29:33the plan requires 100 visitors and 5 boats
01:29:37that would be sailing permanently in the Amazon rivers.
01:29:40100 visitors? 5 boats?
01:29:43This is nothing, Tiger.
01:29:45Listen to this other request.
01:29:47Finally, I ask the superiority that studies the possibility
01:29:49of giving a risk bonus to visitors when they leave in convoy,
01:29:53considering that when they carry out their missions, they put their lives at risk.
01:29:56In that same sense, I join the project, pages 25 and 26,
01:30:00a plan of social benefits that includes medical insurance,
01:30:03compensation for service time,
01:30:05and other benefits to which every worker has the right according to the law.
01:30:09I don't find it funny, Lopez.
01:30:11This Pantoja issue is starting to worry me.
01:30:14Now the army has to stop buying weapons
01:30:17to hire whores and pay their social benefits.
01:30:20It is unauthorized to apply your new plan,
01:30:23as well as to deny the request to hire more visitors.
01:30:30I don't understand if everything is perfectly explained.
01:30:32Do you know what your sin is, Captain?
01:30:34Having made the service of the most efficient organism of the army.
01:30:37That scares anyone.
01:30:38We are still far from achieving our plans.
01:30:40If the demand is always ahead of the offer, it will be short-lived.
01:30:43Maybe it is convenient not to make more requests for the moment.
01:30:46Why don't you relax and let some time pass? Take a break.
01:30:50We are in an emergency, Tiger.
01:30:52I'm going to prepare another report, more convincing.
01:30:54I have the results of the latest surveys and 172 files
01:30:56signed by the sub-officials of the region,
01:30:58asking them to allow them to use the visitor service.
01:31:00Take a look.
01:31:0295% of the sub-officials claim visitors,
01:31:05and 55% of the sub-officials.
01:31:07To provide this service, the minimalist plan of regular services
01:31:10at a rate always below the minimum sexual vital
01:31:12would require 4 boats and 272 visitors.
01:31:16It sounds reasonable, Captain, but...
01:31:18Of course, we would have to create a special section,
01:31:20a group of exclusive visitors for the sub-officials
01:31:22that we would have to bring from Lima or abroad.
01:31:24Do you like the acronym SPO?
01:31:25Sub-officials of the visitor service?
01:31:27It sounds good to me, doesn't it?
01:31:29Or exclusive service for the sub-officials.
01:31:36You are working too much.
01:31:38You will get sick if you keep smoking like a Chinese without eating.
01:31:42No job deserves the sacrifice you are doing.
01:31:45A few days ago you wanted to quit,
01:31:47and now you are working for the service.
01:31:49It is my duty, Lieutenant.
01:31:51I quit and they ordered me to continue.
01:31:53And so I will do it against the wind and tide
01:31:55of my damn habit of doing things right,
01:31:58because it is the only way I know.
01:32:02If everything were like you, this country would be America's Switzerland.
01:32:07They lent me a 4x4.
01:32:09What do you think if we go to Nauta?
01:32:10That way I can relax a bit.
01:32:13Thank you for the invitation, but...
01:32:16I have a lot of work pending.
01:32:17On Monday I will be giving you my new project.
01:32:19No, no, don't get up, please.
01:32:25I'm sorry.
01:32:44You left almost all your clothes, didn't you?
01:32:49You left too fast.
01:32:51Are you going to come back?
01:32:55What do you think?
01:32:57I don't know.
01:33:06I would never have thought of buying something like this.
01:33:09I'm sorry.
01:33:24Is this how decent ladies sleep?
01:33:37I look like a nun.
01:33:40Or do you like it more like this?
01:33:45What's wrong, Olga?
01:33:47What's wrong?
01:33:48You don't know.
01:33:50Don't you realize?
01:33:51Just because I don't give you permission to go to work tomorrow?
01:33:54No, it's not just for tomorrow.
01:33:56I don't want to work.
01:34:00I want to be with you.
01:34:03They just rejected my extension project.
01:34:05The service is in emergency.
01:34:06I have to finish this report right now to send it to Lima
01:34:08and try to convince my boss.
01:34:09And you give me all this trouble because you don't want to work.
01:34:13I'm just saying that everywhere,
01:34:15the boss' wife always gets a better treatment.
01:34:20Instead, for me, they're all disadvantages.
01:34:23You treat me like I'm one of your whores, Pantaleon.
01:34:29Is that why you're with me?
01:34:32Because I'm the boss?
01:34:34What do you think?
01:34:36I don't know.
01:34:43I'd rather not know.
01:34:48Fire me, Panta.
01:34:52Let's finish this once and for all.
01:34:58Is that what you want?
01:35:20Good morning, friends of the Amazon,
01:35:23listening to this program broadcast from Iquitos,
01:35:26which spreads to the most remote corners of our jungle.
01:35:33Today, I want to talk about Mr. Pantaleon Pantoja.
01:35:37He's an idiot.
01:35:38No, leave him, Chiquito. I want to listen.
01:35:41He's a man who recognizes mistakes,
01:35:43and I tell him with my heart in my hand,
01:35:48I was wrong when I judged him, Mr. Panta.
01:35:54The letters signed by soldiers and sergeants
01:35:59who guard our borders in barracks and inhospitable garrisons.
01:36:05In them they tell me,
01:36:06Mr. Cinchi, why do you insult Mr. Pantaleon?
01:36:11We're almost there, Chiquita. Get ready.
01:36:13No one has ever done it.
01:36:16We are human, Mr. Cinchi.
01:36:18We have needs, and thanks to Mr. Panta,
01:36:21we serve our country better.
01:36:24That sincerity made me reflect.
01:36:28When I denounced Mr. Pantaleon Pantoja,
01:36:31I didn't take it seriously.
01:36:33I don't consider the incumbent work
01:36:36that Mr. Pantaleon has been doing
01:36:39in search of the satisfaction of the intimate needs
01:36:43of the sentinels of Peru.
01:36:46Attention, Orgones, attention.
01:36:47Visitor service, we are approaching the post.
01:36:49It will be about ten minutes up, approximately.
01:36:52I repeat, visitor service.
01:36:54Get out of the way.
01:36:58We're almost there, girls.
01:36:59Here we are.
01:37:01Grab this gun.
01:37:06Orgones, Orgones, we've been robbed.
01:37:08We've been robbed.
01:37:09Pirates, I think.
01:37:12Mr. Orgones.
01:37:13Unconfirmed, damn it.
01:37:15Here, Eva, we're trying to contact you.
01:37:16SOS, SOS.
01:37:18Mr. Panta,
01:37:19the affectionate nickname
01:37:21with which you have become known
01:37:22in our brave jungle
01:37:24is an enemy of fame and recognition.
01:37:39Dear friends,
01:37:40I have in my hands
01:37:42a report from the National Police.
01:37:46Do you know
01:37:47how many rapes
01:37:49are registered monthly?
01:37:52That is to say,
01:37:53since Mr. Panta
01:37:54put into operation
01:37:56the visitor service.
01:38:01as you can hear,
01:38:04Let me go.
01:38:05Let me go.
01:38:06Let me go.
01:38:07Let me go.
01:38:08Let me go.
01:38:09Let me go.
01:38:10Let me go.
01:38:11Let me go.
01:38:12Let me go, motherfucker.
01:38:13Let me go.
01:38:16Don't shoot.
01:38:17Milito, put your hands up.
01:38:20For fuck's sake.
01:38:22Let me go.
01:38:23For fuck's sake.
01:38:38Our Amazon is in peace.
01:38:42Our mothers,
01:38:44sisters and girlfriends
01:38:46can now go out to the street
01:38:48without fear.
01:38:52The Loretans
01:38:53can appreciate
01:38:55living in a place,
01:38:57the only place in the whole world
01:39:00where sexual crimes
01:39:02have been abolished.
01:39:05The emotion overwhelms me
01:39:07and I only have to say
01:39:10on behalf of the whole Amazon
01:39:12and myself,
01:39:14thank you, Mr. Panta.
01:39:16Thank you
01:39:18and your sacrificed servant.
01:40:06Could you leave me alone for a moment, please?
01:41:11After being watched all night,
01:41:14the malignant body
01:41:16of the sadly famous
01:41:18Olga Arellano, a.k.a. Colombiana,
01:41:20reaches its final destination,
01:41:22dear listeners.
01:41:24This is her friend, El Cimchi.
01:41:27We are now in the cemetery
01:41:29and a lot of people have gathered here.
01:41:33The coffin approaches
01:41:35its place of worship,
01:41:37accompanied by an escort.
01:41:39Don't listen to him.
01:41:41Listen to me.
01:41:42We are going to lead the procession.
01:42:20I am resurrection and life.
01:42:22Those who believe in me,
01:42:23even if they have died, will live,
01:42:25and all who live and believe in me
01:42:26will live eternally.
01:42:28Receive, Lord, this sinner.
01:42:30這個僕 wilt forgive its sins
01:42:31and grant the Lord eternal rest.
01:42:33Let us pray to the Lord.
01:42:34Let us pray to the Lord.
01:43:08Olga Arellano.
01:43:11We have dressed our glorious uniform of the army of Peru
01:43:16to come and accompany you to your last home.
01:43:20It was our obligation
01:43:23to proclaim before the eyes of the world with the head high and full sense of responsibility
01:43:28that you had fallen like a brave soldier at the service of your homeland.
01:43:34You are a martyr.
01:43:38A victim of those who did not know that you were consecrated exclusively to the soldiers of Peru.
01:43:47Beloved Olga Arellano,
01:43:50the soldiers,
01:43:53your soldiers scattered throughout the Amazon,
01:43:57to whom you served by celebrating the hard life of Castrense,
01:44:01they mourn you.
01:44:04Your colleagues at work also mourn you.
01:44:08In their name,
01:44:11I tell you that your sacrifice has not been in vain,
01:44:15that your blood spilled will be the incentive to continue working on the mission that the army entrusted to us.
01:44:24And in your own name,
01:44:29allow me to thank you.
01:44:31Deep peace,
01:44:35for so many proofs of affection and understanding,
01:44:40for so many intimate teachings,
01:44:44I will never forget.
01:44:48Olga Arellano,
01:44:51rest in peace.
01:45:01Thank you.
01:45:22Come in.
01:45:32Good morning, General.
01:45:35I ask you to receive this letter,
01:45:38and that after reading it, you elevate it to superiority.
01:45:41In it I assume responsibility for what happened in the cemetery.
01:45:44And how do you justify your feat, Pantoja?
01:45:47Thanks to you, the visitor service is in the mouth of everyone.
01:45:51It was already, sir.
01:45:53Before the events of Orkones, the service was Vox Populi.
01:45:56So, to appear dressed as an army officer to pay tribute to a whore, as if it were ...
01:46:01A soldier fell into action, sir.
01:46:04Olga Arellano died serving the country.
01:46:06Don't be cynical, Pantoja.
01:46:08Do you think I don't know that that ramera was your beloved?
01:46:11I would have proceeded in exactly the same way as I would have treated another visitor.
01:46:15I acted like this because I thought it was an obligation of the army
01:46:18to pay tribute to you for your hard work.
01:46:21What work, Pantoja?
01:46:22Cachar with the soldiers?
01:46:24But do you really think the army should be grateful to those whores?
01:46:28It is a difficult and risky task.
01:46:34After the death of Olga Arellano,
01:46:36the visitors were so scared that they wanted to leave the service.
01:46:39And I understood that we had to raise their morale in some way, sir.
01:46:43Tempt their spirits and inject a little energy.
01:46:46That's why the tribute, General.
01:46:48So that they feel supported by a great institution and do not leave their jobs.
01:46:52They wouldn't have let them go just because, fortunately,
01:46:55the visitor service has been canceled, Pantoja.
01:47:05I know I deserve a sanction because I proceeded without consulting, but ...
01:47:10Cancel the service?
01:47:13I don't understand it, if it's better than ever.
01:47:15The reports of the soldiers' good health,
01:47:18the 0% of reports of violations, prove it.
01:47:21Forget about the service.
01:47:23It's over. He died.
01:47:25And that was the good part of the whore's murder.
01:47:30You must close the service room today,
01:47:32fire your staff,
01:47:34and leave Iquitos tomorrow at the first hour.
01:47:44Get out of the army, Mr. Pantoja.
01:47:47Get out and stay with us.
01:47:48We have a little capital to invest.
01:47:51We can even ask for a loan from the bank, if you want.
01:47:55With the coconut you have for this,
01:47:57we can all become millionaires in two by three.
01:47:59I organized the service by higher orders.
01:48:03As a business, I'm not interested.
01:48:07You organize a company.
01:48:09No, we don't want to put a bad-dead bully again, Mr. Pantoja.
01:48:12We want to organize a company of visitors.
01:48:15Big, modern and efficient.
01:48:16You will be the boss.
01:48:22I need to have bosses.
01:48:24If I didn't have them,
01:48:28I wouldn't know what to do.
01:48:30I'm made to obey orders.
01:48:34My vocation is to be a soldier.
01:48:37And I hope to die being a soldier.
01:48:40It's something you have to understand.
01:48:43What's going on, Chuchupe?
01:48:44I told you not to cry.
01:48:46I'm sorry, Mr. Pantoja,
01:48:48but I can't control myself.
01:48:50It's the best job I've ever had.
01:48:52But why did they have to close the service?
01:48:55The soldiers were so happy when they saw us.
01:48:59The objectives for this year were being fulfilled mathematically.
01:49:05But that's the army.
01:49:07The bosses know more than we do
01:49:09and have considered it convenient to close the service.
01:49:11Change that face, Chuchupe.
01:49:41Mr. Pantoja,
01:49:43we want to give you a memento.
01:49:49For the best boss in the world.
01:50:00I'm sorry,
01:50:02but I have to go.
01:50:04I have to go.
01:50:06Mr. Pantoja,
01:50:08I'm sorry,
01:50:09but I have to go.
01:50:14thank you for everything.
01:50:18I'll never forget you.
01:50:40I'm sorry to bother you again, Miss,
01:50:43but won't there be any confusion?
01:50:45They called at six in the afternoon.
01:50:47Are you sure I should wait?
01:50:49Very sure.
01:50:51The thing is, they're interviewing the general
01:50:53and they're going to broadcast it live via the microwave.
01:50:56Look, look, look, it's started.
01:50:58There's the general talking.
01:51:02the army has never organized,
01:51:04sponsored or financed
01:51:06a company of that nature.
01:51:07Do you recognize the existence
01:51:09of this service, General?
01:51:11Of course I do, Miss.
01:51:15But we've all seen Captain Pantaleon Pantoja
01:51:17giving military honors to a prostitute.
01:51:19In fact, Pantoja himself has pointed out
01:51:21that murderers should be judged
01:51:23by a military court.
01:51:25Miss, those are ideas
01:51:27that have no head or feet.
01:51:29The state has ordered
01:51:31an exhaustive investigation
01:51:33that must be carried out
01:51:35to its last consequences.
01:51:37Those responsible
01:51:39will receive the full weight of the law.
01:51:41Good. Thank you, General.
01:51:43Go ahead, Studios.
01:51:45You've become very famous.
01:51:47Could you sign an autograph for me?
01:52:01Do you know who just came out
01:52:03through that door, Pantoja?
01:52:05The reporter, General.
01:52:07I'm not going to ask for explanations.
01:52:09I read his letter.
01:52:11I saw him saying that pathetic speech.
01:52:13Anyway, he's gone mad.
01:52:15And he wants me to tell him the truth.
01:52:17There is no punishment
01:52:19serious enough for the monstrosity he did.
01:52:21Not even shooting him would pay for his guilt.
01:52:23I recognize my responsibility, General.
01:52:25I will accept the sanction imposed on me.
01:52:27Given the seriousness of the facts,
01:52:29we intend to submit him
01:52:31to the Council of Discipline, Pantoja.
01:52:33Which means infamous degradation,
01:52:37and execution.
01:52:39But considering your personal history,
01:52:41we propose a more comfortable and dignified exit.
01:52:45Ask for your leave tomorrow and that's final.
01:52:51I refuse to ask for my leave, sir.
01:52:53Your career is over, Pantoja.
01:52:55Professionally, you committed suicide.
01:52:58Ask for your leave
01:53:00because it's a job in civilian life.
01:53:02You have great administrative talent.
01:53:04You can't deny that.
01:53:05You'll earn more than with us.
01:53:09Are you crying, Pantoja?
01:53:11What's wrong with you?
01:53:13Behave like a man, damn it!
01:53:15I'm sorry.
01:53:17I beg you to excuse my weakness, General.
01:53:20But I can only be a soldier.
01:53:23In my life.
01:53:26If they force me to leave...
01:53:31Do you want to remain a captain all your life?
01:53:33This lack of credits will remain on your service sheet
01:53:36like an indelible stain.
01:53:39I'll try to rehabilitate myself, sir.
01:53:42Are you sure you don't want to ask for your leave?
01:53:46We'll make your life very difficult, Pantoja.
01:53:49You know what that's like.
01:53:51I know.
01:53:53But I'm willing to make any sacrifice.
01:54:03I'm sorry.
01:54:31My innumerable responsibilities
01:54:33have prevented me from answering you in advance.
01:54:39My wife,
01:54:41my three-month-old daughter Marina,
01:54:43a beauty,
01:54:45and the responsibilities of my mission
01:54:47are my main distractions and companions.
01:54:50Despite the distance...
01:54:52Despite the distance and the distance,
01:54:54I always remember you with affection and respect.
01:54:57Send my regards to Mrs. Leonor and Chupito.
01:55:01To Pechuga and the rest of my ex-visitors,
01:55:04whom I'll never be able to forget.
01:55:07Receive a big hug from your friend,
01:55:11Pantaleon Pantoja,
01:55:13Captain of the Peruvian Army.
01:55:17Don't start again, please.
01:55:20You're so beautiful.
01:55:22You're so beautiful.
01:55:30My dear Lieutenant,
01:55:32I'm writing this short missive
01:55:34at 4,200 meters above sea level
01:55:36and four degrees below zero.
01:55:38General Collasus fulfilled his promise
01:55:40to send me to the furthest and most desolate position possible.
01:55:43My mission here is to ensure territorial integrity
01:55:46and carry out social projection tasks
01:55:48in the area of literacy.
01:55:50The 1973 census recorded 1,784,281 illiterate people,
01:55:56and the region where I was selected
01:55:58has the highest rate of illiteracy in the country.
01:56:00What does it say here?
01:56:02That is, 658,399 illiterate people.
01:56:17According to empirical measurements,
01:56:19an individual over the age of 15
01:56:21with an IQ not less than 80
01:56:23takes between six and nine months
01:56:25working a minimum of two hours a day.
01:56:30To respond to this demand,
01:56:32I have constituted eight groups
01:56:34made up of 15 illiterates,
01:56:36which means I serve 120 educators.
01:56:38In an optimistic scenario,
01:56:40in six years I could reach the ultimate goal
01:56:42of illiterating the entire region.
01:56:44So I continue
01:56:46serving our beloved and glorious institution
01:56:53Did you finish the last group?
01:56:55No, I'm still waiting for the sixth group.
01:56:57But the rate of illiteracy is very high, Pochita,
01:56:59and that's a variable that could destroy
01:57:01all my projections.
01:57:03I think I'm going to have to implement
01:57:05a home visit program.
01:57:07Oh, Pantaleon Pantoja,
01:57:09if there's no work, you make it up.
01:57:11Don't you want to eat? Let's go home.
01:57:13I'll catch up with you in a minute.
01:57:14Oh, what a habit of smoking
01:57:16has left you in the jungle, Panta.
01:57:18It's because of the cold, Pocha.
01:57:20It's because of the cold.
01:57:22Well, I'll wait for you at home.
01:57:24Don't take too long.
01:57:44I love you, Pochita.
