Mr Queen S01 E20 Hindi Dubbed

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Mr Queen S01 E20 Hindi Dubbed


00:43sir, please have a look
00:45sure, it is delicious
00:47show me
00:51no.. put little more spices
00:53come, let me do this
00:56you put too much water
00:58Oh, that's a lot of work to be done today.
01:03You know Malika, the food made from fresh milk is more delicious.
01:07But we shouldn't keep the poor animals hungry like this.
01:10I feel that if we don't use milk, we can make better food than water.
01:17Molecular gastronomy in this Joseon era.
01:21He's working so hard today.
01:25Listen, Mr. Shahib.
01:28I can see the pain on his face.
01:31I can bet that there are many people behind him who he must be supporting.
01:35Yes, tell me, Malika.
01:38Come here and light the fire.
01:50He must be burdened by his family.
01:52He must be burdened by his small, delicate shoulders.
01:57There's no need to ask.
01:59What's your name?
02:01My name is Mainbook.
02:04Who all are there in your family?
02:06As far as I know, there must be 10-12 people in your family.
02:09I'm not married.
02:13I was happy as a bachelor, but now I feel that...
02:20So, doesn't anyone have a responsibility on you?
02:23Think about it.
02:26I often feed the cats roaming in the streets, Malika.
02:30That's the reason.
02:31Now look, if you're not there, who will feed the hungry cats?
02:36So, I'm not doing all this for you.
02:38I'll only do it for those hungry cats.
02:42I'll teach them how to cook.
02:44Thank you, Malika. Thank you so much.
02:48Don't thank me.
02:53Bring something to write on.
03:05Hongyeon, this letter must reach Chahitabib.
03:15I need some herbs that are beneficial for the skin.
03:19If I don't like your answer, I don't know what will happen.
03:24I don't know what will become of me now.
03:26There's something written on the back. Turn it.
03:29I also need some men to choose my servants.
03:34I don't know why this Malika is so eager to make me a man.
03:44I don't know.
04:00Where do you keep your books?
04:03I'll find it. I'll get it for you.
04:14I want to know everything about Yongjo's royal court.
04:18Yes, Your Majesty.
04:31I went to Siongjong's palace.
04:33Then I found out that you're here.
04:36May I know why you came here?
04:39It's been a long time. We haven't talked to each other.
04:42I thought I'd sit with you for a while.
05:00Drink this.
05:13You made this tea yourself.
05:17That's why it's so good.
05:21Whenever I see you, I see your father in you.
05:25And that's why it took me a long time to understand you.
05:31I'm sorry. I didn't realize.
05:33I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart.
05:35I thought I knew your father very well.
05:39But now I understand that he...
05:43...must be like you.
05:45Maybe that's why you're considered a great king today.
05:50I saw him work hard.
05:52He didn't do anything against the Kim family.
05:57But I'm very sorry today.
05:59I couldn't make my people understand your father's purpose.
06:03I couldn't tell them to help him.
06:05You don't have to blame yourself.
06:07I can say with confidence that... father doesn't think you're to blame.
06:12If I...
06:14...fulfill my husband's purpose... correct my mistakes... will that help you?
06:35There are a lot of things that I'm not like my father.
06:41I see.
06:44So, if someone wants to follow in your father's footsteps... they have to follow your father's footsteps?
06:53I don't think so.
06:55I don't think so.
06:57I don't think so.
06:59I don't think so.
07:01I don't think so.
07:03I don't think so.
07:06Will you allow me to do that work?
07:10I will never repeat my mistakes again.
07:14I will remember what you said.
07:19I'm glad.
07:20It's been a long time since we sat down and talked.
07:23Thank you very much.
07:24I also enjoyed talking to you.
07:26You should rest now.
08:06I'm sorry.
08:07I made you wait for so long.
08:10Please go out.
08:15I thought you wouldn't come.
08:17That's why I came back.
08:19I read your letter late.
08:21You're very busy, aren't you?
08:23You couldn't even read my letter.
08:25To be honest...
08:26...when Debbie came to meet me...
08:28...I was so worried.
08:30I didn't know what to do.
08:32To be honest...
08:33...when Debbie came to meet me...
08:35...I was so worried.
08:38What did you talk to her about?
08:40Nothing special.
08:44I think...
08:47...there's a lot you know and I don't.
08:51What did Mallika say?
08:53I want to know.
08:55What did she say at the lake?
08:58You saw her?
08:59Shouldn't I have seen her?
09:01It's nothing like that.
09:03We were just talking about choosing the puppies.
09:07So that's it.
09:10I hope you've refused.
09:12We have to focus on this family for now.
09:14If we make them strong, we won't be able to fight them.
09:17It would be better if we distract them.
09:19So that means...'ve made a promise.
09:22Yes, of course.
09:23You know this is Mallika's plan, don't you?
09:26Special puppies?
09:27You've been calling me by this name for so long.
09:30You used to address me by my name.
09:33You used to say...
09:34...I'm the only reason you're alive.
09:38And you used to say...
09:40...I'm the only reason you're alive.
09:44What are you saying?
09:45How can you think of that for someone else?
09:49Tell me the truth.
09:52Have you fallen in love with Mallika?
10:01My speciality is in the sauce.
10:03Grab this and eat it quickly.
10:06Here you go.
10:09You've given me a job of beating the head of the royal kitchen.
10:14Why haven't you got married yet?
10:19I was so busy at work that I didn't get time to get married.
10:23What about your parents and siblings?
10:26In 1849...
10:28...I killed all the Christian Catholics.
10:31Since then I've been alone.
10:35How can someone kill someone in the name of religion?
10:38That's why I don't believe in religion.
10:41Who's the persecutor?
10:45Can you understand this pain?
10:48I'm not the only one who's seen all this.
10:52It's sad when everyone goes home during the holidays.
10:55And I stay here.
10:58All my people left together and left me alone to take care of memories.
11:10What's wrong with everyone?
11:12There's sadness in the kitchen.
11:17The food is sad too.
11:19When the cook is sad, the food is sad too.
11:22Oh, I see.
11:24Whether life has given me happiness or sadness...
11:27...I don't bring anything to this royal kitchen.
11:30I leave everything at home.
11:32I've always seen you angry.
11:34That's because whenever you come, I get very angry.
11:39So you think I'm responsible for your inauspiciousness?
11:42It's a matter of time.
11:43Today it's yours, tomorrow it's mine.
11:45What did you say?
11:46What's your religion?
11:48Let's see what happens next.
11:50You're doing it again.
11:51You're doing it again.
11:53I should have thrown you on the road to die.
11:56But what can I do?
12:11I just ate. What are you bringing again?
12:14Mallika sent this.
12:28This is not for eating.
12:30It's for your beautiful face.
12:35Now no one can take me away from my place.
12:38From Korya's food to beauty products.
12:46This weather is perfect for drying vegetables.
13:09My Mallika.
13:11I didn't see you anywhere all day yesterday.
13:14I hope you're back to your senses after the celebration.
13:22I'm very sorry about last night.
13:26But I want to ask you something.
13:30Do you remember when you fell sick?
13:33Did you feel anything strange?
13:35Did you feel anything different?
13:37If you're referring to a special person,
13:40then I would like to know his name.
13:42Whatever it is, answer me now.
13:44Okay, okay.
13:46To be honest, I think I bumped into someone from another world.
13:48Tell me frankly.
13:50Are you talking about a magical or scientific experiment?
13:52No, no.
13:54I mean, there were certain things in my life
13:58that changed with time.
14:00Maybe you won't like it, but I have to tell you.
14:03King Salamat is behind killing you.
14:06As far as I know,
14:08the one who wanted to harm you in Octa-Jung
14:11was your husband, King Salamat.
14:14You won't like it if you hear it.
14:16But how do you know this?
14:18Only I know this.
14:20So, did you know about him?
14:24we are very different from each other.
14:27So, we decided to keep it a secret.
14:29So, why are you with him
14:31even though you know everything about him?
14:33Do you still love him
14:35after doing so much for him?
14:37What did you say?
14:39Love him?
14:41How can you say such a stupid thing?
14:43If you want to stay here,
14:44you will have to make an appointment with King Salamat.
14:47But that doesn't mean I love him.
14:49How is that possible?
14:51Till now, I was only worried about my identity.
14:54And today, he started talking about love.
14:57Kanishk, Joy.
14:59Kanishk, Sukhinder. What happened?
15:08Girls, look, I'm here.
15:09Girls, look, I'm here.
15:13Where is everyone?
15:15Malika, they are here.
15:17In the documents.
15:30What is this?
15:32Do you know how many nights I waited for this day?
15:35So, what is all this?
15:39What is all this?
15:55I think my life will pass like this.
15:58But I won't learn anything from him.
16:01What did he have to do for the honor of his family?
16:16So, tell me, what is this called?
16:19It is called the mask of beauty.
16:22I wanted to make someone else Malika.
16:25But I think I have become someone else too.
16:27I wanted to make someone else Malika.
16:29But I think I have become someone else too.
16:34Queen, I want to meet the head of justice.
16:39But at this time?
16:42Come inside.
16:58We told our brother that you should keep coming.
17:01But we didn't like you coming at night.
17:04I didn't receive this message from you.
17:07I have come to you with a lot of courage with my problems.
17:10And I hope that the matter will remain between us and will not reach Baba.
17:14Your brother and my father
17:17must have told you that the king is a different person.
17:22My father was wrong with you.
17:27I am sorry.
17:42What is this?
17:46This is not possible.
17:51You wait here.
17:57This is especially for you.
18:00This is a special ginger.
18:07Tell me one thing.
18:09Is everything okay?
18:12What is it that should be okay?
18:14Stop talking in circles.
18:16When did I talk in circles?
18:19I am just asking if everyone around is okay.
18:24By the way,
18:25is Beyond sitting in his palace?
18:37Welcome, my lord.
18:39I have come back.
18:41You are late.
18:43I didn't get a chance to sit with my friends and talk.
18:46I was busy with my work.
18:48That's good.
18:50It's quite late.
18:52Go and rest.
18:53Both of you sit and talk.
18:56Yes, go and sleep.
19:03So tell me.
19:07Why are you so scared?
19:09Because the trouble on your face is telling me that there is something wrong.
19:13There is nothing like that.
19:16How can you put Malika's life in danger just because of your stupidity?
19:21I am scared because
19:23I couldn't catch the scoundrel who tried to kill my daughter.
19:28So that's it.
19:30It's too late.
19:32I think I should leave now.
19:34You must be tired.
19:36I just came here to give you a gift.
19:38So I should leave now.
19:45I am sure he has lost the documents.
19:47If he didn't do this, then did the bride do this?
19:51Is this the truth?
20:23Thank God.
20:25I was not in your place.
20:27We wanted a girl like her.
20:30That's why it took time to find that dead body.
20:33Tell me about that dead body.
20:35He died of drowning.
20:37I can't even recognize his face.
20:39I forgot him because he was lying in the water.
20:42How can you think about that for someone else?
20:47Tell me the truth.
20:50Do you love your Malika?
21:03I can't love Malika.
21:07You didn't even say that you didn't love her.
21:09And now you are saying that you can't love her.
21:26I want to meet you.
21:29Send him in.
21:40I am sorry for coming at this time.
21:43I wanted to tell you something.
21:45Did you find Oval?
21:58You gave this to Khadima Oval, right?
22:04She sold it.
22:06I found it in the market.
22:10That means Oval is alive.
22:12Thank God.
22:15It's so difficult to get water at night.
22:19I am so bored.
22:30Where is this stuck?
22:36What is this?
22:51I told a traveler to make a picture of him.
22:54If he is the one, we will know.
23:03I found a way to help the king.
23:09There in the well.
23:11What in the well?
23:12Someone's dead body is lying in the well.
23:14And it seems that it is your Ganesh.
23:16Oval's dead body.
23:33You shouldn't see this.
23:35I will see it.
23:36Don't stop me.
23:37I want to see him and be satisfied.
24:19It seems that this dead body is in the well for a long time.
24:22Oh God.
24:24Who killed this innocent man so mercilessly?
24:53Stop it.
24:56This is just the beginning.
24:58Don't say that.
25:00I want to be alone for a while.
25:45I don't understand now.
25:47Who makes me happy and who makes me sad.
25:52Queen is coming.
26:03Did you come safely?
26:16What were you reading here?
26:19I was reading someone's request which I couldn't read due to busyness.
26:22We can see that you are working very hard these days.
26:25That's why we came to see how all this work is going on under your supervision.
26:29External affairs are going on well.
26:30That's why I got myself busy inside the palace.
26:33It felt good to hear that.
26:37You always remember that we want to see you happy.
26:45I also felt good to know that.
26:48We have an idea that what pain you are going through these days.
26:52Have you forgotten everything?
26:55Some people are destined to have something.
26:59But we should keep our worries aside and be happy.
27:03This is how everyone is happy.
27:04Why don't we enjoy all this quietly?
27:10Do whatever you need to do.
27:17As you wish.
27:34It's him.
28:04It's him.
28:23It's him.
28:25It's him.
28:34It's him.
29:04It's him.
29:34It's him.
30:04It's him.
30:05It's him.
30:06It's him.
30:09Some people's life is like a nightmare.
30:12And sometimes they find the way to get rid of this nightmare.
31:09And when you are living the life of your own choosing in your dream …
31:13Malika – Please Hug me Malika.
31:19Malika – Hug me too.
31:20Malika – You too.
31:29And then this dark nightmare begins…
31:32He follows us everywhere.
31:38Oh, looks like you're all in good shape.
31:47What are you doing here, Sartha?
31:51My Mallika.
31:56From today,
31:59there will be no touching rule.
32:08Just keep going forward, not back.
32:24I have nothing to fear in this world.
32:27I have no fear even if I'm free.
32:31How did I get trapped in this body?
32:34What am I supposed to do now?
32:38It's so complicated.
32:41The day I lived as I wanted,
32:42the day I lived in my own way,
32:43it's over now.
32:45It's so ridiculous.
32:48Even if I stay up all night,
32:49even if I stay up all night,
32:50the world is still the same.
32:53I'm not afraid.
32:56I'm not afraid.
33:00I'm not afraid.