Hi-5 USA - S01 E09 - Water Animals (2003)

  • 2 months ago
Hi-5 USA Season 1 (2002-2003)
Hi-5 Australia Season 2 (1999-2000)
Hi-5 Australia Season 3 (2000-2001)

SHAUN talks about penguins and he dresses up like one along with the Hi-5 band. Taken from Original Hi-5 Series 3, Episode 42 (Animals).
KARLA pretends to be a penguin and she does ice skating. Taken from Original Hi-5 Series 3, Episode 42 (Animals).
CURTIS and the Hi-5 band pretend to be frogs speaking Spanish. Taken from Original Hi-5 Series 3, Episode 23 (Pretending to be animals).
KARLA pretends to be a frog who hates rain and getting wet. Taken from Original Hi-5 Series 2, Episode 3 (Around your town).
KIMEE measures the length of a baby whale. Taken from Original Hi-5 Series 2, Episode 14 (Water animals).
SHARING STORIES: Kimee tells us a story about a scientist named Cameron (Karla) who'd like to talk to a fish, then she gets it and meets an angel fish (Shaun), Sally the Seahorse (Jenn) and William the Whale (Curtis). Taken from Original Hi-5 Series 3, Episode 29 (Communication).


00:00Five in the air, let's do it together.
00:03Five to the side, who cares about the weather?
00:06Five on the floor, party's not in your place.
00:08Five to the front, there's a smile on my face.
00:10High, high, high, high, high, high, together.
00:14One, two, three, four, high five.
00:16One, two, three, four, high five.
00:18One, two, three, four, high five.
00:23Five in the air, let's do it together.
00:27High five.
00:28High five.
00:31And a move.
00:44Sometimes I'm loud and I feel like crowing.
00:47Sometimes I'm wonky around.
00:50I can twirl like a peacock with my feathers showing.
00:54When quiet as a mouse, I don't make a sound.
00:57I can count like a pear, very strong and it locks.
01:01Be stubborn as a mule or smart like a fox.
01:04I can swim like a dolphin or stand like a flamingo.
01:08Soar like a falcon or howl like a dingo.
01:11So many animals inside of me.
01:14So many animals set me free.
01:18To run through the jungle, fly through the air.
01:21Swim in the ocean, go anywhere.
01:25So many animals inside of me.
01:28So many animals set them free.
01:31To run through the jungle, fly through the air.
01:35Swim in the ocean, go anywhere.
01:38So many animals set them free.
01:41So many animals set them free.
01:45Sometimes I'm mad and I feel like snapping.
01:48Sometimes I'm hoarse around.
01:51I can scurry like a chick with both wings flapping.
01:55When I play possum, I cannot be found.
01:58I can leap like a frog or chomp like a frog.
02:01Oink like a pig or waltz like a hog.
02:04I can waddle like a duck or hang like a bat.
02:08Hop like a moo or pounce like a cat.
02:11So many animals inside of me.
02:15So many animals set them free.
02:18To run through the jungle, fly through the air.
02:21Swim in the ocean, go anywhere.
02:25So many animals inside of me.
02:28So many animals set them free.
02:31To run through the jungle, fly through the air.
02:35Swim in the ocean, go anywhere.
02:38So many animals set them free.
02:42So many animals set them free.
02:45So many animals set them free.
02:48So many animals set them free.
02:53Hi, I'm Paula.
02:54Hi, I'm Curtis.
02:55Hi, I'm Kimmy.
02:56Hi, I'm Jed.
02:57Hi, I'm Sean.
02:58And together, we're High Five!
03:011, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
03:12My all-time favorite animal.
03:14It's an emperor penguin.
03:15Pretty big for a bird, huh?
03:17Emperor penguins live in Antarctica.
03:19Brr, in the freezing ice and snow.
03:22Funny little flappy wings.
03:24No good for flying, are they, penguin?
03:27I love all the different colors.
03:29Hey, want to go for a walk, penguin?
03:32Waddle, waddle, waddle.
03:33Emperor penguins kind of waddle around.
03:35Waddle, waddle, waddle, waddle.
03:37I'm a penguin, yes I am.
03:39I live in the freezing cold.
03:42I waddle around the icy snow or slide where I want to go.
03:46I'm a penguin, yes I am.
03:51Oh, look at this.
03:53It's a penguin egg.
03:54Emperor penguins have a great way of looking after their eggs in the snow.
03:58The father penguin sort of bounces the egg on the top of his feet like this.
04:02And his feathery penguin tummy covers it like a blanket and keeps it warm.
04:06Let me try.
04:09I guess it takes a lot of practice.
04:11Back to daddy you go.
04:13He'll keep you nice and warm.
04:16Oh, my penguin friends.
04:18Here they come.
04:22Black penguin coat on.
04:24Waddle, waddle, waddle, waddle, waddle.
04:26We emperor penguins live together in a big group.
04:29I need to huddle with the other penguins to keep warm.
04:32Huddle, huddle, huddle, huddle, huddle.
04:35It's a little cold out here on the outside of the group.
04:37Maybe I can squeeze into the middle where it's warmer.
04:40I like to clump with all my friends.
04:42We huddle to keep warm.
04:44But best is in the middle, protected from the storms.
04:49Ah, that's better.
04:50Nice and warm in the middle.
04:52Hey, it's cold out here.
04:54Can I have a turn in the middle?
04:55Yep, I'm toasty warm now.
04:57Your turn in the middle, Curtis penguin.
05:01Ah, nice and cozy warm.
05:06Hey, this wind's icy and cold out.
05:08Can I have a turn in the middle now?
05:10I only just got here, but...
05:12Okay, okay, you can have your turn, penguin Jen.
05:16Then it's my turn, and mine.
05:19It's nice to belong to a group of sharing, caring penguins.
05:23I'm a penguin, yes I am.
05:25I live in the freezing cold.
05:27I waddle around the icy snow.
05:30I slide where I want to go.
05:32I'm a penguin, yes I am.
05:37We like to clump with all our friends.
05:39We huddle to keep warm.
05:41But best is in the middle, protected from the storms.
05:46Ah, at last.
05:47Back in the middle, nice and warm.
05:50Just have time for a quick nap before a mountain's cold again.
06:07High five!
06:13Wee! Wee! Wee!
06:15Stretch! Stretch!
06:18I'm being a penguin, waddling around.
06:21Whoa! And slipping and sliding.
06:26I wonder if penguins can ice skate.
06:28Well, this penguin would like to try.
06:30Just put on some ice skates.
06:32There, ice skate's on.
06:34Now clomp down to the ice.
06:36Clomp, clomp, clomp.
06:38And now for the tricky part, getting on the ice.
06:44Are you wibbling and wobbling too?
06:47It's a wibbly wobbly slippery slidey thing to do.
06:54It's a wibbly wobbly falling down thing to do.
06:59It's a wibbly wobbly falling down thing to do.
07:05Up you go, Carla Penguin, and have another try.
07:10Hey! I'm skating!
07:14It's a sliding gliding slippery slidey thing to do.
07:20It's a riding sliding gliding kind of thing to do.
07:40High five!
07:52Hola! Hola means hello in Spanish.
07:55This tiny green Puerto Rican frog says hello.
08:00Hola, hola, como esta?
08:02I'm a tiny green frog, how do you do?
08:05Hola, hola, como esta?
08:08I can sing in Spanish, can you sing too?
08:11Boing, boing, hola!
08:15I'm a leapy jumpy frog.
08:17Now let's see how high I can jump.
08:19Ready? Go!
08:21Wow! Check that out!
08:26It's like I have springs in my legs.
08:28Now on the island of Puerto Rico, all the frogs sing together.
08:31You can hear them singing all day and all through the night.
08:35Hola, hola, como esta?
08:38I'm a tiny green frog, how do you do?
08:41Hola, hola, como esta?
08:44I can sing in Spanish, can you sing too?
08:48Oh! More Puerto Rican singing frogs!
08:51Hola! Hola!
08:54You know, the tiny green frogs of Puerto Rico sing a special kind of song.
08:58Oh, we can help you sing it, Curtis.
09:00Cool. I was wondering how I was going to sing it all by myself.
09:03I'll start with this note. Croak.
09:06Sean, this is your note. Croak.
09:09Oh, like this? Croak.
09:12Great. Kimmy, this is your note. Croak.
09:17Great. Jen, this is yours. Croak.
09:22Carla, you can sing this note. Croak.
09:27Now, tiny green frogs, let's croak together.
09:30Croak. Croak. Croak. Croak. Croak. Croak.
09:38Time for a Puerto Rican frog festival!
09:45Muchas gracias.
09:47Muchas gracias.
09:50Let the frog festival begin!
09:53Hola, hola, cómo está?
09:56I'm a tiny green frog, how do you do?
09:59Hola, hola, cómo está?
10:02I can sing in Spanish, can you sing too?
10:11Muy bien. Very good.
10:16Five in the air, let's do it together.
10:18Five to the side, who cares about the weather?
10:20Five on the floor, party's not in your place.
10:22Five to the top, with a smile on my face.
10:25Five, five, five, five, five, five, together.
10:29One, two, three, four, high five.
10:31One, two, three, four, high five.
10:33One, two, three, four, high five.
10:36Five, five in the air, let's do it together.
10:41High five!
10:55I'm a little frog and I hate getting wet.
10:58So when it rains it makes me upset.
11:02I hate the rain cause it makes me worry.
11:06I find a place to hide in a hurry.
11:11Oh no, is that rain falling down on my park?
11:14Quick, I better find a place to hide.
11:17Hop, hop, hop.
11:19Oh, puddles.
11:21Aw, I wish I wasn't such a big frog.
11:24I can't quite fit under here.
11:26Hey, what was that on my nose?
11:29Rain drops? Well that felt kind of nice.
11:32Plop, plop, plop.
11:34Hey, I'm getting all wet and I don't mind at all.
11:36I love the rain.
11:41I'm a little frog and I love getting wet.
11:44So when it rains I don't get upset.
11:48I love the rain cause I don't have to worry.
11:52I jump into the rain in a hurry.
11:58One, two, three, four, high five.
12:00One, two, three, four, high five.
12:02Five, five in the air, let's do it together.
12:08High five.
12:17Wow, good job.
12:19This is a model of a baby whale.
12:23I'm big, big, big says the baby whale.
12:27You gotta see my mom cause she's bigger than me.
12:31I'm glad whales live in the deep blue sea.
12:35Cause if they lived here, there'd be no room for me.
12:42Well, it's kind of big for a newborn baby whale.
12:45Imagine the mother. She must be huge.
12:48Oh, much bigger than I can stretch.
12:50Well, I need to measure this whale to figure out how big it is.
12:54Ah, this tape measure should do the trick.
12:57See? Measurements.
12:59Lots of numbers to measure how long the whale is.
13:03Now I just need a notepad to write down all the measurements.
13:11Scientist Kimmy here, ready.
13:13Got my notepad, got my pencil, got my tape measure.
13:17Hey, where's my tape measure?
13:20Well, I left it here a minute ago.
13:22Do you think the baby whale ate it?
13:25Well, if it did, it'd get a tummy ache.
13:27Well, it's gotta be here somewhere.
13:29No, not down there.
13:31There must be something else I can measure with.
13:33Oh, I know. A ruler.
13:35I've got one in my pencil case.
13:39Chop, chop.
13:41Oh, now where's that ruler?
13:43Well, it's not in my pencil case.
13:45Well, what am I going to measure the baby whale with now?
13:49Oh, I know. I'll use my hands.
13:55It's a little bit too hard.
13:57Oh, hey, I know.
13:59I've got a bunch of high-five hands,
14:01and I can stick them on the whale to measure him.
14:09And there's enough here, too.
14:13One high-five hand.
14:15Two high-five hands.
14:17Yeah, this is a great way of measuring.
14:21I'm big, big, big, says the baby whale.
14:25You've got to see my mom,
14:27because she's bigger than me.
14:29I'm glad whales live in the deep blue sea,
14:33because if they lived here,
14:35there'd be no room for me.
14:43Now let's see how big the whale is.
14:451, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
14:53Oh, it's 10.
14:5510 high-five hands long.
14:57This is one big whale.
14:59Do you think the others would like to see my baby whale?
15:09That's the baby one there.
15:13Hey, wait.
15:47Cameron was a very clever scientist.
15:49All day long she would dive in the ocean
15:51watching fish and studying where they went.
15:53You know, fish really are very interesting,
15:55but there's lots that we don't know about them.
15:57Sometimes I think it'd be better if fish could talk.
15:59Sometimes I think it'd be better if fish could talk.
16:02I wish, wish, wish I could talk to fish.
16:05Then I'd talk to fish all day.
16:08The wish I'd have about fish would be that they'd have
16:12something fishy to say.
16:15One day, an extraordinary thing happened.
16:18Cameron was on the deck of her boat,
16:20and she decided to call home.
16:22Hi, Mom. Is that you?
16:23No, it's Angelfish.
16:25What? You mean I'm talking to a fish?
16:28Cameron was so surprised,
16:30she accidentally dropped her phone overboard.
16:32I'd better dive in and get it.
16:36That's better.
16:38I wish, wish, wish I could talk to fish.
16:41Then I'd talk to fish all day.
16:44The wish I'd have about fish would be that they'd have
16:48something fishy to say.
16:51Angelfish, this is incredible.
16:53I didn't know you could talk to fish.
16:55Yep. We've got a chat line.
16:57Great. Hey, look, who's that?
16:59Oh, it's Sally Seahorse.
17:01Let's go say hello.
17:03Hi, Sally Seahorse. How are you?
17:05Well, I'm very, very cold.
17:09Well, how can a seahorse be cold?
17:11Well, I've caught some cold currents,
17:13and I've got to chill.
17:17Oh, bless you.
17:18Oh, thanks. You're an angel.
17:20I know.
17:21Hey, look who's swimming our way.
17:24The big guy, William the Whale.
17:26Sally Seahorse was right.
17:28Swimming in from the other side of the reef
17:30was William the Whale.
17:32He's humongous.
17:34Hi, guys.
17:36Now, it's not every day that a scientist
17:38gets a chance to spend time with a whale,
17:40so she was very excited to talk to him.
17:43I hope I can get through to him.
17:45William's got me a whale waiting.
17:48I wish, wish, wish I could talk to fish.
17:52Then I'd talk to fish all day.
17:55The wish I'd have about a fish would be
17:58that it have something fishy to say.
18:02Hello, William the Whale.
18:04Yes, who's this?
18:06Well, I'm a scientist.
18:07Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
18:09Sure, but it'll have to be fast.
18:12I'm swimming north for the winter.
18:14Okay, let's see.
18:16Well, how do you know which way is north?
18:18Well, that's simple.
18:20I just look at my whale compass.
18:23And north, here I come.
18:25Gotta go.
18:27I've got a wave to catch.
18:31So after an amazing morning talking to fish,
18:34Cameron climbed back on board the boat.
18:37I can't believe it.
18:38I actually talked to fish.
18:40I'm going to call them again.
18:43I can't remember the number.
18:45No matter how hard she tried,
18:47Cameron couldn't remember the number she dialed,
18:50so she could never dial a fish again.
18:52Hi, Mom.
18:53Guess what happened to me today.
18:54I talked to fish.
18:56A few weeks later,
18:57she got a postcard from William the Whale.
18:59And do you know what it said?
19:01Having a whale of a time.
19:04Now it's time to dial up a song.
19:15Sometimes I'm mad and I feel like throwing.
19:18Sometimes I'm wonky around.
19:21I can strut like a peacock with my feathers showing.
19:25When I'm quiet as a mouse, I don't make a sound.
19:28I can pounce like a panther, strong as an ox.
19:31Be stubborn as a mule or smart like a fox.
19:35I can swim like a dolphin or stand like a flamingo.
19:38Soar like a falcon or run like a dingo.
19:42So many animals, I'll be.
19:45So many animals, set them free.
19:48To run through the jungle, fly through the air.
19:52Swim in the ocean, go anywhere.
19:55So many animals, inside of me.
19:58So many animals, set them free.
20:02To run through the jungle, fly through the air.
20:05Swim in the ocean, go anywhere.
20:08So many animals, set them free.
20:14Sometimes I'm mad and I feel like snapping Sometimes I'm hoarse around
20:21I can scurry like a chick with both wings flapping When I play possum I cannot be found
20:28I can leap like a frog or chomp like a frog Oink like a pig or wax like a hog
20:35I can waddle like a duck or hang like a bat Hop like a moo or pounce like a cat
20:42So many animals inside of me So many animals set them free
20:48To run through the jungle, fly through the air Swim in the ocean, go anywhere
20:55So many animals inside of me So many animals set them free
21:02To run through the jungle, fly through the air Swim in the ocean, go anywhere
21:09So many animals, set them free
21:30Five in the air, let's do it together
21:35High, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high
