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00:00Hey, Mom, before we start, here's a look at some other quality videos from Small Fry
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00:32Channel Seal of Approval, Baby's First Impressions will help your infant or toddler learn the
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00:57Baby's First Impressions has many volumes to choose from.
01:00Each 30-minute video will help teach your child the educational basics.
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01:11That's 1-800-521-5311.
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01:20Give your child the gift of education because first impressions last a lifetime.
01:27Now, let's watch and learn all about Head to Toe.
01:57Head to Toe.
02:27There's a happy face.
02:47Hey, there's a hand.
02:54Hi, hand.
02:57Ooh, there's another hand.
03:00Now, there are two hands.
03:06Nice to meet you.
03:11Hey, what are you doing?
03:17Wow, now he has a head.
03:21Hey, look down here.
03:25There's some feet and they're dancing.
03:33Hey, I've got an idea.
03:36Let's connect the rest of the body.
03:43There's an arm and another arm.
03:48Wow, and there's two legs.
03:53Now, I have a whole body.
03:57Let's learn from Head to Toe.
04:01We'll start at the top of the body where we'll find your head.
04:08You can wear different hats on your head.
04:21You can bounce a soft ball off of your head.
04:30And with a little practice, you can balance books on your head.
04:37On top of your head, you have hair.
04:43She has brown hair and it's very curly.
04:49He has red hair and he's messing it up.
04:54She has blonde hair and she's brushing it to make it look pretty.
05:01If your hair is long enough, you can have someone braid it for you.
05:09Oh, that looks nice.
05:13He's having his hair cut.
05:18Sometimes you need to get a haircut if your hair gets too long.
05:26That's a nice haircut.
05:30The front of your head is called your face.
05:36You can make a happy face, sad face, mad face, scared face, sleepy face, or a crazy face.
05:49This is a lion's face.
05:52Oh, peek-a-boo, this is a giraffe's face.
05:58Hello, giraffe.
06:01These are called eyes.
06:04You have two eyes so you can see.
06:09Eyes are all different colors.
06:15Try blinking your eyes like this.
06:21You can look through a magnifying glass with your eyes.
06:26If it's real sunny outside, you should wear sunglasses over your eyes to protect them from the bright sun.
06:36On each side of your head is an ear.
06:39You have two ears so you can hear.
06:43With your ears, you can hear someone whispering to you.
06:48Psst, I'm whispering.
06:53Hey, can you hear me?
06:58Some people wear earrings in their ears.
07:01Look, I see an earring.
07:06She has a gold earring.
07:10And her earring is a pretty silver bow.
07:17This is called a nose.
07:20Your nose is used for breathing and smelling.
07:24He's using his nose to smell this flower.
07:30Mmm, that flower smells nice.
07:35He likes to use his nose to smell his cookie.
07:39Sometimes you have to sneeze through your nose.
07:46This is a mouth.
07:49Inside your mouth you have a tongue and many teeth.
07:55You can blow bubbles with your mouth.
07:58That looks like fun.
08:07You can use your mouth to drink through a silly straw.
08:15You also use your mouth to eat food.
08:24She's using her teeth to bite the cookie.
08:31He's using his tongue to lick the ice cream.
08:38But don't forget, after you eat you should always brush your teeth.
08:45Under your mouth is your chin.
08:51Some people have hair on their chin called a beard.
08:56Oh, silly.
08:58Do cats have chins?
09:01Of course they do and they love to have their chins rubbed.
09:06When you put on your bicycle helmet you should always fasten the strap under your chin to keep the helmet from falling off.
09:16This is called your neck.
09:18It connects your head to the rest of your body.
09:22Your neck lets you turn your head to the sky so you can watch an airplane fly by.
09:29Some boys wear ties around their necks.
09:32This boy's father is helping him put his tie on.
09:39Some girls like to wear necklaces around their necks.
09:47This is called an arm.
09:50You have an arm on each side of your body.
09:54He's using his arm to lift this weight.
10:01You can hang from your arms in the playground.
10:05Whoa, that was a neat trick.
10:10She's spinning a hoop around her arm and around and around and around.
10:18When you put on a shirt or a jacket you have to put your arm through the sleeve.
10:26This is called your shoulder.
10:29The shoulder connects your arms to your body.
10:36He is giving his little brother a ride on his shoulders.
10:41Why don't you put the purse on your shoulder?
10:47If you play football you should always wear shoulder pads to protect your shoulders.
10:54Great catch.
10:56The middle part of your arm that bends is called your elbow.
11:00You have one elbow on each arm.
11:05She has to bend her elbows so she can turn this big steering wheel.
11:13Her elbows are bending so that she can turn her wheelchair around.
11:21You can lean on your elbows, but don't do that at the dinner table.
11:29This part of your arm is called your wrist.
11:33It connects your hand to your arm.
11:37She's putting a pretty bracelet on her wrist.
11:45But she's taking her bracelet off her wrist.
11:51Some people wear watches on their wrists so they know what time it is.
11:59He has bells on his wrists.
12:03This is called a hand.
12:05You have one hand on the end of each of your arms.
12:10These are tiny baby hands.
12:17These hands are juggling balls.
12:25You can put your two hands together and clap.
12:32You can use your hands when you draw pictures.
12:39You can even trace your hand.
12:49Brother and sister are playing patty cake with their hands.
12:56On the end of your hand, you have five fingers.
13:03You can use your fingers to play pick-up sticks.
13:11She's using her fingers to string some beads on a pretty necklace.
13:22They're using their fingers to finger paint.
13:28That looks like fun!
13:34She's using her fingers to play the piano.
13:51This is a finger on your hand called a thumb.
13:57Let's see your thumb.
14:01Thumbs up!
14:04Two thumbs up!
14:09This is a game called thumb wrestling.
14:15If you put your thumb on an ink pad, you can make your very own thumb print.
14:24At the end of each finger, you have a fingernail.
14:32He's using his fingernails to help peel his orange.
14:44When your fingernails get too long, you have to clip them.
14:55You can make your fingernails colorful if you paint them with fingernail polish.
15:04That looks nice!
15:33On what part of your body do you wear a hat?
15:39On your head.
16:00On what part of your body do you wear a watch?
16:06That's right, on your wrist.
16:19What part of your body do you play patty cake with?
16:25You use your hands.
16:37With what part of your body do you swing from the playground bars?
16:45Your arms.
16:50What part of your body do you use to smell flowers?
16:56Your nose.
17:01What part of your body do you use to smell flowers?
17:07Your nose.
17:21What part of your body do you finger paint with?
17:28That's right, your fingers.
17:46On what part of your body do you wear a tie?
17:54On your neck.
18:02In what part of your body can you find your teeth?
18:08In your mouth.
18:15This part of your body is called your chest.
18:24His mommy is putting suntan lotion on his chest so he doesn't get sunburned.
18:34He's beating on his chest like Tarzan.
18:41Zip up your shirt.
18:50He's buttoning up his jacket over his chest so he can stay warm.
19:01This part of your body is called your back.
19:08She's putting a backpack on her back to go to school.
19:14He has a stuffed animal on his back, but he is taking it off.
19:23She's giving her friend a fun piggyback ride.
19:30Her back itches, so she's going to scratch it with a back scratcher.
19:39The part of your body below your chest is called your tummy.
19:45And on your tummy you have a belly button.
19:51Let's see your tummies.
19:55Can you do this?
19:59You can tickle your friend's tummy and make him laugh.
20:10If that cookie tastes good, rub your tummy.
20:17This is the part of your body called your hips.
20:25You can wear a belt around your hips.
20:38For fun, you can try twirling a hoop around your hips.
20:47He's good at that.
20:51If you're dancing with a friend, you can bump your hips together.
21:01This part of your body is called your bottom.
21:05You use your bottom to sit on.
21:10She's tired of sitting on her bottom, so she's going to stand up.
21:16Sit down!
21:23Hey, she's upside down!
21:29You slide on your bottom when you're on a sliding board.
21:36These are legs. You have two legs to stand on.
21:44You can run with your legs.
21:51Your legs can help you hop on a pogo stick.
22:01You can pedal a bike with your legs.
22:10You can ride a bike.
22:16You can also use your legs to jump rope.
22:28The middle part of your legs that bend are called knees.
22:36Babies use their knees to crawl on.
22:43He's bending his knees to help him shovel sand.
22:52You can hang upside down by using your knees.
22:58He scraped his knee on the playground, but now he has a band-aid on his knee.
23:06If you bend your knees like this, you can do the duck walk.
23:18This is called your shin.
23:22Your shins are the front part of your legs below your knees.
23:28He's wearing his socks pulled up over his shins.
23:33If you play soccer, you should wear shin guards to protect your shins.
23:39Let's see that again.
23:42One more time.
23:45This is called your ankle.
23:47It connects your foot to your leg, and you use your ankles to move your feet around.
23:54She's putting on a shoe and buckling it around your ankle so it will stay on.
24:04This is an anklet. It's a bracelet for your ankle.
24:10That looks like fun!
24:13She's spinning this toy around her ankle.
24:20These are called your feet.
24:23Your feet are at the end of your legs, and they touch the ground when you stand up.
24:30Babies learn to stand on their feet, and then they learn to walk on them.
24:38You can stomp your feet on the ground.
24:43Or you can stomp your feet in the water.
24:51She learned how to tap dance with her feet.
24:56That's very good!
25:02Sometimes you wear socks over your feet.
25:08She already has her socks on, and now she's trying to put on her shoes.
25:15Maybe you could tie your friend's shoe if she needs help.
25:25On the end of each foot, you have five toes.
25:29And on the end of your toes, you have toenails.
25:37Look at these tiny baby toes!
25:41Look at these tiny baby toes!
25:44And these little bitty toenails!
25:50If you wear sandals on your feet, you can look down and see your toes.
25:57Squishing your toes in the cool mud feels good.
26:05He's kicking this football with the toes of his foot.
26:12This little piggy went to market, and this little piggy stayed home.
26:17This little piggy had roast beef, and this little piggy had none.
26:22And this little piggy went wee-wee-wee all the way home.
26:27Now let's see what you've learned from head to toe.
26:32What part of your body do you use to jump rope?
26:37That's right, your legs!
26:41On what part of your body do you find your belly button?
26:48Yes, on your tummy!
26:52What do you call the parts of your body that you see with?
26:58That's right, your eyes!
27:02When you play soccer, you should protect the front of your legs with a pad.
27:08What do you call that part of your legs?
27:12Your shins!
27:15What do you call the part of your foot that you can wiggle in the mud?
27:21Yes, your toes!
27:24What do you call the part of your arm that bends in the middle?
27:31It's your elbow!
27:35When you sit down, what part of your body do you sit on?
27:41On your bottom!
27:44What part of your body do you use to hear people talking?
27:50Your ears!
27:53What do you call the part of your body that you use to wiggle your foot?
27:58Your ankle!
28:02On what part of your body do you wear your belt?
28:09Right, on your hips!
28:13On what part of your body do you wear shoes?
28:20That's right, on your feet!
28:24When you wear a bicycle helmet, under what body part do you fasten the strap?
28:32Under your chin!
28:36He is giving his brother a ride on what part of his body?
28:42That's right, on his shoulders!
28:46On what part of his body is he carrying his stuffed animal?
28:54Right, on his back!
28:58This baby is crawling around on what part of his body?
29:03That's right, on his knees!
29:08Now let's put all of our body parts together and exercise to make them healthy!
29:15You can do jumping jacks!
29:19Come on everybody, jump, jump!
29:24You can run in place for exercise!
29:32Running with your friends can be fun!
29:39Let's twist our hips around!
29:43Come on everybody, twist, twist!
29:52Bend over and touch your toes!
29:59Everybody touch your toes, touch your toes!
30:07Hopping on one foot can be a fun exercise!
30:13But be careful and don't fall down!
30:21He's doing push-ups!
30:29Push-ups might be hard to do, but you could try!
30:34You can try doing sit-ups and have your friend hold your feet!
30:47Now let's dance around to exercise our body!
30:58Some people do sit-ups!
31:03Let's lift weights for exercise!
31:09Exercise can build strong muscles!
31:20Wow, that is a big strong muscle!
31:27Jumping jacks!
31:31Run in place!
31:35Twist your hips!
31:39Touch your toes!
31:43Hop on one leg!
31:47Do push-ups!
31:55And dance all around to exercise your body!
32:00After you exercise, your body will probably need to take a nice nap!
