• last year
This golden retriever has had the worst case of only child syndrome since day one... Our producer, Monica, talked to Danielle about how it progressed once his baby sister was born and the unexpected realities of motherhood


00:00It's been almost a year since I had my baby and my dog still has only child syndrome
00:05Kobe no
00:07Seen dog and baby accounts on Instagram gave me kind of unrealistic expectations
00:16Extremely rude Kobe I kind of expected it to be like a Disney movie where they're all happy Kobe
00:21No, but that was not my situation at all
00:27He loves the baby in his own special way
00:30If he catches us giving the baby too much attention
00:33He gets this look in his eye and he starts looking for something to steal in order to get attention
00:38I'm always keeping an eye on Kobe and Lexi to make sure they're both safe and it never fails that I catch Kobe stealing
00:42Something from her. That was rude. You were trying to play with that
00:47That was rude
00:49Kobe no, I left it there for her to put up
00:54Excuse me, sir. That's not yours
00:57Kobe this is not for you. Oh Kobe. That was her job
01:01Excuse you. No, I think his favorite thing to steal from the baby are clothes
01:12That's rude her stuffies the list goes on
01:21Even before the baby arrived he thought everything was for him
01:26I love you mom
01:28When we were setting up the nursery Kobe tried to be super involved
01:34He would just be stealing pieces of the furniture
01:43I'm trying to put the stroller together
01:45You can't just take pieces of it. That's for baby sister
01:49That's brand new that's for baby sister
01:51No preparing for the baby. I did bring home like a baby doll, but he honestly just looked at it like it was a stuffy
01:58When the baby came home, it was an adjustment for everyone. Kobe was still demanding a lot of attention
02:05It wasn't exactly what I expected at all, but with time we figured out our routine and he adjusted well
02:12Kobe I
02:13Try to make sure that Kobe still feels loved by giving him little bits of attention during the day
02:18Try to make sure that he gets some one-on-one time every single day
02:21One of my favorite things about being a mom to both a dog and a baby is when he walks in the room
02:26She lights up when she sees him. Did you miss him all night?
02:35Kobe is such a great big brother because he is so affectionate with the baby
02:38He's always trying to snuggle with her kiss her just love on her in any way that he can
02:44Even though being a dog mom and a real mom isn't exactly what I expected. The journey has been nothing short of sweet
02:52He's still the best big brother. Their relationship is something I cherish so much and that kind of makes it all worth it
