Together for Children Sunderland looks to tackle holiday hunger and cost of living crisis with summer activity programme

  • 2 months ago
Disadvantaged children across the city have been benefiting from the Holiday and Food Programme.
00:00Okay and Wendy can you just give an overview of what sort of things the kids are going
00:19to be doing during these sessions over the summer holidays then?
00:22So during our sessions we do a range of enrichment activities including arts and crafts, board
00:27games, sports, group games, outdoor play, healthy eating, so we do a lot of activities
00:36around educating children about healthy food, they eat well, plate, portion sizes and we
00:44play a game with sugar cubes so teaching children the sugar content of foods.
00:52And just how important is it that children remain fit and healthy and active over the
00:55six week summer period?
00:57So over our sessions we do a minimum of 90 minutes physical activity within each camp
01:03so that will range from dodge ball, football, hula hooping, group games like duck duck goose,
01:10hot potato and it's really important to keep them physical and keep them moving.
01:16And you mentioned also there's no electronics and that sort of thing here for the kids to
01:19go on, how important is it that we get children interacting as well?
01:24I think it's really important that children learn social skills, team building, also independent
01:32working as well but it is so important that they're integrating in society so it enables
01:38them to be like good citizens in the future.
01:45Another key aspect of the programme to us running across the city is obviously kids
01:49who are on free school meals being able to get access to a nutritious meal over the summer
01:54period so obviously for together for children how important is it that service continues
01:58over the summer?
01:59That's really important, obviously we know the cost of living has gone up and the cost
02:04of food has risen, obviously families are struggling and it's really important that
02:09those young people who would normally get meals during school time because they're on
02:13free school meals it's important that they still have an access to meals during the summer
02:18holidays, obviously it's a long period of time to go so if they're being active and
02:23they're having fun, they're enjoying themselves, they're being children and also getting a
02:31nutritious healthy meal every day, that really counts.
02:35Okay then Jacob, what are some of the activities you've been doing in these sessions?
02:41What else?
02:43Some arts and crafts as well?
02:46Okay and Leah, how important is it that you stay fit and healthy and active over the summer?
02:49If you're not active you'll just be in the house all day doing nothing but it's really
02:53important you are healthy and you do exercises because you'll be able to run more, do more
02:59stuff if you're exercising instead of just sitting in the house all day watching your phone.
03:04And Ernie, how much have you enjoyed it?
03:06A lot.
03:09What's been the best bit?
03:10What have you enjoyed most?
03:12I thought you were going to say that.
