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00:30叫呼引来纷乱 心却像平淡
00:37置身乱世之中 叫永恒太难
00:43深情几多年 爱恨几道间
00:58不过这一夜难算完 我坚守到爱你无感
01:11证明世间一切冷暖 随便不过在下傍晚
01:18爱有你陪伴 从来无话说完
01:39看尽太多悲欢离散 只要你在灯火阑珊
02:23Zusha, that's enough.
02:26This won't do any good.
02:29Let us out!
02:32Is anyone there?
02:34Let us out!
02:36Zusha, that's enough.
02:37This won't do any good.
02:39Is anyone there?
02:41Junior Guruji, this magistrate is worse than Wanginya.
02:48I don't know if Muyon Bhai has reached home safely.
02:54Don't worry.
02:56As long as the Chief is alive, nothing will happen to him.
03:00He will be with him.
03:11Listen, the Chief has called us to the court.
03:16Can we go?
03:18Yes, you can.
03:19Then open that too.
03:26I made a big mistake.
03:28I didn't recognize you.
03:30I apologize.
03:31Please forgive me.
03:32It happens sometimes.
03:35Everyone makes mistakes.
03:37But I hope that next time,
03:39instead of listening to someone else,
03:41you will investigate and punish yourself.
03:44Yes, I will keep that in mind.
03:54Come, let's eat.
03:55Come, let's eat.
03:56Wow, this is great.
03:57Here you go.
03:59Now I understand that
04:00talking won't do any good.
04:02We have to do something.
04:04You have become very smart.
04:06Even more than before.
04:07I will do it.
04:08You guys are always with me.
04:10I will learn.
04:11Forget it, Guruji.
04:12Gugu is missing.
04:17Oh, yes.
04:18I haven't seen him for a long time.
04:21I haven't seen him since we returned from Karagraha.
04:23He is not in the room either.
04:24Did the people from Silver Whip School take him?
04:26Yes, we saw him too.
04:29Come, let's eat.
04:32Come, let's inform Shengguan.
04:40Junior Guruji,
04:41these are the people from Silver Whip School.
04:45Be careful.
04:46He might be inside.
05:02Are these nine moves again?
05:04Yes, you are right.
05:09How did this happen?
05:10Only one person did this.
05:13He didn't die for long.
05:16Look inside.
05:23Be careful.
05:32Susi Didi.
05:35Junior Guruji, look there.
05:39Are you okay?
05:40What happened?
05:41A man was going to your room in black clothes.
05:45When I returned with food,
05:46I followed him.
06:02I am from the Hall of Flames.
06:05Leave me.
06:06I was looking for you.
06:08Please forgive me.
06:10I couldn't see his face.
06:11Otherwise, I would have made a picture of him.
06:13It's okay.
06:14At least you are fine.
06:15I saw Danny in front of the gate.
06:17I think he...
06:18He was not there.
06:25Junior Guruji,
06:26the nine moves have been burnt.
06:29The nine moves have been burnt.
06:38It's not safe to stay here.
06:39Let's go.
06:40Let's go.
07:00Do you want to kill everyone and run away?
07:01I didn't do anything.
07:02It's a lie.
07:06You burnt the nine moves?
07:08Shang Guan Pao.
07:10What are you doing here?
07:13What is this siren doing here?
07:16Listen to me carefully.
07:18Don't get involved with the Hall of Flames.
07:21Chong Ji.
07:23You stole the nine moves and practiced alone.
07:26Is it true?
07:27Is it possible that Wang Yin Ya caught you
07:29and you killed everyone?
07:30Not at all.
07:31It's a false accusation.
07:33This accusation is not without reason.
07:35To practice the nine moves,
07:36you need the special power of the Hall of Flames.
07:39No one can do it except you.
07:41You don't have any proof.
07:42Don't talk nonsense.
07:46You have to pay for your father's death with your blood.
07:57Now that all of you are saying
08:00that I have gained his power,
08:02then today,
08:03I will show you all my power.
08:09Do something.
08:12I will.
08:14She has just reached the third move.
08:16That's why she is weaker than us.
08:33Then do it.
08:35Don't think.
08:38I also want to see her power.
08:47If you can't do it,
08:48and the ruler is also burnt,
08:50then why all this?
08:51We have to save our culture.
08:53And you think all of you are right?
08:58Now listen to me.
08:59The killer is not here.
09:01And he has trapped us in this trap.
09:04If we fight,
09:05then it will be a loss for both of us.
09:07And in the meantime,
09:08someone else will win and leave.
09:16Do you still want to do this?
09:20Then let's go.
09:24Let's go.
09:29Let's go.
09:39You let them go just like that?
09:43I had so many hopes from you.
09:45Why didn't you do anything?
09:50And you all,
09:51stop them.
09:59Let's go.
10:17Long live the king.
10:18Long live the king.
10:25This is Lord Lu.
10:27That witch
10:28is connected to King Lu.
10:32You didn't even know this?
10:34Lord Lu is the brother-in-law of King Lu.
10:39Long live the king and the queen.
10:41There is no need for this.
10:42I have come here because
10:44I need you.
10:45I hope you won't refuse.
10:49due to heavy rains,
10:51houses were broken
10:52and people have come to the streets.
10:54Hunger and poverty have spread everywhere.
10:56In addition to this,
10:57there is a bond in Shang Tzu
10:59which cannot be broken
11:00if it is not fixed on time.
11:02This is very important.
11:04There is no time to ask for help from the king.
11:06That's why we are asking for your help.
11:09We need a lot of people.
11:11If you both help,
11:13the people of Shang Tzu can be saved.
11:15Will you both help us?
11:19we know that you all
11:20have come here
11:21for a very important work
11:22of the Hall of Flames.
11:23And even if you don't want to help,
11:25it's okay.
11:28due to my health,
11:29I am not able to do all this alone.
11:31If it wasn't for the people,
11:33I wouldn't have asked for help.
11:37In such circumstances,
11:38we will help you.
11:40The people of Shang Tzu
11:41are very lucky
11:42to have a king like you.
11:44And a queen like you.
11:45I asked Shang Guan
11:46to come with me to Shang Tzu
11:49because this was very important
11:50for the Hall of Flames.
11:52But due to this disaster,
11:54the people are in a lot of pain.
11:56There is nothing more than that.
11:59Shang Guan,
12:01don't mind,
12:03but right now,
12:04we should put the manual aside
12:05and help the people.
12:07The king and his people
12:09need a lot of help right now.
12:13I know that this Hall of Flames
12:14is very important to you.
12:15But right now,
12:17if you help our people,
12:19you will become a messiah
12:20for the people here.
12:22And after this,
12:23if you ever need anything,
12:26I will help you
12:27from the bottom of my heart.
12:29This is my promise to you.
12:31A true promise.
12:32Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
12:34Actually, that manual
12:35belongs to the martial world.
12:36To bring it back,
12:38I will definitely take the help
12:39of your promise.
12:44So, King,
12:45how can we help?
12:48Come with me.
12:51send Gugu back.
12:53And send a message
12:54and inform him about the manual.
13:02So, Shang Chun Mei,
13:03it is very difficult
13:04to kill Shang Chun now.
13:06What will we do now?
13:10Are you scared?
13:28Be careful.
13:38Look at the houses here.
13:42They have become
13:43much weaker than before.
13:44So, be careful.
13:46I will have to see
13:47how much repair is needed.
13:58Come fast.
14:07Are you alright, King?
14:08Mother, are you alright?
14:10I am fine.
14:13Thank you very much
14:14for helping me.
14:16It was my duty.
14:24You saved my life.
14:25Consider it
14:26a small gift from me.
14:27It was my duty.
14:29So, I should leave now.
14:32this is very important.
14:34This is not a big thing,
14:35but it is special.
14:36I thought that
14:38I will give this to the girl
14:39whom uncle will like.
14:41I like you very much.
14:43I don't know
14:44whether you both
14:45will get married or not.
14:47this is a small gift
14:48from me.
14:50Please accept it.
14:54Don't be shy.
14:55Take it.
14:56This is very expensive.
14:58If you think so,
14:59then you can take
15:00the gift of your choice.
15:02I really can't take it.
15:05Are you hurt?
15:09Show me.
15:11Why didn't you tell me?
15:12I am fine.
15:15I will send the medicine.
15:17Let's go.
15:21Show me.
15:25Are you fine now?
15:27It is so bad.
15:28It looks so strange.
15:30So what?
15:32Do you know how dangerous it is?
15:35Why didn't you tell anyone?
15:37If the wound is big,
15:38the infection can increase.
15:39If the wound is big,
15:40the infection can increase.
15:41It will be of no use.
15:44Why are you scared?
15:45I have studied martial arts.
15:47I have also got hurt.
15:48So what?
15:49Such small wounds
15:50are nothing for me.
15:52It is not a big deal.
15:54If someone hears this,
15:55he will think that
15:56I couldn't bear
15:57such a small wound.
15:58How will this poor girl
15:59live in this world?
16:01How will she manage
16:02her kingdom?
16:03After knowing this,
16:04everyone will laugh at me.
16:06So, to manage a kingdom
16:07and to show yourself
16:08to the world,
16:09you will bear
16:10your pain alone.
16:11Tell me.
16:12This is what you want, isn't it?
16:13For a moment,
16:14you didn't think
16:15how much pain you are in.
16:16For a moment,
16:17you didn't think
16:18that you need medicine.
16:19Don't you feel any pity
16:20for yourself?
16:21Even if you don't feel pity,
16:22someone else will.
16:28Why are you getting angry?
16:31It is just a small wound.
16:34You don't have to worry so much.
16:36And if I don't bear this,
16:37everyone will tie my hands
16:39and make me sit in a corner
16:40and won't let me do anything.
16:42And by the way,
16:43I did give you a signal there,
16:45but you didn't understand.
16:47When did you give me a signal?
16:49Just now.
16:51I didn't see it.
16:53And then,
16:55if it was so painful
16:56that you had to give me a signal,
16:58then I think
16:59you are not weak.
17:00You can bear it.
17:02You are very bad.
17:04Shall we go?
17:05Let's go.
17:08And what should we do
17:09about these ornaments?
17:13What do you think?
17:14What should we do?
17:16Your sister gave me
17:18with so much love,
17:19so it won't be right
17:20to leave it, right?
17:23she asked me
17:24to choose one.
17:26Let me see.
17:36I'll take this one.
17:40You are hurt,
17:41you shouldn't pick anything.
17:54Come in.
18:08Commander's 10,000 arrows
18:09are ready.
18:16You have to deliver
18:17all the equipment
18:18to the commander tomorrow.
18:20our reputation is at stake,
18:22so there should be
18:23no mistake.
18:27how are you?
18:29Better than before.
18:30Don't worry.
18:32You have to go on a long journey.
18:33Get some rest.
18:36You too, Dadaji.
18:52I'm hungry.
19:07Don't you feel
19:08that you can do
19:09this kind of work
19:13You too.
19:32What happened?
19:33What's the matter?
19:36After all this,
19:37I'm thinking
19:39that I have to fight
19:40those people again.
19:43The school and family
19:44left me this time
19:45only because of
19:46King Lu.
19:48they will come again.
19:52I'm always with you.
19:56You go ahead.
20:01I'm lucky
20:02that King Lu
20:03and Ms. Chong
20:04saved me.
20:06I would have died.
20:12Let's go.
20:13I'm hungry.
20:29You too.
20:31Be careful.
20:33This is the medicine.
20:34You will be fine
20:35after taking it.
20:42Take it.
20:44They are also here.
20:48Sister is here.
20:52Long live the King.
20:53Long live the Queen.
20:54Long live the King
20:55and the Queen.
20:58I've given everyone
20:59a place to stay
21:00and I've performed
21:01the last rites
21:02for those who are not here.
21:03I've admitted the injured
21:04to the hospital.
21:06Thank God,
21:07the pandemic did not spread.
21:09we are waiting
21:10for your order
21:11to arrange
21:12a new house
21:13for these people.
21:15Thank you very much
21:16for helping us.
21:17This favor of yours
21:18will remain with us
21:19for the rest of our lives.
21:20You have done
21:21a great favor
21:22to us and the people
21:24I'm happy, King.
21:31Are you still in pain?
21:37you are worried
21:38about me, aren't you?
21:41I'm worried
21:42about everyone.
21:45I see.
21:50this must be
21:51very easy for you,
21:52isn't it?
21:53You must have become
21:54an expert
21:55in healing
21:56the wounds
21:57and winning
21:58the hearts
21:59of so many people.
22:00You must have
22:01healed so many girls
22:02with love
22:03that they
22:04would never
22:06And in this way,
22:07you disappear
22:08in the air
22:09as if
22:10nothing ever happened.
22:11Am I right?
22:21I don't know
22:22who made this curry.
22:23Is it curry or soup?
22:25I think it's soup.
22:30You don't
22:31know me at all.
22:32But despite this,
22:34I will be happy
22:35to help
22:38Leave me.
22:40What happened?
22:42Are you okay?
22:46Does it hurt here?
22:55Stop it now.
22:59Stop it.
23:09As far as I can see,
23:10your arrow
23:11is very sharp.
23:20Very good.
23:26These are hollow-framed
23:27special arrows
23:28that can
23:29pierce even
23:30the furthest targets.
23:33this arrow
23:34is for you.
23:37To kill the enemy,
23:38this arrow
23:39is fired
23:40on the head.
23:41This is one of the
23:42special features
23:43of the Hall of Flames.
23:46The Hall of Flames
23:47technique is
23:48highly praised.
23:49It has been
23:50carefully designed.
23:53I like
23:54your gift
23:55very much.
23:58Bring it.
24:09Consider it
24:10as a gift
24:11from me.
24:17Your Highness,
24:18all the preparations
24:19are done.
24:20We can go now.
24:21Why did you call me?
24:23Your Highness.
24:26Who told you
24:27to call me?
24:28No one.
24:30You know
24:31the punishment
24:32for lying,
24:33don't you?
24:35We all know
24:36that you will be
24:37the king.
24:38I told you to stop
24:39calling me that.
24:41we all know
24:42that Chong and Yuan
24:43had established
24:44the Lotus Wind.
24:45Half of the share
24:46of the Hall of Flames
24:47in the world
24:48is yours.
24:49But no one
24:50can bear
24:51this burden anymore.
24:52I think
24:53Yuan should
24:54take care
24:55of this legacy
24:56as well.
24:57Yes, Commander.
25:00I will forget
25:01what you said
25:04But if you
25:05ever utter this word
25:08both of you
25:10will be expelled
25:11from the country.
25:26There is a ray
25:27of hope
25:28behind every cloud.
25:30A ray of hope.
25:37I regret
25:39that I burned
25:40the nine moves
25:41of the Lotus God.
25:43I can understand
25:44your pain.
25:50as I said,
25:52martial arts
25:54are meant
25:55to protect you.
26:02Can you see
26:03this bangle?
26:07I promise
26:09that whenever you
26:10see this bangle,
26:12wherever I am,
26:15I will come to you
26:17to protect you.
26:26I promise
26:27that wherever you are,
26:29I will always protect
26:30the Hall of Flames
26:31for you.
26:51I am not sure
26:53if I can
26:54tell you this,
26:55but when I was
26:56a child,
26:57they gave me
26:58the Lotus Wind.
27:00That was their
27:01last gift
27:02that I cannot
27:06Then you have
27:07not lost anything.
27:08In fact,
27:09the people who
27:10wanted to get it
27:12It is good.
27:16what if
27:17they do not get
27:18the manual?
27:19They will
27:20keep troubling me.
27:23I wanted to prove
27:24you innocent.
27:25But look,
27:27I was also
27:28proven wrong
27:29like them.
27:32you cannot
27:33change the
27:34opinion of others
27:35in just one day.
27:40sometimes I am
27:41jealous of you
27:42because you
27:43got away from
27:44all this.
27:45But after my
27:46father's death,
27:47I was made
27:48the queen of
27:49the Hall of Flames.
27:51Before meeting
27:53I did not know
27:54that there
27:56could be a way
27:57to escape
27:58like this.
28:01You are not me.
28:03I had some
28:04problems of my own.
28:06But escaping
28:08is never
28:09a solution
28:10to any problem.
28:13what were you
28:14escaping from?
28:20Even I do not
28:21know that.
28:26But I think
28:27I will know soon.
28:30maybe this is
28:31a good thing.
28:32Good things
28:33are not always
28:34in the end.
28:35For now,
28:37I want to face
28:43That is also
28:45By the way,
28:46your job of
28:47protecting me
28:48is done.
28:52Because tomorrow
28:53I am thinking
28:54of going back
28:55to the Hall of Flames.
28:56Because whatever
28:58they have
28:59every right
29:00to know about it.
29:01I still want
29:02to protect you
29:03till I reach there.
29:06Do not worry.
29:07When I return,
29:08I will have
29:09four soldiers with me.
29:10And after reaching
29:12Muyon Bhai
29:13will protect me.
29:16you can
29:17protect me
29:18for some more time.
29:19Not forever.
29:21Because if this
29:23it will never
29:26And I do not want
29:27you to be stuck
29:28with me.
29:51if you want
29:52to know your identity,
29:53meet me
29:54at the M.I.
29:57Make preparations
29:59We have to go
30:00to the M.A.
30:11Come on.
30:12Junior Guruji,
30:13this letter
30:14has come for you.
30:15It is for you.
30:17Junior Guruji,
30:18this letter
30:19has come for you.
30:20See what is
30:21written in it.
30:26do not forget.
30:28You have to
30:29give me something.
30:32should I say yes?
30:33Miss Chong,
30:34do not forget.
30:35But after this work,
30:36I can ask you
30:37for something more.
30:39I will give you
30:40whatever you want.
30:41After the work,
30:42I will ask for
30:44that may be
30:45very precious.
30:46No problem.
30:47I promise.
30:49Then shake hands.
30:50This is great.
30:53Nothing in life
30:54lasts forever.
30:57Madam Chong,
30:58when the time comes,
31:00let us meet again.
31:09You can protect me
31:10for some more time.
31:11But not for a lifetime.
31:14Because if this continues,
31:15it will never end.
31:18And I do not want you
31:19to be stuck with me.
31:40Shall we go, sir?
31:42Let us go.
31:45let us go.
31:51Long live the King.
31:52There is a message from Shang Tzu.
31:54The situation
31:55from the outside
31:56has improved a lot.
31:57People who are stuck
31:58in difficulties
31:59have found shelter.
32:02It is not easy
32:03to handle
32:04all the problems.
32:06I am telling the truth.
32:07I did not expect
32:08this at all.
32:12his physical condition
32:13is not good.
32:16He has suffered a lot.
32:19I have heard
32:20some rumors
32:21about the flood there.
32:27Tell me more.
32:30King Lu
32:31asked for help
32:32from many people
32:33from the martial world
32:34for the flood.
32:36The people
32:37liked him a lot.
32:39What nonsense!
32:40Calm down, sir.
32:43Shang Tzu
32:44has lived with
32:45a few people.
32:46I am sure
32:47he must have suffered a lot.
32:49There is no other way
32:50but to return
32:51to the martial arts world.
32:53And this is the truth.
32:56I admit
32:57that he liked freedom
32:58a lot when he was a child.
33:00He wanted to live
33:01like his uncle.
33:04He did not like
33:05this kingdom
33:06from the beginning.
33:08Why would he?
33:10He is very innocent
33:11from the inside.
33:15That is why
33:17I am always worried
33:18about his health.
33:22He has another misunderstanding
33:25that his father
33:26does not care for him.
33:28Because of this,
33:29we are separated.
33:34But whatever
33:35my father did,
33:38he cannot understand
33:39the value of it.
33:45What an answer!
33:47Take some more.
33:49No, it is enough.
33:52How did he leave
33:53without meeting me?
34:00What are you thinking?
34:02Here, eat this.
34:05I feel
34:06something is strange.
34:08Since we started
34:09this journey,
34:10something is strange.
34:12Take this.
34:13I do not know.
34:14It feels like
34:15someone is watching
34:16our every move.
34:18I feel
34:19that someone
34:20is betraying us
34:22through the Hall of Fame.
34:24But I do not know who.
34:26I do not know
34:28if I should tell this to my elders.
34:30If they find out,
34:31it will be a disaster.
34:34Junior Guruji,
34:35if you meet this person,
34:37how will you face him?
34:41Then I will ask him
34:42why he did this.
34:46what happened?
34:48What happened to you?
34:52The water is over.
34:54I will go and get it.
35:13If we go from the west,
35:14it can be dangerous.
35:16That is why we will go
35:17from the south.
35:20where will we reach soon?
35:22We will reach from the west.
35:23Then, let us go from the west.
35:26You want to reach soon.
35:28I can tell you
35:29another way.
35:30Which one?
35:32This way.
35:34This way?
35:38This way.
35:40This way?
35:42There is a lane
35:43from the mountain in front.
35:45We will reach there
35:46in a few hours.
35:48I have been there.
35:50But there is no way
35:51to go further.
35:54You have not been there
35:55in depth.
35:56That is why
35:57you have not seen it.
35:59Junior Guruji,
36:00the way is bad.
36:01But it will not be
36:02difficult for us.
36:04Then, let us go from there.
36:05If we go from there,
36:06we will reach there soon.
36:08Then, let us go.
36:09Get ready.
36:12Let us go.
36:18Did you say that?
36:20What do you mean?
36:21The soldiers asked me
36:23to call the King.
36:25What are you saying?
36:26How can it be true?
36:28What nonsense are you talking?
36:33You did not say that.
36:35How can I say that?
36:37Go and find those disciples.
36:38I will punish them
36:42No problem.
36:44I have already punished them.
36:46If you do not do this,
36:48I will leave.
36:50Mu Yuan.
36:56Did you ask them
36:57the reason for this?
37:00They said that
37:02only the Yuan family can
37:03control the level
37:04of the Hall of Flames
37:05in the world.
37:07The Zhong family
37:08cannot bear this burden.
37:10So what?
37:11They call Chong
37:12as their younger master.
37:14they actually
37:15respect you.
37:16According to them,
37:18you are the real leader
37:19of the Hall of Flames.
37:23I do not think
37:25it is right
37:26to separate
37:27the two families.
37:29After my father's death,
37:31Mr. Chong accepted me.
37:33He raised me.
37:34He taught me.
37:35I have a lot of respect
37:37for him in my heart.
37:39That is why,
37:41I have to serve him
37:43and I will always do that.
37:45Yes, of course.
37:46But, you are not
37:47the only one who thinks like that.
37:48Everyone thinks like that
37:50because we are a family.
37:53the leader of the Hall of Flames,
37:54whether it is Yuan
37:55or Chong,
37:56it does not matter.
37:58It does matter.
38:03Just like Mr. Chong
38:05has given his position
38:06to the younger master.
38:08He believes that
38:09the younger master
38:11can rule.
38:15if I change my decision,
38:17how will I be able
38:19to meet him in heaven?
38:20You tell me.
38:24Mu Yuan,
38:25have you ever thought
38:27why Chong chose you
38:28as his son?
38:30So that you
38:31can take over his position
38:32after him.
38:34If you refuse him,
38:36it will be an insult
38:37to his choice
38:38and nothing else.
38:44I do not want to talk
38:45about this anymore.
38:47I will leave now.
38:51Mu Yuan,
38:53I will help you
38:54to become the leader.
39:00Let's go.
39:01Let's go.
39:08Qiu Liu!
39:38Let's go.
39:52There is someone.
39:59Hurry up!
40:00Save master!
40:08Ruili, hurry up!
40:09Take Gugu with you.
40:10But what about you?
40:11I will stay behind.
40:12Gugu, hurry up!
40:40help us!
40:54they are here
40:55for the young master.
40:56You know the way.
40:57Take them with you.
41:09Young master,
41:10let's go.
41:11Hurry up!
41:12Catch her!
41:38Hurry up!
42:09What is your name?
42:11You are from the hall.
42:27Young master,
42:29is catching me.
42:39Young master!
42:50Young master!
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