• 2 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) kembali menguat pada penutupan sesi II perdagangan hari ini (7/8). Indeks melonjak 82,91 poin atau 1,16 persen ke level 7.212,13.

Terdapat 364 saham menguat, 178 saham melemah, dan 247 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp7,9 triliun dari 13,9 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan.


00:00Updates on the closing of the trading session on the second day, and also some graphic information that was successfully collected by our Redhasi team.
00:12In the index of the Samkabungan index, it was finally closed again above 1% strength, precisely at 1.16%, and the Samkabungan index was closed at level 7212.131.
00:25The highest level today is at 7246.258, and the lowest level is at 7147.293.
00:38Let's go straight to the first graph, we will see the closing position of several other indexes in trading on the second day.
00:45Such as MNC36, Jakarta Islamic Index, and also LQ45.
00:50MNC36 experienced a strength of 1.01%, then Jakarta Islamic Index strengthened at 0.20%, and LQ45 strengthened at 0.51%.
01:01The sectoral movement rotation to the next graph, the industry sector led the strength at 1.82%, transportation and logistics also strengthened at 1.63%, property strengthened at 1.36%, and health strengthened at 0.35%.
01:18Let's go to the next graph, the stocks that today experienced significant strength and became a supporter for the Samkabungan index.
01:26From the Big Cap Banking, BMRI was closed and strengthened above 2%, at 6,775, TPIA we also reviewed earlier, strengthened at 10,300.
01:37While All Time High today, or over time for TPIA is at 11,000.
01:44BSBK strengthened at 76%, and Adaro also strengthened at 3,230.
01:49To the last graph, the stocks that today became a supporter for the Samkabungan index.
01:55There is AMAN, when TPIA strengthened, AMAN was under pressure at 11,325.
02:03BOGA also weakened at 850, EURO was also pushed to 160, and HELI weakened at 510.
02:11Updates on trade closures in the second session today, and hopefully it can be a reference for you, especially in dealing with trade in the next few days.