Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) hari ini kembali ditutup ke zona merah pada sesi terakhir perdagangan. IHSG ditutup turun 248,46 poin atau 3,40 persen ke level 7.059,65.
Pada penutupan perdagangan, Senin (5/8/2024), hanya 62 saham menguat, 592 saham turun dan 134 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp13,7 triliun dari 24,4 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 1,3 juta kali.
Pada penutupan perdagangan, Senin (5/8/2024), hanya 62 saham menguat, 592 saham turun dan 134 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp13,7 triliun dari 24,4 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 1,3 juta kali.
00:00I will try to convey the trade closure update in the second session today and also some
00:09graphic information that was collected by our editorial team and the shareholding shareholder
00:15in the second session today is still weakening at 3.40% and closed at the level of 7059.653
00:25the lowest intraday level during today's trading session was 6998.811
00:33the highest level today at 7308
00:36the opening level in the first session this morning means that the shareholder's index
00:41is more likely to experience weakness during today's trading session
00:45the latest data for the year-to-date also based on today's closing position
00:49the shareholder's index weakened at 2.93%
00:53in the last six months it weakened at 1.95%
00:56and in the second half it weakened at 3.15%
01:00let's go straight to the first graph
01:02we will try to see how the closing position of several other indexes is in the middle of the weakness of the shareholder's index
01:09MNC36 we go to the first graph
01:11weakened above 3% at 3.26%
01:15Jakarta Islamic Index weakened at 3.24%
01:17LQ45 also weakened at 3.12%
01:21LQ45 has left a level of 900 investors
01:25we move on to the next graph
01:27we will try to see how the sectoral movement rotation is in the closing of the second session today
01:32the energy sector leads the weakness at 4.94%
01:38where Samsung mining, coal, crude oil, gold
01:41today also experienced a fairly deep weakness
01:44including several steel stocks
01:48which also have a business line of steel mining
01:54there is 4.69%
01:56there is NBMA, today also quite a correction
01:58in primary consumption weakened at 1.77%
02:01health is also stressed at 0.72%
02:04we move on to the next graph
02:06the shareholder's index that today experienced quite significant strength
02:11there is Kampina or KAMP
02:13today quite strong in the middle of the shareholder's index at 2.90%
02:18the volatility is quite high because a few days ago Kampina has experienced a fairly deep correction
02:24then there is also LABS
02:26weakened at 1.34%
02:30HELI strengthened at 4.20%
02:31then there is also MANG strengthened at 1.15%
02:35we move on to the next graph
02:37Samsung which today has become a burden for the shareholder's index
02:41it seems dominated by Samsung which is proud of the shareholder's index
02:44BBRI is stressed at 4.530
02:46BBCA weakened at 9.875
02:49PMRI at 6.575
02:51from the management of the acquisition of Astra International
02:54is stressed at 4.560
02:56that's the update on the closing of the second trading session
02:59and hopefully it can be a reference for you
03:01especially in dealing with trading in the coming days