The Strangers 04: Don't Drop the Flag! | Mohammad Elshinawy

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The Strangers 04: Don't Drop the Flag! | Mohammad Elshinawy


00:00You're dropping your swords, give me the sword.
00:02This is something normal a woman wouldn't do.
00:05To his left, she's in front of a man double her size trying to fight him off.
00:08Until she was gashed in her neck.
00:10So Islam began as something strange,
00:15and shall return to being that stranger.
00:17He says, ﷺ,
00:19فَعُطُو بَارِ الْقُرَبَةِ
00:22Glad tidings, a great reward.
00:25That infamous tree in Jannah for the strangers.
00:28Meaning, don't shy away from being a stranger.
00:31Lift your head up, you're a Muslim.
00:35The finality is yours.
00:38No matter what the pressures get to with the Muslims.
00:42Always know that even if Allah didn't tell us how,
00:46He told us how the story's gonna end.
00:48And that should be enough for any believer
00:51to sit comfortably within his religion.
00:55Don't ever drop the flag of being the stranger.
00:59When you look at the previous nations, they were firm.
01:01The sahaba.
01:03Through being strangers.
01:05And now we're being strangers.
01:06So how can we be firm the way they were firm?
01:09If you look, you'll see that their actions,
01:12their loyalty to the deen was unsurpassed.
01:15The deen was obviously, clearly,
01:17evidently the number one thing in their heart.
01:20That's the difference.
01:23That is why their reactions were so amazing.
01:27That's why their actions were also unprecedented.
01:29Because their loyalty was unparalleled.
01:32Hand in hand.
01:34Look for example.
01:37The woman from Banu Dinar.
01:41They came to ask their hud and said,
01:42may Allah keep you patient.
01:43Your father, your brother, your son, your husband, they're all dead.
01:46Can you imagine?
01:49we would expect and not blame the woman to pass out right there.
01:54But because their hearts were not normal hearts,
01:57their reactions were not normal reactions.
02:00You know what she said?
02:01Where's the messenger of Allah?
02:03Sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
02:05Your whole family is dead.
02:05Where's the messenger of Allah?
02:06He's well.
02:07She said, I have to see him.
02:10You can almost sense the earnest and the love
02:15and the iman in her words.
02:18I have to see him.
02:18Because you know, when someone has agony,
02:23true agony,
02:24the only thing that can remove it
02:27is to see with their own two eyes the agony being removed.
02:30That's the only thing that will satisfy them.
02:31That's why when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala was reminding Banu Israel,
02:36who went through it all with Fir'aun,
02:38about one of his blessings over them, he said,
02:41وَأَغْرَقْنَا آلَ فِرْعَوْنَ وَأَنتُمْ تَنْظُرُونَ
02:45And we made Fir'aun drown while you looked on.
02:47Meaning, as a repayment for a bit of what he put you through.
02:50You got to see him dying with your very eyes.
02:53Drown in the sea.
02:55Behind Musa a.s. and Banu Israel.
02:58So she says, I have to see him.
03:01She couldn't say anything else.
03:02Because her love for Muhammad s.a.w., for Islam,
03:06was more than her love for her parents, and her children,
03:08her son, her husband, all.
03:11Look for example up at Nusaybah bint Ka'b r.a, Umm Umarah.
03:15In the battle of Uhud also.
03:18Once she saw the men running away,
03:19she ran towards Muhammad s.a.w.
03:21You're dropping your swords, give me the sword.
03:24This is something normally a woman wouldn't do.
03:27The Prophet s.a.w. wakes up from being unconscious.
03:30He doesn't look to his right or to his left.
03:32She's in front of a man double her size trying to fight him off.
03:34Until she was gashed in her neck,
03:36a gash that later on led to her death.
03:39How could she do that?
03:39Normally a woman wouldn't do something like this.
03:44That was the height of their hearts,
03:48and this is why their actions were so brilliant,
03:51and amazing, and astounding.
03:54So this is the key.
03:56Depending on how hard you work
03:59to polish that heart of yours,
04:01will determine how you fend in a time of fitna.
04:05In this time when we're strangers.
04:14Copyright © 2020 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
04:16No part of this recording may be reproduced
04:18without Mooji Media Ltd.'s express consent.
