Kemenkeu Waspadai Ancaman Resesi AS

  • last month
Pemerintah terus memantau risiko yang akan dihadapi oleh Indonesia jika Amerika Serikat (AS) mengalami resesi ekonomi.

Kepala Badan Kebijakan Fiskal Kementerian Keuangan (BKF Kemenkeu) Febrio Kacaribu mengatakan pemerintah sudah melakukan langkah antisipasi imbas gejolak ekonomi yang terjadi di AS.


00:00The Ministry of Finance is aware of the threat of a recession in the United States.
00:08However, the impact on macro-Indonesian stability will be positive.
00:12If the U.S. flower population is reduced,
00:14foreign currency flows out of Indonesia, or capital outflow, can be reduced.
00:19In addition, the decline in the U.S. flower population can also have a positive impact on Indonesia's debt financing.
00:25The Ministry of Finance is aware of the potential recession in the United States.
00:33The head of the Ministry of Finance, Febrio Kacaribu, said that the U.S. is below expectations.
00:41That can be seen from the higher unemployment rate than expected.
00:44At the same time, the flower population is still high.
00:48According to Febrio, since the beginning of the year,
00:50the Central Bank of the United States, the Fed, will reduce the flower population by three times.
00:55However, now with the latest data, the possibility of reducing the flower population is higher.
01:00Febrio added that the impact on macro-Indonesian stability will be positive.
01:04If the U.S. flower population is reduced,
01:06foreign currency flows out of Indonesia, or capital outflow, can be reduced.
01:11In addition, the decline in the U.S. flower population can also have a positive impact on Indonesia's debt financing.
