IHSG Menguat ke Level 7.217 di Sesi I (07/08/2024)

  • last month
IHSG sesi I hari ini (7/8) ditutup menguat sebesar 1,24 persen ke level 7.217,92 yang didorong oleh sentimen posisi cadangan devisa Indonesia mencapai USD145,4 miliar, meningkat dari USD140,2 miliar. Peningkatan ini utamanya dipengaruhi oleh penerbitan sukuk global pemerintah serta penerimaan pajak dan jasa. Cadangan devisa ini setara dengan pembiayaan 6,5 bulan impor atau 6,3 bulan impor dan pembayaran utang luar negeri pemerintah, jauh melebihi standar kecukupan internasional sekitar 3 bulan impor," tulis riset harian Panin Sekuritas, siang ini.


00:00In the first session of the trading activity review, it has been closed.
00:09We will deliver an update on the movement of the share price index,
00:13which in the first session today experienced significant strength,
00:17stronger than 1% of the review.
00:19In fact, at the closing of the first session this afternoon,
00:22the share price index was closed at level 7217.924,
00:27strengthened at 1.24%.
00:29The strength of the share price index is more towards the limit,
00:33because it touched the highest intraday level today at 7246.258.
00:38It opened flat this morning at 7209.215,
00:42while the lowest level at 7147.293.
00:47Today, the share price index continues to strengthen
00:50and has passed above the level of 7200.
00:54Next, we will try to see some graphical information
00:56that was successfully collected by our team.
00:59Let's go straight to the first graph.
01:02We will try to see the shares that today experienced significant strength
01:06that entered the top genus line.
01:09From the Rayogo Pengestu Group, there is TPIA,
01:12which today continues to grow above 10% at 10,675.
01:16BMRI today also strengthened at 1.51% at 6,725.
01:21PSBK today also experienced high strength at 8.33%.
01:26And BREN, still from the Rayogo Pengestu Group,
01:29strengthened at 5.03%.
01:32Let's move on to the next graph,
01:34the shares that today became heavyweight
01:37for the village share price index and closed in the red zone.
01:40There is Aman Mineral from Barang Baku,
01:42pressed to 11,400.
01:44BOGA also weakened to 850.
01:46TCPI weakened to 7,225.
01:49And the next position is EURO at Rp199 per share.
01:56Then we will try to see the sectoral movement rotation
01:59experienced in the closing of the second session today.
02:02Barang Baku strengthened at 2.05%.
02:04Property strengthened at 1.41%.
02:07Logistic transportation strengthened at 1.20%.
02:10And energy also strengthened at 1.19%.
02:14Trading updates at the closing of the first session
02:17and hopefully it can be a reference for you,
02:19especially in dealing with trading in the second session today.
02:27We will be back and stay in your place.
02:30We will present other interesting information in a moment.
02:32And we will be back soon.
