Junebug (2024)

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"Junebug" is a poignant coming-of-age drama set in a picturesque rural town. The film follows June "Junebug" Williams, a spirited and imaginative teenager on the cusp of adulthood. As Junebug navigates the complexities of family dynamics, friendship, and first love, she also grapples with the challenges of growing up in a tight-knit community with its own set of expectations and secrets. Through a series of transformative summer events, Junebug learns valuable life lessons about identity, resilience, and the power of embracing one's true self. The film beautifully captures the essence of small-town life and the bittersweet journey of adolescence.

00:00:00I'll sing it loud, kids Where I'm from, there's no reason to doubt
00:00:30I'll sing your name and I'll sing it loud
00:00:38Here we go, Juniper!
00:00:40Your dad and I wanted to save this one for last.
00:00:43It's a special gift for a very special Junebug.
00:00:48It's a Junebug! Just like me!
00:00:51That's right!
00:00:52This box is meant to be your very own little time capsule.
00:00:56Really? That's amazing!
00:00:59But what should I put in it?
00:01:01It's up to you, kiddo. It could be anything you think you'll want to look at when you're older.
00:01:04Like wishes? In a wish box!
00:01:07That's terrific, Bug! You're so creative!
00:01:10Okay, I know where I can get some inspiration. My favorite book!
00:01:20And when the princess and her knight defeated the ogre,
00:01:23she found herself miraculously transformed from a terrifying werewolf to, once again, a beautiful princess.
00:01:32First, I wish everyone in my kingdom will be happy.
00:01:37Second, I want all my dreams to come true.
00:01:42Third, I wish someday I will find my knight.
00:01:48May all your wishes come true.
00:01:50Happy birthday, Junebug.
00:01:53I'll need to shout it.
00:01:55I'll sing your name.
00:01:57Happy birthday, Junebug.
00:02:28Sweeping me out in your ocean
00:02:31Could live here for days
00:02:36You're the rolling thunder
00:02:38You're the pouring rain
00:02:41And you know, and you know
00:02:42I would do anything, do anything for you
00:02:50I would do anything, anything for you
00:02:58I would do anything, anything for you
00:03:00Hey, Micah.
00:03:01Hey, your Americano's on the bar.
00:03:03Thank you. I rocket fuel for the day.
00:03:11Excuse me, excuse me. I think you might have my coffee.
00:03:15Yeah, I guess you're right. This doesn't taste like a caramel latte.
00:03:18It's because it's not a caramel latte, it's an Americano. And it's mine. Well, it was mine.
00:03:24Whoopsies. My mistake, Juniper. I'll fetch you a new one.
00:03:27Couldn't you tell it wasn't what you ordered?
00:03:29I didn't really think about it, to be honest. I order something new every day.
00:03:32I stick with what I like best.
00:03:33Well, here you go. One Americano.
00:03:35Oh, thank you.
00:03:36Um, that's yours. And no, this, this, no. Yes? Yours?
00:03:42Yeah, I'll take that.
00:03:43I'll take this one.
00:03:44Sure. You know what? I'll make you a new one.
00:03:47Well, I have my coffee.
00:03:48And I have no coffee.
00:03:50Well, have a good day.
00:03:51Yeah, you too.
00:04:04Kylie, good morning.
00:04:14Coming to the meeting?
00:04:15It's starting now.
00:04:18So our focus this past year has skewed toward young adult and graphic novels.
00:04:24Where we're falling behind is in picture book offerings.
00:04:27People, we are a small company.
00:04:30Virtually the only imprint left that hasn't been swallowed up by one of the conglomerates.
00:04:34So I'm opening this up to all of you to help us find the next great picture book and bring us back into that arena.
00:04:41Paula, I'm sure we'd all love as much guidance as possible from you.
00:04:46For starters, no more animal, monster, or cute alien protagonists.
00:04:51That was two seasons ago.
00:04:53But the key for us is always going to be in finding an amazing new illustrator.
00:04:59So any thoughts there? Any ideas?
00:05:04No? Okay, fine.
00:05:06Well, put the word out.
00:05:07I want to see some pitches, even early concepts, by end of week.
00:05:14That's it.
00:05:15Juniper, can I have a word?
00:05:20I can't downsize anymore. It's all hands on deck.
00:05:22We're all happy to pitch in, Paula.
00:05:24I know the pool seems shallow right now, but I am positive that there's still some fantastic undiscovered talent out there.
00:05:31I certainly hope so.
00:05:33Look, I know you've been swamped with administration the past few months, and it's not really the editor's job.
00:05:38But you've got the best eye here.
00:05:40I left a few prospects on your desk. Have a look.
00:05:42Yep, happy to.
00:05:44You're a rock star, Juniper.
00:05:46Rock on.
00:05:57Dropping by after work with something special.
00:06:02I regret ever teaching you where to find emojis, Mom.
00:06:23He's asked you.
00:06:26Hey, where's Dad?
00:06:27He's coming.
00:06:28Dad, are you coming?
00:06:29I'm coming.
00:06:30I told him I would help, but he would have none of it.
00:06:32Stop her.
00:06:33Okay, Mom, I really need this to be quick, because I'm meeting Ethan for dinner tonight.
00:06:37I have a bunch of submissions from work to review.
00:06:39Oh, look what I found cleaning out the basement.
00:06:43What is it?
00:06:44Don't you recognize it?
00:06:46It's your wish box. Your time capsule from when you were eight.
00:06:49Don't you remember?
00:06:51I don't know. Vaguely, I guess.
00:06:53We thought you might want it since you've got a big birthday coming up.
00:06:58And you got me this instead of, I don't know, a blender or something I could actually use.
00:07:03It's a chance for you to reconnect with the dreams you had when you were a young girl.
00:07:09And why do I need to reconnect with them exactly?
00:07:11Is it because I'm not doing well in my life, in my career?
00:07:15It's just, it's...
00:07:16We can't remember the last time that we saw you...
00:07:18Smile. That old Junebug smile.
00:07:20And, you know, birthday parties used to make you smile.
00:07:22And, you know, it's been a long time since you had one.
00:07:24And we could help.
00:07:25Dad, I don't really have time for birthday parties, okay?
00:07:28I'm very busy and I really need to get dressed.
00:07:31Of course, of course.
00:07:32We've got you for tonight anyway.
00:07:35We're just dropping by.
00:07:36Yep, just dropping by.
00:07:37You know, I hear it when just one of you says it.
00:07:39Don't forget, you're coming for dinner tomorrow night.
00:07:41Dinner tomorrow night.
00:07:42Yep, dinner tomorrow night.
00:07:57So I'm getting the team ready for this tech symposium that we're doing.
00:08:00And the managers just keep micromanaging our process development.
00:08:04They want market projections, sales projections, finance projections.
00:08:08Sounds like a lot of projection.
00:08:11Okay, you two, something for dessert?
00:08:14Just the check.
00:08:16I'm sorry, did you want something?
00:08:18No, no, no.
00:08:19We don't normally bother with dessert.
00:08:20No, no, no. I changed my mind.
00:08:21Yeah. It's okay. Yeah.
00:08:23We'll take the check.
00:08:25Yeah, just the check.
00:08:28Listen, I wanted to ask you a question.
00:08:30I know that in the past I've sometimes gotten you the wrong thing for your birthday.
00:08:34So I thought I'd just tell you what I was planning on getting.
00:08:39A pen.
00:08:41A pen.
00:08:42A nice one. Every editor needs a quality pen, right?
00:08:44To mark up those manuscripts you work on?
00:08:46I gave you my heart and you gave me a pen.
00:08:50It's a quote from my favorite movie.
00:08:52Say Anything?
00:08:54Lloyd Dobler, Diane Court.
00:08:57Oh, yeah, right. Yeah, I think you showed me that one.
00:08:59Yes, madame.
00:09:04Yeah, I mean, I was thinking that writing is really more of a childhood dream anyway.
00:09:09And Paula was even saying that if I continue on this path, then eventually she'll bring me into...
00:09:22A pen would be lovely.
00:09:24Thank you, Ethan.
00:09:29So, what about a nightcap?
00:09:32I'm a little zapped. I had a long day at work. I still have a lot of files to get through.
00:09:36Okay then, I'll just drive you home?
00:09:39You know, actually, I think I want to walk. It's still such a pretty night out.
00:09:43Well, I'll come with.
00:09:45It's okay. I'm not very far. Thank you so much for dinner. I'll call you tomorrow.
00:09:52He's giving you a pen?
00:09:53It's an early birthday surprise.
00:09:56Some surprise.
00:09:57And see, this right here, this is why you're my best friend.
00:10:00Because you always know when I need an early birthday glass of pinot.
00:10:04See? There are advantages to having a best friend so close by.
00:10:09Plus, I had a full day of mothering twins, so I need this too.
00:10:14He's really giving you a pen?
00:10:15For your 40th birthday.
00:10:17He assured me it'd be a nice one.
00:10:19You know who that reminds me of?
00:10:23Let's do it!
00:10:33Where's the guy in my life holding up a boombox to serenade me?
00:10:37That's what I want to know.
00:10:39Maybe you could find a guy to hold up a phone?
00:10:43Not the same.
00:10:44Right, not the same.
00:11:13I wish everyone in my kingdom will be happy.
00:11:19Well, clearly not quite everyone.
00:11:26I want all my dreams to come true.
00:11:31I think we're batting above average there.
00:11:39I wish someday I will find my night.
00:12:25How did you get in here?
00:12:26You scared me.
00:12:28How are you here?
00:12:30Where, where are you, parents?
00:12:33I am you, and you are me.
00:12:35I've lost my mind.
00:12:36It's finally happened.
00:12:37No, you haven't.
00:12:39You were born June 17th, 1984.
00:12:42Your favorite ice cream flavor is raspberry swirl.
00:12:45Your mom made you take two years of figure skating until you fell and chipped your tooth.
00:12:49That made you happy because it meant that you could read more books.
00:12:52You like to look up words in the dictionary you don't know and put a checkmark next to them.
00:12:56Okay, I get it.
00:12:57Oh, and you had a crush on...
00:12:58Okay, okay.
00:12:59I do not need to be reminded of ancient crushes.
00:13:03How is this possible?
00:13:05You seemed like you needed a little help, and here I am.
00:13:09Did my mom put you up to this?
00:13:12Is this, like, some kind of hidden camera show or something?
00:13:18You look exactly like me.
00:13:20She gave you my old pink overalls to wear?
00:13:23This is insane.
00:13:24I, I need you to go.
00:13:26I need you to go back wherever you came from because I have to go to work in the morning.
00:13:32Oh, goody.
00:13:33Let's pick out our outfit.
00:13:34No, we're not picking out an outfit.
00:13:36Stop right there.
00:13:37Look, I need you to go back to wherever you came from, okay?
00:13:40We need some sleep.
00:13:41I can't get fired because I'm seeing little people.
00:13:46You don't want me here?
00:13:53Okay, look.
00:13:54I don't know who you are or where you came...
00:14:04You're perfectly fine.
00:14:05Yeah, things like this happen to people all the time.
00:14:07It's normal.
00:14:08In fact, you probably dreamed it, and dreams are a perfectly normal part of life.
00:14:14Oh, no.
00:14:15No, no, no, no, no.
00:14:17Apparently, my breakdown isn't over yet after all.
00:14:23I'm back.
00:14:24You're back.
00:14:25Those clothes are boring.
00:14:30Oh, thank you.
00:14:31A little fashion critic.
00:14:32This is exactly what I need.
00:14:33Okay, well then, by all means, what should I wear?
00:14:36That one.
00:14:37So bright.
00:14:38I can't wear this to work.
00:14:40This is a stupid impulse buy.
00:14:42I was just about to return it.
00:14:44Okay, okay, um...
00:14:51What am I doing?
00:14:54Stay right there.
00:14:56Just don't move.
00:15:00Stay right there.
00:15:04I need you.
00:15:07Come with me.
00:15:10This way.
00:15:11Where are we going?
00:15:12Right up there.
00:15:13Just right over here.
00:15:16Do you see what I see?
00:15:17Are you thinking about a wardrobe purge?
00:15:18I did it last month.
00:15:19I regret it bitterly.
00:15:20I've been meaning to go to the thrift store and buy all my stuff back.
00:15:21She can't see me because I'm you.
00:15:22It would be like double vision or something like that.
00:15:24What do you know about double vision?
00:15:25I didn't think you had that much to drink last night.
00:15:26I didn't.
00:15:27I was just...
00:15:28Let's just get a coffee and you'll be just fine.
00:15:29Better get back.
00:15:30Twins have swimming.
00:15:31Love the scarf on you, by the way.
00:15:32Nothing wrong with a little splash of water.
00:15:33I'll be right back.
00:15:52Nothing wrong with a little splash of color.
00:15:53Why is this happening to me?
00:15:54I'm only eight.
00:15:55I don't know how stuff like this works.
00:15:56Believe me, I think you could be a hundred and still not know.
00:15:57I guess you gotta get back to your publishing job.
00:15:58You got all those meetings.
00:15:59How do you know all that?
00:16:00I told you, I'm you.
00:16:01Just young you.
00:16:02If you're really me, then you should know that I don't really have time for this right
00:16:05I'm not going to do this.
00:16:06I'm not going to do this.
00:16:07I'm not going to do this.
00:16:08I'm not going to do this.
00:16:09I'm not going to do this.
00:16:10I'm not going to do this.
00:16:11I'm not going to do this.
00:16:12I'm not going to do this.
00:16:13I'm not going to do this.
00:16:23What's that?
00:16:24Is that one of our books?
00:16:27How did you get back there?
00:16:35I wanted to see what stories we've written.
00:16:37No, I mean, what's with the popping up and disappearing all the time?
00:16:41I don't know.
00:16:42It's just fun.
00:16:45If that's our book, we sure didn't get famous.
00:16:50I actually did better than getting famous.
00:16:55I am the person who helps writers get published.
00:16:59So you're helping other people tell their stories?
00:17:04Yes, exactly.
00:17:05What about our stories?
00:17:07What about my Junebug stories?
00:17:11Okay, this might be hard to explain to a child,
00:17:15but when you're an adult you have to make compromises and...
00:17:23Apparently you can get too in touch with your inner child.
00:17:27Hey, Americana's coming up.
00:17:41Are you okay?
00:17:43Oh yeah, yeah. Why?
00:17:45You just look a little different, I guess.
00:17:47Well yeah, I had dinner with my boyfriend last night,
00:17:50so probably had too much fun.
00:17:53Thank you so much.
00:17:54Yeah, have a great day.
00:17:58I want to look!
00:18:01Oh, oh, oh, what are you doing?
00:18:04But it's so pretty!
00:18:06Well, I...
00:18:22If it isn't Miss Americano,
00:18:24matern of events.
00:18:25Uh, I'm so sorry.
00:18:27It's okay.
00:18:29I'm so sorry.
00:18:30It's okay, it's okay.
00:18:32Things happen, okay?
00:18:33Why, how can you say that I just destroyed your mural?
00:18:37No, it's a sign.
00:18:38It wasn't right anyway.
00:18:39I was thinking about starting over, to be honest.
00:18:41You're being so nice about this.
00:18:43It'll be even better once I figure out
00:18:45what it's actually supposed to be.
00:18:47Um, I might have a way to make it up to you.
00:18:51Nothing to make up.
00:18:52Nope, nope, I think there is.
00:18:54So it just so happens that I work for Little Light Publishing,
00:18:58and we're looking for illustrators,
00:19:00for new and different illustrators.
00:19:02I think your work is, was beautiful,
00:19:05and you might be a perfect fit for us.
00:19:08I appreciate the interest, but no thanks.
00:19:14You sure?
00:19:16Just gonna finish this mural and be on my way.
00:19:19It's what I do.
00:19:22Now, if you don't mind,
00:19:23I'm gonna get started with the cleanup here.
00:19:25Oh, sure, yeah, of course, yeah.
00:19:27Um, well, if you change your mind,
00:19:30I'm Juniper James, and I work for Little Light Publishing.
00:19:34You said, yeah.
00:19:36I got it.
00:19:37Yeah, sorry again.
00:19:38It's okay, it's okay.
00:19:39I like him, and his paintings are pretty.
00:19:42Well, I don't know what to think.
00:19:44Yeah, he's intriguing, that one.
00:19:47He's been working for over a month,
00:19:49and I still don't know his name.
00:19:53Hey, do you see her?
00:19:58Do I see who?
00:20:02I think I need another espresso.
00:20:05It's on the house,
00:20:06and I'm gonna give you my cousin's email.
00:20:08He's a really great therapist.
00:20:10Have you heard of imago therapy?
00:20:32Hey, can you help me find the right link here?
00:20:36It's right there.
00:20:39Wait, you're interested in Alex Ripley?
00:20:42You know him?
00:20:44I think I may have met him this morning.
00:20:47I was hoping we could bring him in as a new illustrator.
00:20:49He's an art world icon,
00:20:51and shot straight to the top.
00:20:53It was kind of sad, though.
00:20:54After his second exhibition,
00:20:55he was absolutely savaged by the critics.
00:20:59Yeah, just brutal.
00:21:01He walked out of his own opening
00:21:03and hasn't signed a piece of artwork since.
00:21:05Word on the street is,
00:21:07he's the muralist that's been popping up all around the city.
00:21:10Well, look, I don't even know if this guy is who you said he is,
00:21:13but I really liked his artwork.
00:21:16All I can say is, you found Alex Ripley?
00:21:20Nice play.
00:21:21I think we should have a quick meeting
00:21:22now that the Brennan book has fallen off the spring release list.
00:21:25Of course.
00:21:26Juniper may have stumbled across a new illustrator this morning.
00:21:31Well, that's great.
00:21:32Show me their stuff.
00:21:35Well, actually, that's going to be a little hard,
00:21:37because he's a muralist.
00:21:40A muralist?
00:21:42Oh, no.
00:21:43That's not going to work.
00:21:44Why not?
00:21:45It's not such a large scale like that.
00:21:46No, we need illustrators, miniaturists.
00:21:48Juniper, I'm sorry.
00:21:49I think you're barking up the wrong tree there.
00:21:51Excuse me, Paula.
00:21:52Can I just get one minute?
00:21:53One minute.
00:21:57Raise your hand.
00:22:00This is not a classroom.
00:22:02We don't need to raise our hand to speak.
00:22:04So just keep trying.
00:22:05It is not that easy.
00:22:07Why not?
00:22:08Wouldn't you tell me not to give up after just trying once?
00:22:11Well, yes, of course I would.
00:22:13Did you say something?
00:22:21Do it, or I'll scream.
00:22:23You will not.
00:22:26Actually, I do have something to say.
00:22:28Paula, I believe I've tracked down an artist who's really special,
00:22:31and I don't think it really matters whether he paints on walls
00:22:33or he draws on papers, because his work is incredibly compelling,
00:22:36and you said yourself that I have the best eye in this place,
00:22:38and so that is what I wanted to say.
00:22:42I shouldn't have shut you down.
00:22:43If you feel this passionate about his work, I'll take a look.
00:22:47There's just one problem, which is that he doesn't really want to work with us.
00:22:51I'm sorry.
00:22:52You are offering me someone who not only has never illustrated,
00:22:55but he's not actually interested in the job.
00:22:57This is your solve?
00:22:59Well, best of luck with that.
00:23:03You do have the best eye in the place.
00:23:05Thank you, Rob.
00:23:07Okay, listen, my workplace has got to be off limits for these visits.
00:23:10So let's do something else then.
00:23:12Ice cream!
00:23:13Ice cream? I can't go for ice cream in the middle of the morning.
00:23:16I'm a responsible adult with an important job,
00:23:19not to mention all the meetings I have.
00:23:21Just looks like homework for grown-ups.
00:23:24I think you might have a point there.
00:23:26Let's go back and talk to that painter you like.
00:23:28I don't like him, okay?
00:23:30I just think he has talent and that it would be mutually beneficial for us to
00:23:34Hey, where are you going?
00:23:36Come on.
00:23:40Aren't you coming?
00:23:46My office.
00:23:51So what is this exactly, Mom?
00:23:53Just a new recipe I've been meaning to try.
00:23:55Is that your code for,
00:23:56I just threw in everything I happen to have laying around the kitchen?
00:23:59Oh, Junebug.
00:24:01Juniper, I always have a plan, don't you worry.
00:24:07I loosened it.
00:24:09Can I ask you a question?
00:24:11Why did you and Mom give me that time capsule wish box thingy?
00:24:16I told you, just found it cleaning out the basement.
00:24:19We thought it was cute.
00:24:20Yeah, very cute.
00:24:21So you weren't trying to send me a message?
00:24:25What kind of message would we be sending?
00:24:28Oh, I don't know.
00:24:29The, are you happy? Get your life together.
00:24:31Why aren't you living up to your dreams kind of message?
00:24:35No message, dear.
00:24:36Just thought it was cute.
00:24:37So cute.
00:24:39Oh, you were such a spitfire back then.
00:24:42Do you remember you started writing that novel when you were just eight?
00:24:45Yes, I do.
00:24:46It is one of the four novels I have started and never finished.
00:24:50You should wrap those up.
00:24:51Yeah, wrap it up.
00:24:52Oh my gosh, you guys, enough.
00:24:54I know you don't like Ethan.
00:24:55I know you think I should be doing something different with my life.
00:24:58But you know what?
00:24:59Not everybody gets to choose what they do for a living.
00:25:01And not everybody met the perfect person for them in 10th grade like the two of you.
00:25:10We like Ethan.
00:25:12His clothes are always so carefully chosen.
00:25:16Ties especially.
00:25:18That is hardly a compliment in the world of you two.
00:25:21I am going to set the table.
00:25:27Is that a place for me?
00:25:37I used to curl up right in that spot when I was pretending to be sick.
00:25:41Because I wanted to stay home from school to read.
00:25:44You should tell mom and dad I'm here.
00:25:48Are you joking?
00:25:49They would have me sent away.
00:25:52Anyway, you heard dad.
00:25:54It was just something they found in the basement.
00:25:56They didn't mean anything by it.
00:25:59I think they're fooling with you.
00:26:02You know, I think you might be right.
00:26:05Dinner's served.
00:26:08What are you doing in there, dear?
00:26:12Let's eat.
00:26:27He's just such an interesting character.
00:26:31He's so confident.
00:26:33It's a little unnerving.
00:26:35You should be confident, too.
00:26:37Well, it's not that easy, okay?
00:26:39You can't just be confident.
00:26:42It's something that grows in you over time.
00:26:46As you acquire life experiences and you surmount challenges.
00:26:52But I'm confident.
00:26:54Well, you are a child.
00:26:56An imaginary child, not even a real one.
00:26:59I think.
00:27:02Do like daddy says.
00:27:03Just pretend you have confidence.
00:27:05And then before you know it, you do have it.
00:27:11I think you may be right.
00:27:15Let's do this.
00:27:25Not sure if you remember me.
00:27:27How could I forget you?
00:27:29I'm still really, really sorry about that.
00:27:31Then you really, really need to stop apologizing.
00:27:34I wasn't satisfied with the work and you gave me the chance to take a second run at it.
00:27:38Okay, then I will stop apologizing.
00:27:41I'm Juniper.
00:27:42Juniper James.
00:27:44I remember.
00:27:45Oh, right.
00:27:47And you are?
00:27:49Not a fan of this weather.
00:27:53Makes it impossible to paint.
00:27:55Well, look, I know I already talked to you about this, but I would really like you to consider trying a new way to get your art out there.
00:28:03Oh, I don't know.
00:28:06I like murals.
00:28:07I like to beautify the world.
00:28:10Do you sign them?
00:28:14I leave them unsigned because when people learn who did them, they start adding your story onto what you did.
00:28:21And is that bad?
00:28:22What is when they care more about your story than the work?
00:28:25Well, that wouldn't be true with a picture book.
00:28:28The children wouldn't care.
00:28:30I like books.
00:28:31I do.
00:28:32But I'm going to stick with murals.
00:28:38No problem.
00:28:39Thanks so much for your time.
00:28:48Why are you leaving him there?
00:28:50I have to get him to come with you.
00:28:52You're so bossy.
00:28:53Look, you heard him.
00:28:55He's not interested.
00:28:56And I asked him twice.
00:28:58Listen to the voice inside that tells you when things are important.
00:29:02Well, I thought that was you.
00:29:03So listen!
00:29:05Okay, I'll try one last thing.
00:29:08Okay, sorry to disturb again, but I just need to say that children's books are sacred.
00:29:13They are the bedrock of our imagination.
00:29:15That's where I first came alive as a kid.
00:29:17Where I first found humor and adventure and sheer joy.
00:29:21And they make us who we are and who we're going to become.
00:29:23And they are important.
00:29:27So, I think you're making a mistake.
00:29:32Bedrock of imagination, huh?
00:29:35I like that.
00:29:36You do?
00:29:38Oh, um, then give me an hour.
00:29:41Just one hour.
00:29:42And then if you're still not interested, then I'll leave you be.
00:29:45One hour.
00:29:47One hour.
00:29:48Okay, fine.
00:29:50Because this light is breaking my heart.
00:29:53Here, give me your hand.
00:30:13Okay, so we have some books that Little Light has published.
00:30:17And some classics.
00:30:20And a Caldecott award winner.
00:30:23What about you?
00:30:25What do you mean?
00:30:26I don't want to see the award winners.
00:30:27I want to see the book that means something to you.
00:30:29Only you.
00:30:34Okay, stay right here.
00:30:36Don't move.
00:30:37I'll be back.
00:31:01The Princess Werewolf.
00:31:06So this is your favorite book growing up?
00:31:08My absolute favorite.
00:31:10What did you love most about it?
00:31:11I think how the princess works together with the knight to reclaim the kingdom.
00:31:18It was just very inspiring.
00:31:20I mean, every eight-year-old wishes she could rule benevolently over her own kingdom, right?
00:31:27I can see why you loved it.
00:31:29But your face right now, looking at the images, that is why you should share your work in picture books.
00:31:37Just think of all the little kids reading your book.
00:31:41Their faces lighting up the way yours just did.
00:31:44Are you implying that I have the mentality of an eight-year-old?
00:31:47Look, at the very least, you could take a meeting and then decide, right?
00:31:52What do you have to lose?
00:31:55Well, we need your library card to take it out.
00:31:59Because I don't have one.
00:32:01All set.
00:32:11Here you go.
00:32:13You're welcome.
00:32:14So you said this book inspired you back there.
00:32:16Is that what got you into publishing?
00:32:19Well, kind of.
00:32:21When I was a little kid, I wanted to be a writer.
00:32:24I mean, what booksmart little girl doesn't?
00:32:26But publishing, that came later.
00:32:28All I heard is little Juniper wanted to be a writer.
00:32:35And, yeah, I think most little kids think they know what their life is going to be like.
00:32:40But it doesn't always work out that way.
00:32:42That's why we have professions other than astronaut, movie star, and firefighter, right?
00:32:48Maybe that eight-year-old needs something.
00:32:51Well, she certainly is headstrong.
00:32:55Was headstrong.
00:32:57You should tell me some of her ideas.
00:32:59I'd love to hear them.
00:33:00No, they're nonsense.
00:33:02Those are the ideas of an eight-year-old.
00:33:04Isn't that who we're talking about making a book for?
00:33:08Are we?
00:33:10Are we talking about making a book?
00:33:13I tell you what.
00:33:14You tell me some of those ideas, and I'll consider taking the meeting.
00:33:17No, I can't even remember them.
00:33:19Oh, I don't believe you.
00:33:21Because I can see your eyes light up every time you talk about writing.
00:33:25I see the passion.
00:33:26Okay, that's cute.
00:33:28You're using my technique back on me.
00:33:31We see the same things.
00:33:36I don't even know your name.
00:33:40Alex Ripley.
00:33:46Anyway, so.
00:33:49We have a deal?
00:33:51Sure, yes.
00:33:52I will try to remember my ideas.
00:33:57Let me give you my number.
00:34:02Just give me a call when you're ready to talk.
00:34:08There you go.
00:34:10Oh, wait.
00:34:11I think this one's yours.
00:34:12Yeah, okay, definitely.
00:34:14There you go.
00:34:22You coming?
00:34:55You found my stories.
00:35:07I did.
00:35:15Not bad for an eight-year-old.
00:35:18Not bad for yourself.
00:35:33I hate waking up so early.
00:35:40Me too.
00:35:51Pasta night again?
00:35:53Yeah, pasta nights are great.
00:35:55Once a week, Ethan and I indulge ourselves with a nice pasta dinner that we make together.
00:36:08How do we eat the same dinner every week?
00:36:11I don't know, because it's easier?
00:36:19It's not boring, it's fun.
00:36:24How is it fun to do the same thing over and over again?
00:36:28Remember how Mommy used to say, no such thing as being bored, just being boring.
00:36:33Please don't quote Mom back at me.
00:36:37Anyway, Ethan is not boring.
00:36:39He is stable.
00:36:41That's what he is.
00:36:42He's extremely stable.
00:36:47We are not boring.
00:36:48I'll prove it.
00:36:52Hey, you.
00:36:53Everything okay?
00:36:54Yeah, I was just thinking maybe we could try something different for dinner tonight.
00:37:01Oh, not pasta then?
00:37:03No, we could still have pasta, but what about a different type of pasta?
00:37:08Isn't all pasta sort of the same?
00:37:10I just want to try something different.
00:37:14For sure.
00:37:15What kind would you like?
00:37:16I don't know.
00:37:17Surprise me.
00:37:18Okay, gotta go.
00:37:23Not one word.
00:37:37Now, I know you said you wanted to try something new.
00:37:40But honestly, babe, I looked at all the different boxes and I just thought, if it ain't broke, why fix it?
00:37:45So I just got us penne as usual.
00:37:50I can go back and get something else.
00:37:53No, it's fine.
00:37:56What's all this?
00:37:59I got a Amaretti and Sultana cheesecake and I got some ice cream.
00:38:06Raspberry swirl for fun.
00:38:08Is everything okay?
00:38:09Did something happen at work today?
00:38:13You didn't get fired, did you?
00:38:16Why would you think I got fired?
00:38:18I don't know.
00:38:19You've just been acting odd lately.
00:38:25Ethan, I think we need to go sit down.
00:38:31Ethan, what do you see in the future for us?
00:38:35The future?
00:38:37I don't know.
00:38:38I hadn't really given it much thought, truthfully.
00:38:41I like our little routines.
00:38:44I don't understand where this is coming from.
00:38:47Okay, look.
00:38:48If you could spend time with your eight-year-old self, do you think he would be happy with where you are today?
00:38:54Well, when I was eight, I wanted to be a pilot and travel the world, so probably not.
00:38:59I think you would have made a great pilot.
00:39:01And you should.
00:39:02You should travel the world.
00:39:04That's kid stuff.
00:39:06I couldn't have known anything about real life when I was eight years old.
00:39:09I think you might have known a lot more than you think.
00:39:13And maybe I did, too.
00:39:16All I know is that I don't want to end up with a bunch of regrets.
00:39:22And you're saying being with me might be one of those regrets?
00:39:26Sorry, Ethan.
00:39:46Are you sad?
00:39:47I don't know.
00:39:48I'm a little stunned.
00:39:50Three years is a long time.
00:39:54We had a nice thing going sometimes.
00:39:57I don't know.
00:39:58It just felt like the right thing to do.
00:40:01You know I'm just a kid, right?
00:40:03I don't understand any of this stuff.
00:40:06Junebug, you don't seem like a kid sometimes.
00:40:10Mommy always says we're like eight going on 30.
00:40:14Yes, well, we're past 30 now.
00:40:18You think that's funny, do you?
00:40:28You home?
00:40:33It's Saturday and you're sleeping in?
00:40:36What gives?
00:40:37I thought I was doing a pretty good job of it.
00:40:39Is everything okay?
00:40:41You haven't answered any of my texts.
00:40:44It's just that you and I broke up last night.
00:40:48Was it the pen?
00:40:49It was kind of the pen, yeah.
00:40:51No, I just think it was time.
00:40:55Wait a second.
00:40:56You've met somebody.
00:40:57I can see it from your eyes.
00:40:59No, I...
00:41:01I mean, I met this new illustrator I'm really excited about,
00:41:04if that's what you mean.
00:41:06Yeah, you like his work.
00:41:07Really excited about his illustrations, I'm sure.
00:41:11That must have been really hard.
00:41:12Yeah, it was.
00:41:16Thank you for being there for me for basically my entire life.
00:41:23Katie did.
00:41:25Katie did.
00:41:26Oh, I can't believe you remembered that.
00:41:29You hated our little kid nicknames once we got to high school.
00:41:32Well, yeah, because who wants to be nicknamed after bugs?
00:41:36You're the ones who made them up.
00:41:38Remember, you wrote that little story about us as bugs?
00:41:41Junebug and Katie did forever?
00:41:43Oh, I can't believe you forget that.
00:42:02Do you want another espresso?
00:42:04You might need it to finish all that work you got there.
00:42:07Uh, sure.
00:42:09No, it's probably not a good idea.
00:42:11I never heard from you.
00:42:13Oh, hi.
00:42:17I'm glad you're here.
00:42:18I need you.
00:42:20You do?
00:42:22Yeah, come on.
00:42:23Wait, um...
00:42:24Oh, Micah, watch my table.
00:42:25Yeah, I got it.
00:42:27Time for some penance.
00:42:29No, no, no.
00:42:31Oh, yeah.
00:42:32It's happening.
00:42:33Besides, you won't be.
00:42:35I kind of do.
00:42:37Have a seat.
00:42:38All right.
00:42:39What if I mess it up again?
00:42:40You're not gonna mess it up.
00:42:42You do the background.
00:42:43I'll handle the detail work.
00:42:44I'm gonna use an acrylics, but you have to move fast.
00:42:47This is what painters call open time,
00:42:49because paints are still wet.
00:42:51You can still mix them.
00:42:53Open time.
00:42:54All right.
00:42:55Kind of like that.
00:43:04This is pretty fun.
00:43:06I haven't really done anything like this since I was a kid.
00:43:10A huge part of creativity is connecting with that kid part of yourself.
00:43:13Can I ask you something?
00:43:15Why are you here?
00:43:16What do you mean?
00:43:17Well, you achieved unprecedented success.
00:43:21I've done my homework on you.
00:43:23I don't see it that way.
00:43:24What I mean is it seems like you could be in Barcelona or Lucerne or Kyoto,
00:43:28and you're right here in Seattle.
00:43:34I grew up not far from here.
00:43:36Part of keeping the work fresh is reconnecting with where you came from
00:43:39and what your story is.
00:43:40Yeah, I think that could be my problem.
00:43:43Sort of lost who I was the last few years.
00:43:46It's one of my biggest regrets right now.
00:43:48I don't believe in regrets.
00:43:50But if I had any, it would be not finishing what I started.
00:43:54I can relate to that.
00:43:55I've started writing so many times, and it's always the same.
00:43:59I get spooked and never finish.
00:44:02Doesn't sound worthy of regret.
00:44:03It just sounds worthy of finishing.
00:44:07What about your story idea?
00:44:09I've got notions and ideas, but nothing solid, really.
00:44:13Well, we have a deal.
00:44:15No story, no meeting.
00:44:18But I continue with so many amazing writers.
00:44:21I've already found who I want to collaborate with.
00:44:37Actually, I think I do have an idea.
00:44:41Well, you have my number, so text me some times for a meeting.
00:44:45For real this time.
00:44:46You got it.
00:44:48All right.
00:44:49I should get back so I can get my stuff.
00:44:52Thanks for the help.
00:45:00Alex and Juniper sitting in a tree.
00:45:07Well, at least now you know his name.
00:45:09First come love, then comes merit.
00:45:19You're unhappy.
00:45:21I just don't know what I'm going to tell Alex tomorrow.
00:45:24He expects me to have a story to pitch,
00:45:27and I just don't want to let him down.
00:45:29You won't.
00:45:30He likes you.
00:45:32I need to get some sleep.
00:45:35We're way past our bedtimes.
00:45:37Yes, we are.
00:45:38We're way past our bedtimes.
00:45:40We're way past our bedtimes.
00:45:42We're way past our bedtimes.
00:45:44We're way past our bedtimes.
00:45:46We're way past our bedtimes.
00:45:48Yes, we are.
00:45:56You cleaned up.
00:45:57Feels like the first day of school.
00:45:58I hated the first day of school.
00:46:00Well, it won't be that bad, I hope.
00:46:03I've got a mural to paint.
00:46:05Don't you dare.
00:46:07We're in this together.
00:46:10So you should just think of this as talking
00:46:13to someone who admires your work.
00:46:15If you saw the guy and saw the mural,
00:46:17you would just talk to her, right?
00:46:21All right, fine.
00:46:23What's that?
00:46:24Um, nothing.
00:46:26Ready to go in?
00:46:28Wait, hold on.
00:46:29What's our story here?
00:46:30What are we telling her?
00:46:31OK, so I wanted to talk to you about that.
00:46:33Um, I am really struggling with the writing.
00:46:37So we need to go in there and ask Paula to pair you
00:46:40with a real writer.
00:46:41I'll still be your editor, so we will have
00:46:43But this is really the best decision.
00:46:47No, didn't you just say we're in this together?
00:46:49You're the writer.
00:46:50I'm the artist.
00:46:51And that's what we're going to tell your boss.
00:46:53Come on.
00:46:54But Alex.
00:46:59It's very impressive.
00:47:00You have a distinctive style, which we're always
00:47:02on the lookout for in new illustrators.
00:47:05It's a great portfolio.
00:47:08I didn't compile it.
00:47:10What do you mean?
00:47:11Well, I put it together, Paula.
00:47:14There are pictures of his work all over the internet
00:47:16and people really love it.
00:47:20That's funny.
00:47:21I've always resisted having a portfolio.
00:47:23You'll make a great addition to our team.
00:47:28So the next stage is to find an author to team you up with,
00:47:33which, you know, Little Light is small,
00:47:35but we are a highly thought of children's book publisher,
00:47:38so I'm sure it won't be a problem.
00:47:40Oh, well, I've already found who I want to work with.
00:47:42You have?
00:47:43Was it someone I'd know?
00:47:48It's me, Paula.
00:47:51I'm sorry?
00:47:52I'm going to be writing the text.
00:47:55Yeah, I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for Juniper.
00:47:58She has a real passion for children's literature
00:48:00and has a great idea for a book I think you would find exciting.
00:48:04Hit me.
00:48:06Well, we're not exactly ready to present it yet.
00:48:10But she told me many great things about you,
00:48:12and so I really wanted to meet.
00:48:14I see.
00:48:15It's very nice Juniper said those things.
00:48:17She's a very talented editor,
00:48:19but writing a book is a whole other kettle of fish,
00:48:22so I'm going to have to give this some more thought.
00:48:25It's the first time an employee's ever presented themselves to me as an author.
00:48:31Yes, I have a new fire to deal with here.
00:48:33So, Alex, you're very talented,
00:48:35and Juniper, you just let me know when you are ready to take it to the next stage.
00:48:40Okay, great.
00:48:42Well, off you go.
00:48:43Okay, thank you.
00:48:46Um, of course, yes, always.
00:48:48Got you.
00:48:50I got you.
00:48:53I thought it went well.
00:48:54I liked her more than I expected to.
00:48:56Don't you understand?
00:48:57She expects something soon.
00:48:59Like, soon, soon.
00:49:02I'm just not ready as a writer.
00:49:03I am not ready as a human being.
00:49:04Breathe, breathe.
00:49:05It's going to be okay.
00:49:09What's the absolute worst that could happen?
00:49:11Well, Paula will resent that I put myself forward as writer.
00:49:14Our entire relationship will be soured.
00:49:16Eventually, she'll start to question all of my work.
00:49:19I don't think she's going to...
00:49:20Before I know it, she'll fire me, and I won't be able to pay my rent.
00:49:23Then I'll have to move in with my parents.
00:49:25And then, when I'm living in my parents' basement, I will just...
00:49:28Okay, okay, I get it.
00:49:29I get it.
00:49:30And you've proven to me you have a very crazy imagination.
00:49:33I do.
00:49:34Watch out.
00:49:40Okay, that was a total Lloyd Doppler move.
00:49:43I gave up my boombox and Peter Gabriel tapes a long time ago.
00:49:47Stop it.
00:49:48You don't say anything.
00:49:50Of course, yeah.
00:49:52Yeah, it's classic.
00:49:59Anyway, I have a commission to...
00:50:01I've got to get back.
00:50:07So, where should we start?
00:50:10Let's start tonight at 8 at the cafe.
00:50:12We'll go over some stuff.
00:50:18Anyway, see you tonight.
00:50:21This, yeah.
00:50:28Hi, Mom.
00:50:29What a surprise.
00:50:30To what do we hold this honor?
00:50:32Oh, I don't know.
00:50:33You and Dad are always so sweet about keeping in touch.
00:50:35I just kind of thought it was my turn.
00:50:38And look.
00:50:40Oh, thank you so much, dear.
00:50:41Dad, Juniper's here.
00:50:45Building a house for the birds, Dad?
00:50:47Yep, just got to put a coat of paint on this thing.
00:50:50Well, I could help with that.
00:50:51I just had my first painting lesson.
00:50:53Kind of.
00:50:54Anyway, I wanted to let you know I won't be available much this week
00:50:58because I'm going to be submitting a project to Little Light.
00:51:02Oh, that's wonderful, dear.
00:51:03You're such a good editor.
00:51:05Oh, I'm actually going to be the writer on this one.
00:51:07Yeah, I mean, there's no guarantees
00:51:09because we have absolutely no track record,
00:51:12but Paula really loves Alex's artwork.
00:51:15Alex is the muralist I told you about?
00:51:17I don't think you did.
00:51:20Well, I met him down in Capitol Hill working on a mural,
00:51:23and we just decided to give this thing a go.
00:51:26Oh, that sounds nice.
00:51:30So your dad and I were wondering about the possibility of having a little party.
00:51:35Yeah, just a little.
00:51:36For your birthday, towards the end of the month.
00:51:39Just friends and family, nothing too...
00:51:47Well, you can let us know, and you can invite this Alex.
00:51:50And Ethan, of course.
00:51:52Of course.
00:51:53Ethan and I broke up.
00:51:55I gotta run. Love you.
00:51:58Okay, so our heroine is a young girl.
00:52:01She's imaginative, spirited, occasionally exasperating.
00:52:06I bet that probably described you.
00:52:08Well, actually, I found some visual inspiration for us.
00:52:13And I think she's a little girl.
00:52:16A lot like this.
00:52:19Ah, you liked it.
00:52:20I did.
00:52:21And I think that's exactly what she should look like.
00:52:24I love it.
00:52:25You do?
00:52:26Yeah. Can't wait to start drawing her.
00:52:29So we're doing this.
00:52:32We're really doing this.
00:52:33Yeah, we are.
00:52:36You know you're going to have to put your name on this, right?
00:52:39Because Paula won't publish a book that doesn't credit the illustrator.
00:52:45I think that I would be more than okay to put my name on this.
00:53:04I have two coffees for you.
00:53:07Thanks, Micah.
00:53:09We're not going to be too much longer.
00:53:11Take your time.
00:53:57I like your dance.
00:54:00You'll never guess what just happened.
00:54:02I know. I know it all.
00:54:05Of course you do.
00:54:09You haven't been around as much lately.
00:54:13You know why.
00:54:18I haven't needed you.
00:54:31You know it's bad when you can count the amount of sleep you've gotten in minutes instead of hours.
00:54:37But I guess that's the life when you're the mother of twins.
00:54:40Well, you can hide out here all day if you want.
00:54:43No. I should get back soon or else chaos will erupt again.
00:54:48You ever wonder how you managed to end up where you are?
00:54:50Yeah, I hear you.
00:54:51I guess I'm just shocked at how I managed to make one little compromise after another
00:54:57until suddenly I don't even remember who I was anymore.
00:55:00I don't even have a word for that, you know.
00:55:02Which is?
00:55:04That is a terrible word.
00:55:06An even worse concept.
00:55:08I guess I'm happy I'm writing again, but I forgot how hard it was.
00:55:12I'm totally stuck.
00:55:14Yeah, I get it.
00:55:15I mean, I love my kids.
00:55:17They're all I've ever wanted in my whole life.
00:55:19But sometimes I just wish I could get a vacation.
00:55:23Or even just a day or two.
00:55:25Yeah, just...
00:55:27Just a day or two.
00:55:29What are you thinking?
00:55:31Nothing. I gotta make a call.
00:55:32Yeah, back to real life.
00:55:33Okay. Love you.
00:55:34Love you.
00:55:41It's Wednesday.
00:55:43Yes. All day.
00:55:45He goes to the art supply store on Wednesday.
00:55:47Otherwise the paints dry up and become hard to work with.
00:55:50Or at least that's what he mentioned last week.
00:55:58Can I get another one of these?
00:56:06Rocket fuel for the day?
00:56:08Hey, you.
00:56:10That was nice of you.
00:56:12I have something for you.
00:56:16Are those the...
00:56:17The finished drawings.
00:56:18I sent a link to your email so you could download the digital version, but...
00:56:21I thought you might want the real thing.
00:56:23Can't wait to see them.
00:56:25Just drew it was in my head because of what you wrote.
00:56:28So, uh, how are the rest of the words coming?
00:56:30Honestly, I'm a little stuck.
00:56:33Could use some inspiration.
00:56:37Right there.
00:56:40Wow. Is that yours? That's a classic.
00:56:42I know.
00:56:44Not exactly what I had in mind for you.
00:56:46Well, Mr. Ripley, I have hidden depths.
00:56:50Shall we?
00:56:51You have a boss. What about work?
00:56:52I already called Paula. Even she thinks I need a vacation.
00:56:55Don't worry, Micah can watch your stuff.
00:57:17I recognized this area from when I was a kid.
00:57:20Did you ever come here with your parents?
00:57:23No, I don't think so.
00:57:25You should take the next turn off.
00:57:27Trust me.
00:57:29It's what you're looking for.
00:57:32I trust you.
00:57:36I trust you.
00:57:54This is exactly what I needed.
00:57:56Me too. It's nice not to be staring at a brick wall for a while.
00:58:00Yeah, I thought getting out on the road might spark some ideas.
00:58:03Yeah, seems like you're winning that fight.
00:58:07Well, that's thanks to you.
00:58:09And to this friend.
00:58:12She came along and reminded me of all of my childhood passions.
00:58:16Yeah, so now you're gobbling down pop rocks any chance you get?
00:58:19Okay, okay, so maybe not all my childhood passions.
00:58:24No, I think she just helped me remember that writing can be play.
00:58:29That I don't have to think about the logistics and the marketing and the analytics
00:58:34that I could just write something.
00:58:37Anything, anything at all.
00:58:40Something similar happened to me.
00:58:45I had my first gallery show.
00:58:46Actually, my first show anymore, really.
00:58:49And it went great.
00:58:50It did.
00:58:52But when it came time for the second, I guess there were resentments.
00:58:58And people were not kind.
00:59:01It was just like that.
00:59:03All my passion for painting was gone.
00:59:05Literally in a single night.
00:59:07I guess I was naive.
00:59:09But it really crushed me.
00:59:13I didn't want to be a part of that world anymore.
00:59:17And now you're stuck here with me.
00:59:22I'm suffering for my art.
00:59:23Oh, yes, clearly.
00:59:28You can see Little Juniper down there.
00:59:33Wait, what?
00:59:34You can?
00:59:36Running around.
00:59:37Feeling the sunlight on your face.
00:59:41Dreaming about all the books you're going to write someday.
00:59:47Come on.
00:59:48Let's go check out the town.
01:00:03Everything okay?
01:00:06It's just ironic to be talking about the past.
01:00:09It's a text from my old art dealer.
01:00:14She has interest from the Venice Biennial to exhibit some of my pieces.
01:00:17But I'll pass.
01:00:20Hold on.
01:00:21You're going to pass on going to Venice?
01:00:28Will they pay some of the money?
01:00:31Will they pay some of your expenses?
01:00:35Yeah, but I just don't feel connected to that work anymore.
01:00:38I feel false to put my name on it.
01:00:44What's that face for?
01:00:46Okay, fine.
01:00:47By turning down the chance to exhibit that work, you are pretending you don't have a past.
01:00:52Instead of just reckoning with it.
01:00:54If you come with me, I'll say yes.
01:00:56How does that sound?
01:00:59Because this can't possibly be your only vacation.
01:01:18You're going to have to eat that quick or you're going to ice cream your fingers.
01:01:20Well, you seriously do not have to worry about that.
01:01:23You're pretty excited about that raspberry swirl, but I will say.
01:01:26Interesting choice of toppings.
01:01:28I'm an extra cookie crumbs kind of gal.
01:01:33You know, I could see myself living in a place like this someday.
01:01:37Jinx, you owe me a Coke.
01:01:44Come on, come on.
01:01:45This place is awesome.
01:01:48You know, if you want to go in there, you're going to have to finish your ice cream.
01:01:51You do not have to worry about that.
01:01:53Hmm, all right.
01:01:54I got that.
01:01:55Let's go.
01:01:56I got that covered.
01:02:03I like this one.
01:02:04Buy this one.
01:02:10Maybe this one?
01:02:14That is one of my favorites.
01:02:17You know what I think will fall really nicely on you?
01:02:19I think I have the perfect something something for that.
01:02:24What do you think?
01:02:35Uh, excuse me.
01:02:37I came in with someone.
01:02:38Did she leave or?
01:02:39No, she's right over.
01:02:41I'm right here.
01:02:45You look incredible.
01:02:50No, I mean incredible.
01:02:53Thank you again.
01:02:55What do you think?
01:02:59I love it.
01:03:00I'll take both of them.
01:03:01Thank you, Roz, for all your help.
01:03:05Okay, I'll go get changed and then we can get back on the road.
01:03:07Oh, no.
01:03:08If you dress like that, we're going to dinner.
01:03:10Uh, excuse me.
01:03:11What's the nicest restaurant in town?
01:03:13I would definitely say The Lookout.
01:03:16Great wine list.
01:03:17It's beautiful.
01:03:18Right on the water, too.
01:03:20Um, you're an inspiration.
01:03:22Oh, did I?
01:03:23Do you?
01:03:25Can you do the same for me?
01:03:27I have the perfect thing.
01:03:29All right.
01:03:43You make me feel self-conscious.
01:03:45At least I was able to pick up this cool jacket.
01:03:47Trying to pull off my best James Dean here.
01:03:49Oh, yeah.
01:03:51Oh, I honestly can't tell the difference.
01:03:58This feels really good.
01:04:02So much in my life has changed.
01:04:05I think I really needed this.
01:04:06Oh, and I think I have the title for our book.
01:04:11Oh, yeah?
01:04:12It's pretty simple, actually.
01:04:19It's perfect.
01:04:21It's a lot easier to be creative when you shake up your routine.
01:04:23Yeah, seriously.
01:04:26I spent the last five years never living in the same city for more than a few weeks.
01:04:32It's hard to have a healthy relationship.
01:04:35You can only live your life like that for so long,
01:04:37and I feel like that part of my life is ending.
01:04:42Alex, you don't have to say that.
01:04:46I'm saying it because it's true.
01:04:53So, what are we thinking for dessert?
01:04:55Oh, well, we just had ice cream.
01:04:57Oh, come on. We're on vacation.
01:05:00I'll get menus.
01:05:03I can't eat meat.
01:05:17Well, thanks for taking me on your little vacation.
01:05:22And you're nearby?
01:05:24Yeah, yeah, I'm...
01:05:48Yeah, um...
01:05:51Yeah, um...
01:05:52I've got a studio over there.
01:05:59Well, better get going?
01:06:02That was fun.
01:06:03It's a lot of fun.
01:06:06Okay. Alright.
01:06:10I meant to tell you I have just a few details left on the mural.
01:06:15And I'll finish it tomorrow. I'd love you to come by and see it.
01:06:19Yeah, I'd love that.
01:06:21Great. Um, text me?
01:06:24Yeah, I'll text you.
01:06:25Or I'll text you.
01:06:26Yeah, or you can, we can just exchange texts.
01:06:34Good night.
01:06:35Good night.
01:07:05Good night.
01:07:32Ethan! How are you?
01:07:34I'm doing good. You?
01:07:36It's really good to hear. I'm doing well, too.
01:07:39Well, I'm glad we ran into each other. You know, I had something I wanted to tell you.
01:07:43I signed up for my first flying lesson next week.
01:07:46What? Wow, that's amazing!
01:07:49What about you? You look, uh, you look different.
01:07:52I guess I am. I'm writing.
01:07:55That's fantastic!
01:07:57Well, I guess I should still give you that birthday pen.
01:08:00Oh, that's very sweet, but totally unnecessary.
01:08:02No, no, I want to.
01:08:04I want to thank you.
01:08:06You know, when you broke up with me, well, to be honest, it was hard,
01:08:11but it was the right thing for both of us.
01:08:14I really, really appreciate you saying that, Ethan.
01:08:18Nice to see you.
01:08:47So, did you have a good day off?
01:08:49I did. Thank you. I hope I didn't leave you in the lurch.
01:08:52No, no, we survived. You know, Kylie stepped up, took over some of your meetings.
01:08:56Okay, glad to hear it.
01:08:57Do you think you could bring Alex by? Maybe end of day we could have a meeting, all of us?
01:09:01Sure. I was going to pop out and see the unveiling of his mural, so I'll just grab him then.
01:09:05Perfect. Okay.
01:09:13Wait, wait, wait, wait. Let's do this right. Let's do this right.
01:09:17Keep your eyes closed, okay?
01:09:19Here we go. Drum roll, please.
01:09:23Drum roll, please.
01:09:27I'm really more of a reader than a musician.
01:09:30You mean more of a writer.
01:09:34What do you think?
01:09:36Oh, it's so beautiful.
01:09:40Wait, I don't understand. You could see her?
01:09:48I told you, that was my vision of Junebug from when we were on the beach.
01:09:54But I thought I was the only one who could see her.
01:10:01I guess this means my eight-year-old self approves of you.
01:10:05I'm not sure what that means, but I'm happy about it.
01:10:17Hey, are you free later this afternoon?
01:10:20Let me finish with this. I'm a man of leisure, at least for a few days anyway.
01:10:24Good. Paula wants to have a meeting with us.
01:10:28I look forward to it.
01:10:43I wanted to meet with you in person because I like and respect you both.
01:10:48But we are not going to move forward with this project.
01:10:52That's too bad. Can you tell me why?
01:10:57Of course. Juniper, it's a lovely story.
01:11:01But we're a small boutique firm, and this would be a risk for us.
01:11:06It's a risk I just can't take right now.
01:11:09And Alex, it's more than evident you're talented.
01:11:13But the worry I voiced to Juniper is still there.
01:11:17The scale of your drawings feels off.
01:11:20You're still thinking in terms of painting large walls instead of the delicacy of book illustrations.
01:11:26Maybe if you had stayed with your gallery work, it would be less of a problem.
01:11:33Well, thank you very much for considering it.
01:11:37Of course.
01:11:47What's happening again?
01:11:49No, Alex, it isn't.
01:11:51This is not why I make my work. To have somebody tell me what market it's right for?
01:11:54Look, that's just how she talks, okay?
01:11:57It doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean we can't take our book someplace else.
01:12:00No, I was happy doing my work.
01:12:02All right, now I'm back in the place that I hated.
01:12:04Don't, okay? Alex, don't do this.
01:12:08I gotta go.
01:12:14Why is he going?
01:12:16I don't want him to go.
01:12:18Don't let him go!
01:12:19Well, I wish you would just go.
01:12:21Fine. So I will.
01:12:38Come in, Katie Did!
01:12:40What exactly is going on here?
01:12:43Well, at the moment, I am making a rosé float.
01:12:46Thing is that it's supposed to be made with sorbet, which I do not have.
01:12:49But you know what I do have?
01:12:51Is so much raspberry swirl ice cream.
01:12:53Yeah, that's not how you make a float.
01:12:55So I'm gonna take this away now.
01:12:57So you're not eight years old anymore.
01:12:59No, but those eight-year-olds are still very much a part of us.
01:13:03Okay. What's going on?
01:13:05I can't even really begin to tell you.
01:13:07So let's just say that every dream I ever thought I had
01:13:11seemed to somehow magically vanish into thin air today.
01:13:14Dreams seem like magic, but they're actually the hardest work
01:13:18if you're ever gonna stand a chance of having them come true.
01:13:21Who said that?
01:13:22You did. You said that to me in high school.
01:13:24And I remembered it when I wanted to drop out of college,
01:13:28when I couldn't find a job afterward,
01:13:31when Ryan and I had trouble getting pregnant with the twins.
01:13:33Okay. I get it.
01:13:35You're the hardest-working person I know, Junebug.
01:13:38Why would you give that up now, no matter what's going on?
01:13:46Come here.
01:13:51What did I do to deserve you?
01:13:54You pushed our math together at kindergarten nap time.
01:13:58People really underestimate the importance of that.
01:14:15It looks so good, though.
01:14:17It does not look good.
01:14:19Just taste it.
01:14:49I wish for...
01:14:55Junebug to return.
01:15:19We're all in this together.
01:15:46Hey, Micah.
01:15:51Feels strange not to see him out there anymore, huh?
01:15:55Yeah, I guess he's moved on.
01:15:58He's working across town.
01:16:00On a mural in Fremont by the park.
01:16:04You know the intersection there.
01:16:06I know it.
01:16:07Well, I'll get your Americano.
01:16:11Actually, wait.
01:16:14I'm going to try something different today.
01:16:17What would you like?
01:16:18Surprise me.
01:16:45Hey, are you going to the meeting about the production timetable,
01:16:49or are we going to discuss the next few weeks for no...
01:16:51No, no, no.
01:16:53No more meetings.
01:16:54Juniper, could we move the handle book to the fall release schedule?
01:16:57I'm sorry, what?
01:16:59I'm not going to the production meeting.
01:17:01I'm not going to the morning meeting.
01:17:02I'm not going to the meeting meeting.
01:17:03I'm not going to any more meetings because I am quitting.
01:17:06Yes, I am quitting.
01:17:17Okay, I think we need to discuss this in my office.
01:17:19Look, I just had a glimpse of another life.
01:17:22A different life for one day.
01:17:25And it has apparently made it impossible for me to go back to my old life.
01:17:29Is this because I passed on your project?
01:17:32No, it really isn't, Paula.
01:17:33But I get to concentrate on publishing my first book.
01:17:47Thought you might be gone for good.
01:17:49I won't ever go.
01:17:51How could I?
01:17:52I'll always be you.
01:18:06I thank you for everything.
01:18:08I really mean that.
01:18:12It's been a pleasure.
01:18:33Oh, hey.
01:18:35Hey, Dad.
01:18:38Can you go into the basement for me?
01:18:40I need you to see if you can find something.
01:18:42Do you know where my old CDs are?
01:19:10It's beautiful.
01:19:26Sorry I have to put this thing down.
01:19:27It's actually really heavy.
01:19:28Easy. Easy here.
01:19:29Don't hurt yourself.
01:19:30I need to do more strength training.
01:19:35I did it.
01:19:37I quit my job.
01:19:40That's a huge move.
01:19:42I'm proud of you.
01:19:44But I have something to say.
01:19:47It was just one no.
01:19:50I'm not stopping at the first no.
01:19:52You haven't learned the lesson of your life.
01:19:54You didn't like how your work was being presented.
01:19:56So you changed all that.
01:19:58Why can't we do the same thing for our book?
01:20:01What do you mean?
01:20:02We can find another publisher.
01:20:04Or if we don't, we can publish it ourselves.
01:20:07Isn't that the lesson?
01:20:11I guess so, yeah.
01:20:12I really want to bring Junebug into the world with you.
01:20:17And more importantly,
01:20:21I don't want to lose you.
01:20:24Even if you don't want to be part of the project.
01:20:32I guess there's only one thing left to say.
01:20:35What's that?
01:20:46This is how the movie should have ended.
01:21:19It looks perfect.
01:21:21It is.
01:21:24What's this?
01:21:26Just something from my past.
01:21:29Or it could be my future.
01:21:31It's complicated.
01:21:34How long until everyone's here?
01:21:35Think about it now.
01:21:36You're sure you don't want a big birthday banner?
01:21:39Oh, no, Dad. I don't need anything like that.
01:21:41Or balloons.
01:21:43I'm not eight years old.
01:21:44Speak for yourself.
01:21:46You basically already established I'm a child at heart, right?
01:21:51I think maybe we all are.
01:21:58Okay, I would like to give a little birthday toast.
01:22:02Not to myself, but to all of you.
01:22:08It's because I think birthdays are a time that we should look around
01:22:11and we should see how fortunate we truly are.
01:22:15To have such amazing parents,
01:22:18who raised me from a little Junebug,
01:22:21and such incredible colleagues who have taught me so much,
01:22:27and someone special,
01:22:31who truly sees me.
01:22:43Cheers! I love you!
01:22:49Oh, Andrew!
01:22:55I wanted to ask you something.
01:22:57On the jacket of the book, it says Alex K. Ripley.
01:23:01What's the K stand for?
01:23:03Oh, I didn't tell you?
01:23:07But I don't have any armor.
01:23:11It's okay.
01:23:13I'd rather have less armor and more vulnerability.
01:23:16After all, isn't that the theme of our book?
01:23:19I wouldn't know.
01:23:21I'm not the writer.
01:23:40I'm not the writer.
01:23:41I'm not the writer.
01:23:42I'm not the writer.
01:23:43I'm not the writer.
01:23:44I'm not the writer.
01:23:45I'm not the writer.
01:23:46I'm not the writer.
01:23:47I'm not the writer.
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01:24:31I'm not the writer.
01:24:32I'm not the writer.
01:24:33I'm not the writer.
