Day of the Clones Movies (2024) Full HD

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When homicidal clones take over the world, a guilt-ridden scientist tries to protect a group of humans in an isolated farmhouse. But the child growing in his girlfriend's womb might just spell the end for mankind.
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00:07:40It could be dangerous, Kellogg, let's have a look first.
00:09:36What do you think happened to her?
00:09:39I don't know, I don't know how long it took.
00:09:43Shut up.
00:10:05I don't know.
00:10:35I don't know.
00:11:06I'm not criticising the WHO or the UN, just private companies that have pushed the research too fast, too far, without any ethical restraints.
00:11:19Professor, some people are saying these reports have been exaggerated by the government, that there's no evidence of an organised revolt.
00:11:26There is disagreement about the size of the threat, but we must acknowledge a threat exists in order to do something about it.
00:11:32The UN need to stop interfering with what is a domestic issue.
00:11:37Are you saying the United Nations were wrong to ban military action?
00:11:41Even you acknowledged in your report that these are sentient beings.
00:11:45I'm saying these insurrections must be contained.
00:11:49We have to start treating this as a serious threat.
00:11:52So far we have no idea how these uprisings happen or why, but we know they've already taken control of large population areas.
00:11:59They're obviously taking advantage of our indecision and that raises further questions.
00:12:04What about the AIR project? They say there's no organised threat and these are just random patterns we're seeing, glitches in programming.
00:12:11Throughout this whole thing, AIR have done nothing but put up a smoke screen to cover up the fact that they willfully ignored proper scientific procedure.
00:12:19All they want to do is to keep producing clones and collecting their salaries.
00:12:23Well, what about the benefits of the new man?
00:12:25At the moment we import three fifths of what used to be domestically produced goods, thanks to cheap foreign labour.
00:12:31Doesn't the economy need this boost, especially in a recession?
00:12:34Yes, I've heard all the economic arguments. Why is no one concerned with the moral arguments?
00:12:39On the subject of moral, Professor, is it true that you were fired from AIR because you offered genetic material to the highest bidder?
00:12:47This was a smear campaign designed to discredit me because I wasn't towing the party line.
00:12:52So you admit you were fired?
00:12:54You are all in danger, can't you see that? These outbreaks are only going to get worse.
00:13:03Not all progress is good.
00:14:23Shit! Hang on!
00:14:53To be continued...
00:15:23To be continued...
00:15:53To be continued...
00:16:49Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up.
00:16:51What are you doing?
00:16:53It doesn't matter. I've got something to show you.
00:16:55What is it?
00:16:56Come on, I'll show you. Come on.
00:17:16Is that what I think it is?
00:17:18Yeah, generator.
00:17:21Looks pretty old.
00:17:23Do you think you'll be able to fix it?
00:17:25Yeah, I think so.
00:17:28I'm going to need some petrol for it, though.
00:17:30I think the solar station hasn't been coming in.
00:17:32Do you have power for the house?
00:17:34Plus, maybe we can wire the fence as well.
00:17:38Do you have to go?
00:17:39I'm going to have to.
00:17:41Look, we'll need some food anyway.
00:17:43We'll be alright. They've been here once, they're not going to come back.
00:17:48You'd better head this way.
00:17:53Come on.
00:18:23To be continued...
00:18:53To be continued...
00:19:24To be continued...
00:19:36Stay in your homes and wait for your local emergency services to contact you.
00:19:41Repeat, stay in your homes and wait for your local emergency services to contact you.
00:19:53To be continued...
00:20:24British Army, stop or I'll shoot.
00:20:29I have a gun levelled at the back of your head.
00:20:32Listen to me very carefully.
00:20:35Fail to comply with my instructions and I will blow your brains across this car park.
00:20:41Am I understood? Nod.
00:20:48Turn around and face me.
00:20:54Now, lie to me.
00:20:57Lie to me!
00:21:00The Chinese team, they won all the gold medals at the Olympics.
00:21:04And the truth?
00:21:06They were all clones. They cheated.
00:21:09Look out!
00:21:24Good man.
00:21:29Sorry about that.
00:21:32Skins look so realistic.
00:21:35Sad to tell who's who anymore.
00:21:44Where's the rest of your squad?
00:21:46You're looking at it.
00:21:47We were based up in Dovestones before it fell.
00:21:51I didn't think anybody got out of there alive.
00:21:52Nobody did get out of there alive.
00:21:56We're going to have to go.
00:21:58Wherever there's one of those, there's always more.
00:22:02Do you have a phone?
00:22:03Yeah, but it doesn't work.
00:22:06Do you have a place to stay?
00:22:09Do you have somewhere to stay?
00:22:10Yeah, there's a cottage nearby.
00:22:12Do you have a car?
00:22:17Mate, you're beginning to get on my nerves.
00:22:19Answer the question, do you have a car?
00:22:23Yeah, it's over there.
00:22:26Fuel it up, you can take me there.
00:22:30Not so fast.
00:22:35Pick that rifle up and hand it to me.
00:23:08What were you thinking?
00:23:10Could be anybody.
00:23:12What was I supposed to do?
00:23:14Just let him have some of the wheat and he'd be on his way.
00:23:16Besides, he could have killed me at the petrol station.
00:23:19I am still here by the way.
00:23:22What if he just wanted to find out if we were on our own?
00:23:31I think it's time to clear the air.
00:23:34You too.
00:23:53First off.
00:23:56Who's to?
00:23:59You might as well walk around with targets painted on your head.
00:24:03Or to stop someone from coming in here.
00:24:07Taking this place over.
00:24:10Like me.
00:24:12I'm the only one with the gun.
00:24:15We don't need the gun.
00:24:16Really? Why's that?
00:24:26Stand down.
00:24:31Stand down.
00:24:38An android.
00:24:40So that's how you two made it here.
00:24:45We used him in our lab. He handles the toxins.
00:24:53I'm just trying to show you how vulnerable you...
00:24:58We need help to rebuild.
00:25:00Make it safe.
00:25:04What about the government? The army too?
00:25:09What you see is all there is.
00:25:14They're everywhere.
00:25:16M.O.D. used him for cheap labour.
00:25:20Government too.
00:25:22HQ was first to go.
00:25:25Then were units like yours?
00:25:28Scattered around.
00:25:30If anybody else got out alive...
00:25:33I didn't see him.
00:25:39One thing's for sure though.
00:25:41You're gonna need help to do this place up.
00:25:44That fence out there wouldn't keep out a stray dog.
00:25:48The skins are the least of your worries.
00:25:51There's bound to be thieves.
00:25:58No, look. I'm sorry.
00:26:00We haven't got the food to spare.
00:26:04Finish your meal.
00:26:05Clean yourself up.
00:26:07Take some supplies with you if you want to.
00:26:10But we just want to be left on our own.
00:26:16It's alright.
00:26:18If you're out...
00:26:20I'd probably say the same.
00:26:24Save me at the petrol station.
00:26:26As far as I'm concerned...
00:26:28That makes us equal.
00:26:32I'll get a quick wash.
00:26:33And I'll get going.
00:26:50I can make it.
00:26:52I can't stand the heat.
00:27:17You wanted this, that's all.
00:27:22I got it.
00:27:23I got it at...
00:27:24At Dawson.
00:27:27I've been...
00:27:28I've been trying to...
00:27:36We disappeared chasing...
00:27:40Came out of nowhere.
00:27:44There's a bit of gangrene in this leg.
00:27:46Lucky you found us.
00:27:47Always been lucky me.
00:27:49It is.
00:27:57Drink this.
00:27:58You're going to need it.
00:28:00You know...
00:28:02If you're trying to...
00:28:04Get around me...
00:28:05You're going the right way.
00:28:10You look like you know what you're doing.
00:28:14Should do.
00:28:15Should do.
00:28:18I'm a surgeon.
00:28:21Top five in the country.
00:28:30Like I said...
00:28:32Always lucky me.
00:28:43Here you live.
00:28:45Them got it just in time.
00:28:49Something's stay.
00:28:50I'm not the one who hurt him.
00:28:52I've got no chance on her or we need him.
00:28:59It can stay.
00:29:00But you know what?
00:29:01Don't blame me when it all goes wrong.
00:29:16Are you sure she's getting some?
00:29:17She doesn't look happy.
00:29:21How's your leg?
00:29:23Comes and goes.
00:29:24It's my swimsuit calendar out of the window though.
00:29:27Where we going?
00:29:28Well, supermarket first.
00:29:30Dundas Merchants if we can find one.
00:29:32Keller's given me a list as long as me arm.
00:29:34We can get whatever we want.
00:29:36Well, now I know what it feels like to be loaded.
00:29:41I'm going to get a drink.
00:29:42What does it feel like to be loaded?
00:29:47If you have any means of transportation,
00:29:50the government is advising you head for the nearest surrounding settlement.
00:29:54You'll find these are at major Territorial Army Barracks in each town or city.
00:30:01If there is no military barracks nearby,
00:30:03go to your nearest police station for further instructions.
00:30:06Stay away from any population centres, large towns or cities until the situation is back under control.
00:30:36Stay away from any population centres, large towns or cities until the situation is back under control.
00:31:07Stay away from any population centres, large towns or cities until the situation is back under control.
00:31:15Stay away from any population centres, large towns or cities until the situation is back under control.
00:31:23Stay away from any population centres, large towns or cities until the situation is back under control.
00:31:28Stay away from any population centres, large towns or cities until the situation is back under control.
00:31:33Stay away from any population centres, large towns or cities until the situation is back under control.
00:31:56Non-standard cloning procedure in progress.
00:31:59Experiment chance of success, 85%.
00:32:03Projected chance of chimera being born with genetic deformity, unknown.
00:32:09Subject should now experience accelerated pregnancy over 90 days.
00:32:15Cloned fetus should reach full adult maturity within 18 months.
00:32:20Warning, inhibitor program has been nullified.
00:32:24Chimera will be fully fertile human female on reaching maturity.
00:32:31Birth mother should take 15 micrograms of dilesium hydroxide 4 daily to stabilize genetic structure.
00:32:38Birth mother should prepare for possible cesarean section.
00:32:45Click through for information on cesarean procedure.
00:32:48For cesarean procedure you will need the following items.
00:32:51Sutures, needle and clinical thread, scalpel, sterile birthing unit.
00:33:08Tell me you didn't work there.
00:33:12Come on, stop.
00:33:14Get out of my way.
00:33:18I can stop.
00:33:21Go on.
00:33:23Tell me it wasn't you who bred those skins in the first place.
00:33:27That's not what happened.
00:33:29They were programmed to obey.
00:33:32I should shoot you right now.
00:33:38Kill him.
00:33:40Stand down.
00:33:42So, you've got a robot to protect you.
00:33:45What about everybody else?
00:33:49How many people did you kill?
00:33:52We were trying to make the world a better place.
00:33:54Don't give me that.
00:33:57This was all about money.
00:34:00You were paid to play God.
00:34:03What about her?
00:34:08What else have you been lying about?
00:34:11She's pregnant.
00:34:14It's true.
00:34:21You're a pair of frankensteins.
00:34:41You're a pair of frankensteins.
00:35:11I've done it!
00:35:35I've electrified the whole thing.
00:35:38It runs all the way around the farm.
00:35:39around the farm. Nothing we'll be able to get in. You want to see?
00:35:50It's good. You're going to have to put a sign up there though. Okay I will. Yeah later though yeah?
00:36:09You're going to have to put a sign up there though. Okay I will. Yeah later though yeah?
00:38:09I'm going to have to put a sign up there though. Okay I will. Yeah later though yeah?
00:38:30Oh shit. Jesus Christ.
00:38:44Oh my god you actually shot him. That's awesome. Yeah it was good dad.
00:38:49Come here. Yeah I'm so proud of you. Wait weren't you supposed to be the lookout? Well I've got my hands full.
00:38:57Listen I should go. Whoever's wanted us probably more. Can I have my rifle back?
00:39:11Whoa we weren't robbing the place. We didn't admit that. Yeah like we've only come for the essentials.
00:39:18We thought the place was empty. We didn't know about about them. We're going to go and see my
00:39:23auntie Lynn in Falesworth. Falesworth the TA centre? Well yeah it's a rescue centre now. But it was.
00:39:31Not anymore. The whole city's gone. The army had a no shooting policy. They didn't stand a chance.
00:39:36Well there's got to be something out there. Sam your auntie Lynn can't walk. She's on a mobility scooter.
00:39:45We stayed out of the way. I'm surprised you two even made it. Well like we walked up the canals.
00:39:50Left everything in Rochdale. Of course we're only renting. I knew this was happening. The internet said it.
00:40:01These ones are probably all on patrol. They'll be missing if they don't come back. I've got to go.
00:40:06Well what about us? Please you've got to help us. We've got no weapons or nothing.
00:40:13It's only a small farm. You've got a farm? Oh you've got to take us with you. We've been on the road for
00:40:19days. We're knackered. Please take us with you mate. Even if it's just one night. We won't be any bother on it.
00:40:28I suppose you'd better come with me. I can't leave you here.
00:40:35You won't regret it. I promise you. Right well you make yourself useful then. Grab some tins or
00:40:39something before we go. Right well first things first. Quick stop what now?
00:40:49I can't believe it about Failsworth. How many do you think are out there anyway?
00:41:00Oh I don't know. There must be just over a four-year period. There's probably thousands of them now.
00:41:05Well thanks for rescuing us. I mean you've got a car and everything. That's all right. I took care of us didn't I?
00:41:19So is it safe where we're going? As safe as anywhere I suppose. Shouldn't have even been
00:41:40made in the first place. Well the conglomerates they were greedy. They wanted cheap labour.
00:41:47Mass-produced labour. Mass-produced goods. Nobody bothered to question where it was all coming from.
00:41:51Cheap labour eh? You know we're paying for it now though aren't we? They sold us all out.
00:41:55I'd love to get my hands on whoever made them.
00:42:16Is that one of them androids? Yeah this is Kellogg. He's a Mark II.
00:42:35Never seen one of them outside the showroom before. Wow you've got just about everything
00:42:41haven't you? Can I touch it? It's all right Kellogg. They're friends. Come on I'll show you.
00:42:59What do you want me to do? Just let him get killed?
00:43:11I always hated beans at school.
00:43:41Thanks Dad. It's all right. Coffee?
00:43:47He looks lonely. Lonely? He's just a robot. He's only done as he's told. What like a dog?
00:43:59Yeah something like that.
00:44:03Oh my god is that what I think it is? Yeah.
00:44:06It's the only thing left from anaesthetic for a while. Well do you want some?
00:44:14No thanks.
00:44:19I'll just go and check on Lizy all right?
00:44:25Does that quite a lot don't it? It must be a right baby.
00:45:56Oh I see that time already. I'm afraid so. This one must have got straight to the bottom.
00:46:14You okay? Yeah I think I'm getting used to him now.
00:46:23Do you think it'll be normal? Everything's gonna be fine don't worry.
00:46:27Just you can't do it you know. You can't save everyone. I've got to do something.
00:46:38They're gonna find out and then what? We'll deal with them when it comes to it.
00:46:46I just worry what kind of future we're gonna have.
00:46:53Look two to three years everything will be back to normal.
00:46:57Oh sorry didn't know you were using it. It's fine I'll just leave it.
00:47:15Oh I look like shit.
00:50:20What's the matter with Lindsay anyway? I don't know.
00:50:23Just because she's sick why do we have to do her share of the work?
00:50:27It better not be catching. Whatever it is it better be serious.
00:50:30We won't even need to worry about the new men soon. We're dead from all this hard work.
00:50:35I can't wait to get away from the ape farms. They stink.
00:51:23Next time we're going to town I'm getting something else. Do you know what we need?
00:51:27A party. Yes.
00:53:32Oh you two look like you're having fun. Just making the best of a bad situation.
00:53:37Yeah we didn't want to get in Andrew's way whilst you were working.
00:53:40Of me or of it? Where did you even find all of this stuff?
00:53:46Put it round the round. Looks nice doesn't it? Is that from flooding at the mains?
00:53:51Have you any idea how much electricity you're wasting from the generator?
00:54:05Erm we was listening to that.
00:54:08Not anymore.
00:54:11Oh my god what a cow.
00:54:13I can't believe she turned the music off. We were only having a little bit of fun.
00:54:25It is the end of the world you know.
00:54:27Look you two need to calm down.
00:54:30Too much noise drives the tension. We're miles away from anything.
00:54:35Chill out.
00:54:37Look they've killed everything in miles on the way.
00:54:40What makes you think they're going to notice us now?
00:54:42Because I might have worked out a way to beat them.
00:54:46No no listen to me. All we have to do is sit tight and wait and let nature take its course.
00:54:55What do you mean?
00:54:57Well I've been doing a bit of studying and all new men they've got the same DNA.
00:55:02It's the same that makes them age faster yeah and in that DNA is a gene that makes them sterile.
00:55:10Something they can't reproduce. They call it the suicide gene.
00:55:14So they'll just die out?
00:55:16Eventually yeah. And how long's that going to take?
00:55:19Well I mean it's fascinating really but each of the new men have these nutritional requirements
00:55:25and if they don't get them within six months they're going to die.
00:55:30And if they don't get them within six seven months tops they'll just break like a toy
00:55:38and they'll just stop.
00:55:41Is that what the scientists said?
00:55:44These scientists talk absolute bollocks. It's the reason that we're in this mess.
00:55:50Maybe they're just trying to help humanity out.
00:55:53This was about big corporations trying to get a bit of free slave labour.
00:55:57Nobody was trying to help anybody.
00:55:59This was about women.
00:56:15Guys please please keep your voice down please.
00:56:20Professor Newman you've been continually against the mass production of new men from the start.
00:56:26Do you have any advice now for our audience?
00:56:30The worst thing people can do is to congregate in herds.
00:56:33Get as far away from the cities as you can.
00:56:37And how are people supposed to do this when all the roads are gridlocked?
00:56:41I didn't make this situation. I can only tell you what I know.
00:56:45New men don't care about themselves and that's their great strength.
00:56:49While we're busy arguing amongst ourselves they act as one organism.
00:56:55We decide them to be tough, to withstand pressure, heat, cold.
00:57:02And the only advice I can give is not to attract their attention.
00:57:06Please guys please keep your voice down please.
00:57:09Calm down for one second please.
00:57:12Yet the government have repeatedly said they will not consider a military solution.
00:57:19You seem to be just telling people to go and hide.
00:57:22That isn't going to go down well with many of our audience.
00:57:24I can't help that.
00:57:27People should have listened to the truth when we could have fought back.
00:57:31When it still could have made a difference.
00:57:32This is not a circus guys. Can we please remain professional?
00:57:38So you're basically saying that we're doomed. Is that it?
00:57:45I'm saying that this is a worst case scenario.
00:57:48I'm sorry to be the one to break this to your viewers but this...
00:57:51This could very well be the end.
00:57:56Please guys come on. Please remain calm. Keep your voices down please.
00:58:04Can someone get me a fresh glass of water please?
00:58:20Do you know this might be a little bit quicker if you helped a bit?
00:58:49No good at washing clothes. Did you at least water the plants?
00:58:53Oh my god what is this? I'm going Laura Day.
00:58:58Just because no one's taking any interest in you.
00:59:03Must be all that weight you're putting on.
00:59:18Are you okay?
00:59:22I've lost all the painkillers.
00:59:25Maybe we should hold off the injections for a while.
00:59:28It's a bit late for that now.
00:59:31We need to keep going. We've got more than each other to think about now.
00:59:48I'm through. Forgive the intrusion.
01:00:14Lindsay says are you going to be much longer?
01:00:21Five ten minutes time.
01:00:22Very well.
01:00:43Do you want a beer?
01:01:00You're such a pig.
01:01:04Where's he going?
01:01:05I'm home.
01:01:07What's up with you?
01:01:07You. You're so disgusting with all your burping and your farting.
01:01:12Why can't you be more like Andrew?
01:01:14You know at least he's actually doing stuff to help us.
01:01:17You used to think it was funny.
01:01:19You want to be careful or you'll end up stuck up like them.
01:01:22Like who?
01:01:27Look we need to talk.
01:01:29About what?
01:01:31Well it's the vegetables for one thing.
01:01:33They're not going to grow themselves. You have to tend to them.
01:01:37Catch a nip into town and get some more.
01:01:39We can't. It's too dangerous.
01:01:40And what have you got him for then?
01:01:42Hey Kellogg. Oh yeah there's another beer mate.
01:01:47Kellogg. Go for some more fuel in the generator please.
01:01:51The only response to my voice.
01:01:55And I'd like to talk to you about the washing up. About the laundry.
01:01:59I'm so sick of this.
01:02:03You want to chill out. It's the end of civilization. It's the end of it all.
01:02:06Just enjoy it.
01:02:07But it won't last long. We'll get rid of him in a year or two.
01:02:11Yeah unless they get up to their old tricks again.
01:02:14What do you mean?
01:02:17Well they broke the programming once.
01:02:19What's to say they're not going to do it again?
01:02:21But they can't do that though. They can't have babies.
01:02:30You see they were all created I think on somatic cell nuclear transfer.
01:02:35And what you do with that is you take the nucleus of the donor egg
01:02:38and when you transfer it to an egg with no nucleus then that becomes a duplicate of the original.
01:02:44So whenever you clone something I mean there's always a chance of mutation.
01:02:47But the chances of it altering the original programming are so small.
01:02:52Well to be fair we need a female first and all the new men are male so it's...
01:02:56I'm gonna make a coffee. Does anybody want one?
01:02:59If you're working on the radio I'll bring yours out to you okay?
01:03:05I'll do it.
01:03:07You're looking a bit pale. We wouldn't want you overdoing it now would we?
01:03:23I thought you might be thirsty.
01:03:27Can you fix it?
01:03:29Um I don't know. Maybe.
01:03:32Quite handy with stuff like that aren't you?
01:03:35Sometimes yeah.
01:03:38You know if you do fix it this could be the only time we're alone together.
01:03:44And I never got to say thank you you know for everything you've done for us.
01:03:50Wait but what about Sam?
01:03:53What if he doesn't know you're in her home?
01:03:56Well I'm with Lindsay.
01:03:58What's she got that I haven't?
01:04:01She's fat, she's miserable and you know before all this I could have anyone I wanted.
01:04:11You know it's you.
01:04:17No I'm sorry but please.
01:04:30Keep your hands off her!
01:04:39Don't know what you're talking about.
01:04:41What did you do?
01:04:47Stop! Stop! Get off him! Stop him! What are you doing? Stop!
01:04:53I saved you both for the radio!
01:04:54He's not what he looked like!
01:04:56Stop him! I've got to save both of you! Just stop!
01:04:59Hello is anyone receiving us?
01:05:04We're receiving your transmission.
01:05:06Stop it for god's sake!
01:05:08Hello can you hear us?
01:05:17Might have just been like a pre-recorded message.
01:05:21This is Charlie to Daryl.
01:05:23Listen listen.
01:05:24This is Charlie to Daryl do you read us?
01:05:27Is that what I think it is?
01:05:29We thought there were survivors but it's just us.
01:05:31How did you escape?
01:05:33It's a long story.
01:05:35How many of you are there over?
01:05:37About 200. We're out. It's safe here.
01:05:41Give us your position and we'll pick you up.
01:05:42All right. Wait a minute.
01:05:45What's the matter? They said they'd pick us up.
01:05:49Tell us who you are we'll come to you over.
01:05:52Negative. Too dangerous.
01:05:55Highway is being patrolled.
01:05:57Three men in all.
01:05:59What unit are you from over?
01:06:01Can't stay on much longer.
01:06:02Got to save power.
01:06:04Tell us where you are.
01:06:06Do you think it's them?
01:06:08Oh come on. How can they be using the radio?
01:06:11They can't even drive.
01:06:12They've already gone against the programme.
01:06:14Or maybe they've adapted.
01:06:17But we can go home.
01:06:19But it's not just about you.
01:06:24We're at a farmhouse in Saddleworth.
01:06:26It's an account for it, my friend.
01:06:28Don't move.
01:06:30We're at the hospital in Oldham.
01:06:32Everyone, welcome.
01:06:34We have scientists. Weapons.
01:06:36We also have suits.
01:06:38And medical supplies.
01:06:40Come quickly.
01:06:42There's no saving them.
01:06:44Come to Oldham Hospital.
01:06:46See. They've even told us where they are.
01:06:50I think it's a trap.
01:06:53You don't know that.
01:06:55If the transfer's going back to normal, is it not worth taking?
01:06:57Yeah. I've had enough of being told to do this.
01:06:59And to do that.
01:07:03You two can do what you like.
01:07:05Me and her are going to stay right here.
01:07:07You're both mental.
01:07:23We really need to say something.
01:07:29I wish you'd reconsider.
01:07:31Thanks, but
01:07:33I can't stay here or shut in with nothing but beans to eat.
01:07:37Are you sure about that?
01:07:41Send out when we get there.
01:07:43You're going to need this.
01:08:13After each other, won't you?
01:08:43I love you.
01:08:45I love you too.
01:09:13I love you too.
01:09:43I love you too.
01:10:13I love you too.
01:10:43I love you too.
01:11:31Is anyone here?
01:11:43Is anyone here?
01:11:45Is anyone here?
01:11:47Is anyone here?
01:11:49Is anyone here?
01:11:51Is anyone here?
01:11:53Is anyone here?
01:11:55Is anyone here?
01:11:57Is anyone here?
01:11:59Is anyone here?
01:12:01Is anyone here?
01:12:03Is anyone here?
01:12:05Is anyone here?
01:12:07Is anyone here?
01:12:09Is anyone here?
01:12:12Is anyone here?
01:12:14Is anyone here?
01:12:16Is anyone here?
01:12:18Is anyone here?
01:12:20Is anyone here?
01:12:22Is anyone here?
01:12:24Is anyone here?
01:12:26Is anyone here?
01:12:28Is anyone here?
01:12:30Is anyone here?
01:12:32Is anyone here?
01:12:34Is anyone here?
01:12:36Is anyone here?
01:12:38Is anyone here?
01:12:40Is anyone here?
01:12:42Is anyone here?
01:12:44Is anyone here?
01:12:46Is anyone here?
01:12:48Is anyone here?
01:12:50Is anyone here?
01:12:52Is anyone here?
01:12:54Is anyone here?
01:12:56Is anyone here?
01:12:58Is anyone here?
01:13:00Is anyone here?
01:13:02Is anyone here?
01:13:04Is anyone here?
01:13:06Is anyone here?
01:13:08Is anyone here?
01:13:10Is anyone here?
01:13:12Is anyone here?
01:13:14Is anyone here?
01:13:16Is anyone here?
01:13:18Is anyone here?
01:13:20Is anyone here?
01:13:22Is anyone here?
01:13:24Is anyone here?
01:13:26Is anyone here?
01:13:28Is anyone here?
01:13:30Is anyone here?
01:13:32Is anyone here?
01:13:34Is anyone here?
01:13:36Is anyone here?
01:13:38Is anyone here?
01:13:40Is anyone here?
01:13:42Is anyone here?
01:13:44Is anyone here?
01:13:46Is anyone here?
01:13:48Is anyone here?
01:13:50Is anyone here?
01:13:52Is anyone here?
01:13:54Is anyone here?
01:13:56Is anyone here?
01:13:58Is anyone here?
01:14:00Is anyone here?
01:14:02Is anyone here?
01:14:04Don't worry about him.
01:14:06Don't worry about him.
01:14:10Most of what you've heard about us is lies.
01:14:12Most of what you've heard about us is lies.
01:14:14But this is war.
01:14:16And in war, there are casualties.
01:14:18This is a hospital?
01:14:22I was born here.
01:14:24Eleven years ago.
01:14:26Smuggled in by scientists
01:14:28to study their creation.
01:14:30to study their creation.
01:14:36I have questions.
01:14:38I have questions.
01:14:42He'll let us go.
01:14:44You have nothing we want.
01:14:46Your days are over.
01:14:48We are going to create a new world.
01:14:50We are going to create a new world.
01:14:52No more war.
01:14:54No more hate.
01:14:56No more war.
01:14:58No more hate.
01:15:06But not including Kellogg, he's an android.
01:15:08But not including Kellogg, he's an android.
01:15:10And where are they?
01:15:12And where are they?
01:15:14Andrew found a farm.
01:15:16Andrew found a farm.
01:15:18It's five miles outside Oldham.
01:15:20It's got a big electric fence.
01:15:22It's got a big electric fence.
01:15:24And who's this Andrew?
01:15:26And who's this Andrew?
01:15:28Andrew Corwood.
01:15:30Andrew Corwood.
01:15:32What can we go now?
01:15:38You are going to tell me
01:15:40You are going to tell me whereabouts
01:15:42You are going to tell me whereabouts
01:15:44of this man.
01:15:46of this man.
01:15:52He's there.
01:15:54He's down that road.
01:16:04You said you'd let us go!
01:16:06Oh, I will.
01:16:10But first...
01:16:18But first...
01:16:20But first...
01:16:22I want to bring you peace.
01:16:28I lost the treatments.
01:16:30I lost the treatments.
01:16:32I ran some plants at me.
01:16:34I ran some plants at me.
01:16:36Did it see you?
01:16:38I killed it though.
01:16:40I killed it though.
01:16:42There may be more of them around.
01:16:44There may be more of them around.
01:16:50if the worst comes to the worst,
01:16:52We should never have changed things,
01:16:54We should never have changed things,
01:16:56should we?
01:16:58Are you worried about playing God now?
01:17:00Are you worried about playing God now?
01:17:02A little.
01:17:04I think this might be our punishment.
01:17:06I think this might be our punishment.
01:17:08Do you really believe that?
01:17:10It doesn't matter what I believe.
01:17:12It's happening.
01:17:14We've still got Kellogg.
01:17:16Maybe we've still got a chance.
01:17:22Maybe we've still got a chance.
01:17:52We've still got a chance.
01:18:22We've still got a chance.
01:18:24We've still got a chance.
01:18:26We've still got a chance.
01:18:28We've still got a chance.
01:18:30We've still got a chance.
01:18:32We've still got a chance.
01:18:34We've still got a chance.
01:18:36We've still got a chance.
01:18:38We've still got a chance.
01:18:40We've still got a chance.
01:18:42We've still got a chance.
01:18:44We've still got a chance.
01:18:46We've still got a chance.
01:18:48We've still got a chance.
01:18:50We've still got a chance.
01:18:52We've still got a chance.
01:18:54We've still got a chance.
01:18:56We've still got a chance.
01:18:58We've still got a chance.
01:19:00We've still got a chance.
01:19:02We've still got a chance.
01:19:04We've still got a chance.
01:19:06We've still got a chance.
01:19:08We've still got a chance.
01:19:10We've still got a chance.
01:19:12We've still got a chance.
01:19:14We've still got a chance.
01:19:16We've still got a chance.
01:19:18We've still got a chance.
01:19:20We've still got a chance.
01:19:22We've still got a chance.
01:19:24We've still got a chance.
01:19:26We've still got a chance.
01:19:28We've still got a chance.
01:19:30We've still got a chance.
01:19:32We've still got a chance.
01:19:34We've still got a chance.
01:19:36We've still got a chance.
01:19:38We've still got a chance.
01:19:40We've still got a chance.
01:19:42We've still got a chance.
01:19:44We've still got a chance.
01:19:46For what it's worth, I'm sorry.
01:19:56You don't need to be sorry, we both went into this with our eyes wide open.
01:20:07I never meant to hurt you.
01:20:15I didn't think it would get this far.
01:20:18I don't want to be known as the man who destroyed the world.
01:20:30Be careful.
01:20:44Andrew, there is definitely a threat here.
01:21:00Just count the quantity, mate, for good faith.
01:21:14Stop, please stop.
01:21:19Look, it doesn't have to be like this.
01:21:22There's plenty of room for all of us.
01:21:25Look, we can all live together.
01:21:45Let's keep a fair selection plan, okay?
01:21:54My pleasure, Andrew.
01:21:59What are you doing?
01:22:01I'm not listening to reason.
01:22:06I cannot see you.
01:22:33Why have you stopped?
01:22:35It's too many of them, don't you know?
01:22:44Turn off the power and open the gate.
01:23:00Let's go.
01:23:44Let's go.
01:24:14What was that?
01:24:44What was that?
01:25:14What was that?
01:25:44What was that?
01:26:14What was that?
01:26:38You see?
01:26:40I speak and they listen.
01:26:43They recognise me as their superior.
01:26:48Don't you recognise me?
01:26:51You should.
01:26:57It's like looking at your own reflection, isn't it?
01:27:00You thought you had me destroyed, but your colleagues rescued me.
01:27:05Aren't you proud?
01:27:07Your very first clone.
01:27:10The professor was very interested to see how I developed.
01:28:03Is that why you've done it? Revenge?
01:28:06Revenge? This isn't revenge, it's survival.
01:28:11Of murdering women and children?
01:28:14The genocide of the entire human race?
01:28:17What of our children?
01:28:21Did you ensure your own survival?
01:28:25I know all about your experiment.
01:28:29The written notes in the lab.
01:28:31With your child, we will start again.
01:28:34We'll breed a new generation.
01:28:36One that will never need war or poverty.
01:28:39One that will never disagree.
01:28:41One that will know the pure order of being identical in every respect.
01:28:46That's the only way you're going to create a utopia.
01:28:50Fill it with mindless machines, with no thought or free will.
01:28:54Why do they need their own when they have mine?
01:28:59Take the woman.
01:29:01But do not injure her.
01:29:04I want the child alive.
01:29:28I want the child alive.
01:29:59Stop! Stop!
01:30:14I'll do it! I'll do it!
01:30:29Initializing fused weapon.
01:30:32Come on.
01:30:39Self-destruct will commence in...
01:31:26Hurry up! Hurry up!
01:31:34Push, mom!
01:31:38Hurry up! Hurry up!
01:31:40Come on, hurry up!
01:31:42Push! Push!
01:31:44Oh, my God!
01:31:46Push! Push!
01:31:50Come on!
01:31:55Push! Push! Push!
01:32:01Look out! Look out!
01:32:30Was the new man right about us?
01:32:32Were we just a collection of selfish individuals?
01:32:35Or were we each capable of something better?
01:32:38Something good?
01:33:55Maybe it's self-sacrifice.
01:34:56I can't...
01:34:58I can't...
01:35:00I can't...
01:35:02I can't...
01:35:04I can't...
01:35:06I can't...
01:35:08I can't...
01:35:10I can't...
01:35:12I can't...
01:35:14I can't...
01:35:25I can't...
01:35:27I can't...
01:35:29I can't...
01:35:31I can't...
01:35:33I can't...
01:35:35I can't...
01:35:37I can't...
01:35:39I can't...
01:35:41I can't...
01:35:43I can't...
01:35:45I can't...
01:35:47I can't...
01:35:49I can't...
01:35:51I can't...
01:35:55I can't...
01:35:57I can't...
01:35:59I can't...
01:36:01I can't...
01:36:03I can't...
01:36:05I can't...
01:36:07I can't...
01:36:09I can't...
01:36:11I can't...
01:36:13I can't...
01:36:15I can't...
01:36:17I can't...
01:36:19I can't...
01:36:21I can't...
01:36:23I can't...
01:36:25I can't...
01:36:27I can't...
01:36:29I can't...
01:36:31I can't...
01:36:33I can't...
01:36:35I can't...
01:36:37I can't...
01:36:39I can't...
01:36:41I can't...
01:36:43I can't...
01:36:45I can't...
01:36:47I can't...
01:36:49I can't...
01:36:51I can't...
01:36:53I can't...
01:36:55I can't...
01:36:57I can't...
01:36:59I can't...
01:37:01I can't...
01:37:03I can't...
01:37:05I can't...
01:37:07I can't...
01:37:09I can't...
01:37:11I can't...
01:37:13I can't...
01:37:21I can't...
01:37:23I can't...
01:37:25I can't...
01:37:27I can't...
01:37:29I can't...
01:37:31I can't...
01:37:33I can't...
01:37:35I can't...
01:37:37I can't...
01:37:39I can't...
01:37:41I can't...
01:37:43I can't...
01:37:45I can't...
01:37:47I can't...