Connor Coyle vs Kyle Lomotey (03-08-2024) Full Fight

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00:00Okay boys, we've gone through all the rules, I want you to obey my commands, I tell you to break, break clean, defend yourselves at all times boys, touch gloves, good luck.
00:30The one facing the sun, we prefer it really to be the other way around. Coyle in the orthodox stance in the black, gold and green, Lamonti the southpaw in those black shorts.
00:44All of Coyle's career so far has been in the USA, a couple of fights in Mexico, he's based in Florida with Jim McLaughlin.
00:51They were introduced by a mutual friend, McLaughlin in the Florida Boxing Hall of Fame has seen the likes of Keith Thurman, Jeff Lacey, Winky Wright passed through his old St. Pete's gym.
01:10He's two years retired actually, when these two first got together and came out of retirement for Coyle because he felt that he could see some ability in him.
01:19There's a lot at stake for both of them here tonight Matt, we talked about how Coyle is poised for a really big fight, but for Lamonti this is exactly what he wanted and what he needs to just ignite his own career.
01:33Exactly, when you were talking about, when he was walking to the ring and you were talking about his career and he had that loss when he wasn't really fit and I thought this is the opportunity that his career has been crying out for and equally kind of Coyle on the verge of big things, can't afford any slip ups so an awful lot at stake here for both men.
01:55Little bit of a feeling out process going on here, Coyle looking to try and land that right hand and slightly short with it.
02:04You know, Southpaw is orthodox lead hands, cancelling each other out a little bit at the minute, both looking for the backhand.
02:13Coyle trying to throw the right hook, body and head, hasn't quite found the distance yet.
02:20I think that was just balanced, that hit the gloves and he tripped over his feet there.
02:26The front feet just clashed a little bit there and they did again there which is always a hazard when you've got an orthodox fighter up against a Southpaw.
02:37The textbook tells you that what you're looking to try and do here is get your lead foot on the outside of your opponent's lead foot.
02:44That's the battle for the real estate if you like.
02:50Lamonti just trying to find the target with that jab.
02:55Not with any great forces yet.
03:00Yeah, I don't always agree with that analysis of the Southpaw getting their foot outside the distance.
03:05You look at Bernard Hopkins, probably one of if not the best fighter you'll ever see boxing a Southpaw and he always used to go the other way.
03:12He used to keep his foot inside and look to drive the right hand down the middle.
03:16He used his lead hand to cancel out their lead hand and he backed his right hand against their left hand.
03:26Closing stages of round one.
03:29Not too much landed by either one of them.
03:32This one's scheduled for eight.
03:36Arriving earlier on, Stephen McKenna and Joe Lawes.
03:42Now this is going to be an interesting fight.
03:45They've had a lot to say to each other and I don't think they are going to have to go looking for each other.
03:52The pair of them, Matt, have both got this kind of intensity of different kinds that feels like it could shift tectonic plates at times.
04:04You listen to them talk about fights and see how revved up Lawes gets and how just icy and determined McKenna gets.
04:11There's a lot to like about this.
04:13Yeah, both really intense and both very different.
04:15Like you say, Lawes quite vocal, loud, outspoken, brash, while McKenna's just steely, emotionless almost.
04:28So into the second.
04:30We've got that kind of hum around ringside that you get when you have fights in the open air.
04:36The sound tends to drift around, swirl around somewhat in a way that it doesn't when you're in an arena.
04:42It's quite a unique experience and the fighters will be finding that too because they'll feel that breeze just drifting over the pitch.
04:51In the heat of battle it will be very welcome, but other times it might give them just a little bit of a chill.
04:56It's something that they're not really used to early stages of round two.
05:00Coyle again looks for that right hand, but that back foot just comes round slightly as he throws it.
05:06Yeah, he didn't quite land it there, but I think he's doing the right thing now.
05:09Coyle in this round, targeting the body, just drove that straight right hand into the chest.
05:17Labote just dips those knees and sends his left hand long into the stomach there of Coyle.
05:22It didn't do any kind of damage, but he landed it nonetheless.
05:32Plenty of boxing in the Coyle family, his great granddad and great uncle Jimmy and Billy, both won Irish featherweight titles.
05:39Back in the day he was a decent amateur, taking his career stateside like another dairyman from a few years ago.
05:48John Duddy, he did that with great effect in a different part of the country.
05:52He was up in New York rather than down in Florida, but Irish fighters can tend to be quite itinerant.
06:00Oh, good shot, lovely work. And again, lovely right hands there from Coyle.
06:04Good, solid connection with both of those right hands.
06:07And Labote, I don't think is absolutely solid here.
06:09He took a tumble to the canvas that was caused by the pair of them tangling, but I think he felt those.
06:14I agree with Andy, I think obviously the ref rightly didn't call it a knockdown.
06:19He did push him to the floor, but I do think he was a little bit shaken by those two right hands.
06:34That was a good body shot there from Labote.
06:37I think Coyle should target the body again actually.
06:40Keep pouring that jab, mix it up, feint, sometimes throw the jab, jab the body as well.
06:45But certainly drive that right hand into the chest.
06:58Into the final 30 seconds of round two.
07:00Into the final 30 seconds of round two.
07:22Just reaching with the right hand from a little bit too far out there, Coyle needs to get a little bit closer with his feet.
07:30Boxing on Sky Sports, brought to you by Voltirol.
08:00Straight styles.
08:30Into the third round.
08:37And some big, big news to fill you in on from Paris, from the Olympic Games.
08:41Lewis Richardson has won his quarterfinal at 71 kilos and is now guaranteed at least a bronze medal.
08:48He's beat Zaid Ashaish of Jordan, that was a really hard fight for him.
08:53That is just tremendous news because it's been tough for GB, it really has.
08:57But he's made it through Lewis Richardson, he qualified at the last gasp in the final qualifier.
09:03Had lots of injury problems, has had a rollercoaster time of it.
09:07But he's got that win, which is absolutely fantastic.
09:14Labote just trying to lead off with that right hand.
09:18He's well set up isn't he Matt, he's got good technique, you can see that he's well schooled.
09:23But there's not much on his shots, not yet anyway.
09:25No, he's waiting a little bit too long.
09:31Conoco maneuvering him into positions.
09:35And landing the better shots.
09:37Labote, capable, you can see what he's trying to do, but he's just waiting a little bit too long.
09:44That was better from him, decent left hand there.
09:50Long left into the body there.
09:51You can see that just knocked Coyle back and caused him to just take a step off, get his balance back and regroup.
09:59Coyle trying to work in behind the double jab.
10:02He's got to come in, he's got to use the feint, then the double jab, then the right hand.
10:06Because Labote backs up, so he's got to go and go again.
10:11Single shots or even the one-two's not going to do it.
10:15He's got to feint, then come in behind the double jab, then drive the right hand into the body.
10:18Then maybe come back upstairs with the left hook to the head.
10:22That's better, put shots together.
10:26Just maneuvered Labote back to the ropes, he was caught a little bit square.
10:32And Coyle able to let his hands go.
10:34That lofty ranking he has with the WBA, courtesy of winning the NABA title in spring 2022 and defending it a few times since then.
10:57So he's climbed up that ladder.
10:58Erislandi Lara, the champion with the WBA.
11:01Shane Moseley Jr. was installed at number one actually earlier this week.
11:06The ranking's coming out on the first day of the month.
11:09Coyle stayed at two, Moseley Jr. came in at one, so that could be a fight that he has soon.
11:16Assuming that he comes through this okay, which at the moment he is.
11:19Okay, let's go backstage to Polly James.
11:22She's with Joe Laws.
11:26Joe, you're looking pretty fashionable before the fight tonight.
11:29Thank you very much.
11:31Barnsley FC, Bogart Stadium.
11:33Let's do it.
11:35Let's have a walk.
11:37Let's make some noise because I'm coming.
11:39He wants a first round stoppage.
11:41You're not going to make it that easy for him though, are you?
11:43Oh, I would love to be six foot seven as well.
11:45But no.
11:46He's not getting nothing.
11:48Where I'm from, I take nothing lying down.
11:50He wants more.
11:52I'm bringing more.
11:54So let's go, son.
11:56It's been pretty heated all this week from yourself especially.
11:58How do you calm down?
12:00How do you relax a little bit in these final moments?
12:02I've been sharing a room with my life.
12:04I'm a part of Turner.
12:06I've been watching Rocky movies, having a laugh, having nanos.
12:08I'm chilled.
12:10I'm good.
12:12It's game on.
12:14Is this the fight of the night?
12:18Thank you very much.
12:20It's an interesting one, Joe Laws, Matt,
12:22because we first saw him in Newcastle on Lewis Ritson undercards.
12:24He sold bundles of tickets.
12:26And when you're a ticket seller like that
12:28and it gets you places on big shows,
12:30sometimes people are waiting for you to fall.
12:32He did against Ryland Charlton in lockdown.
12:34And people did seem to celebrate his demise a bit.
12:37And he's had to build back since then.
12:39And now he finds himself taking away corner jobs
12:42like he did against Michael Hennessy Jr.
12:44He's doing it again tonight.
12:46And he's relishing it.
12:48Yeah, there's no pressure on him.
12:50The pressure's all on McKenna.
12:52And they don't mind that either, by the way, McKenna,
12:54that he's happy to be the favourite.
12:56He sees himself bigger and better and beyond Joe Laws.
13:00But I think however long this fight lasts,
13:02it will be exciting.
13:05Coyle just trying to manoeuvre Lamonti
13:08into a position really where he can let that
13:10long right hand go.
13:12He did it there, but it didn't land absolutely clean.
13:14That's what he's kind of got to do here.
13:16He's got to put pressure with his feet,
13:18manoeuvre Lamonti into positions in the ring
13:21and then use the feint, try and draw out the lead
13:24and then come back in, quick double jab,
13:26quick feet, push him behind it,
13:28then throw the right hand to the body
13:30and then hopefully finish upstairs to the head
13:32with the left hook.
13:35You know, consistent, educated pressure.
13:41Working those hands, Lamonti.
13:43Every now and again has landed that long left hand
13:45into the body.
13:47Coyle just inching forward with that front foot.
13:54Consistent from Lamonti, finishing with the right hand
13:56to the body, then finding that left downstairs.
13:59Yeah, and even then, that was a nice little short
14:01left hand into the solar plexus
14:03and before that, it was a good left hook to the body.
14:05So, you know, Lamonti, very capable himself.
14:08That's good, these are good shots.
14:10Good right hook to the body.
14:39When he comes forward like that,
14:43Coyle, every now and again,
14:45those feet tend to fall over the hands of it, don't they?
14:48He steps with the punches and the feet cross slightly.
14:52Yeah, you've got to be careful of that.
14:54He doesn't want to, you know, lose his balance
14:56or trip over himself.
15:02Set himself well for that right hand.
15:09Come on, Coyle!
15:19Good right hand.
15:24Decent finish to the round here for Coyle.
15:39Conor, all you have to do is the same thing.
15:42Keep the pressure.
15:44He's scared to death.
15:46You can see it in his eyes.
15:48Now, listen to me.
15:50The same thing, but put your shots together, okay?
15:52Bop, bop, bop.
15:54Yeah, I know.
15:56Don't smother yourself, but be close enough
15:58that that left hook, if you turn it right,
16:00he's going to sleep, okay?
16:02Now, you just got your rhythm going.
16:05Now, keep it going.
16:06You've got to put more pressure on him.
16:08You cannot let this guy go to death.
16:10He can't hurt you.
16:12The crowd, even us.
16:14It's pretty simple, that, from Jim McLaughlin, isn't it?
16:17They just want him to raise the temperature
16:19bit by bit by bit.
16:21We're four rounds in, we're in the halfway stage.
16:23He's found his timing, is what he's saying, essentially.
16:25And he needs to make it uncomfortable now.
16:27Yeah, exactly.
16:29You've got your distance, you've got your rhythm.
16:31Let's up the pace now.
16:33Let's go through the gears.
16:34Let's go through the gears.
16:46He's been out of the ring for a while.
16:48As I said, he was supposed to fight in February,
16:50but that injury to a tendon by the right elbow,
16:5411 days out, caused him to pull out.
16:56And that was a bitter blow.
16:58I'm pretty sure if it had been left up to him,
17:00he would have boxed.
17:02But it's one of those situations where it's better
17:04if it's not left up to the fighter,
17:06because that kind of injury,
17:08if the tendon comes away from the elbow,
17:10then you've got a really big problem.
17:16Yeah, so even the ring rust, you know,
17:18first four rounds against the Southpaw as well.
17:21Especially one like Lamonti, who's a bit cagey,
17:24like I say, knows his way around the ring.
17:28Take you a few rounds to shake that rust off,
17:30get that distance, get your timing.
17:35Keep that shape, keep that shape.
18:01Lamonti just looking for that long left hand.
18:03Doing a decent job here of keeping Coyle at some distance.
18:08So far.
18:11Good right hand to the body there, though, from Coyle.
18:17Let's see Coyle now just let his hands go a little bit more now.
18:20He's manoeuvred, he's backed him into the corner here.
18:23Let the hands go, but don't overthink it.
18:25Double jab, right hand, body or head.
18:33He's backed him into the corner.
18:35He can't go anywhere.
18:48That's some decent defensive work there from Lamonti.
18:50Having him to just slip and roll on the ropes.
18:53Just prior to that, as you say,
18:55he had him in the corner, he's got him in the corner.
18:57He's got him in the corner.
18:59He's got him in the corner.
19:00Just prior to that, as you say, he had him in the corner.
19:03And he then showed him the exit along the ropes.
19:06Stepped over to close it and threw the right hand.
19:08But maybe not quite with as much conviction as you would expect.
19:13Yeah, exactly. He didn't commit to it.
19:15He let him out.
19:26Move, move, move!
19:28OK, we've heard from Joe Laws.
19:30Let's hear from Holly now with Stephen McKenna.
19:35Well, Stephen, there's been a war of words this week.
19:37You've remained relatively quiet.
19:39I assume you're going to be doing your talking in the ring.
19:41Yeah, I'm in top form. I'm looking forward to this one.
19:43It's going to be explosive from the get-go.
19:44So you don't want to blink.
19:46I'm going for an early knockout.
19:48They're saying this is going to steal the show tonight.
19:51First round stoppage still?
19:53Yeah, definitely.
19:55Anytime I go in there, as I said, I go for bombs.
19:57Nothing is going to change tonight.
19:59I'm in the form of my life and I'm really looking forward to it.
20:03You really want to teach this guy a lesson, don't you?
20:05Well, someone has to put manners in him and it's going to be me.
20:14I mean this in a good way, Macklin.
20:16There's a definite cyborg vibe about Stephen McKenna, isn't there?
20:22Yeah, definitely. I know exactly what you mean.
20:27Just emotionless.
20:36So into round six.
20:41And I think it is time just for Coyle now
20:44to dial things up.
20:46That's what the corner were asking for.
20:48Lamote's not going to make it easy for him.
20:50As I said in that previous round,
20:52he did pretty well to establish that distance,
20:54keep that distance, but Coyle maybe wasn't as proactive
20:57as the corner would have liked him to have been.
20:59But we've still got eight and a half minutes left here.
21:09But you know, he's got him cornered up there.
21:11This is where, these days, hands go.
21:12It's not like Lamote carries knockout power threat either.
21:16He can afford to...
21:18Somebody's not even taking a chance.
21:20Just come in behind the jab, double jab right hand,
21:22and then put your shots together.
21:24You've got him backed up, you've got him cornered.
21:26He can't go anywhere. Let your hands go.
21:28That's better.
21:43Just reaching a bit for that right hand
21:45to the body there, Coyle.
21:47Lamote steps in and throws his own left hand.
21:51Just pushes out the jab.
21:55Aimed the uppercut, but didn't land it.
22:04Come on, Coyle!
22:06Come on, Coyle!
22:08Come on, Coyle!
22:09Come on, Coyle!
22:11Come on, Coyle!
22:13Come on, Coyle!
22:15Come on, Coyle!
22:17Come on, Coyle!
22:19Come on, Coyle!
22:21Come on, Coyle!
22:23Come on, Coyle!
22:25A minute remaining in round six.
22:33Two left after this,
22:35but he does need to try and click through the gears a bit here, Coyle,
22:37because this has been fine so far,
22:40but it's just threatening to get a bit pedestrian.
22:43Yeah, he's just, like I say,
22:46just waiting too long, just hesitating long enough.
22:49They're missing the moment.
22:53It's almost like he's waiting for the perfect shot.
22:58It's a good stage to be fighting on this.
23:00A good occasion and a good opportunity
23:02to really show the UK fans
23:05what he can do here, Coyle.
23:07That will not be lost on him.
23:09He may just be biding his time.
23:14That's more like it,
23:16but then through that four-punch combination
23:18and just stepped on.
23:38Yeah, you know, decent right hand.
23:40He's winning the rounds.
23:42Just like to see him up the pace a little bit.
23:47Like I say, he's doing the hard part.
23:51He's manoeuvring Lamoche back into the corner,
23:55and then he's waiting a little bit too long and letting him out.
24:04That's nice.
24:05Can you stay on that jab, please?
24:07Just every now and then.
24:10Get a bit closer with that jab.
24:12He did do this.
24:18Right, Coyle.
24:20We don't want to be...
24:24This is their first fight together, actually.
24:27Prior to that, he's been with Alex Matvienko.
24:32A fighter from Alex Matvienko,
24:33a fighter from Alex Matvienko's gym,
24:35also boxing at the Olympics, Cindy Nganba.
24:44Picked up a very, very good win in her first fight.
24:48Penultimate round here, round seven of eight.
24:51Connor Coyle in the black, gold and green.
24:54Carlo Lamoche in the black.
24:57Coyle has controlled the fight, you would say.
25:04But it would be good to see him just punctuate it
25:09with some good, solid punching in this final couple of rounds.
25:12He's obviously a thinking fighter,
25:14but I think at times here he's overthinking it.
25:16He's just got to let his shots go more.
25:19That's better.
25:34Lamoche looking for the one-two there.
25:37Don't think he quite landed.
25:43I think this pace, the slower pace, suits Lamoche as well.
25:47I think it would be better for Coyle if he could
25:52get up the tempo a little bit.
25:57He's got to be careful.
25:59He's got to be careful.
26:01He's got to be careful.
26:04But as mentioned, there is a big fight on the horizon.
26:08He is coming back from an injury.
26:10Quite a problematic one from what I'm told by fighters.
26:13Tendon injuries.
26:15Injuries to elbows.
26:17Good left hand there.
26:19Lamoche was wrecked by that.
26:21Now just looking to try and cover up a little bit.
26:24A minute remaining in round seven,
26:26and that's certainly registered.
26:28Good left hook there.
26:30Definitely shook the legs.
26:31Again, goes for the left hook.
26:41Setting his feet there, Coyle.
26:43Lamoche managed to dip his knees and roll out
26:45underneath the right hand.
26:52Lamoche looks like his head's cleared.
26:55Landed a decent left hook himself there.
26:57Seems to have got his feet back under him.
27:00But that was a good little patch there for Coyle.
27:03Landed that good left hook.
27:27Let's have a look at that left hand.
27:33Yeah, just countered over the top
27:35of Lamoche's right hook.
27:37See, Lamoche goes to the right hook here,
27:39and he just countered over the top,
27:41which caught him high on the head,
27:43I think, around the temple.
27:50And his legs just did a little bounce today
27:53as he tried to step away.
27:54Let's win this.
27:56Love this round.
27:58There's a lot of people from Brazil.
28:00Well, our team support tonight sees
28:02Caroline Dubois go up against Mario Maneo
28:05for the WBC Interim title
28:09and the right to fight Katie Taylor,
28:11should Taylor decide to come back down
28:13to lightweight again after her fight
28:16at Superlightweight later in the year.
28:18Mario Maneo there, Uruguayan fighter,
28:20boxing out of Argentina.
28:22She's got a good leg,
28:24a good resume,
28:26and that should be a good watch.
28:33So the eighth and final round.
28:36Just as he caught Lamoche with that left hand back,
28:39I was just saying that fighters
28:41who've had elbow, tendon injuries,
28:43things of that nature,
28:45have said to me that they are a bit difficult
28:47because a bit like a hamstring,
28:49you don't really know whether you can trust it
28:51until you get back in there.
28:52And it's always a bit of a worry.
28:54And so getting back in there tonight,
28:56going eight rounds,
28:58and knowing that all is well at the coil,
29:00that will definitely be a good thing.
29:02Without a doubt,
29:04and any injury when you first come back,
29:06you've got to get your confidence back in there,
29:08particularly boxing, throwing punches.
29:10So, yeah, totally understandable.
29:12That's a nice jab,
29:14just laid back at a distance,
29:16came back in,
29:18then landed a right hand,
29:20came in behind it,
29:22and just at times
29:24would have liked him to maybe
29:26get through the gears a little bit.
29:28But like you said,
29:30that's ring rust,
29:32probably confidence in the injury,
29:34just overthinking it a little bit.
29:38And you know,
29:40Lamoche, you've got to give him credit as well.
29:42He's been pretty shifty,
29:44pretty good upper body movement,
29:46defense on the ropes.
29:48And landed some decent shots himself,
29:50particularly the left hand to the body.
29:53Come on, come on!
29:55Come on, Lamoche!
29:58Move, move, move!
30:01Midway through round eight.
30:05And that stand opposite this,
30:07filling up all of the time.
30:09Move, move, move!
30:11Come on, Lamoche!
30:13Jump, jump, jump!
30:16Jump, jump!
30:18Come on, Lamoche!
30:20He's sticking out!
30:22Move, move, move!
30:24Move, move, move!
30:26Move, move, move!
30:29Move, move, move!
30:31And again, he does well on the ropes there, Lamoche.
30:34He just sunk into them,
30:36and then dipped away to his right-hand side,
30:38got underneath the right hand.
30:40That's what I mean, he's been fairly slippery.
30:42He's not been easy to pin down.
30:44Good left hand for him there.
30:46It was. He really set his feet for that.
30:48And again, they're closing stages,
30:50but he dug his toes in with both of those.
30:52In a way that he hasn't really in the fight up until now.
30:56March him back, Daniel! March him back!
30:59March him back!
31:01Jump, jump, jump!
31:06Get up! Get up!
31:16Move, move, move!
31:19Move, move!
31:30So, the eight rounds completed.
31:33Connor Coyle raises his right glove to the cameras,
31:36to the stands.
31:38He's back in action, he's back in the groove
31:40after a lay-off and some frustration.
31:44And a decent performance there from him,
31:46but also from Karl Lamotte,
31:47who, as Matt was saying, was well set up, organised,
31:50good technique.
31:57And I think he can move upwards and upwards from here as well.
32:00And for Coyle, it was a case of shaking off some ring rust,
32:04getting out in the UK for the first time.
32:06So, this is a big night for him in that regard.
32:11But his eyes were always on what was going to come after this.
32:15Well, they don't want to peak too soon, do they?
32:18They need to pace themselves.
32:20They need to slow down, lads.
32:27But that stands with pretty full from early on,
32:30from the fights that we streamed earlier on Facebook,
32:33where people were filing in,
32:35almost as soon as doors opened, really,
32:37because this is something new.
32:39A fight on this scale,
32:40in Barnsley.
32:42Plenty of cards have been put on here,
32:44by Steffi Ball, for example, for a long time.
32:46But at the stadium,
32:48this is something new for everyone.
32:50And everybody's determined to enjoy it.
32:52And enjoy it, I'm sure they will.
32:54They'll enjoy it all the more, of course,
32:56with a Callum Simpson win.
32:58That is far from guaranteed
33:00against Zach Shelley.
33:02That's our top of the bill coming later.
33:07OK, that's it.
33:09OK, let's get the announcement out for Big Mo.
33:16Ladies and gentlemen,
33:18after eight full rounds,
33:20we go to referee Mark Lyson for the official decision.
33:22He sees the contest 77 to 75,
33:25declaring your winner,
33:27and still undefeated,
33:29Connor the Kid
33:35So, Connor Coyle gets the win.
33:36He keeps that 100% record,
33:38and he keeps his sights trained
33:40on that eliminator.
33:42Maybe a final eliminator
33:44with the WBA.
33:46A successful night for him,
33:48and we will be hearing from him.
