Rescued Dinosaur Loves To Cuddle With Grandma

  • last month
Giant lizard runs to greet his dad when he gets home and loves riding shotgun. We talked with his dad, Jake, about how he rescued Blue and made him his son.


00:00Make you look very fat and warm.
00:05He would actually seek out affection from my grandmom.
00:09Sometimes my grandmom would actually ask to hang out with Blue
00:13rather than the dog or me.
00:17You got a puppy?
00:19He acts like a puppy.
00:21Hello. Oh, oh, you're coming to say hi.
00:24He shows affection towards me.
00:29He will run to the door and greet you when you get home.
00:37I rescued Blue from his previous owner.
00:40When I took him to the vet, they ended up telling me that he had parasites.
00:44He was in poor shape.
00:47He didn't really like to hang around people.
00:50Come here, buddy. No.
00:54At around 2 years of age, he wanted nothing to do with me.
00:58But when he turned about 3 years old, he just came down instantly.
01:03He actually came to enjoy riding in the car with me.
01:09Hi. Hey, Blue.
01:11Hey, Blue. You enjoying the ride?
01:15He likes it when we're going somewhere, either to the vet or to a friend's house even.
01:20With my friends, he would be in their lap.
01:23He makes people light up.
01:26That's one of the coolest things about Blue.
01:31He likes it when people rub his back and the top of his head.
01:34He thinks it feels good.
01:37I think he'll seek out the affection that he didn't have at first.
01:40You coming over here to say hi?
01:50I know.
01:53Once we get back home, I always let him use the restroom.
01:57Bring him in, I'll put him in the bath, get him smelling good, get him clean.
02:05Two-thirds of my room is dedicated to Blue.
02:09He's got a very large enclosure that needs to be well-maintained.
02:13I've got these little stairs set up for him that are at the entrance.
02:18I have to always keep it humid, and I have to maintain the temperature, make sure it is exactly where he likes it.
02:24As well as make sure his UVB lights are always working and on.
02:29I want only the best for him.
02:32He has a special spot in my heart.
02:36How you doing?
02:37My family loves him, and he reciprocates affection.
02:41Look, look at his mouth.
02:44The relationship that Blue and I have is truly unique.
02:49I wouldn't trade Blue for anything in the world.
02:54Come on, you're not leaving.
02:57You have to try this another time.
