Denver Broncos @ Dallas Cowboys ( 1995 Week 02 ) - 2. half

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00:00:00But difference in the half was the interception by Larry Brown to the six yard line.
00:00:06As you look at how Denver through the years, that defense has performed, fifth in 91, then the 22nd, 19th, and then last year, 28th in the league.
00:00:16It cost Wade Phillips his job and Mike Shanahan, known for his offensive prowess as a coach, but it's been his defense that has most improved, Phil.
00:00:25That's right, Wade Phillips was a defensive coordinator, Mike Shanahan, offense, and got it turned around.
00:00:31Dallas gets it first, Kevin Williams on the kickoff return, and it's stopped at the 23 yard line.
00:00:38But all being said, and again, the score in the game, 14 to 7, being close, but the way the Cowboy defense played, we'd be guilty if we didn't talk about them.
00:00:49What's been spectacular, just like it was last week, and really they give you nothing, when they give you the outsides, John Elway can't take advantage of it because of the pressure of the pass rush.
00:00:58I think that was the whole key in the first half for Elway, is that he just didn't have time to throw the ball, except in that last drive.
00:01:03Then he had some time, and they also ran the ball pretty well.
00:01:06All right.
00:01:08Each team trying to join those who have opened the season with two victories.
00:01:13From the 23, Aikman to Enoch, and brought down after a three yard game by Griff Hager, a veteran from Texas, unrestricted free agent, one of the many changes in this Denver defense.
00:01:28How much has it changed in one year?
00:01:30Only one man, Simon Fletcher, is at the same position this year as a year ago, and he's the one guy that you're going to talk about too little bit later.
00:01:39He's going to retire.
00:01:41Well, and William Dean Perry isn't on that list, because Perry injured in the opening game win, but it wasn't as serious as first feared, and they feel they'll get Perry back in three, four weeks.
00:01:50The fake reverse to Williams, Dan Williams pressuring Aikman, and Aikman has to throw it away.
00:01:55So Dan Williams, who nearly made the tackle on the reverse to Williams in the first half, wasn't fooled by the fake and was all over Aikman.
00:02:03The other thing about it, James Jones, number 93, was sitting right there on Emmitt Smith.
00:02:07Here's the fake.
00:02:09Williams doesn't take the fake, but when Troy Aikman throws the ball, he's actually throwing it away into the ground, because James Jones, number 93, was sitting there with Emmitt Smith.
00:02:19Nice play. Good defensive play all the way around.
00:02:24Third down, seven.
00:02:33Aikman to the sidelines to Irvin, Irvin hit immediately by Randy Hilliard, but it's good enough for a first down at the 35-yard line.
00:02:48Simon Fletcher's inside here.
00:02:50You're going to see him right here, defensive lineman standing up, and then he's going to drop back as the ball is snapped.
00:02:55It looks like a blitz by the Bronco defense.
00:02:58They disguise it.
00:02:59It's a zone, but Troy Aikman's not fooled.
00:03:01It goes outside where the single coverage is for the first down.
00:03:04Fourth catch for Michael Irvin.
00:03:06He had seven against the Giants.
00:03:19Running back of the Cowboys, Simon Fletcher makes the tackle.
00:03:22We talked to Simon, one of the really enjoyable men to meet in this league.
00:03:29He's got a bright sense of humor.
00:03:31He's a connoisseur now.
00:03:32He's got dog houses, five of them, says five migraines as you're trying to run them.
00:03:38But I tell you what, they still got that sack dog.
00:03:40You know, that's the one with a chili and they got the jalapeno and the cheese.
00:03:44That's the one Paul likes.
00:03:45We go to Denver, we're getting them, right?
00:03:47He said that's a big seller and it's also the most expensive.
00:03:53Good job there by the Denver defense of just going along the line of scrimmage and not
00:04:08getting blown off the ball, stringing it out in the defensive corner.
00:04:12Ray Crockett comes up and makes it really no game.
00:04:14I think that's the one thing that Denver, you must do against Emmitt Smith.
00:04:18We talked about it so many times about his cutback all the time, Dick.
00:04:21He never runs into the hole.
00:04:22We asked him, he said, no, I don't run into the hole.
00:04:24I run to what hole I see.
00:04:26But if you can string Emmitt Smith out and let him run sideways, he doesn't hurt you.
00:04:31163 yards in the opening game, 71 today.
00:04:37Under pressure, Aikman dumps it off to Emmitt.
00:04:39First down and more to the 50 and into the Denver 47.
00:04:44Aikman hit hard from the backside by Elijah Alexander.
00:04:52Elijah Alexander out here on the outside is just going to come free because of this blitzer
00:04:59They occupy all the Cowboy linemen.
00:05:01Again, not enough people there to pick up.
00:05:05Troy just gets it off and Emmitt makes a defender miss to get the first down.
00:05:09Yeah, but look at Emmitt.
00:05:10He's all by himself.
00:05:11He comes out here.
00:05:12Washington comes up and watch this move.
00:05:13See it?
00:05:14And that's the one that they laugh at when they see a defender, you know what I'm saying?
00:05:18Dallas does.
00:05:2111 yards left.
00:05:24It's a good yard.
00:05:25It's an out-of-bounds right at the sticks at the 36-yard line.
00:05:31First down.
00:05:32Knee brace and all.
00:05:35It's funny.
00:05:36Troy Aikman said, yeah, I used Dick Rogers up at the first half.
00:05:38He said, yes, I use everything now.
00:05:39I've got the bigger face mask.
00:05:41I've got knee brace now.
00:05:43I've got all these pads that I'm wearing.
00:05:45He said, I'm getting too old for this stuff.
00:05:47But he is in great shape.
00:05:48He also told us every day during the week, he goes out and jogs three or four miles.
00:05:53Besides all the workout he does with the Cowboys.
00:05:55So he did, like you said, he did look in great shape.
00:05:58And it shows on the field the way he's moving around.
00:06:00His toughest job is getting along with his neighbor.
00:06:03That's right.
00:06:04Terry Bradshaw.
00:06:07Oh, the fumble by Johnson.
00:06:09And right back into the arms of Johnson.
00:06:12That's when you say a little thank you down there.
00:06:16Fumbles it forward.
00:06:17He's on the ground.
00:06:18And it's kicked right back into his left.
00:06:22Big chance for Denver loss.
00:06:24Dante Jones makes a good hit inside.
00:06:27Jars the ball loose of Moose.
00:06:29And watch this.
00:06:30Number 34 Tyrone Braxton tries to get it.
00:06:32Knocks it back to Moose Johnson.
00:06:35It's not supposed to happen that way.
00:06:37Good teams are not supposed to get all the breaks like that.
00:06:39That's when you know that you are lucky.
00:06:41Well, but credit Jay Novacek for putting the hit on Braxton.
00:06:44To deny him the chance of recovering it.
00:06:46And a pick up of four yards.
00:06:49Reverse to Williams going the other way.
00:06:51Chased by Hager.
00:06:53And tackled by Atwater.
00:06:55A gain of one.
00:06:57You know, you can't talk enough about Steve Atwater.
00:07:00I mean, the first half, the first quarter,
00:07:02all you did was mention his name on every play.
00:07:05And then this has got to be the toughest tackle in the world
00:07:08for anyone, including a defensive back.
00:07:10The wide open field.
00:07:12And Atwater just makes the plays.
00:07:14What really impresses me so far about the Denver defense.
00:07:17We've seen a lot of trickery by the Dallas offense.
00:07:19Reverses, screens.
00:07:21And they're not fooled by anybody.
00:07:23Any of that.
00:07:24They're disciplined.
00:07:25Staying where they're supposed to.
00:07:26And stopping these plays.
00:07:28Third down, four.
00:07:30Three wins for Dallas.
00:07:34Over the middle.
00:07:36Dragged down by Alexander.
00:07:37First down of the 20.
00:07:41He has spread the whole field.
00:07:44Spread the whole field out again.
00:07:46And then you've got Elijah Alexander one-on-one
00:07:49on Jay Novacek.
00:07:50And Aikman, you can see him when he drops back.
00:07:53He already reads it.
00:07:54He sees it.
00:07:55Novacek's already got the first down.
00:07:57Alexander, that's all he can do is just make the tackle.
00:08:01Barry Switzer, of course, likes that.
00:08:03And Jay Novacek, you've got to give him a lot of credit.
00:08:05Faking inside, faking outside.
00:08:07That time, he just ran into the defender,
00:08:09knocked him off of him, and then cut across the field.
00:08:11There's plenty of this opening drive in the second half.
00:08:14Smith, caught in the backfield.
00:08:16Twists away.
00:08:17Instead of making five, he drives for a first down.
00:08:25Shane Dronet had him in the backfield for a loss.
00:08:28Shane Dronet shoots inside right here.
00:08:30Beats the block before it gets there.
00:08:32Well, really, he's not even blocked.
00:08:34And still misses Emmitt Smith.
00:08:36A good turn by Emmitt.
00:08:37Comes around.
00:08:38Good block on Steve Antwater.
00:08:40And Lionel Washington tries to make a tackle for Emmitt.
00:08:43Break and tackles.
00:08:44A five-yard loss turns into a big game.
00:08:47Twelve yards.
00:08:48A 17-yard difference.
00:08:50First and goal, Dallas at the eight.
00:08:57Out of bounds at the seven.
00:08:59Ooh, and one of the cameramen across the way took a mean hit.
00:09:03You know, you say great players make great plays.
00:09:06Well, we saw one in the first half with Emmitt Smith.
00:09:08And we just saw the one to play before.
00:09:10And this time, Emmitt Smith is going to the outside.
00:09:12He's taking a look to the outside.
00:09:14There's no place to go.
00:09:15And then Bracken knocks him out of bounds.
00:09:17But he's going to also wipe out a cameraman.
00:09:19Well, that's so tough.
00:09:20Those guys have a lot of heavy equipment and no way to protect
00:09:23themselves trying to protect their camera.
00:09:26He's so tough.
00:09:28Second and goal.
00:09:29Fake to Smith.
00:09:31Another scramble.
00:09:33And a spectacular defensive play by Crockett to avoid making
00:09:37contact and a penalty and knock the ball away.
00:09:40Did you see Aikman throw this ball?
00:09:42I mean, that thing was on a rope.
00:09:44But Crockett, you're absolutely right.
00:09:46Watch him stay with Michael Irvin.
00:09:48He's going to stay.
00:09:49He's going to stay.
00:09:50He's going to stay.
00:09:51He's going to stay.
00:09:52He's going to stay.
00:09:53He's going to stay.
00:09:54He's going to stay.
00:09:55He's going to stay.
00:09:56He's going to stay.
00:09:57Michael Irvin, he just stays and stays and stays.
00:09:59You talk about patience here.
00:10:01He has the patience.
00:10:02He's watching Troy Aikman and then he steps in front.
00:10:04That ball is humming.
00:10:05There's just no way for either one of them to catch it.
00:10:08What was impressive there, too, is Ray Crockett could stand in
00:10:11there and take that shot by Michael Irvin because he's
00:10:14famous for knocking defenders off of him.
00:10:16He says you have to know how to be physical with some players
00:10:21and be fast with others.
00:10:24to the left Irvin to the right
00:10:26Johnston moves out onto the
00:10:28right slot in a similar
00:10:32situation first score of the
00:10:34game third and goal over the
00:10:37middle touchdown Novacek one of
00:10:49the many weapons of the Cowboys
00:10:51tied in Jane Novacek his fifth
00:10:53catch today he had five against
00:10:55the Giants Jane Novacek is going
00:10:57to go up the field fake outside
00:10:59come inside Moose Johnston goes
00:11:01underneath it confuses the
00:11:03Denver defense a double out
00:11:05there good move by Jane Novacek
00:11:07another change up by the Cowboy
00:11:09offense impressive drive to
00:11:12start the second half
00:11:18extra point 77 yards
00:11:22seven minutes nine seconds and
00:11:24a seven yard touchdown to
00:11:26Novacek here you're going to see
00:11:28Troy Aikman dropping back he
00:11:30knows the play they got on he's
00:11:32look at the second receiver
00:11:34coming through Jane Novacek
00:11:36Elijah Alexander having a tough
00:11:38day covering this guy 14
00:11:41surgical plays Dr. Troy Aikman
00:11:44the Cowboys 77 play drive 14
00:11:51plays 77 yards for the
00:11:53touchdown to open the second
00:11:54half 21 to 7 Baker's kick to
00:11:57Milburn finally gets the chance
00:12:08to play he's been idle for about
00:12:1030 minutes well the Denver
00:12:16Broncos at 15 minute break at
00:12:18the intermission and then
00:12:19watching Dallas consume all that
00:12:20time here in the second half
00:12:22finally offense on the field
00:12:25he's back he was injured late in
00:12:29the first half and Rod
00:12:31Bernstein former Texas Aggie and
00:12:34San Diego Charger inside across
00:12:37the forty five to the forty six
00:12:39yard line the onlet and got three
00:12:42miles with a tackle what's Brian
00:12:46Habib on this play right here
00:12:47you're going to see him come
00:12:48around block out and create the
00:12:50hole for Rod Bernstein in behind
00:12:52him pulls around kicks it out
00:12:54Rod Bernstein does a good job of
00:12:55following up inside having good
00:12:58success inside running today
00:12:59really the only thing this
00:13:01offense has done really well is
00:13:02run inside second and six goes
00:13:10for a big Miller incomplete
00:13:14Clayton Holmes on the coverage
00:13:19Miller had his hands on it I
00:13:23gotta believe right at the end
00:13:24of this thing that Anthony
00:13:26Miller the sun gets in his eyes
00:13:28maybe not is looking downfield
00:13:31and I saw him at the end no it
00:13:32doesn't there he got back out in
00:13:33the sun but he was right there
00:13:35but I don't know if Holmes
00:13:36grabbed his face mask or not on
00:13:38this play does Holmes grab his
00:13:39face mask he's just going for
00:13:42the ball it looked like his hand
00:13:44got up in that mask but it's
00:13:46clearly he was only going for
00:13:47the football he does take so
00:14:10many hits and it is quite
00:14:13incredible that he still is
00:14:1635 producing with all the
00:14:18contact he has faced in his 13
00:14:20year career.
00:14:21You know this.
00:14:22Nothing could be more
00:14:23frustrating for a quarterback
00:14:24who first of all he's going to
00:14:25make an offense six men on the
00:14:28line of scrimmage five yard
00:14:30penalty third down twice has
00:14:33happened Phil Roderick Thompson
00:14:37up here number 76 you can see
00:14:39he's off the line of scrimmage
00:14:40right here the formation is not
00:14:42legal because of that he's got
00:14:44the ball on the line of scrimmage
00:14:46so it's the second time the
00:14:47Denver line has done that today
00:14:49and I can kind of understand
00:14:51that Paul because this pass
00:14:52rusher trying to get that first
00:14:53step back there to get ready
00:14:55again as I said it's going to be
00:14:56frustrating for a guy like
00:14:57Elwood who runs takes a shot and
00:14:59picks up the first down and
00:15:00it's all called back.
00:15:02That's going to be a touchdown
00:15:04for the Denver Broncos.
00:15:06Fifty nine yards.
00:15:14What they did on this play here
00:15:16and they go away from Haley.
00:15:18They double team him with
00:15:19Zimmerman and with Gerald
00:15:21Davis on the left hand side and
00:15:23Elway rolls back to his right.
00:15:24And this is the first time
00:15:25they've done that.
00:15:26They've done that.
00:15:27They've done that.
00:15:28They've done that.
00:15:29And Elway rolls back to his
00:15:31And this is you've got to know
00:15:33I don't know if you had the arm
00:15:34good enough to throw it all the
00:15:35way back across like Elway does
00:15:36but he throws this thing all the
00:15:37way back across the field.
00:15:38Could you have done that.
00:15:39Yes I could have.
00:15:45Miller has got two passes today
00:15:47and both for touchdowns eleven
00:15:49yards and now fifty nine yards
00:15:51and it was open another time and
00:15:52a tip ball denied him perhaps the
00:15:54head trip.
00:15:55So Denver strikes quickly to
00:15:57answer Dallas's touchdown to
00:15:59open the second half.
00:16:00Bono or I'd rather chase him
00:16:04as the extra point and it's 21
00:16:0714 on the touchdown.
00:16:13We just saw.
00:16:14Here's what happens Anthony
00:16:15Miller against Larry Brown goes
00:16:17down and sells the route all the
00:16:19way inside and then the last
00:16:21second turns back to the outside
00:16:23and this is how he gets so wide
00:16:26He's got a good job of selling
00:16:27it waiting to the last second
00:16:29throws it all the way across the
00:16:30field and Anthony Miller soft
00:16:32hands makes the catch.
00:16:33He kicks it off spins it short
00:16:35this time.
00:16:36Kevin Williams to the 14.
00:16:45Tough little guy to tackle at
00:16:47five nine stocking one ninety
00:16:50Kevin Williams Anthony Miller
00:16:52two touchdowns for the Broncos
00:16:54here again.
00:16:55Anthony Miller watch this.
00:16:56Watch how far he goes across the
00:16:59Kevin Brown's going to cut in
00:17:00front of the interception.
00:17:01Oh it's too late.
00:17:03Good play.
00:17:04Good fake.
00:17:05And Elway holding the ball until
00:17:07Leon let him selling it right to
00:17:09the end buying that time.
00:17:11He didn't say it but he likes
00:17:13what shows on the scoreboard 21
00:17:19It was a fascinating design
00:17:21Elway rolling to get more time
00:17:24getting it well going all the
00:17:25way to the inside the blocking
00:17:27protection just enough time and
00:17:29the Cowboys 14 to 7.
00:17:3821 14.
00:17:48Why now Washington makes the
00:17:50tackle first down at the Denver
00:17:53And appreciate that Denver
00:17:56What's really important what
00:17:57sets it up here.
00:17:58What's here.
00:17:59The double team on Charles Haley
00:18:00and Shannon Sharpe up top double
00:18:02team in the defensive end to give
00:18:04John an extra time.
00:18:05And it's only a two receiver
00:18:08And you'll see both wide
00:18:09receivers get wide open.
00:18:10Mike Prichard at the top of the
00:18:12It's open for a touchdown.
00:18:13Anthony Miller down here.
00:18:16It's also open for the
00:18:24He has nearly 10 inside the 40
00:18:27of Denver before Lionel
00:18:28Washington can make the stop and
00:18:30Emmett Smith now only six yards
00:18:32from another century day.
00:18:35That's nice.
00:18:36Jordan touchdown again with 21
00:18:37to 14.
00:18:38But you've got to stop this
00:18:41You score that quickly but you
00:18:42have to stop the other machine.
00:18:44Dallas Cowboys.
00:18:45Well the Cowboys have gotten in
00:18:46rhythm and they are really
00:18:47guessing with the Bronco defense
00:18:50They know when to throw it when
00:18:51to run it and they're having a
00:18:53hard time stopping either one of
00:18:55Now you have to salivate over
00:18:56these situations as a quarterback
00:18:58Bill second a less than a yard
00:19:02down with which to play and
00:19:03Aikman Thompson is going to go
00:19:05for six Tyrone Braxton over to
00:19:10help on the coverage of Ray
00:19:14He had Jay Novacek wide open
00:19:17down the middle and this play
00:19:19was designed to go to Kevin
00:19:21Williams and Jay Novacek with
00:19:23that pump.
00:19:26Jay Novacek is going down the
00:19:28middle of the field.
00:19:29You're going to see him right
00:19:31But what happens is the safety
00:19:32reads the quarterback size and
00:19:34when he sees Troy Aikman look
00:19:35right make this pump he goes
00:19:37that away and really Troy puts a
00:19:39little too much air under it and
00:19:41he's over there to make the hit
00:19:43third down and less than one
00:19:46that's Emma Smith.
00:19:59Would it ever tell us Kelly
00:20:01offensive line.
00:20:02I just tell him just hit
00:20:03somebody and I will do the rest
00:20:06and just get out of my way.
00:20:07Don't look back.
00:20:08Go forward.
00:20:09He just sees the whole he reads
00:20:10it better than anybody else.
00:20:11And then the short power
00:20:14I mean he knocks at water off
00:20:16Crockett and friends it takes
00:20:18three guys to bring him down
00:20:21mentioned that Aikman is 10
00:20:22pounds lighter.
00:20:23Emmitt isn't lighter but all of
00:20:25them have trimmed down in terms
00:20:26of body fat in the offseason
00:20:32while Emmitt gets a breather is
00:20:34tackled for a loss.
00:20:35The 28 he's the rookie from
00:20:37Alabama picked in the second
00:20:39Smith with one hundred and sixty
00:20:41three yards last week and one
00:20:43hundred and four today active
00:20:49hundred yard rushing games
00:20:52Sanders Barry Sanders with forty
00:20:54one and Thurman now Emmitt with
00:20:57thirty two hundred yard plus
00:20:59days it's easy to overlook the
00:21:01fact that Smith is still a young
00:21:03player he's only twenty six and
00:21:07his sixth sensational season in
00:21:09Dallas Simon Fletcher was one of
00:21:18the men helping to cover as
00:21:20ninety seven Mike Lodish the
00:21:21former Buffalo Bill one of the
00:21:23acquisitions for Denver made the
00:21:27Well with incredible shrinking
00:21:28cowboy look at that body that
00:21:30hardly violates this three but
00:21:34they are shrinking in terms of
00:21:35that body fat.
00:21:37I think I got all of it.
00:21:39You're there.
00:21:40Donators you're a recipient of
00:21:44the time.
00:21:47What a good guy you are.
00:21:49Aikman overshoots and Braxton
00:21:51with a chance for the
00:21:52interception defensive line
00:21:55offside you know that on that
00:21:56last play when Lodish got in on
00:21:58Troy Aikman after the play was
00:22:02Troy Aikman throws the ball
00:22:04The offensive line just started
00:22:06talking to each other.
00:22:07I mean you know number ninety
00:22:09six and number ninety nine and
00:22:11ninety nine.
00:22:12He's got the ball.
00:22:13He's got the ball.
00:22:14He's got the ball.
00:22:15He's got the ball.
00:22:16Number ninety six and number
00:22:18ninety nine defense five yard
00:22:22And I go back and grown up but
00:22:24with the offensive line that
00:22:25they just got to themselves and
00:22:26they started talking.
00:22:27I say hey you know this is my
00:22:28man this your man.
00:22:29Guys don't this team on other
00:22:32They'll go back in a huddle
00:22:33paddle but I missed my block.
00:22:34These guys talk to each other
00:22:35say hey it's your man.
00:22:36Let's pick it up.
00:22:38This is the biggest offensive
00:22:39line in the national football
00:22:42Look at it.
00:22:43They average three hundred and
00:22:44twenty pounds and I think it's
00:22:45a little bit more than that.
00:22:46That's right.
00:22:47That's a little light.
00:22:48That's a big offside.
00:22:49It would have been fourth down
00:22:50in a field goal unit on now it's
00:22:52third and five and Smith is going
00:22:54to look at him fight falling
00:22:56over tacklers to the 18 yard
00:22:59He may have gotten if they allow
00:23:00that second effort that's going
00:23:01to be a first down.
00:23:02Now they're going to mark it
00:23:03back at the 19 yard line where
00:23:10it'll be fourth down and about a
00:23:13We're going to go for it.
00:23:14They've sent the big people in
00:23:15the 300 pound tight end Kendall
00:23:17Watkins is already put on to the
00:23:22And he can't run.
00:23:23He got a line.
00:23:24Dick it's three hundred and
00:23:25twenty plus.
00:23:26You bring in a tight end that's
00:23:27over three hundred.
00:23:28Where'd he get this guy.
00:23:29Mississippi State in the second
00:23:32Three hundred and five pounds
00:23:33number eighty three.
00:23:34Kendall Watkins and they caught
00:23:36eleven passes his old college
00:23:39Well we watched him run around
00:23:40in practice and he can run and
00:23:41he can catch and he can catch
00:23:43and the Cowboys have never had a
00:23:44tight end in this mode where he
00:23:46can block like that.
00:23:48This is a full yard here and
00:23:50Aikman was over talking question
00:23:52you want to make you want to do
00:23:53something here.
00:23:54The way Denver scores you know I
00:23:57kind of make you try to put the
00:23:59you put the field goal up put you
00:24:00up by 10 points but they're not
00:24:02going to do that.
00:24:03They have so much confidence in
00:24:04this offensive line.
00:24:05Emmitt Smith.
00:24:07I mean they're going.
00:24:08They believe they don't believe
00:24:09that anybody can stop him.
00:24:10Well I'm very here.
00:24:11take a gamble either so he's
00:24:12going to go for it but I think
00:24:14the safe play would kick the
00:24:15field goal and get the lead and
00:24:17make Denver at the score twice
00:24:18to tell you.
00:24:19You sound like go parcels more
00:24:21and more.
00:24:22That's right.
00:24:23That's a good example right there.
00:24:36Just a big offensive line.
00:24:37Three hundred and twenty five
00:24:39and they just pushed a pile to
00:24:41make a good search here.
00:24:42What's the Denver defensive line.
00:24:44They can't get underneath.
00:24:45They stand up.
00:24:46None of them can get up the
00:24:47blocks and images powers his way
00:24:49in there.
00:24:50Look at Daryl Johnson leading the
00:24:52He knocked Shane Burnett is 50
00:24:53pounds heavier right on his back.
00:24:55She couldn't come out of there.
00:24:56I mean he came out of there in a
00:24:59Jerry Jones who has had more than
00:25:01this year of headlines this past
00:25:04Some to the dismay of the
00:25:06Smith on the toss gets to the 15
00:25:08a gain of maybe two hundred
00:25:10bigger century day.
00:25:17One hundred and twelve yards plus
00:25:18three catches kick on the off
00:25:22He was worried so much about his
00:25:23hamstring when he hurt last year
00:25:25that he has he's gone to a
00:25:27think about this was a
00:25:29He's got everybody here.
00:25:30This goes everywhere to find out
00:25:32what he can do.
00:25:33And he found out that it's not
00:25:34so much the hamstring muscle is
00:25:36the little muscles around it
00:25:37that we're tightening up.
00:25:38He dares them to come and get it
00:25:39gets to the 10 yard line short
00:25:40of a first down in the light
00:25:41Alexander a punishing hit on
00:25:43Well Troy Aikman takes a hit
00:25:46But what's really impressive is
00:25:48it gets rid of watch him and
00:25:50He goes for the second time.
00:25:51I mean is he getting the
00:25:53He's got to come in and get it
00:25:54and he's got to get it.
00:25:56And the guy next to him he's
00:25:57that's a terrible hitter.
00:25:58Oh this is the.
00:26:00A tough guy.
00:26:01I mean he's got to get it.
00:26:02This is the.
00:26:03On the right hand side.
00:26:04Well it's not the only way he
00:26:06can he does it.
00:26:07Watch Emmett Smith, he goes out there, dances around, and then he decides, when he sees
00:26:12he can't get any more yards, watch this, Emmett's going to move around.
00:26:15Watch Emmett Smith, who does a little dance, and he has not gotten up yet.
00:26:21So Smith down, and that a concern for everyone in this Lone Star State, will return.
00:26:31Emmett Smith with a smile, walking off the field under his own power, used on six of
00:26:36the ten plays of this drive, and part of it may just be exhaustion.
00:26:41Doesn't seem to be serious, a little smelling salt, he has 147 total yards today, 112 rushing
00:26:47and 35 on four catches, third down, 4th to 10 for Dallas, Sherman Williams the lone back,
00:26:55the rookie.
00:26:57Aikman, and it appears they have the first down, Michael Irvin, Washington and Ann Gorter
00:27:07trying to hold him, and if Aikman and Smith are the heart of this team, there's the arterial
00:27:16He's the spirit.
00:27:17What a throw and catch by Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin, watch this, it's good coverage,
00:27:22Solano Washington throws it low and outside, Michael goes and protects himself against
00:27:26the defender, and you see how Irvin uses his physical prowess, warding off the defender
00:27:32before the ball.
00:27:33The end of the third quarter, we'll be right back after these messages from your local
00:27:39Consent of the NFL is prohibited.
00:27:47Emmitt Smith rested as we open the fourth quarter, Dick Enberg with Paul McGuire, Phil
00:27:51Sims, Texas Stadium, where the Cowboys threaten again, first and goal just inside the Denver
00:27:565, leading 21-14.
00:27:57Darrell Johnson with a pullback, and he's close to the one yard line before Simon Fletcher
00:27:58and others can make the tackle, and here comes Emmitt Smith back on the field.
00:27:59He gave one to Kevin Smith last week, Smith with the Achilles injury, also gave one to
00:28:22Bill Bates and Alfredo Roberts, teammates who were injured, and the other went to a
00:28:27man he met in Alaska this summer who gave him his Purple Heart, gave a Purple Heart
00:28:28to Smith for good luck.
00:28:29He says, send him, my buddy, my fishing buddy up in Alaska, one of my game balls, my touchdown
00:28:31The other 75 in Pensacola, will it be number eight?
00:28:32You bet.
00:28:33Seventy-six rushing, four receiving.
00:28:34Eighty career touchdowns for this 26-year-old All-Star.
00:28:56Mark two and eight pulls out, and he gets an excellent block, and then Johnson helps
00:29:07out on the block.
00:29:08They just double on the outside on Alexander, and look at this, they just run up, Emmitt
00:29:20This time he knows he didn't rip his helmet off, though, because he got some heat from
00:29:21the players for doing it up in New York.
00:29:22Novichok sets it up for Bonio, it's 28-14, Cowboys score again, 62 yards, 13 plays, Emmitt
00:29:24Second half, an unstoppable, another long drive, 62 yards, 13 plays, Emmitt Smith with
00:29:25his 80th Dallas touchdown.
00:29:26And now John Baker to kick it off, two.
00:29:27He's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got
00:29:28it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's
00:29:29got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it,
00:29:45he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got
00:30:01it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's
00:30:02got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it,
00:30:03he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got
00:30:04it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's
00:30:05got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it,
00:30:06he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got
00:30:07it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's
00:30:08got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it,
00:30:09he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got
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00:30:12he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got
00:30:13it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's
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00:30:21he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got
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00:35:47he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got it, he's got
00:35:51rookie year, 22 for 29, good on his first attempt in 95.
00:36:01Big Sunday for Aikman, it'll be a tough week for shaving, as he took this hit from Elijah
00:36:07Alexander, under the new rules, this might be interpreted as a penalty, up under that
00:36:13chin, with a helmet. Top of the helmet came up and hit Troy, this rule might have been
00:36:17put in because of the hits he took last year, just like that, where it knocked him out of
00:36:21a couple games. 31-14, as they convert the Haley forced fumble into three, Milburn at
00:36:27the goal line. Boy, that Baker does have a leg, doesn't he? And they hold Milburn at
00:36:33the 18-yard line. Bill Bates, one of the many down there, a reminder next Sunday, mad about
00:36:39you, moves to its new night, Sunday, 8, 7 central, must see TV, that's Sunday night
00:36:45on NBC, mad about you, next week, right here.
00:36:54Speaking about mad about you, your ticket's arrived, Paul. Wow.
00:37:02Moved down from Buffalo, I think he's on that weight program.
00:37:06Nothing there for Terrell Davis, who's had some moments today, Charles Haley. Charles
00:37:17Haley does it all. You know, you better double team him on the outside, he's so quick and
00:37:22he does everything that you ask a defensive end to do. And most important thing, he never
00:37:28quits. Well, the thing that impresses me about Charles Haley is you, we picture this wild
00:37:33man, then you get to meet him and you talk to all the people around, he studies film,
00:37:37he studies tendencies of the linemen, and the thing he told me yesterday, he says, I
00:37:41give him a different look every single play. Yeah, he said, I'm trying to work with Leon
00:37:45Letts, and you're so good, you need to be better, you know, give him something to think
00:37:48about. By the way, throws to Shannon Sharp, and Sharp, drilled by Brock Marion and Robert
00:37:55Jones, first down at the 32, a 13-yard play.
00:38:03As a quarterback, really, this is the worst situation to be in against the Dallas Cowboys
00:38:07behind. All four of these guys can rush the passers. You see Shannon Sharp there do a
00:38:11good job of cutting across the field and getting open.
00:38:14And Gary Zimmerman tackled Haley.
00:38:16Well, just after he got by. How's this? Take down.
00:38:22First down at the 33.
00:38:26Nearly only 2.55, but lightning quick.
00:38:29Underneath to Miller.
00:38:33At the 43, just short of a first down by Bodyard.
00:38:36You know what's amazing, is that when we talked to Shannon Sharp, you got 10 catches against
00:38:41Buffalo, a record-breaking night for him. And when we were talking to him about, OK,
00:38:46another big day against Dallas, I don't think so. I mean, I'm not that much into this game
00:38:52plan. It's going to be more to the outside with Pritchard and with Anthony Miller. So,
00:38:56I mean, I don't think Shannon has more than 3 or 4 catches in the ballgame.
00:39:03Sharp has 3 today. 10 for 180 yards in Week 1.
00:39:09Carl Davis. He has the first down and more to the 48 yard line.
00:39:168.48 left in this fourth quarter, and Dallas leads 31-14.
00:39:21Well, I'm not really surprised to see Denver running a few runs in here.
00:39:25Because they know if John drops back, every time the throw, they cannot protect him.
00:39:29So, this is a little self-preservation for John Elway right here.
00:39:33Trying to score with a few runs and maybe hit a big pass here in the next couple plays.
00:39:39They've got to get downfield. McCaffrey to the right and Pritchard to the left.
00:39:45Elway going on top for Miller.
00:39:48Almost intercepted. Good coverage. Holmes and Brock Marion. Marion had his hands on it.
00:39:54Brock Marion is the man that breaks up the play.
00:39:56Because Anthony Miller was cutting back to the inside.
00:39:58Had Brock Marion not been there, Anthony Miller might have made this catch.
00:40:03Watch Anthony Miller now. He's going to go inside of Holmes here to make the catch.
00:40:07And Brock Marion is the guy that's going to come in and make the play.
00:40:09Here goes Anthony inside. See his hands in there?
00:40:12Look at Brock Marion. Right there to make the play.
00:40:14Outstanding coverage.
00:40:16Meanwhile, we didn't see it, but Elway was knocked down again as he delivered the ball.
00:40:218-16 left in the 4th.
00:40:35How good is this young man from Emporia State of Kansas?
00:40:40Charles Haley said he could be better.
00:40:43And he's about the best defensive lineman they have.
00:40:476'6", 288 and I doubt that.
00:40:49But he has trimmed down a little bit since the first couple of years.
00:40:52But this guy is going to be a tremendous player.
00:40:54Charles said his biggest thing that goes against him, he's so strong.
00:40:58He just tries to take the guy across from him and throw him all over the field every play.
00:41:033rd down, 10.
00:41:07Watch out. Charles Haley gets him again.
00:41:11Charles Haley knows how to win.
00:41:13Twice a Super Bowl ring with the Niners.
00:41:15Twice a Super Bowl ring with Dallas.
00:41:17He said, I don't go for that practice stuff.
00:41:20He doesn't like practice. He just likes to play.
00:41:23And the other nice thing about him, he's such a great player.
00:41:26Watch what happens after he makes his sack.
00:41:28No dancing, no jiving, just football.
00:41:32That's all he cares about.
00:41:34No dancing, no jiving, just football.
00:41:38That's all he cares about.
00:41:42Delivers a high punt toward Kevin Williams at the Dallas 18.
00:41:47Gets a second hand on it and then is smothered at the 20 of 46 yard punt.
00:41:52You're watching the NFL on NBC.
00:41:58Welcome back to Texas Stadium.
00:42:00Your chin dropped yesterday when Troy Aikman told you how he holds the football to pass it.
00:42:05That's right. Most quarterbacks put their fingers just over the laces like this.
00:42:08Troy Aikman gets his whole hand over the top of the ball like this.
00:42:11And what really surprised me, he says, and I squeeze it to death.
00:42:15They teach you to just put a light grip on it.
00:42:17But Troy says, I squeeze that thing as hard as I can.
00:42:21Carroll Johnson really gets the ball running and picks up a big gainer.
00:42:26About 16, 17 yards.
00:42:28I wish I had time to show you guys how I held the ball when I punted.
00:42:33Carroll Johnson right up the middle.
00:42:35Again, the offensive line, the blocking.
00:42:37Denver's tired.
00:42:38And here they come.
00:42:39Carroll Johnson up the middle, holds on to the football.
00:42:42This place just loves him.
00:42:44And he's from right outside of Buffalo, New York.
00:42:46Youngstown, New York, which is my home now.
00:42:53Could be one of the long runs for him in some time.
00:42:5618 yards.
00:42:59Give it to him at this time.
00:43:01Waiting for him at the 40.
00:43:02A gain of two for Smith.
00:43:06Around the stop.
00:43:07You know, you see Troy Aikman in the game.
00:43:11Emmitt Smith, the whole offensive line.
00:43:13All these guys are still in the ballgame.
00:43:15Because you know why?
00:43:16They still respect John Elway's arm and the Denver Broncos.
00:43:19You know, this Denver Broncos team, the first half, plays a pretty good defense.
00:43:23And they're still kind of worried about this guy.
00:43:25You know, Darrell Johnson, we just were guessing that it was a long run for him.
00:43:29Longest of his career.
00:43:3018 yards.
00:43:31Got to give him a game ball.
00:43:36Underneath, there was contact on Michael Irvin before the ball arrived.
00:43:41And the penalty flag goes down.
00:43:43Ray Crockett.
00:43:44There too soon.
00:43:45You see Ray Crockett.
00:43:46Deck, he put his hand.
00:43:47Yeah, I did.
00:43:48You don't get a defensive back to admit it.
00:43:50Pass interference.
00:43:51Number 39.
00:43:54Automatic first down.
00:43:55You don't get him to admit it that often.
00:43:58But Crockett was there too soon.
00:43:59He's even smiling at the end of it.
00:44:01Michael Irvin coming into the inside.
00:44:02Watch Crockett.
00:44:03Is there both?
00:44:04Well, it's late in the game and you're behind like this.
00:44:06So, it's a good job by Ray Crockett.
00:44:08Take a chance.
00:44:09Try to drive through the receiver.
00:44:10And make a play.
00:44:11So, it's worth giving up that five yards for the penalty.
00:44:14Meanwhile, Michael Irvin wearing his.
00:44:17You listen to this guy.
00:44:19What are you going to tell the coach?
00:44:20Well, you got to make plays right here, Paul.
00:44:22You can't lay back now.
00:44:23It's time to take some chances.
00:44:25If you're the Denver defense.
00:44:27Irvin with his yardage on his uniform.
00:44:2988 yards today.
00:44:32Emmitt Smith.
00:44:33And you almost wonder the way Smith is running and seems to be tired.
00:44:36It wouldn't be a good time to give the rookie Sherman Williams an opportunity.
00:44:42And Smith the rest.
00:44:43Tough to get Emmitt out.
00:44:44I would guess that Smith's in there because you can't take him out of the line.
00:44:48I think it's his choice.
00:44:49I really do.
00:44:50I mean, if they look at Emmitt.
00:44:51If Emmitt wanted to come out of that ball game.
00:44:53All he'd have to do is look to the side.
00:44:55But, none of these guys want to be out of the game.
00:45:00Well, it's like a murderer's row in a baseball line at this.
00:45:03A. Quinn, Smith, Irvin.
00:45:05What three sensational players.
00:45:07Will McDonough coming on that in the 12-30 segment of our telecast today.
00:45:13He goes to the rookie, Eric Bjornsson.
00:45:15And that's his first NFL catch.
00:45:17The rookie fourth-round pick from the University of Washington.
00:45:20They think he's going to be the next Jay Novacek.
00:45:23Built in a similar manner of 6'4", 2'15".
00:45:27He'll get a little heavier.
00:45:28Novacek, one of the lighter tight ends in the league.
00:45:30That's what this team needs is another Novacek.
00:45:33That's right.
00:45:34I mean, one is enough, isn't it?
00:45:35Well, they like him a lot.
00:45:37The thing is different.
00:45:38They say he has really, really good feet.
00:45:40The thing is different.
00:45:41They say he has really good speed.
00:45:43And he's actually faster than Jay Novacek.
00:45:45They just announced that's his first NFL catch.
00:45:48And applause from the Texas stadium.
00:45:52They look on his face like, what did they do?
00:45:53What did they do?
00:45:58Aikman looking for Darrell Johnston.
00:46:00He's covered, so he throws it away.
00:46:02As pressure came from 97' Mike Lodish and Darrell Hasselbeck.
00:46:07That's intentional grounding.
00:46:09That is intentional grounding because nobody was in the area.
00:46:12And Troy Aikman just threw the ball.
00:46:13And you've got to get him back to the line of scrimmage.
00:46:15He didn't do that.
00:46:17Boy, you ought to be an official.
00:46:19Besides, look at Troy Aikman, his hands, how far he gets them over the top.
00:46:23Of course, Paul, it helps to grip the ball like this when your hands are about a foot long.
00:46:28But a good decision by him right there.
00:46:30Don't take the loss.
00:46:31Throw it in the ground.
00:46:32Make the referee call it intentional grounding.
00:46:34Which he didn't.
00:46:354'14", left in the fourth quarter.
00:46:38And on comes John Jett.
00:46:41Milburn, the deep man.
00:46:46High and a fair catch.
00:46:47Milburn at the 19-yard line.
00:46:49So, Denver has 4'07", left, but they trail the Dallas Cowboys 31-14.
00:46:54You know, that offensive line, when you talk about 320.
00:46:56How big are they?
00:46:57Well, 320 and over.
00:46:58But look at when they leave the field.
00:47:00Look at how that thing tilts.
00:47:01It just moves back and forth.
00:47:03It's beautiful.
00:47:04You stay off that side ball.
00:47:06Stay off.
00:47:09Well, we've seen Dallas this week.
00:47:11They're talking Super Bowl.
00:47:13They're talking bigger and louder than ever with Deion Sanders coming in a month or so.
00:47:18And next week, we see the 49ers.
00:47:20And the defending Super Bowl champions may be inspired themselves by all the talk of Dallas and Deion.
00:47:27Q Mellon in at quarterback now.
00:47:29And his first play is the long pitch to Pritchard.
00:47:32Delway, 11 for 24.
00:47:35Being rested, you saw that he went off a little gimpy in the last sequence.
00:47:40We have no official word as to whether or not they just want to use Mellon
00:47:43or if Delway is hurt, doesn't appear to be.
00:47:46What's impressive about this Dallas win today is that, first off, they played on Monday night.
00:47:51So, a lot of times you have what we call the Monday night hangover on Sunday games.
00:47:55They overcame that.
00:47:56This week, all we heard when we were out there is Deion, Deion, Deion.
00:47:59And they still come out here and put this performance together.
00:48:03No distraction.
00:48:05Mellon being chased by Shantae Carver.
00:48:09And finally steps out of bounds as Robert Jones came over to knock him out of play at 27,
00:48:15three yards short of a first down.
00:48:21It is a big team in some places, the offensive line.
00:48:25It's a very fast team defensively.
00:48:27And it's a team with stars to complete the point that Will McDonough made.
00:48:31I didn't catch the survey, but it said the 24 positions, counting the two kickers,
00:48:36that the Dallas Cowboys have eight of the best players in the league.
00:48:39The next team with three that this team does have stars.
00:48:47McCampery out of the backfield.
00:48:49Mellon bumps and throws to Shannon Sharp.
00:48:52Sharp tackled by Marion out of the 45, a first down, 18-yard play.
00:48:58To Denver in this game, they obviously are going to take their first loss.
00:49:03But we're competitive into the third quarter.
00:49:06I think what's surprising is I was really impressed with their defense.
00:49:10They had to stay on the field so much.
00:49:12The big Dallas offense finally wore them down.
00:49:15And the Denver offense really just could not sustain any drives.
00:49:18And they got tired because of that.
00:49:20I remember what Mark Levy said.
00:49:22He said, if you don't learn anything from a loss, then why lose?
00:49:26Boy, that man is a philosopher.
00:49:31Mellon gets a taste of what Elway faced all day as Tony Tolbert
00:49:37and Kervin McCormick collaborate on the sack, the third sack today.
00:49:41The number one menace for Elway was one Charles Haley.
00:49:46I think the one thing about this Dallas team, and we're talking about all the distractions this week,
00:49:51you know, playing Monday night, and there's Charles Haley and the coach.
00:49:54And he said, you know, when you look at this football team, we're not distracted.
00:49:58Well, we kind of thought they were.
00:50:00Friday, we got here, and there's, like I said, every camera in Texas was here
00:50:04waiting to talk to these guys.
00:50:05Distraction on Saturday, and they come and play the game against Denver on Sunday,
00:50:09and they have not skipped a beat.
00:50:13Mellon, underneath to Shannon Sharp again, and he's to the Dallas 47.
00:50:18Bill Bates makes the stop as Dallas using some backups on reserve,
00:50:22and we're at the two-and-a-half-minute mark.
00:50:24Sharp with five catches today, so 15 in two weeks for Shannon Sharp,
00:50:28younger brother of Sterling, and Sterling now a sportscaster,
00:50:32interviewed his brother this week, and their relationship is not brother-to-brother,
00:50:36says Shannon.
00:50:38He's like my second father, and that's how I look to him.
00:50:43Closing in on the two-minute warning.
00:50:46This is third down and two.
00:50:50Underneath, incomplete, juggled by Sharp as he was hit by Jim Schwantz.
00:50:57And we take the two-minute timeout.
00:51:03Oh, the Colts showing some fiber against the Jets.
00:51:08What a comeback in that second half.
00:51:10Meanwhile, the Stars have a chance to relax.
00:51:13Emmett and Michael.
00:51:18This is a fourth down and two for Denver.
00:51:23As Terrell Davis vaults for a first down with a 43 into the grasp of Brock Marion.
00:51:31And those of you watching here on NBC, as this game ends,
00:51:35if there's still action in New York with the Jets, in New Jersey,
00:51:39we will switch to that so you can see the conclusion of that.
00:51:42Well, what Haley was to Elway, Jim Jeffcoat, the former Cowboy,
00:51:47now Buffalo Bill, was to Phil Sims.
00:51:51And we have evidence, Paul.
00:51:53We have evidence.
00:51:54Here's Sims back to pass.
00:51:58He's on his way.
00:51:59Will Sims catch him?
00:52:01Will Sims catch him?
00:52:02It's Jeffcoat.
00:52:03Where's Sims?
00:52:05Here I come.
00:52:06That was what?
00:52:08Here's a different play.
00:52:12Will Sims catch him?
00:52:14Oh, my.
00:52:16What is that?
00:52:17What kind of tackle is that?
00:52:20What kind of tackle was that?
00:52:21I'm a quarterback.
00:52:22That was a good tackle for a quarterback.
00:52:24I acted like I was trying to tackle him, and really I wasn't.
00:52:27I was hoping somebody would come and help me.
00:52:29That was terrible.
00:52:30I love you guys.
00:52:31This is nice.
00:52:32Nice memories of Texas Stadium.
00:52:36First down, Hugh Mellon.
00:52:38Deflected and incomplete.
00:52:40And that was almost a lateral.
00:52:41I believe it was touched, though, at the line of scrimmage and angle back.
00:52:45And Barry Switzer, of course, arguing that it was a lateral
00:52:47and the ball should be marked back there.
00:52:50We talked earlier about all the distractions this week,
00:52:52and one thing comes to mind, and we were out there at practice Friday,
00:52:55and we got to see them go through their dress rehearsal.
00:52:59What really caught my attention, Troy Aikman must have thrown about 30 passes
00:53:03that day, and the ball never hit the ground.
00:53:07And I said something to the offensive coordinator, Ernie Zampezi.
00:53:13Mellon guns.
00:53:15Oh, nice catch.
00:53:16A good stab at the front of Alonda's Bryce by Anthony Miller,
00:53:20as Miller, who has both Denver touchdowns, spears a first down.
00:53:24He has five catches, 105 yards today.
00:53:27Finish your thought.
00:53:28But I said that to Ernie Zampezi, the ball never hit the ground,
00:53:30and he just looked at me and goes, oh, we have quite a few days like that.
00:53:34And it was just immaculate practice.
00:53:37It really was.
00:53:38Terrell Davis with the reception into the 21-yard line,
00:53:42the clock running at 113 and now timeout Denver.
00:53:50And our producer, John Ferrantes, our director, John Gonzalez,
00:53:53there on the beam long before the game.
00:53:56Troy Aikman, and who is that stranger with the briefcase?
00:53:59I got the money from Jerry.
00:54:00Now, Troy, the bank doesn't open on Monday.
00:54:02What am I going to do with this bank now?
00:54:03That's not big enough for Deion's suitcase, silly.
00:54:11Hey, Troy, loan me a couple hundred thousand.
00:54:13I'll get it back to you on Monday.
00:54:16Jerry Jones, he said, if you see me floating above Texas Stadium,
00:54:19it's because my pockets are really light.
00:54:22I don't have much left.
00:54:24Irvin was instrumental.
00:54:26A long talk, two, three hours in the wee hours of the morning
00:54:29with Deion Sanders.
00:54:31Going back to their days in Miami and college days,
00:54:34and Irvin said, we want Deion.
00:54:36Jones went to all of his star players, said, looked them in the eye,
00:54:39do you want Deion Sanders?
00:54:41And he wanted their OK, but I think also he wanted to make sure they
00:54:45agreed with his decision because he was a little,
00:54:47I think even Jerry Jones was afraid of this deal because it was so big.
00:54:51As Barry Switzer said, he ran through all the traps,
00:54:54wanted to make sure that they didn't come back to haunt him,
00:54:57but we didn't want Deion.
00:54:59It doesn't work out.
00:55:02113 left.
00:55:03Mellon trying to get a cosmetic score for Denver.
00:55:05Off to Terrell Davis.
00:55:08Pointing to his blockers.
00:55:10Out of bounds at the four-yard line.
00:55:12First and goal, Denver.
00:55:13Clayton Holmes made the stop.
00:55:1416 more for this young man, Terrell Davis, and he's got a great smile.
00:55:19He's going to help this team.
00:55:21Well, he's well rested.
00:55:22He should be.
00:55:23He gets 13 hours of sleep at night.
00:55:24The one guy on the field, Alanis Bryce, number 23, had number 21.
00:55:30For a short period of time.
00:55:31Well, he had it until yesterday.
00:55:33Alanis, this guy right here, we knew that the deal was done
00:55:36because when he came out to take the picture, he had 23 on it.
00:55:39He's been wearing 21.
00:55:40Does that tell you anything?
00:55:42He's hoping to get at least a car from Deion on the trade.
00:55:45Mellon underneath.
00:55:47Chance for Milburn.
00:55:49Broken up by Greg Tremble, a free agent a year ago.
00:55:52Picked by Cleveland out of Georgia.
00:55:54Mellon thought he had a score.
00:55:56Final from San Francisco, the 49ers, 41, Atlanta, 10, and Jerry Rice.
00:56:02Two more touchdown catches.
00:56:06And they play first New England next week,
00:56:09and we'll have that as the second game, major game of our doubleheader.
00:56:12One of the big surprises to me, New England only scoring three points today.
00:56:16That, to me, is a shocker.
00:56:19Davis in motion.
00:56:21Inside handoff, and he ran right into the blitz
00:56:24as Aaron Craver stopped at the five-yard line.
00:56:28And Denver takes another timeout.
00:56:31I believe that's their last.
00:56:33It's official if you can read it.
00:56:35That's it.
00:56:36It's the 49ers off to a start as well,
00:56:39and it seems, again, we'll be building toward the two big monsters in the NFC,
00:56:44the 49ers and the Cowboys.
00:56:46There's your San Diego team.
00:56:48Not yours because you live there, but they're winning.
00:56:52Where's your Buffalo team?
00:56:54They won today.
00:56:55They were down 9-0, and it came roaring back.
00:56:58They roared and beat Carolina.
00:57:01And how did Phil's New York giant team do today?
00:57:05Oh, another tough one.
00:57:06Well, at least they kept it close today, but a tough one.
00:57:08They lost in overtime to Kansas City.
00:57:11Well, you guys have been wondering, you know,
00:57:13I kind of said watch the NBC tonight because that's next Sunday,
00:57:16but you want to know what's on tonight, don't you?
00:57:18There it is, Hunt for Amazing Treasures, and then Sylvester Stallone,
00:57:21Kurt Russell.
00:57:22They're built like you two, Sims and Maguire.
00:57:25They star in the action-packed film Tango and Cash.
00:57:27Let's see, Tango would be Maguire and Cash would be Sim.
00:57:31Well, why's that?
00:57:32I'm Sylvester Stallone.
00:57:33Why's that?
00:57:34I look a lot like Sylvester Stallone.
00:57:35Yes, you do.
00:57:36You two have a lot in common.
00:57:38There's my man.
00:57:39You both have mothers.
00:57:40Nate Newton, my favorite.
00:57:42His favorite food, french fries.
00:57:44He screams about french fries, he says.
00:57:46He's the one that said give Deion 10 million, just quit.
00:57:49Third down and goal.
00:57:53And Mellon unable to hit Ed McCaffrey.
00:57:56So down to a final play for Mellon,
00:57:58who would like to get another seven on the board before this one ends.
00:58:03Charles Haley yesterday was making fun of Nate Newton during a team
00:58:06pitcher, and he says, Nate,
00:58:07you're the only fat guy in America who's happy to be fat.
00:58:10And he said, you're right.
00:58:12You're right.
00:58:14The man can play.
00:58:15Oh, yeah.
00:58:19For a guy that size, what's really impressive,
00:58:21how he pulls around and moves around and has those good feet.
00:58:24And he's another part of the formula, too, the chemistry, the spirit.
00:58:28You're a good man to have on your side.
00:58:32Here to be offside, Dallas, as Mellon throws incomplete.
00:58:35Shannon Sharp was being held by Jim Schwantz.
00:58:44They're going to get another crack at it.
00:58:45Dallas was offside.
00:58:47Shannon Sharp thinks he's being held.
00:58:49He said, we already got offside.
00:58:51We're not going to give you offside and hold.
00:58:54Stops the clock, 50 seconds left.
00:58:58Left side, number 96, defense.
00:59:01Half the distance to the goal, replay the down.
00:59:04When you're losing this 50 seconds, like 50 minutes.
00:59:11That's for the Denver Broncos, 31-21.
00:59:14Going home looks like a better day's work.
00:59:18Charles Haley and the Cowboys look ahead to Minnesota.
00:59:21At Minnesota next week, Denver's at home against the Redskins.
00:59:27Fourth and goal again.
00:59:30Mellon, touchdown Miller.
00:59:32The hat trick for Anthony Miller.
00:59:37Man, does he have tremendous hands.
00:59:39Anthony Miller has tremendous hands.
00:59:41Yes, he does.
00:59:42You're going to see him here against Greg Trimble.
00:59:43The backup defensive back.
00:59:45Just makes a quick move and breaks out.
00:59:47Good job by Denver.
00:59:48Sprinting away from the blitz.
00:59:49Hugh Mellon puts it in a perfect spot for Anthony Miller.
00:59:52That's Mellon to Miller.
00:59:55Three yards for the score.
00:59:57And Anthony Miller, who rested last week with a hamstring,
00:59:59comes back and shows you how important his services are.
01:00:05Let's try for point, 31-21.
01:00:10107 yards for Anthony Miller today.
01:00:13Six catches and three touchdowns.
01:00:16That's his best ever career day touchdown.
01:00:20He had a couple of touchdown grabs seven times.
01:00:23First time ever Anthony Miller with three scores.
01:00:27There's another one of those guys, when you talk to him, he's always smiling.
01:00:31I mean, he's just having a great time.
01:00:34Well, in many ways, the score then represents really what we've seen today.
01:00:37A gallant effort by the Broncos, outmanned, outplayed,
01:00:41but played well enough to go home feeling they had a respectable effort.
01:00:45And meanwhile, the Dallas Cowboys, in many ways, they are to be awed.
01:00:52Yes, they are.
01:00:53But the Denver Broncos, what's been impressive is just their attitude,
01:00:56the way they're playing the game.
01:00:58It's just a complete changeover from last year.
01:01:01They come out, they hustle.
01:01:03They showed enthusiasm.
01:01:04And really, the difference here today,
01:01:06they were just outmanned in so many positions they couldn't overcome it.
01:01:09You know, Phil, we talked to Mike Shanahan yesterday and Elway
01:01:13about how much of this offense have they grasped.
01:01:16And they were sure, you know, most of it.
01:01:19Terrell Davis said, I never thought I'd ever learn this offense.
01:01:23But they had three minicamps, and then they were allowed,
01:01:26that's all they're allowed, and then two quarterback throwing camps.
01:01:29And they went through all five of those.
01:01:31So, Elway is pretty comfortable with it.
01:01:34Now, we're going to have an onside kick.
01:01:38Meanwhile, the Jets and Colts have gone to overtime,
01:01:40and we will join that overtime scrap at the middle ends
01:01:44at the conclusion of this game.
01:01:46So, don't wander away.
01:01:47The onside kick by Elway.
01:01:49And it goes out of bounds.
01:01:51So, the five-yard penalty and one more try.
01:01:54That was a pretty good effort, but no one could grab that high bounder.
01:01:58Keith Burns, if he had a vertical of about 40 inches, he might have got it.
01:02:04Duck in a final.
01:02:05The Chargers do win 14-10 against Seattle.
01:02:08So, in the west, it's Kansas City in Oakland 2-0,
01:02:11Denver San Diego 1-1, and Seattle 0-2.
01:02:16For the Dallas Cowboys in the east, they go 2-0,
01:02:20the only unbeaten team after two weeks.
01:02:26Arizona lost its opener, and Philadelphia lost its.
01:02:34Second chance, and that's all you get.
01:02:39Wonder which way he's going to kick it.
01:02:41Right at you.
01:02:44And this one covered by Novacek.
01:02:48Dallas has it at the Denver 37, and 47 seconds to kill on the clock.
01:02:54And Denver has no timeout.
01:02:55So, a couple of snaps, and this one then will be official.
01:03:00You know what's interesting, too?
01:03:01We're sitting here and watching how dominating this defense, the Cowboys, has been.
01:03:05And just imagine what it's going to be like when Deion comes here,
01:03:09and they can kind of change the philosophy a little.
01:03:11Before they're ready for play signal, be re-kicked from the 25-yard line.
01:03:16Jerry, Jerry, the people have other things to do tonight.
01:03:20We've got an overtime game with the Jets and the Colts.
01:03:24Jerry doesn't understand another thing.
01:03:25You know, there's nobody here.
01:03:26When the wives of the players go home, you know the game is over.
01:03:30It's time.
01:03:33The thing about this is the all-hands team, and these are all the little people.
01:03:36Let's say the Novacek and Johnson.
01:03:39They're little, but these are all the people with the best hands.
01:03:42They're on here waiting to catch the ball,
01:03:44and they know the most important thing.
01:03:48When Jeff Coat intercepted that pass and went for a touchdown,
01:03:50he knew he wasn't going to get hit by you.
01:03:52These guys know they're going to get hit.
01:03:59Don't take it too soon, Jason.
01:04:03Oh, Jason.
01:04:06Oh, they're going to reverse it.
01:04:08That was pretty clever, but still covered.
01:04:12Although there's a penalty because the Denver Bronco, Randy Hilliard,
01:04:16was held trying to go for the loose ball.
01:04:21We're promising you that at 24 all-in overtime,
01:04:24the Colts and Jets as soon as the mechanics of the final seconds in Dallas can be exercised.
01:04:31Scott Case just ran up and tackled that Denver Bronco pursuer of the football.
01:04:38Randy Hilliard was trying to get over there to get it,
01:04:41but Scott Case said, nope, not today.
01:04:45That's a non-possession foul,
01:04:47so they'll probably mark off whatever it's called on sportsman-like or personal foul,
01:04:5110 yards or holding, and then they'll get a chance to kick it again.
01:04:55The 20-minute clock might run out over this kickoff.
01:04:58I'm getting to like this onside kick thing.
01:05:01I wonder how many they'll be able to kick.
01:05:06Do we have to pay rent for this booth?
01:05:08We've been here for a very long time today, don't you think?
01:05:11Don't even suggest it. Jerry Jones does have a rate card.
01:05:14I just saw him roll a couple of beds in here.
01:05:16I think we're just going to spend the night here.
01:05:18A number 25 received for overtime.
01:05:20That's a defensive holding foul.
01:05:22Penalized five yards.
01:05:24It will be re-kicked from the 30-yard line.
01:05:27Before this thing's over, he could be onsiding from the Dallas 10.
01:05:31Jerry Mark writes, but I'm more than you, Dick.
01:05:36Here's my new hero, Jason Alam, out to try another.
01:05:40You know what I will go home with seriously today is one remarkable play.
01:05:45The Emmitt Smith play, picking up a blitz, knocking a blitzer down,
01:05:48getting back up, and catching a pass that set up a touch.
01:05:51That was an incredible play.
01:05:53Yeah, it was.
01:05:54And we had a good opportunity the other day, Dick,
01:05:56and we went in and we watched film of the Cowboys,
01:05:58and you were astounded by so many people on that team,
01:06:02how well they could play and execute like they did.
01:06:05Emmitt's over there telling Jerry how nice his suit is.
01:06:12And it's off.
01:06:13Bronco's out of bounds to the Dallas Cowboys.
01:06:16Now, finally, Dallas with 47 seconds will play it from around the Denver.
01:06:22And let's see where they mark this.
01:06:26Now, let me tell you, there's a rule in Canadian football.
01:06:28If you go down the field and you hit the ball,
01:06:30you're the last one to touch it going out of bounds on the kickoff,
01:06:32you get the ball.
01:06:35That's the opposite of a rouge.
01:06:36I think that's mascara they call it.
01:06:41It's been a long day, boys.
01:06:43Gary Switzer.
01:06:45Troy Aikman was quoted as saying that this is an assistant coach
01:06:49and players team, not a head coaches team.
01:06:51But he also told us, Troy Aikman, that this man, Switzer,
01:06:55has been very consistent last year, taking over for Jimmy Johnson,
01:06:58didn't want to disrupt, let the team play it out.
01:07:01And he hasn't tried to change and be a big shot this year.
01:07:03He's been the same head coach as he was a year ago,
01:07:06and Aikman was commending Switzer for that attitude
01:07:10and not knocking him for not taking more command.
01:07:13That's right.
01:07:14He said the players are not looking at another new head coach this year.
01:07:17There's no transition.
01:07:18So I think that was important for the players to know they got the real Barry
01:07:22Switzer last year, and he didn't change, and they've responded for him.
01:07:26Wade Wilson's in there taking a snap so he can get his letter.
01:07:31He got the old kneel down.
01:07:33One more to go, and this one finally official.
01:07:40And that'll run it out.
01:07:42The Dallas Cowboys beat the Giants 35-0, and the Broncos today 31-21,
01:07:49led by the Stars.
01:07:50Aikman, two touchdown passes and a score on the run.
01:07:54Delaware and the Broncos managed three touchdowns
01:07:56but fall by a ten-point margin.
01:07:59Final score again, 31-21.
01:08:01Now let's send you to the metal lens.
01:08:02The Colts and Jets, Tom Hammond and Bob Trumpy.
