• 2 months ago
Crabtree/ SHOCKING New Revelation In WH Cocaine Scandal
00:00You just unleashed another bombshell on your social media feed. We're talking to Susan Crabtree,
00:05go follow her, real clear investigation about the cocaine scandal at the White House.
00:10Now, I promise you, I'm not trying to steal your thunder and this was not my whistleblower at all,
00:15I'm sure of it. But someone told me a long time ago, and you did a far better job,
00:21my guy didn't know as much, that they have a really good idea who left the cocaine at the
00:27White House. You, however, have taken this to the next level with another bit of reporting.
00:33Tell us about it, it's going to be on my podcast in detail on tomorrow, but I want to hear it from
00:37you. Thank you for giving me this platform, because you have been honestly, when you said
00:47on Friday, and I watch your podcast, because are you saying, am I getting confirmation
00:56exactly what my sources are telling me? And it's great, and it's a good idea generator as well.
01:01But you were saying this issue about the cocaine is going to come out. Well,
01:08I had people talking to me about what happened with the cocaine mystery, the fact that they
01:14couldn't find the right person, they didn't have any DNA or fingerprints on it, or not enough DNA
01:20to actually investigate it thoroughly, like investigate it at all. But this was happening
01:28back in May, when the Secret Service stories started coming, sources started coming to me.
01:36And I've been covering the agency for 12 years. So some of these people I've known and trust for
01:44a dozen years. So yeah, this one is a doozy. So Secret Service, I'm being told by
01:54three, actually more sources, but three that I wanted to cite, saying that Kimberly Cheadle
02:01was trying to get this evidence destroyed, this cocaine, the actual bag of plastic bag of cocaine,
02:07it was a very small plastic bag of cocaine. But there was resistance. And good for good for
02:14these guys, in the uniform division, and in the forensic services division, because they said,
02:20there's a protocol for the evidence, we've been trained on this, we don't just destroy it. But
02:25the whole mentality, what I am told, is that destroying drugs with like, what my sources
02:32call contraband, it is commonplace. Okay? In the Secret Service, the details, if they encounter it,
02:40they just flush it down the toilet.
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03:50So this is kind of part of, it wasn't that outrageous that in their minds that
03:55Tito was asking for this, even though, and at that point, everybody was talking about it because
04:01there was an evacuation at the White House that night when they found this,
04:06this little bag of, I guess, a gram of cocaine. And they, they didn't handle it internally. Usually
04:13they just dispose of it, handle an attorney internally. But one of the uniformed division
04:17officers thought it might've been anthrax or ricin or something. And so he called in the
04:23Metropolitan Fire and EMS and they evacuated the White House. So at that point, the press
04:30knew about it. So at that point, there was no hiding it. You had the evidence and you had to
04:36find, you know, follow protocol. So I was told that a special agent named Matt White was in
04:44charge of the vault that included this cocaine, where they were holding the evidence. And he got
04:51a call from either Kimberly Cheal herself or someone representing her and saying, you know,
04:58someone who worked for her said, you need to destroy that now. And, and he, and you know,
05:04Matt White went to his boss, who is Glen Dennis and the forensic services division. And then Glen
05:11Dennis conferred with Richard McCauley at the, at the uniformed division. And they decided they
05:18weren't going to destroy it. They weren't going to get pushed around. And at that point, there's
05:23this interesting, I have sources tell me there was a partial hit now. Wait, that's important.
05:29I only got about a minute left. So a partial hit would mean that they can narrow down the
05:34amount of subjects. A partial hit was on the DNA, correct? On the cocaine baggie.
05:39Yeah. One source is telling me that another two sources didn't know about the partial hit.
05:46They knew that there was DNA found on the baggie.
05:49See, that's what I heard too.
05:51There's a partial hit. It's interesting because then they are narrowing down and they purposely.
05:57Exactly. Susan, I don't want to, I got to run, but I want to say, I want to just tell the audience
06:01and you why that's super important. When you combine the waves records, the people who are
06:06White House access visitor entry system, you know, who's in the White House. When you cross
06:11reference that with even a partial hit, you can reasonably eliminate probably 99% of people
06:18and interview maybe five or 10 people who it could be probably less. So them telling you that they
06:25can't figure out who this is, is nonsense. Not only can they, they probably already know when
06:31they've been hiding it. I wish I had more time. Susan, we'll definitely have you back probably
06:35this week if you're available, but unfortunately I got to run. These stories just keep coming.
06:40Keep us updated. Thanks for your time. We appreciate it. Absolutely Dan. Thanks so much.
06:44You got it. I could talk to her all day folks. That partial hit is huge,
06:48huge story about the J6 texts, huge story about cocaine gate. You're expecting an honest
06:54investigation from these people. You're out of your mind. You're not going to get it. I'm really
06:58sorry. I wish I could report to you otherwise, but I can't. Hey, thanks so much for listening.
07:03You can check out my radio show every day on a station near you. Just go to bongino.com
07:08station finder, or you can listen every day on rumble at rumble.com slash bungee.
07:13You know, really appreciate it. Thanks a lot.
