• last year
Anime: Re-Life English Dub
Episode: 02
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#anime #cartoon #viral #love #song


00:00I work for the Relife Laboratory. We're developing a program to rehabilitate those who have opted
00:14out of contributing roles in society, the so-called NEETs. For one year starting this
00:24spring, we want you to be a student. You're going to experience high school again. I've
00:30gone too far to turn back now. Okay, fine, I'll do it! I'll Relife!
00:54You're going to experience high school again. Okay, fine, I'll do it! I'll Relife!
01:24You're going to experience high school again. Okay, fine, I'll do it! I'll Relife!
01:54You're going to experience high school again. Okay, fine, I'll do it! I'll Relife!
02:14Waking up this early is a crime against humanity.
02:18Based on yesterday's test scores, we've got our official Class 3-3 reps for the first term.
02:24Mr. Oga for the boys, and Ms. Hishiro for the girls.
02:27It's a privilege and an honor, you guys!
02:34I failed them all!
02:38So, Kachami, huh? Thought he was too outgoing to be book smart.
02:44What's up with rasping Reina? She looks about ready to tear someone's face off.
02:51But this year, we're in the same class as Chizuru, and she had the best scores in our whole grade.
02:56Reina wants to beat her and take the crown, that's why she didn't stay home.
03:00Oh, she's mad it's not her.
03:03I'm glad we get to work together.
03:07Well, that covers our homeroom business. Stop by the staff room later to pick up your silver pins.
03:12Yes, ma'am.
03:13Will do.
03:14Ms. Amatsu?
03:16Well, that's too bad, huh, Reina?
03:18Is this dude clueless? He's rubbing salt in her wound!
03:21It's just because you were sick. Next term at full strength, you'll beat her for sure.
03:27Don't say that. I'm not going to use my cold as an excuse like some baby.
03:31I'm not going to use my cold as an excuse like some baby. I should have taken better care of myself.
03:35I just want to be as good as her, and that's all.
03:38It's not very cute acting like you don't care.
03:41Shut up. You're making it worse.
03:43Okay, I'm not cute. Thanks for sharing.
03:45Guess you're glad I'm not the rep so you don't have to work with my ugly face.
03:48What? What are you talking about? I don't think that.
03:52What's with the whole persecution complex?
03:55Just do me a favor and face the front.
03:57Why are you mad? I was trying to cheer you up.
03:59How? By saying I'm not cute, then saying I'm psycho?
04:02Does this mean what I think?
04:04Oh, I almost forgot. About the tests.
04:06As always here, if you failed any subject, then you'll have to take a makeup exam.
04:10And you'll have to keep taking the makeup exam until you score at least a 50.
04:16Study hard so you can pass on your first retry.
04:19Endless makeups until you score 50? What kind of torture school is this?
04:24What's wrong? You actually fail one of the tests?
04:27Yeah, not just one. All of them.
04:29I didn't know people like you existed.
04:32It can't be that bad. What's your worst score?
04:35Math. I got a 4.
04:39Don't look at me like that. Maybe I'm not a genius, but 4 is better than 0, right?
04:45That's right. It's not about who's the best. It's the effort that counts.
04:49Work hard, Mr. Kaizuki. You'll get there.
04:51Yes, ma'am.
04:53That goes for all of you, okay?
04:57Why did I do this?
04:59I can tutor you if you want.
05:02I mean, I don't want to tell you how to run your life, man.
05:05But with those scores, you're gonna need help to crawl out of that makeup loop.
05:11I don't even know if I should be insulted!
05:13Um, hey! If you're dishing out help, then could I get some of it, too?
05:19Uh... Your name's Ann, right? You failed one, too?
05:23Mm-hmm. All of them.
05:25A total failure like me!
05:27See? Look!
05:312 is better than 0, right?
05:39Hey, Arata.
05:41Are you headed to the cafeteria?
05:43If so, we could eat lunch together.
05:45What? Uh...
05:48What should I do here?
05:50It'd be nice not to eat alone like a loser, but this is high school.
05:53A guy and a girl having lunch together? People will talk.
05:56I don't want kids making fun of her.
05:58Can I join you?
06:00We can make it our first study group meeting and work while we eat.
06:03Yeah, that's a great idea! We totally should!
06:05Nice save, Kachumi!
06:08Hey, Reina, wanna make it four?
06:12I'm meeting with Honoka.
06:15You know, from the volleyball team?
06:17Oh, right, right. That's too bad.
06:21I need to pick up my pen first, so I'll meet you guys in the cafeteria.
06:24Do you remember how to get there on your own?
06:27Yeah, we'll save you a seat.
06:29Pick up what pen? What was he talking about?
06:32For class rep, I think. It's like a status symbol or something.
06:44Thanks for waiting, guys.
06:47So I couldn't help noticing you and Reina seem really close.
06:50What's the story on you two, and be totally honest, you dating?
06:56Wow, asked in point-blank, but now that she has...
07:00Yeah, actually, I was wondering the exact same thing, buddy.
07:04Come on, give us a scoop!
07:06Sorry, there's nothing to scoop. What made you guys think we were dating?
07:11Well, that's no fun.
07:14Man, I thought I was good at reading people.
07:17Fine, but I've got one more question for you.
07:19If you and Reina seriously aren't an item, then what's with the matching earrings, huh?
07:23Wait, what?
07:24Wow, you're observant. That's impressive.
07:28It was two years ago. We had just started first year.
07:31My brother got this idea he should pierce my ears.
07:34But it hurt so bad I wouldn't let him do the second one.
07:37Now I have a second earring and know where to put it.
07:40So, do you want it, or should I throw it away?
07:44I'm so glad to know I'm your last stop before a trash can, Kazuomi.
07:48Yeah, it's pretty random, sorry.
07:52Give it.
07:55I mean, it's free, right?
07:57Are you sure with volleyball you can have it?
07:59Jeez, what's your problem? Make up your mind, are you gonna give it to me or not?
08:03I am, I am. Here.
08:05Okay, fine.
08:06Since you insist.
08:08We shouldn't waste it.
08:11The next day, she showed up to class with a pierced ear.
08:13It's pretty funny, right?
08:15And we've been wearing them ever since, but it's just a random little friend thing.
08:18If you ask Reina if we were dating, she'd totally flip.
08:23Well, he may be book smart, but when it comes to knowing how a high school boy should act, he's about as smart as concrete.
08:28Seriously, waste of a handsome face.
08:31Yeah, I just feel sorry for Reina.
08:33Super sorry.
08:35Maybe you should try reading some more modern fiction.
08:37And focus on the emotions and motivations of the character, especially when they say one thing and mean another.
08:43What? Why are you assigning me homework? I thought you were the ones who needed the help studying.
08:49Please, ma'am.
08:50Look, it's the other class rep.
08:52There's nothing I can do.
08:53What's she doing?
08:55Kinda looks like arguing.
08:57I'll go see why.
08:59Well, if that's the rule, I'll see if anyone's in the staff room.
09:02Chizuru, what's wrong?
09:04Oh, you scored the fourth.
09:07Can't you describe me some other way?
09:09Sure, the cigarette guy.
09:11That's really how you remember me?
09:12Well, naturally. I don't really know any other addicts.
09:16Yeah, so anyway, what's going on?
09:20I didn't bring any money today because I'm not used to needing any.
09:26I said I hadn't picked up my silver pin yet, and I'd show her tomorrow.
09:29I said I hadn't picked up my silver pin yet, and I'd show her tomorrow.
09:32She said I can't have it without the pin, but the ramen's going to get cold.
09:38I don't speak awkward, teen!
09:41So, let's see.
09:42You're saying you want some ramen, but you forgot to bring your lunch money.
09:45Is that it?
09:46I didn't say I forgot it.
09:48I said that I didn't bring any.
09:50Okay, same difference.
09:51Hey, hold on.
09:54You can borrow this.
09:56Pay me back whenever. I know you're good for it.
09:59I shouldn't take that much.
10:02Even if I severely overindulged, I couldn't spend more than a third of that.
10:06It's a rather large denomination for a high schooler to be carrying in his pocket.
10:10It's strange you'd lend me that much money so casually.
10:13That's like something an adult would do.
10:17Hey, don't make this weird! I just have extra today.
10:20You need to eat, so take it.
10:23Total impulse! I wasn't thinking!
10:25But I just held a high school girl's hand!
10:29If you're sure you won't need it, then I'll take you up on your offer.
10:34And give you my sincerest thanks.
10:38I'll pay you back tomorrow, I promise.
10:46Why am I feeling like this?
10:49Why am I feeling like this?
10:52Am I crazy?
10:54Don't forget, she's in freaking high school.
10:57Lock it up, man.
10:58Now that was smooth.
11:00What? Yeah, very cool.
11:02Though you're still totally booked up.
11:04Come on, guys, knock it off.
11:06I just loaned her some lunch money because she forgot hers.
11:09Kind of a ditzy move for the top of the class.
11:12She probably didn't bring any money because she's always used her silver pen.
11:15What? What are you talking about?
11:18When you've got one of these babies, you eat here for free.
11:21For real?
11:22We also get free passes for the city buses, tuition exemption, and all sorts of other perks.
11:27I had no idea. That's pretty sweet.
11:29It's too bad you and I won't ever get a sniff of that.
11:33Gee, thanks.
11:35Oh, now I get it.
11:36That's why Raina was mad, because she really wanted to take it.
11:39That's not it!
11:40You're pretty harsh, you know that?
11:43Nah, I'm just honest.
11:44I like it. I'm glad you transferred.
11:47You can call me Kazu. It's my nickname.
11:49Kazumi's fine. Don't want someone to get the wrong idea.
11:53Hey, a cell phone? Are you nuts?
11:55You can't use those! They'll confiscate it!
11:58What? No, they won't.
12:00I read the handbook. It's fine.
12:02Yeah, you just can't talk during class, and you have to keep them on vibrate, that's all.
12:06Whoa, really? No way.
12:11So, can I get your number?
12:12Yeah, of course.
12:14In my day, if you brought one, they'd take it away for a month!
12:17Now they don't even care? No yelling or anything?
12:20Let's trade numbers too, Arata.
12:22Uh, sure, why not?
12:24Call or text whenever. I'm up pretty late.
12:26Cool. I'm a night owl too.
12:29You're setting up late night chats? With a girl?
12:33Seems like you're surprisingly good with the ladies, Arata.
12:36No, I'm really not.
12:38Yeah, Kazumi, you're just weirdly naive.
12:45The End
12:52Well, I did write something.
12:54It is words on paper, but I'm not sure it's good.
12:57Though I should be good at these. Heard plenty of them at my old job.
13:04The money lender. And score of four.
13:07And class cigarette guy.
13:10Will you please stop calling me that?
13:12Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just not remembering your actual name.
13:15Thought you were a genius.
13:17It's not that I'm incapable, I just haven't tried.
13:20Arata Kaizaki. In case you care.
13:23Okay, Arata Kaizaki. I've memorized it, so now I won't forget.
13:29But wait, how'd you know my name already?
13:32You called me Chizuru at lunch, didn't you?
13:36Well, we all did introductions in homeroom yesterday, and Miss Amatsu said your name this morning too.
13:40That's all you needed? But you seem so dumb.
13:43Hey! Don't just say everything you're thinking! It's called a filter!
13:47Okay, I'm sorry. I won't say it even though I'm thinking it.
13:50Give me a break.
13:53So what were you doing in the staff room, anyway?
13:57Don't tell me you got in trouble. That would be way too good.
14:00Why would getting into trouble be good?
14:02Sorry, it's a joke. I'm being dumb.
14:04I came to pick up my silver pen.
14:06Also, I didn't understand something on one of the tests yesterday, so I wanted to get some help with it.
14:11Wow, you sure take school seriously, huh?
14:17I'm boring, aren't I? The boring, serious girl.
14:22No, that's... that's not what I meant. I just heard you were the best student in the whole grade last year.
14:28And now I can see why.
14:30Oh, sorry if I had an incorrect interpretation.
14:33No, forget it. I should be the one apologizing to you.
14:36Do I make you nervous? Because you talk to me like you're giving a book report.
14:41Or like student talks to a teacher, which is just about giving me a heart attack.
14:45I feel like she thinks I'm older. She pretty much said so at lunch.
14:48You're like an adult.
14:50It's not you.
14:52There's no significance to it. I just talk this way to everyone.
14:55Wow, seriously?
14:57Does that make me unapproachable?
15:00That I talk strangely. I hear that a lot.
15:02I'm a high school girl, yet there's not a single person I'd call my close friend.
15:06It's always been that way for me, and I never considered it a problem.
15:10But it's more and more clear that society thinks it is.
15:15And so I keep thinking I need to change.
15:17But how does a person do that? I don't even know where to start.
15:20It might be useful to me if you'd tell me the truth.
15:24Am I really that hard to talk to? Hard to approach?
15:28Well, honestly, yeah.
15:31But you're interesting, too, and it seems like it's worth the trouble to get to know you better.
15:37Maybe you should try smiling at people more. Let them know you're friendly.
15:40Smile more?
15:43Do you mean like this?
15:46She's kidding, right?
15:48You just freaked out.
15:50Sorry, that just wasn't 100% the kind of smile I had in mind.
15:53Oh. Is this better?
15:56You know what? Forget the smile.
15:58The smile was a stupid idea, and some people don't like smiles. You might even make more enemies.
16:02How can I make friends if I can't even manage a friendly smile?
16:05I'll be in trouble when I go out into the real world.
16:08Relax. You've still got time.
16:10The year just started. You'll make some great friends.
16:14I was starting to believe that, too, but now I'm not so sure.
16:17Dammit, am I making this worse?
16:20No, I know I can help her.
16:22Because I can relate.
16:24I know what it's like worrying about your future.
16:27Realizing it might not be as perfect or easy as you thought.
16:37I can't relax.
16:40Now, it's my last chance to get it right.
16:43Because we're third years?
16:45Yeah, I guess you're right.
16:47Oh, sorry. I kept you talking. We gotta get home.
17:00Can I have your-
17:02Can you give me your phone?
17:05Well, that's odd.
17:08Uh, I'm not sure how to respond to that. Are you mocking me?
17:12What? No.
17:14Are you really incapable of filling in the blanks?
17:18Obviously. I'm trying to-
17:21I'm trying to ask for your phone so I can put my number in it. Isn't that what people do?
17:26I'm saying I want to be your friend. Or attempt to be, at least.
17:30I want to be proactive and take the first step toward not being a friendless loner anymore.
17:36Please, you can figure that much out, right?
17:40Can't be that dense.
17:43Sorry for not getting that from your awkward burglary attempt.
17:47But this is a good lesson for you. When put that clearly, it's impossible to be misunderstood.
17:52And I doubt anyone would turn down an offer like that.
17:56It was well said.
18:00Don't treat me like an idiot, idiot.
18:02Would you stop calling me stupid all the time? It's getting in my head!
18:07I think you're worth the trouble of getting to know better, too, Kaizuki.
18:13Look at that. You really can smile.
18:16Now I get this girl. She calls it like she sees it, for better or worse.
18:21You smiled like that when I loaned you the money, too.
18:24Oh, I did?
18:26Whoa, easy now. It doesn't look right when you force it.
18:37Ugh. Cause of death. Math.
18:48I'm actually trying to help, okay?
18:51It's really easy to get hooked, especially at your age.
18:59Sure, what's up?
19:01You mean cigarettes?
19:03Well, I'm not endorsing them, but your youthful appearance is purely superficial, so you wouldn't be more susceptible in that sense.
19:09Oh, okay.
19:10Of course you will have trouble buying them, since you look like a teenager now.
19:18Might be a good time to quit. It wouldn't be easy to hide, either, what with the smell.
19:23Oh, right.
19:25You just got Chizuru to smile. Don't want her turning against you now.
19:29Hey, you were watching?
19:31Be honest. Is she your type?
19:33What the hell kind of a question is that?!
19:36Just try to be nice to her, if you can.
19:38I had class with her last year, and she was always alone. It'd be nice if she had a friend.
19:45Of course, your friendship can only be ephemeral.
19:48After your one-year re-life is over, your classmates, teachers, and anyone else you interact with will forget you ever existed.
19:55The lab will make sure of that.
19:58Since the seventeen-year-old Arata Kaizaki doesn't exist, we can't have them asking questions when you disappear.
20:04You'll still remember everything, though. Don't worry about that.
20:07The goal of this experiment is to see if it changes you, so if we erased your memories, we'd be defeating the whole point.
20:15If I ever blab about re-life, you'll end the experiment, wipe my memories, and kick me out.
20:20Yeah, you don't have to warn me. I read the contract.
20:22That's exactly right. You can't tell anyone the truth about yourself.
20:26I'm afraid if you do, you'll wake up in bed one morning extremely confused, wondering why the calendar says you're twenty-eight years old.
20:32You'd probably blame it on the drinking.
20:34We don't want that for you, so be careful.
20:38The End
20:53Good evening. This is Chizuru Hishiro from class.
20:57Thank you very much for your help today.
20:59I promise to return the loan in full tomorrow.
21:03I look forward to knowing you further.
21:05Is this a work email?
21:09Whoa, a cat sticker. That's surprising.
21:14Likewise, thanks for adding me online, and ha, nice.
21:19I like the sorry cat.
21:23It kinda looks like you.
21:28Stupid impulse text! Why'd I press send?
21:31She's gonna get mad at me for saying dumb crap again.
21:34Maybe in a bad way. I don't know if she'll get that.
21:41Okay, didn't see that coming. She's definitely weird.
21:45But adorable weird.
21:46Stop thinking what you're thinking!
22:35I don't care if I lose
22:37I don't care if I lose
22:39I don't care if I lose
22:41I don't care if I lose
22:43I don't care if I lose
22:45I don't care if I lose
22:47I don't care if I lose
22:49I don't care if I lose
22:51I don't care if I lose
22:53I don't care if I lose
22:55I don't care if I lose
22:57I don't care if I lose
22:59I don't care if I lose
23:01I don't care if I lose
23:03I don't care if I lose
23:05I don't care if I lose
23:07I don't care if I lose
23:09I don't care if I lose
23:11I don't care if I lose
23:13I don't care if I lose
23:15I don't care if I lose
23:17I don't care if I lose
23:19I don't care if I lose
23:21I don't care if I lose
23:23I don't care if I lose
23:25I don't care if I lose
23:27I don't care if I lose
23:29I don't care if I lose