Sueños de libertad Cap 121 (13-08-24)

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00:00I didn't know Jaime was sick.
00:15Nobody knows.
00:18Just you and me.
00:22He was diagnosed with a brain tumour.
00:26And more and more often he suffers from those crises that affect his vision and his balance.
00:33He also has chronic pain, in short, many problems.
00:39My God.
00:41Well, he doesn't have much time left.
00:46I ask you, please, to keep this between you and me.
00:51But Marta doesn't know anything about all this?
00:56It's okay, Luz.
00:58Don't worry, no one will know anything from me.
01:01The only thing is that I couldn't imagine that Jaime was going through something like this.
01:07Is it something that can be treated?
01:09No, he has already done all the consultations and his tumour is inoperable.
01:17These weeks have been boring because he has also insisted on continuing to work.
01:22But in his condition, how can he be attending to patients?
01:29The truth is that I don't know.
01:32In normal conditions, Jaime is an excellent doctor, but you have already seen what happened with the prescription.
01:38And that was not the most serious negligence.
01:43We have done what we could.
01:46It had to be his eyes and hands, his only support.
01:53I imagine it's not the first time you've seen one of his attacks.
01:58The morning you saw him leave here, the night before he suffered a very serious attack.
02:03That's why he stayed in my apartment.
02:06But I'm not going to lie to you, you see.
02:09That night was the reason.
02:12But Jaime has spent many nights with me.
02:14Please, I don't care about that now.
02:16The nights you've spent or stopped spending, I don't give a damn.
02:21What I find terrible is that neither Marta nor her family knows anything about this.
02:28I found out because I found him lying on the floor one day.
02:33I imagine this must be very hard for you too.
02:39I've spent all this time by his side.
02:43And Jaime has discovered a partner.
02:46A confidant.
02:50Someone I don't want to lose.
02:54But I know that's impossible.
02:58Something like that must mean a lot to two people.
03:02A lot.
03:05But I don't know if it makes sense to keep it a secret if I'm going to be able to help him more.
03:13I've always trusted your judgment.
03:16What do you think of all this?
03:19I think it's admirable what you're doing, Luz.
03:22And that coming from someone like you, I'm not surprised.
03:28And I just hope that from now on you don't have to deal with this alone.
03:35I think I've only done what I had to.
03:37No, you've done much more.
03:39And I want you to know that from now on you can count on me.
03:44I thank you very much for having the confidence to tell me.
03:49I couldn't trust anyone else but you.
03:57I have to get back to work.
03:59I'll go with you.
04:00Are you going to be okay?
04:29I don't understand why he left Begoña free.
04:31He should have asked me before, don't you think?
04:33What else do you think we could do?
04:35Everyone has asked about her at lunch.
04:37Are you going to wait for him to knock on doors?
04:40The situation is unsustainable.
04:42They're going to see her, Jesus.
04:44And no one is going to believe for a long time that she's like this just because of her mother.
04:48But I should have dealt with her. I'm her husband.
04:50Yes, the one who reported her.
04:52I was the one who had to try to reason with her.
04:55And what? Has he succeeded?
04:57Well, for now he's not going to file another report.
05:00And he's not going to tell anyone what he knows.
05:02And he's not going to tell me that he threatened her this time, of course.
05:06I just made him see that his attempt to report us was useless.
05:10The Civil Guard didn't believe him.
05:13And that's enough?
05:15Well, enough with the questions.
05:16Don't you want me to give you a complete report of my conversation?
05:21Of course I do.
05:22Father, don't treat me like a kid whose father has gone to school to solve a case.
05:26I just had to talk to him about Julia.
05:28And how it would affect the poor girl to see her father accused of murder.
05:34What if I told him not to talk just to make him happy?
05:36Well, son, what we have to do now is keep calm to handle this situation.
05:40So trust me and stop asking questions.
05:46I've come to tell you that I'm going to the pantry.
05:48I need to go out and clear it in no time.
05:51What? No, no way.
05:54Hasn't your father reassured you?
05:56I'm not going to report you again.
05:58Because I'm sure that's what you were talking about, right?
06:00I repeat, you're not going out.
06:02What are you trying to do, Jesus?
06:04Keep me locked up forever?
06:06I'm sure the family and the service don't mind if I don't go out to eat.
06:09And that you keep me locked up under the key.
06:11I think it's a good idea for you to go to the pantry.
06:15It will be good for you to work.
06:22But be careful with what you're doing out there.
06:32I hope his decision doesn't affect us.
06:35You should thank me.
06:37One more time?
06:38Yes, one more time.
06:40I remind you that if it weren't for me,
06:42you would be rotting in jail for a long time.
07:02You'll tell me how the hell I can explain to Luis what happened.
07:05Joaquín, I'm really sorry.
07:08But that man has disrespected you.
07:10I couldn't contain myself.
07:11I've already made myself clear, Gemma.
07:13Like the fact that you talk too much when you shouldn't.
07:16And what did you want me to do? That man has disrespected you.
07:19Don't get overwhelmed, please.
07:20We're going to find a solution, you'll see.
07:22Really, Gemma. Do you really think this has a solution?
07:24If you just needed to insult him.
07:26Ah, no, sorry, you've already done that.
07:28Mr. Peralta won't want to know anything about us in life.
07:31What's going on?
07:32What's going on, mother?
07:33My wife is coming in.
07:40So bad has it been?
07:43Have I bothered you with that man?
07:48Irremediably, yes.
07:50As irremediably as to surrender.
07:58Do you want an infusion?
08:01Well, I'll make it right now.
08:03When you're in the mood, tell me what happened.
08:06But I'll tell you one thing.
08:07Surrendering is not an option.
08:09Have I ever told you
08:11when my husband was offered a very important position
08:14in one of the best perfumeries in Paris?
08:16I accompanied him to the interview.
08:19It was at a beach hotel in San Sebastián.
08:22And there we were both, very excited and arriving late.
08:26We made a mistake.
08:28It was my fault.
08:29I took the message.
08:31Trusting my basic French.
08:33Gervasio got very angry.
08:35And I understood it, of course.
08:37We were going to go back in a bed train at night.
08:40But I felt so guilty
08:42that I dedicated myself to visiting all the perfumeries in Paris
08:45asking for Messie Edouard, the interviewer.
08:48And I went with him.
08:49Of course I did.
08:51And despite my terrible French, I convinced him
08:54so that he could speak to Gervasio.
08:56But it was all for nothing.
08:58They gave him the job.
09:00But when he came back,
09:02mine was waiting for him
09:04to create perfumeries for the queen.
09:07Should I put sugar on you or...?
09:29Why did you get up?
09:31I feel much better.
09:33I think you should stay a little longer.
09:36No, I'd better go home.
09:38No, the best thing is that you stay here, under my observation.
09:43No, I think I need a shower and change my clothes.
09:47Besides, my family will have been a little surprised
09:49to see that I'm not going to eat.
09:51It's okay, yes.
09:53I'm not going to eat.
09:55It's okay, yes.
09:57If that makes you more comfortable, go.
10:04I don't want to be mean,
10:05but I don't think you're ready to go yet.
10:08I think you're right.
10:09Come on, let's go.
10:25Let's go.
10:36You know I'm starting to like orange water.
10:41Carmen, we heard a while ago
10:43that Tassio has been arrested.
10:44Is that true?
10:45What happened?
10:46He has been arrested.
10:48He has to spend the night in the dungeon.
10:51Are you okay?
10:53Have you been able to see him?
10:54I went to the brothel, but they didn't let me.
10:57They only told me that he has been reported
11:00and that he has to stay there.
11:01What do you mean he has been reported?
11:02Who has reported him?
11:03Fermin, among them.
11:04I'm glad I broke his mouth.
11:06You're such an animal.
11:08I guess it will be a matter of time
11:10before the rest of the colleagues report him too.
11:14I don't know how we're going to get out of this.
11:16I really don't know because I don't see a solution.
11:18Carmen, don't say these things because something can be done.
11:20We'll find something.
11:21We'll find something.
11:22Yes, we'll find something.
11:23I don't know where.
11:24Isn't there a way to get Tassio out of the dungeon?
11:27What do you mean?
11:28He left me penniless.
11:30I can do something.
11:31Tassio didn't take my money.
11:33No, Fina.
11:34We need more.
11:35What we can do is make a deal
11:37between all the people in the factory and...
11:39Of course.
11:40Carmen, that's it.
11:41Fina, since you've been swindling everyone,
11:43I don't think anyone will believe you.
11:443,000 pesetas, Claudia.
11:453,000 pesetas?
11:463,000 pesetas.
11:473,000 pesetas is worth the trust.
11:48That's crazy.
11:49Every time I think that Tassio took all our money
11:52to give it to that bastard,
11:53it drives me crazy.
11:56With one hand in front and the other behind.
12:01My girl.
12:10What are you doing?
12:11Are you stealing pills?
12:15Begoña, please, you're a nurse.
12:17You know the risks of medication.
12:20Have you done it before?
12:24You don't have to look.
12:27I've done it before.
12:30I didn't expect this from you.
12:32Especially not after the conversation we had.
12:36I've had some very hard days.
12:39If it hadn't been for the pills,
12:41I wouldn't have resisted.
12:44I understand, Begoña.
12:45I know you're having a hard time,
12:47but you can't rely on sedatives.
12:49You can't come in here and steal them.
12:51It wasn't my intention,
12:52but this morning, when I saw that I didn't have any,
12:55I realised I couldn't go on without them.
12:57You should go home.
12:59No, please, Luz, I want to work.
13:01Begoña, I don't want you here.
13:03I want you away from medication.
13:05Let me explain.
13:06You've betrayed my trust.
13:08What's worse,
13:09you've put my job at risk.
13:12Luz, I'm desperate.
13:16I've filed a report.
13:19And they didn't listen to me.
13:33I couldn't take it anymore.
13:40Jesus forced me.
13:43What did Jesus force you?
13:44I tried to run away.
13:49He threw me on the bed and grabbed me.
13:52And I, with the pills,
13:54couldn't fight or do anything.
13:57He raped me.
13:59I'm sorry.
14:01I'm sorry for everything I've said to you.
14:06I can't go on, Luz.
14:09I can't live with this anguish every day.
14:11I can't.
14:14Calm down.
14:16I'm here to help you.
14:17You're not alone.
14:19I couldn't even sleep with him.
14:23He wanted to be with me.
14:26And when he saw I didn't want to...
14:30He didn't care.
14:33What a nightmare, Begoña.
14:39But this will end.
14:40We'll find a way out.
14:42What have I been doing, Luz?
14:46I'm sick.
14:51I can't take the pills to calm the pain.
14:55I'm completely anesthetized.
14:57I need to recover the reins of my life, Luz.
15:00I agree that the pills aren't the best solution.
15:03I have to be lucid.
15:05And alert.
15:08I'm here to help you.
15:10Don't worry.
15:11The important thing now is what you're going to do with Jesus.
15:14If he doesn't report us, if they don't believe us...
15:17It's not fair, Begoña.
15:20The first step is to leave them alone.
15:24But there's something else I can do.
15:27And I'm going to do it.
15:28I'm going to do it.
15:38Poor guy.
15:39He didn't have time to solve anything when they were already taking him.
15:42Solve what, Claudia?
15:44If people saw the guy was desperate,
15:47two plus two is four.
15:49Still, Cármen.
15:50No, Fina, people aren't stupid.
15:52You don't have to be very smart to realize
15:54they weren't going to get what they paid for.
15:58Look, I told you.
15:59Don't trust that guy. Don't trust him for anything.
16:02The goat that always pulls the wool over your eyes.
16:04But this could have happened to anyone.
16:06The entrance of the Vendabeu clouded his judgment.
16:12What about my money?
16:16Mrs. Luisa, don't worry, Tassio is already on it.
16:20What a couple. What a shame.
16:23Well, a little bit of faith, ma'am.
16:25Cármen doesn't know anything about all this.
16:27But don't worry, Tassio is already taking care of it.
16:35What a shame, Cármen.
16:36Oh my God, what a shame.
16:38When I came here for one, to ask for an account,
16:41they're going to think I'm a whore.
16:43And you? What are they going to think of you if you're not to blame?
16:45But it's my husband, Fina.
16:48I don't know how I'm going to get him out of the dungeon.
16:50I really don't know.
16:53You can't have so much money, for God's sake.
16:55That's impossible.
16:58I know who has so much money.
17:01It's Emma.
17:04Damián de la Reina.
17:06Come on, Fina, Damián de la Reina.
17:08But I don't think they spend it on getting a simple employee out of jail.
17:11And much more.
17:12With Tassio, who has been deceiving people around
17:14and has been taken to prison in front of everyone in the square.
17:17Are you going to fire him?
17:19Yes, yes, really.
17:28The only thing I haven't asked is how Begoña is.
17:30She spends the day in her room and I don't think it's normal.
17:32Stop worrying about my wife and worry about yours, come on.
17:35I'm worried because she's given us all reasons.
17:37What? Are you fighting already?
17:39Is everything okay?
17:41Yes, cousin, don't worry, everything is fine.
17:43I saw Begoña a while ago, it seems she's better.
17:46I think she was going to work at the dispensary, is that possible?
17:48Yes, she has come to clear herself for a while.
17:50And because I have insisted on seeing if she is recovering from her mother.
17:54Well, let's focus on the reason for the meeting, right?
17:57Luis, can you close?
18:06Tell us.
18:07How can I tell you?
18:08I have already sent you the dossier of the American project.
18:10I'm waiting for your final answer.
18:12The proposal seems premature to me.
18:14We are still trying to open up the French market.
18:16I think we have to go little by little.
18:18I think I've been dealing with the issues of immigration
18:21for much longer than you.
18:23I've been dealing with the issues of this company.
18:25Enough to know that one thing is to be cautious
18:28and another cowardly.
18:30In addition, if the play goes well,
18:33we could improve some of our infrastructures with the benefits,
18:36such as the production laboratory.
18:39Well, you know that I have always been in favor of opening up the foreign market.
18:43And if with the profits of that movement
18:45we can adapt the factory to serve that market,
18:47I would certainly agree.
18:49I am also always in favor of splitting up,
18:52but this is a very risky movement
18:56and I don't think we have the urgency to do it now.
19:00In addition, to export to the United States,
19:02we should make an investment in infrastructure now
19:04and not later.
19:06And right now we don't have that liquidity.
19:09This defeat will remain there for many years.
19:12We have time to do it.
19:14This country is changing, little brother.
19:16And what we have to do is get ahead
19:18and start doing business not only outside our borders,
19:21but on the other side of the Atlantic.
19:23Without precedents, this time I agree with Jesus.
19:27I think it's worth taking a chance.
19:29We have a draw then.
19:31Two against two.
19:32Well, we need Padre to tilt the scale.
19:35We will consult him.
19:36And if now no one has anything more to say,
19:38Ala, each one to his tasks.
19:40I do have something more to say.
19:42It already seemed to me.
19:44You see, the American market is very competitive
19:46and first we should get to know it well
19:48before embarking on such a crazy adventure.
19:51Not only know the technical aspects,
19:53but also the creative ones.
19:54I agree with Marta.
19:56To sell in such a different country,
19:59first we must know well its customs,
20:01its tastes, to be able to adapt the products
20:03to that new market.
20:05It is true that it is another mentality.
20:08There they are more practical.
20:10Perhaps the bergamot or lavender seem too strong to them.
20:14And it would be a shame that having such a good perfumer,
20:20we could not develop new fragrances
20:24that we can't even imagine right now
20:26due to lack of time.
20:28To rush.
20:33I agree with you, Marta.
20:37Then we will not need Padre to draw.
20:40We are the majority.
20:48Now yes, everyone can go and do what they need.
20:58I will not forget that a Merino has made me miss this opportunity.
21:02I know how to defend myself.
21:04I think, Jesus, that you will have to get used to the fact
21:07that the Merinos are convinced with arguments,
21:09not with threats.
21:10Good afternoon.
21:28Oh, and don't forget to peel the potatoes for dinner,
21:31I don't think I'll make it in time.
21:32And then help Dinga.
21:34Well, I'm leaving, I'm in a hurry to catch the bus.
21:37Have you seen my blue Rebecca? I can't find it.
21:40No, I haven't seen it.
21:41But if it's not in your closet, it will be for washing.
21:43What's wrong with you? You look nervous.
21:45No, I'm not nervous, I'm just in a hurry.
21:47Where are you going?
21:49I'll tell you later, I'm going late.
21:51Are you going to Madrid?
21:52No, no, no, I'm going to Toledo.
21:55To do some errands.
21:57To do some errands with this dress and some new shoes?
22:00Maria, you are not my mother to supervise everything I do.
22:03Gemma, have you gotten into trouble again?
22:05Not at all, it's not what you think.
22:08Didn't you have enough with Ernesto?
22:10Really, Gemma, don't you learn?
22:12You've got Joaquín to forgive you and you're back to square one.
22:14Maria, you're wrong.
22:17There's another Ernesto in sight.
22:18You're totally wrong.
22:20And I'm deeply offended by this insinuation you're making.
22:25That shows how little you know me.
22:27Besides, I don't think you're the best person to teach me about my behavior.
22:32Just because now I see you as a good girl going on a picnic with your husband.
22:36Well, what have you thought?
22:39I'm sorry.
22:40It hurts me when you talk to me like that.
22:43I was just trying to behave like a good friend.
22:45And warn you so you don't make the same mistakes again.
23:03Come in.
23:06Do you have a moment? I'd like to talk to you.
23:09Come in.
23:15I've been thinking and I want to tell you that I was wrong when I tried to leave.
23:22Yes, I made a mistake.
23:24I shouldn't have run away from home or gone to the police.
23:27That's why I promise you it won't happen again.
23:32I'm glad to hear that.
23:35You have to know how to rectify in time.
23:38And that's the way we're going to end up badly.
23:40Very badly.
23:41Yes, I don't like it either that we have this conflict.
23:44You and me.
23:45Jesus, I'm not well.
23:47What has happened lately has affected me a lot.
23:49I need to calm down and recover so I can start again.
23:53I think so too.
23:55That's why I think it would be a good idea for me to go on a trip alone for a while.
24:02And I think England would be a good place.
24:18Do you want something from the store?
24:22I came because, well, your classmates aren't here.
24:25Your classmates aren't here?
24:27In the end, he's going to the warehouse and...
24:29And Carmen, who had to go out on a personal errand.
24:33That's why I came.
24:34Because of the Tassio thing.
24:37I guess Carmen already told you, right?
24:39Yes, Mateo, it was terrible.
24:42And you, how are you?
24:45Well, the truth is that I'm not well, Mateo.
24:46I'm very overwhelmed.
24:48And I'm very worried about Carmen.
24:49Because they asked for a very high bail
24:51and I know they didn't have that money to pay for it.
24:54Claudia, it's a pretty delicate situation.
24:59But, well, if they take the Taliñigo, I imagine it will be fixed, right?
25:03No, forget about that.
25:04The Civil Guard doesn't even look at it.
25:06Besides, it was Tassio who asked people for the money.
25:10I'm very sorry, Claudia.
25:12The truth is that it has been a disaster, Mateo.
25:15Because, in addition, not only has he been swindling everyone without knowing it,
25:21but he has also given all his savings to that Taliñigo.
25:25But he has also lost his money?
25:30Oh, my God.
25:34What I don't understand is why it has to be England.
25:37Well, it's not strange.
25:39I remind you that I lived there before I met you.
25:41Yeah, but we're talking about a very long trip, it's far.
25:44Let's be honest with each other.
25:46I don't feel well in Toledo.
25:48I need to make a parenthesis to sort out my ideas
25:51and to be able to forget everything that has happened.
25:54And how are we going to justify your absence in front of everyone?
25:57It's not difficult.
25:58We can say that I went to a friend's house to recover from my mother's death.
26:04And Julia, what? Are you going to leave her like that?
26:07Separating from her costs me more than you think.
26:11But right now, for her, it's not good to be close to me.
26:14I'm not okay, Jesus, and the girl notices it.
26:18Our relationship was about to break.
26:20And this is the only way to avoid it.
26:22That's what I'm looking for with this trip.
26:27It hurts me that we have come to this extreme.
26:29I have also made mistakes, of which I regret.
26:32And of which I want to turn a page.
26:34And with this trip we can do it.
26:36We can make a point and apart.
26:38To be able to heal our wounds.
26:40If all I need is a little time.
26:43But how are we going to heal our wounds if we are so far?
26:45I don't see it clearly, Begoña.
26:47Jesus, sometimes you have to take drastic measures
26:49to be able to solve problems.
26:52Break with everything to start from scratch.
26:56I've already done it.
26:57I've made a decision with the tranquilizers.
27:01What decision?
27:03From today on, I'm not going to take another one.
27:08Well, I'm glad to hear that.
27:10I need to rethink my life.
27:13And I think this trip is not only good for me.
27:17For you too.
27:21I don't know, Begoña, I don't know.
27:23All this catches me by surprise.
27:25I know, I know, I understand.
27:29Give me time, give me time.
27:31Let me give you an answer tomorrow.
27:35Of course, think about it.
27:36I promise I will reflect on it very seriously.
27:41I'll let you work.
27:57Isabel, pass me Cazorla.
27:59The chemical supplier?
28:01If I can help you with anything,
28:02do you want me to call him?
28:03No, no, no, I'll take care of it.
28:17Hello, yes, I'm Jesús.
28:19Look, I wanted to ask you something a little delicate.
28:25I hope you are discreet.
28:28I, the truth,
28:29I'm going to tell you something that sounds very ugly
28:32and very egoistic,
28:33but I don't stop thinking about my baby Mateo
28:36and now with the situation they have,
28:38that they won't be able to help me,
28:39that I'm left alone.
28:41Claudia, but you know that we are not alone.
28:44Yes, well, Mateo,
28:45but God is not going to keep me.
28:47And besides, my son is not going to be just the son of a single mother,
28:50but now he's going to be the son of a fugitive.
28:53Well, if Tassio manages to get out of jail, of course.
28:56Well, but I'm sure it will be fixed.
28:58Don't get the worst of it, really.
29:00Have faith.
29:03what if Tassio has gone back to his old ways
29:05and to the games and all the things that come between brothers?
29:08I think you're imagining things that are not.
29:10They have deceived him as they could have deceived anyone.
29:13Besides, I know for Caspar that Tassio is very overwhelmed
29:16and very sorry to have made deals with that man.
29:19Oh, forgive me, Mateo, really.
29:21I shouldn't have to tell you all this.
29:24But you're the only person I can vent with,
29:27even though you asked me to leave.
29:30Don't worry.
29:31You don't have to apologize.
29:35Can I ask you one last favor?
29:41Would you mind talking to Tassio?
29:44The last time you talked to him, he was fine.
29:47To remind him of the right path.
29:49And even if he hasn't done anything wrong now,
29:52I think he'll be fine talking to you, Mateo.
29:56Do it for me.
29:58I promise I'll talk to him.
30:02Thank you very much.
30:10Well, I'm leaving.
30:29I'm very sorry,
30:30but the Lord of the Queen is not expected to receive visitors.
30:33You can't call him, leave him a message from me.
30:35What's going on?
30:36Don Damián.
30:37Carmen was looking for you,
30:39but we didn't think you'd come to the factory this late.
30:42My son isn't in the office.
30:44He went out to do some things.
30:46Do me a favor, María del Carmen.
30:54Sit down.
31:01Well, tell me.
31:04I'm sorry, Don Damián, for insisting so much,
31:07but the matter is serious and I couldn't wait.
31:11This morning, the Civil Guard arrested my husband.
31:19First of all, I want you to know that Tassio is not a criminal.
31:22I know that, but what happened?
31:24Tassio got into a business that seemed good,
31:28but it wasn't so good.
31:31Right now, I'll call the barracks and get on with this.
31:35Don't worry about Tassio's job,
31:37because he's also a trustworthy person
31:39and this is a misunderstanding and I'm sure we'll fix it.
31:41But, Don Damián, wait a moment, please.
31:44It hasn't been a misunderstanding.
31:49The business was to buy and sell household appliances.
31:53Tassio charged for overtaking many colleagues here in the colony,
31:57but the merchandise never arrived.
32:00And Tassio didn't have the money anymore, of course.
32:03You mean he was involved in a scam?
32:06Yes, but he didn't want to deceive anyone, Don Damián, I assure you.
32:10He was a fool, but not a thief.
32:13That doesn't matter to the people who took the money from him.
32:19They asked for a very high bail, Don Damián.
32:23And I can't pay it.
32:28Are you asking me for money?
32:32Yes, sir.
32:36I don't know what you're thinking, but...
32:40this company doesn't have to take care of its employees' problems.
32:45The company doesn't,
32:48but its father does.
32:52Tassio didn't tell me anything.
32:55I see.
32:56No, Don Damián.
32:58The relationship between you and Tassio wasn't normal.
33:02Between a boss and his employee.
33:04I realized it myself.
33:06I assure you that Tassio didn't betray his trust.
33:09Please don't take it to heart.
33:12I'm not a snob, Don Damián. You know me too well.
33:17If I came here, it's because...
33:20because I'm afraid of Tassio.
33:24He's in big trouble and I don't know how he'll get out of it if you don't help us.
33:35Let her wait here. Please.
33:38I've done everything I could. I'm sorry, Mr. Peralta.
33:42Don't worry, Pilar. I'll take care of her.
33:46She doesn't seem satisfied with not insulting me this morning.
33:50I don't know why she's here now.
33:53To hit me?
33:55No, sir. It's not my intention to do any of that.
33:58I just need to talk to you.
34:01But I have nothing to talk about.
34:03And I'd appreciate it if you didn't bother me anymore.
34:05Listen to me, please.
34:07I'm very sorry about everything I said.
34:09It was out of place.
34:11Of course it was.
34:13Yes, but you have to listen to my husband.
34:16He's not to blame for my bad temper.
34:17I don't see the need to waste any more time.
34:20I suppose he's rude and rude, just like you.
34:23No, I swear Joaquin is not like me.
34:26In fact, I'm not even as good as him.
34:29It can't be worse than you. That's for sure.
34:32So please, leave me alone and get out of here.
34:36No, please listen to me. Please.
34:38I warn you, if you don't listen to me, I'll call security.
34:41Call whoever you have to.
34:43But this morning I've annoyed you and my husband,
34:45so I won't leave until I sort this out.
34:50Well, you're on the right track.
34:52All I'm asking is that you listen to him for two minutes.
34:55Listen to what he has to say.
34:57Two minutes, nothing more.
34:59I don't see why I should dedicate it to two rude people like you.
35:02Well, first of all, why?
35:04Maybe I'm rude.
35:06Just like your secretary.
35:08If it weren't for your impertinent negative comments,
35:11we would never have come here to talk to you like this this morning.
35:16And second, because...
35:18Joaquin is not a rude person.
35:21He's in charge of the queen's perfumes.
35:24And that company would be nothing without him.
35:26And Joaquin is noble.
35:28He's an honest man.
35:30And with a great vision of the future.
35:32So don't make a mistake with him.
35:34Because he's not a starving man who comes here to ask you for a loan.
35:39He's a businessman who only wants to make more money.
35:42So that's why he deserves his two minutes.
35:45That's all I'm asking.
35:49Here's his card.
35:54Let me know when you can see him.
35:56And he'll be here on time,
35:58like the clock at the door of the sun.
36:02So, are you going to call him?
36:08Good afternoon, ma'am.
36:10Good afternoon, ma'am.
36:16Good afternoon.
36:32Why did you become a gardener?
36:35Well, it was my wife who took care of the plants in the house.
36:39She really liked flowers, you know?
36:41And when she left them,
36:43I started to take care of them.
36:45That's how I remembered her more.
36:47And which ones did you like best?
36:49Oh, the bougainvilleas.
36:51Then we have to plant one in the garden.
36:54In honor of her.
37:00Julia, you know that I have in my office
37:01an encyclopedia of the flora of Spain
37:04that could be very useful for your work.
37:06Why don't you go look for it?
37:08Well, it's true.
37:10Come with me and I'll tell you where it is.
37:12And you'll see what I'm going to make for dinner.
37:18I see you're still helping Julia with her work.
37:21Yes, it doesn't cost me anything.
37:23Isidro, what's wrong with you?
37:27Why are you telling me?
37:28Since I got here, you've barely looked me in the face.
37:34Digna told me everything.
37:36It was Valentín who killed Clotilde, not Lázaro.
37:40And actually, Julia is Valentín's daughter.
37:42Digna had no right to tell you.
37:45No, I don't agree.
37:47It's not just her secrets, it's hers too.
37:49And she has the right to share it with whoever she wants.
37:51No, if it can affect me.
37:53She is very sorry for what they did. And you?
37:55I did what I had to do.
37:57Protect my family and our interests.
37:59I couldn't allow the truth of the murder to come to light.
38:03The scandal would have ended our family.
38:06Yeah, and it seems like a good enough reason to send an innocent to jail.
38:10Isidro, act taken by despair.
38:20And you haven't told Digna anything about the ring we found on Valentín?
38:25Do you think I could have done it?
38:30No, I haven't told him anything.
38:32And I'll never tell him.
38:34I know what loyalty is.
38:36And I know I'm indebted to you for what you did for me.
38:40I hope friendship also had something to do with it.
38:45In this book there are some drawings of beautiful bugambillas.
38:49Really? Let's see if you can show me.
38:51Let's go.
39:10Teresa, I'll finish here.
39:12Finish cleaning the kitchen and go rest.
39:15Tomorrow will be another day.
39:21See you tomorrow.
39:28Why did you tell him everything, Isidro?
39:31Because I needed to vent with a good friend.
39:34I've seen you two very close, acting like Julia's grandparents.
39:38Is there something I should hide?
39:42I'm just sad to see a scene that I won't be able to star in with you.
39:47I'm glad you're assuming it.
39:49Dina, I can understand that you have a lot of reproaches against me,
39:54that you don't want to marry me, even that you don't want to forgive me,
39:57but I would ask you, please,
40:00not to do that kind of thing in front of me.
40:03You don't know how much it hurts me.
40:06Are you going to talk about pain?
40:08To me?
40:10Excuse me.
40:12I'm going home.
40:14My children are waiting for me.
40:42Good morning.
40:45It's been better.
40:46Much better.
40:49And you?
40:51Give me one too, please.
40:57We have voted on the project of the Americans I presented.
41:01And Marta...
41:05has managed to end up in a draw.
41:08Well, now we have to draw.
41:10Yes, and you were going to be the one to tilt the scale,
41:12but Marta has brainwashed Luis,
41:15and the fool has ended up voting against it.
41:17Your sister learns very quickly.
41:23What I can't stand is that it was a Merino who made me lose.
41:27And why do you think I was going to vote in favor of your proposal?
41:32Why are you so sure?
41:34I'm sure because it's the best for the company, Father.
41:37Knowing how to negotiate is knowing how to convince.
41:40And maybe your sister could have convinced me without any effort,
41:44quite the opposite.
41:47You've always underestimated her.
41:49And there you have her, winning positions.
41:52If you say so.
41:54Anyway, you have a more important problem to deal with.
41:57How are things with Begoña?
42:00Well, now I'm more sure she's not going to talk
42:03because what she wants is to run away.
42:05What do you mean, run away?
42:06Well, actually, she has disguised it in another way.
42:09She has asked me for permission to go to England for a season to rest.
42:14Hey, well, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea.
42:18That way we could stop being aware of her all the time.
42:22And I don't think she'll share it with anyone there.
42:26And that's why I'm not going to allow it, Father.
42:28What kind of man would I be if I let my wife leave like that for good?
42:33Well, you tell me.
42:35What's your plan?
42:37I don't know yet, but I'll think of something.
42:40Why the hell does everything have to be so complicated?
42:48I'm going upstairs.
42:50I want to rest.
42:57See you tomorrow.
42:59See you tomorrow.
43:02See you tomorrow.
43:10How are you?
43:12Better, better.
43:14But I'm sorry I left you all day.
43:17Don't worry, it's okay.
43:20You should stop taking responsibility for everything.
43:24If I don't do it, who will?
43:27Luz, I have to face my situation and stop being a burden to you.
43:32This can't go on like this.
43:36Like this? How?
43:38Look, you've helped me more than you should,
43:41but you can't carry my illness, it's not fair to you.
43:44Jaime, we've already had this conversation.
43:47I know, I know.
43:49And I had that attack so hard, you told me you'd never leave me, but...
43:53Maybe it's time you move on with your life.
43:57Jaime, I can go on with my life and help you.
44:01One thing is not tied to the other.
44:05I heard what you said to Luis.
44:08Well, don't...
44:10Don't worry about what I told him.
44:13Luis is trustworthy.
44:15That's not what I mean.
44:19It's obvious what you feel for him.
44:21What do you mean?
44:25What happened between us was a long time ago.
44:29We've taken it very seriously.
44:34Are you sure?
44:41It's just that I'm not with you because I feel sorry for you.
44:44I don't know how to tell you. I love you.
44:47I really love you.
44:49Yes, I know.
44:51You love me,
44:54but you love him.
44:56And I don't want to take that away from you.
45:01I don't want to keep you by my side
45:04when what you really want is to be with him.
45:08You don't deserve what I'm doing to you.
45:11No, Jaime. No, I want to be by your side.
45:14Luz, I'll always be grateful for everything you've done for me.
45:17But you can't forget your happiness because of me.
45:22And I'm telling you all this because I love you.
45:25I really love you.
45:30Be happy, Luz.
45:32You deserve it.
45:38And now, if you don't mind, I'm going to leave
45:41because my family will be wondering where I've gone.
45:51Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
45:55It was a gift to finally meet you.
46:22Yes, Tere, I'm waiting for a visitor. Let him in.
46:31Cazorla, come in.
46:33May I help you, Tere?
46:37Did you bring what I asked you for in the lab?
46:40Yes, I did.
46:42I'm sorry.
46:44I don't know what to do.
46:46I don't know what to do.
46:48I'm sorry.
46:49Did you bring what I asked you for in the lab?
46:52But be careful.
46:54You know,
46:56two drops is a lot.
46:57Yes, yes, thank you.
47:01I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this.
