Frest start , cold blooded alpha king-part 1

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00:19Anya Anya Anya she's gone again
00:30Wow, mom's always bluffing
00:33You survived it, didn't I?
00:35She's the one
00:36The antidote is in her blood. We must get her back to the king to cure our fellow maggots
00:43Mrs. Hale
00:46Oh such a pleasure to meet you, did you have a good time running?
00:52Who are you?
00:55You do have a special smell, don't you?
00:59We've been spending a long time trying to track that scent if you didn't come to the forbidden forest
01:04We never would have been able to catch you. You are stalking me
01:08Who are you? Oh, don't even try it. It's pointless
01:12The moment you shift my claws will dig deep into your neck
01:20Release that girl release that girl
01:28Speed of bullets, who are you?
01:33Last person that called me that ended up dead
01:40Stay back girl killer. I don't care about that girl, but if you do touch her, it's gonna be bad for my kingdom
01:51Here take her that's the last time you can't guard her forever
01:59I'm sleepy, who are you?
02:04Aren't you daring to get away from me? I'm after my daughter
02:29I got this
02:44Uh, come in
02:48Anya you're back
02:51Did you bring me in last night?
02:53No, I mean we've been looking for you everywhere and now you're just back in your bed
02:58Oh, honey, please don't do this again. Your father is pissed
03:03He found out you went to the forbidden forest
03:10What grounded for three months dad, come on, you can't do this to me ever since I was little you've locked me in this cage
03:17I I need to get out. Come on, I can protect myself. No, you can't
03:22Do you realize you almost died at the hands of the magnums years ago it was the alpha king who saved you back then
03:29the alpha king
03:30Of that infamous lunatic. I told you I have no memory about bipolar butcher. Don't call me that
03:38I'll be here any minute now go get dressed
03:44Hey, the magnums right now are in rebellion and we know now that you are their target
03:50And sure maybe the alpha king can go kill them all and you can go run around and be whoever you want to be with
03:58I'm, not relying on a notorious father slayer for my freedom. Don't provoke him
04:04He doesn't spare anyone
04:06Not even his own father. I'll see for myself. I'm not afraid of him
04:11You are a tough nut to crack
04:34Um, where are you what are you doing here came with of course your father
04:40Adult stuff. Hey, i'm already 19
04:45Alpha king
04:49You're logan boy. I apologize alpha king. My daughter lacks manners. Well, isn't that his name?
05:00Is that what hail says, thank you
05:02Oh, so should I bow down to you because you saved my life once years ago years ago. What about last night?
05:12I don't have time to argue with children. Why'd you invite me here alpha michael?
05:17Alpha king. I want you to take my daughter. Anya into your pack. What?
05:22Just mass one. Yeah, why?
05:27Mass one. Yeah, why?
05:29Because of the maggots
05:31They've been after anya since she was little they know that her blood
05:35Is the only thing that can lift their curse your royal pack is the only place where she can be safe
05:42Well, I think you'll have to ask your daughter that because i'm pretty sure she hates me despite the fact that I saved her twice
05:49You're quite self-aware
05:51Except you don't spoil children in my pack. I'll take time to consider this
05:56Thank you for your awesome
06:00Watch your temper. You're really gonna have to rein yourself in when you go to the night shadow. What?
06:06I haven't agreed to go yet. I told you I don't want to go
06:11Though I am going to go now you go and apologize to the alpha game. He saved you twice now
06:17And you've been nothing but rude
06:27Um alpha king hello, is anyone here
06:39This is my hairpin
06:42What are you doing
06:45I just came to um, you see something
06:52Do you see something
06:55Oh, hey flasher cover yourself
06:58Uh, why aren't you wearing any clothes I was showering in my room
07:04You didn't even knock
07:07I'm, sorry. I I just came to apologize
07:12Wait, wait, what? Uh, what are you doing? I'm asking you what you're doing
07:18Um, this is my hairpin. Why do you have it?
07:22I picked it up when I saved your life
07:28That's actually why i'm here
07:30I came to thank you. I want to thank you for saving my life
07:37Is that so
07:39Well, you know, I don't like when people sneak up on me
07:42Um, as soon as anyone knows
07:44I break their fucking neck
07:48I'm sorry about that. I just came to ask you to please consider taking me with you to your back
07:55I I need to get out of here
07:59Sure anything bad
08:08Thank you, i'll make myself useful
08:11Well, I should um probably go to bed now so
08:15Good night
08:21You know, you don't have to go to the night shadow I can talk with you
08:24I want to go
08:26It's my only chance to gain freedom
08:28But you don't even like the alpha king. I just want to change the scenery
08:33That doesn't mean that I like him
08:37I hope you take care of yourself. I'll come visit when I get the chance. I would love that
08:48Thank you don't carry your luggage you might pay that number sir, yes
08:54Wow, what a gentleman
08:57Did I say I was a gentleman
09:01Are we
09:03This is on hail hi harley alpha michael's daughter
09:09What's she doing here?
09:11She's here to serve me
09:13You can also treat her
09:16Excuse me and omega
09:19You can also
09:22Excuse me and omega
09:25Nightmare shadow packs to take idlers. So if you thought this was a vacation
09:29You're in the wrong place
09:31Hey, don't underestimate me omega. Anya
09:36Don't you dare shout at the alpha?
09:38I didn't offend you. Why are you being so mean to me?
09:42I just don't like you
10:02This is a maid's outfit. Is there a problem?
10:04Are you picking on me?
10:07The alpha's never brought women here before what's so special about you?
10:11My father brought me here to protect me. It has nothing to do with the alpha. It's better that way
10:17Don't even think about trying to get into the office bed. What? I don't even like him
10:22I think he's a savage
10:23And I like a gentleman
10:27I just came to
10:34I don't even like that big guy until you prove your worth
10:40Until you prove your worth
10:45And what if I don't oh, then we'll just have your father come pick you up or we'll kick you out
10:50I bet you don't have any skills anyway
10:54I'll play by the rules
10:56And i'll prove my worth good making dinner for the alpha tonight. It's on me
11:05What cook no, no, no, I I don't know how to cook. Okay, figure it out for yourself
11:11Oh, and by the way
11:14deliver the dinner to
11:16the office
11:25I warned you. I don't know how to cook
11:30Okay, i'm coming in
11:33Huh no one's here
11:41Why is that blood on the painting dylan boy
11:53Alpha nelson would be visiting with his daughter to make sure they're comfortable when they arrive. Yes
11:58Shit why would he hang his father's paintings here? Does he consider his father a trophy?
12:06Who's my study
12:14Why are you here I uh, I I just came to bring you food
12:21What what are you doing what are you doing here
12:24I just came to bring you food. I I didn't mean to get out
12:31I said get out
12:34I said get out
12:49I'm, sorry father
12:59What did I do wrong, why did you snap at me?
13:10The study is off limits to everyone in the pack no one can enter why is there some kind of big secret in there?
13:20His father died in there
13:45Yeah, show me your wolf son
14:02So that's why that painting was there those painful memories for him he doesn't want anyone to touch it I see
14:11Those painful memories for him. He doesn't want anyone to touch it. I see anyway
14:17Don't go in there again
14:19It's not like I wanted to go there myself who told you to go
14:25I'm surprised. I also didn't punish you at all. I don't know if there was anyone else. He would have been banished or killed. Really?
14:32That's him. If you really want to fit in here, you're gonna have to find your place
14:37Thank you. I'll do my best
14:50Good morning harley, what are you doing? How is this possible? Oh what did you not go into the office?
14:59Oh, I did and your alpha kicked me out. Is that all?
15:04Didn't punish you
15:05Yeah, that's all no punishment
15:08Didn't punish you
15:10Yeah, that's all no punishment
15:12How is that possible? The alpha doesn't let anyone into his study and yet you're fine
15:19He needs to be rich
15:21What are you onto you?
15:26Alpha um, she did you tell her to go to my study?
15:31Alpha, I was trying to teach her a lesson. I told you to teach her a lesson
15:36Didn't you say she was here to serve you
15:49So does this mean I don't have to do any more menial tasks
16:05It's even worse
16:08So you have two meetings today one about business and the other about the report on maggot from the other office i'm so tired
16:20What are you doing cleaning isn't that what you want me to do i'm so sorry I I didn't mean to get out
16:34Perhaps let's have this need some more time to adjust the life here
16:49I'm so sorry. Uh, i'll clean it up straight away
17:05What is that
17:18Oh, really, thank you logan alpha king enjoy your dinner
17:41This is our pack trains our soldiers train here every day
17:47Why because we have a reputation
17:50You guys are indeed stronger in combat compared to other packs
17:57You wanna give it a try
18:00You think i'm a weakling i'm not afraid of you
18:04Well, show me what you got
18:13The night shadow clinic is really great
18:17Well, if you miss it so much i'm gonna show us into there for a couple of days
18:21See how much energy you have to spout
18:26Are you ready
18:33Are you ready
18:51Get her
19:15I was expecting a good fight
19:19Just wasn't prepared
19:22I think your enemy will wait for you to be prepared when the alpha isn't here. He's just gonna pray to the
19:44No concussion
19:47At least she has the physique of a werewolf. I said i'm fine. I was demanding that you at least receive a check
19:56logan, hey
19:58Sorry, thank alpha king
20:02Dr. Young a patient infected by the magnum virus is having a seizure again. Excuse me
20:12What's going on
20:19Administering moon shade injection
20:32Is he a magnum no, it's a werewolf infected with the magnum virus
20:36They become delirious after being bitten and if they are not strong enough, they die
20:40Or worse they live and become on themselves
20:43What exactly is a man?
20:45deranged creature
20:47The affliction rots their bodies leading to aggressive behavior. They split personnel. He's developed resistance to moon shade
20:54There's nothing more we can do
21:03How how is this possible
21:06Dr. Howell, this is possible. She
21:17Miss hale, how did you do that? Hey
21:21I don't know
21:22I did some nursing work back in my pack
21:25It seems like werewolf with special injuries just feel better under my care
21:29It's a miracle
21:30I'd like to invite you to join the night shadow pack medical team
21:34Okay, can I we'll have to discuss it with the alpha first this will require his removal
21:43She cured the magnum virus. I'm, not sure but it appears so
21:48I knew she was special alpha
21:51You've always treated her differently
21:53Perhaps you already have the answer in your heart
21:55What are you talking about?
21:57Anya hale
21:58Might be her
22:01No, you think the moon goddess would grant me luna, of course because of everything that you've done for the pack
22:08Too many enemies too much guilt the moon goddess was to grant me luna. She'd have to be strong resilient like me
22:14Otherwise she'd suffer perhaps she already is
22:18Where is she?
22:22I can do this
22:35Hey, what are you doing here just passing by what are you doing here harley beat me
22:44And i'm not a quitter
22:46I'm gonna have a rematch
22:49You really want to win well, I don't want to lose
22:57Fight me
22:59Are you crazy you could kill me?
23:05Don't disrespect me
23:07Everyone in that pack we're talking about
23:09You got that
23:14Go easy on me
23:53She's my lover
24:17I got you
24:21You coward that was a sneak attack we got one punch and you start to cry I slipped
24:28You can't slip I can't always be there to protect you. I didn't ask you
24:35You want to protect me
24:51What was that
24:55Oh, what is that like your thing you kiss people and you go, I don't know just did it no
25:03Ever since I met you i've been drawn to your scent
25:06I just can't get you out of my mind now
25:09I feel the same
25:10Ever since the moment I first met you
25:13Maybe it's the arrangement of the moon goddess. No
25:17Must sleep
25:22Then why do you treat me differently
25:24You are cold to everyone, but I can feel that you feel for me
25:28Can't you face everything head on yet? You dodged me. Why logan enough?
25:33You dressed me as alpha king
25:35and I
25:37Can't answer stupid questions
25:53There's a woman who stirs my blood
25:57But every time we're under others my judgment
26:09Please let me enjoy my last moments in peace
26:17Apologize for your strength your wolf is incredibly powerful
26:23I'm such a woman. It's fake. Listen, you will be the one that leads the night shadow back into dominance
26:35You must it is your responsibility
26:37You must become an alpha without weakness
26:42If if others try to take power, they will challenge you and seize power if you survive you must
26:49rule them with strength decisiveness
26:54Otherwise my death will be meaningless
27:00You're in a mistake I won't let on you can move like this
27:11No, no this war is between you two leave me out of it
27:15Alpha's been quite busy lately. I don't know where he is. Oh, you mean the alpha that's afraid of a she-wolf too bad
27:22I'm, not looking for him. Oh, really? I want a rematch with harley. What?
27:27You have no chance to win. We all saw that I know
27:31And sometimes anger can close that bridge
27:34Are you sure? Oh, yeah
27:36I've been keeping that anger alive
27:43Ship's over me alpha. You don't need to be so cautious. You don't have to shut everyone out relationships make you weak
27:50You know, she's destined to be enough
27:53You can't handle that with us now, thanks to you harvesting a sentence to the plenty we got
28:02Think you can make it two rounds today. I'll beat you in one
28:17You're right
28:25All I see is emotional mess
29:00Good fight you won though
29:05You won though
29:12You've earned my respect but next time I win fair we'll see
29:23It's only been three days and you look miserable jacob
29:32What are you doing here your father he came and sent me to come check up on you well
29:38I'm doing great, but i'm out of you
29:44Alpha king
29:46Let's go
29:47What do you think you're doing without my permission?
29:50You can ignore me for a few days now. None of my friends shows up all of a sudden. You don't know
29:55Alpha king. I mean no disrespect. I apologize on on his behalf
30:00And who are you to apologize on her behalf?
30:04He can do anything
30:06on my behalf
30:08He can do anything on my behalf
30:11All right
30:13I heard the beta of the moon rover pack is quite strong. Why don't we put that to the test?
30:18What do you suggest alpha king? Calm down jacob
30:21Don't interfere
30:23I can sense the alpha's hostility things could get dangerous
30:30because of you
30:32It's widely known that the alpha king's wolf is incredibly powerful
30:40Let's get started
30:44Are they really going to fight are they children
30:50Please that's a joke
30:53Alpha's just had alpha's life. Yeah excuses
31:02Barehanded I don't think there'll be much of a difference between us
31:14Alpha loader, why are you only dodging?
31:32You think this will impress her
31:37I forgot to tell you onion. I used to be very close. In fact, we still are
31:42You want to hear the details?
31:46She hates you she said you're a butcher she'll never fall for a killer like you
32:07I'm sorry. I've embarrassed about it. I'm no match for you. Look what you've done. He's a guest in your pack
32:15And this is how you treat him
32:17Some more questions
32:23It's okay i'll secure you
32:29God damn it on your hail
32:32What am I gonna do with you?
32:34Daniel, don't you have any advice? Aren't you my advisor?
32:38Alpha you lost control again my advice. I mean I can't get her out of my brain
32:42She's destroying my peace of mind if you two are meant for each other. You can't force yourself to withdraw
32:50How can I withdraw?
32:52Something in between you're lying to yourself alpha you're just afraid
32:57You're afraid that emotions will make you weak afraid
33:01Afraid of course you are
33:04Ever since the accident you've carried way too much on your shoulders. You shut yourself off to meet his expectations. You can't keep doing this anymore
33:12No, I have to I can't stop. I have to fulfill my destiny. No
33:17You have far exceeded expectations all the packs call you alpha king
33:22Something your father never achieved in his lifetime
33:26Trust me seize the opportunity
33:30Put the rules in your heart
33:34Yeah, maybe we should talk
33:41You're too impulsive jacob nobody can beat logan molly stupid jerk
33:49You've fallen for him, haven't you?
33:55Have I it's pretty obvious
34:01I don't know
34:04I mean, you know what you said, right?
34:06You hate killers. You called him a robber. I know but I didn't know him back then
34:11and even so the first moment I saw him I
34:14My heart was a mess. I
34:17His scent it's irresistible to me
34:20And I am too
34:23I don't know. Maybe it's the arrangement of the moon goddess
34:38No, I can't stop you maybe it's the arrangement of the moon goddess no, I can't stop you
34:48Hey, whatever happens we're still gonna be friends, right, of course
35:02Honey and I used to be very close. In fact, we still are you want to hear the details?
35:11What's wrong
35:20Offer please allow anya to be a part of the medical team. She has
35:26special healing abilities
35:28That can nullify the magnum virus
35:32How special very
35:37Fine as you wish but don't bother me on his issues anymore
35:45Something wrong what's your problem? Thank you alpha. I'll be leaving now
35:58Fine I don't want to see your face either
36:04I've forgiven your offenses many times. Don't take that for granted
36:11Saved you. I brought you in the pack. I showed you respect. Why do you keep treating me badly?
36:17I have earned respect from all the other pack members, but you you don't respect me at all. I'm not the one with issues here
36:24Me yes
36:26You're inconsistent attitude
36:28Come on, if you never intended to accept me, why did you bring me into your pack?
36:32And when harley bullied me you stood up for me, why'd you help me on
36:36You're being treated unfairly
36:39And now you're the one who's treating me unfairly
36:42You keep treating me differently
36:44And when I confront you you just keep making up excuses to avoid the issue
36:49And when you kissed me you pretended like it never happened. Come on. You're acting like a lunatic because I've always been a good boy
36:56And when you kissed me you pretended like it never happened come on you're acting like a lunatic because I have feelings for you and
37:06I don't want to lie to myself anymore
37:10Well, how did you say you didn't want to be bothered with my issues anymore because
37:17Because of jacob jacob
37:22What did he do
37:24I don't know you tell me
37:26The reason you hung last night. You said you have history together. What so
37:32Are you jealous
37:35You are jealous
37:38Are you jealous
37:41You are jealous
37:43That is why you fought him. You're jealous. No, if you want him around he needs to be able to defend
37:48And based on what I saw today, I don't think he can do that. So
37:52Are you sure well, i'm all fine now, so have a great day your majesty
37:59Hey, you haven't answered me yet. What's going on with 22?
38:04Figure it out yourself
38:09Goddamn that woman
38:12What is it alpha larry from the blade fight pack is here he's waiting for you in the conference room alpha larry
38:19He always wants to be barry's daughter, I just know all the alphas were killed for that honor
38:35Alpha larry alpha king
38:43Did you say anything to logan what do you mean
38:49I might have said something to provoke him in the heat of the moment, but
38:54There was nothing serious. I hope not. I don't want logan to misunderstand