The Tragically Tangled Life Of Hunter Biden Explained

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Whether it's fair or not, presidential standards are often applied to the children of U.S. presidents, and perhaps none has endured more scrutiny than Hunter Biden. Here's a look at his complicated life so far.
00:00Whether it's fair or not, presidential standards are often applied to the children of U.S.
00:05presidents, and perhaps none has endured more scrutiny than Hunter Biden.
00:09Here's a look at his complicated life so far.
00:12In December 1972, just a month after 30-year-old Joe Biden was elected to the U.S. Senate,
00:17his first wife, Nelia, took their three children — toddlers Bo and Hunter and 13-month-old Naomi — to
00:23go shopping for a Christmas tree while Joe interviewed potential staffers. As they passed
00:28through an intersection, a truck collided with their vehicle, severely injuring Bo and Hunter
00:32and killing Nelia and Naomi.
00:34My wife was dead, my daughter was dead,
00:39and I wasn't sure how my sons were gonna make it."
00:41After publishing his memoir, Beautiful Things, Hunter opened up about how the incident
00:46contributed to his substance abuse issues later in life. In a conversation with CBS News Sunday,
00:51he examined the reasons behind his lifelong struggles with addiction, saying,
00:55I am more convinced now that trauma is at the center of it."
00:58Asked if he was referring to the loss of his mother, he said,
01:00Yeah, absolutely, and I don't know why I had such a hard time ever admitting that."
01:05Biden has often said that his first memory is of Bo telling him he loved him as they lay together
01:10in a hospital bed, in the room in which Joe Biden would be sworn in as a U.S. senator.
01:16In 1994, Biden wed Kathleen Buell after a year-long courtship during which she became
01:22pregnant with their first child. Everything seemed fine for the young couple until the
01:25early 2000s, when Biden's new status as partner in a private lobbying firm began to cause problems.
01:31His enviable salary, combined with long, boozy nights out with clients,
01:36contributed to his developing drinking problem, which got harder to shake as the years went on.
01:40In her memoir, If We Break, Buell shared that Hunter's brief stretches of sobriety
01:45would give way to increasingly long stretches of drinking,
01:48during which he tried to hide the extent of his problem. Buell wrote,
01:52Each time he drank, the process of getting him to admit he wasn't sober took longer and
01:56was more exhausting. And as his brother Bo fought the brain cancer that would eventually kill him,
02:01Biden's struggle went from bad to much, much worse.
02:04Bo Biden brought to his work a mighty heart. He brought to his family a mighty heart."
02:11After Bo's death in 2015, Biden turned to smoking crack, at which point, Buell wrote,
02:16I'd lost the ability to be surprised by him.
02:19As Biden's drinking began to put a serious strain on his marriage,
02:23he confided in the one person he felt could understand his pain — his brother's widow,
02:28Hallie Biden. In a 2019 New Yorker profile, Biden recalled,
02:32We were sharing a very specific grief. I started to think of Hallie as the only
02:37person in my life who understood my loss. But it wasn't long before the friendship
02:41became more intimate — a situation that was revealed to Buell by way of text messages
02:45discovered by her daughter, Finnegan Biden. Buell filed for divorce in 2016, and Biden and Hallie
02:51tried to make a go of an actual relationship, with Hunter even asking for, and receiving,
02:56his father's blessing. The public scrutiny, however, proved to be too much, as Biden told
03:01the New Yorker,
03:02All we got was s**t from everybody, all the time. It was really hard,
03:06and I realized that I'm not helping anybody."
03:08The couple split in 2019.
03:11In 2011, in the midst of his substance struggles, Biden became friends with Greg Keighley, an
03:16Australian-American who was full of exciting stories about his time as an intelligence
03:20officer in the Royal Australian Navy. Upon relocating to the U.S., Keighley had applied
03:25for and received an age waiver to join the U.S. Navy as a reserve officer at the age of 40,
03:30and he tried to convince Biden that it wasn't too late for him to do the same.
03:34Keighley told the New Yorker,
03:35My message to him was,
03:36If you feel the call to serve, which I encouraged, it doesn't really matter what your rank is.
03:41It is that you're serving your country.
03:43Hunter took that message to heart and acted upon it.
03:45We have a lot of bad judgment in my family. My son, who's over 40,
03:49just joined the United States Navy, is about to be sworn in as an officer.
03:53At the age of 43, with a letter of recommendation from Keighley,
03:56Biden was granted not one but two waivers, one due to his age and the other due to the
04:01fact that he disclosed his prior drug use to the Navy, which has a strict zero-tolerance policy.
04:06Unfortunately, that very policy meant that Biden's naval career was over before it started.
04:11In 2013, Biden tested positive for cocaine. In 2014, he was administratively discharged,
04:17leaving him once more in search of a direction.
04:20In and out of rehab 70 times.
04:22Say it nicer to me. Sought treatment for an issue like most people.
04:29In 2019, a woman named London Alexis Roberts came forward to claim that her infant daughter,
04:34Navy, who was born in 2018, was also Biden's.
04:38He denied it, but a paternity test proved he was the father.
04:41At a paternity hearing in Arkansas in 2020, Biden's attorneys moved to delay the matter
04:46until after that year's presidential election. But the motion was denied,
04:50and the case was settled quickly. The terms of the settlement weren't disclosed until 2023,
04:55when the case was reopened at Biden's attorney's request to reduce the amount of his child support
05:00payments. At that time, it was revealed that Biden had been paying Roberts $20,000 per month,
05:05forking over a grand total of about $750,000 since the case had been settled.
05:10Biden has a go-to outlet for dealing with his demons. He's a painter,
05:14specializing in mixed-media works, and in 2021,
05:18his work was showcased in a show titled The Journey Home at the Soho Gallery of George Burgess.
05:23What's the goal eventually?
05:25Um, no goal. That's the perfect part about it. It just literally keeps me sane.
05:30It was initially projected that the prices of the 25 pieces on display would range up to $500,000,
05:36which drew scrutiny from the Republican majority in the House of Representatives. Burgess, though,
05:41shot that figure down, acknowledging to The New York Times that some pieces might sell in the
05:45lower six-figure range while asserting that only he and Biden would know who the buyers were and
05:50how much they paid. He added that,
05:51"...Hunter will go down as a great artist for this century."
05:54Washington Post art critic Sebastian Smee disagreed, telling CNN,
05:59"...To me, Biden seems a bit of a dabbler. His work has the feeling of an afterthought.
06:03If I were a museum curator, I would struggle to find compelling reasons to share it with the public."
06:08Asked by Vanity Fair art columnist Nate Freeman for a response to those questioning his talent,
06:13Biden replied,
06:14"...Other than, f**k him?"
06:16In late 2019, Biden married South African activist and filmmaker Melissa Cohen,
06:21just six days after they met. He told ABC News,
06:24"...I instantly fell in love with her, and then I've fallen in love with her more every day."
06:28In the face of the renewed publicity around Biden during that time,
06:32Cohen was defiant in a manner befitting a member of the Biden family, asking ABC News,
06:37"...How many investigations can be done? But if it would bring peace of mind to whoever
06:41needs peace of mind brought to this, I know we have peace of mind. We're okay. We live in truth,
06:46so sure."
06:47The couple wasted no time in expanding their family. In March 2020,
06:51Cohen gave birth to a baby boy, whom they'd named Joseph Robinette
06:55Beau Biden III, in honor of Hunter's father and his late beloved brother.
07:00There's been a great deal of speculation about a certain laptop Biden supposedly took in for
07:04service at a Delaware repair shop, then abandoned. The contents of the laptop's hard drive range from
07:10the extremely personal to the potentially politically explosive, including completely
07:14unsubstantiated rumors that a trove of emails indicate that Joe Biden profited from his son's
07:19business dealings with foreign entities. A number of news organizations, including The Washington
07:24Post, have conducted forensic examinations of the hard drive in an attempt to authenticate
07:28its contents, with only partial success. The Post was able to authenticate emails from Hunter's days
07:33sitting on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, and also from his business
07:38partnership with a number of Chinese associates.
07:40I don't know what he was doing. I know he was on the board,
07:43I found out he was on the board after he was on the board, and that was it."
07:47He was paid handsomely for these endeavors, and admitted in his memoir that his hefty income was
07:51a major factor enabling his addictions during that period. As to whether the laptop contained
07:56any evidence of criminal wrongdoing, The Post's analysis indicated that an unknown number of
08:00individuals other than Biden had accessed the laptop's hard drive and written files to it.
08:05There is no evidence that President Biden was involved in any of Hunter Biden's business
08:10As Johns Hopkins University security researcher Matt Green summed it up, the drive is a mess.
08:16In September 2023, in one of the biggest news stories of the year, Biden was indicted on three
08:21firearms charges. He was found guilty of all three offenses in June 2024,
08:26meaning that he is now a convicted felon.
08:28I've made mistakes in my life.
08:29The story goes back to 2018, when Biden decided to purchase a Colt Cobra .38 handgun from Star
08:35Quest Shooters & Survival Supply in Wilmington, Delaware. The law requires that gun purchasers
08:40fill out a form which includes a question concerning drug use. Biden completed the form,
08:44in which he stated that he was drug-free, and received the handgun soon after.
08:48But as Biden's memoir plainly states, at the time of the purchase, Biden was addicted to
08:53illegal drugs, a fact that was later confirmed by testimony from former partners, as well as
08:58text message evidence. The charges against him include making a false statement on a gun purchase
09:02form, lying to a gun dealer, and illegally possessing the .38, which he retained for
09:0611 days before his partner disposed of it. Biden faces a maximum of 25 years in prison for the
09:12crimes, though legal experts say he'll likely receive a much lighter sentence as this is a
09:17first-time offense.
09:18No one was harmed, after all, by this gun.
09:22In December 2023, Biden was indicted on nine tax charges, three felonies, and six misdemeanors,
09:27claiming that he, quote,
09:28"...spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying his tax bills
09:33between 2016 and 2019."
09:35The charges followed a lengthy investigation into Biden's financial dealings, and after a
09:40potential plea deal fell through, prosecutors claim Biden overlooked $1.4 million in taxes in
09:46the late 2010s. And though Biden's bill was finally paid in 2020 by a third party, a year after he
09:52reportedly regained sobriety, he faces a maximum of 17 years in prison if found guilty.
09:57I have fallen, and I have gotten up.
09:59Biden's lawyers have claimed that even the firearms case against him was politically
10:03tainted, with a potential plea deal collapsing prior to sentencing as a result of what the
10:07Biden team claims was Republican pressure on the prosecution to reject the plea deal and take the
10:12case to court. It remains to be seen what will happen now that President Biden is dropped out
10:17of the 2024 presidential race.
10:20Throughout his often turbulent life, Biden has always been able to count on one thing,
10:24the love and support of his father. The younger Biden expressed as much when, in 2019, it was
10:30widely speculated that his personal troubles might throw a monkey wrench into Joe Biden's
10:34run at the presidency. In a statement to Vanity Fair, Biden didn't mince words, saying,
10:38"...I believe that my father has become an ongoing symbol of what it means to keep on
10:43fighting for what is good in oneself, in others and in our country. I can tell you that I wouldn't
10:48be alive today if my dad hadn't kept fighting for me, too. My father has always been proud of me,
10:53and he remains proud of me today. He loves me, and he loves the American people."
10:57"...My dad doesn't have to defend me. My dad only has to love me, and my dad loves me unequivocally."
11:03That support has never wavered. In 2022, President Biden told CNN's Jake Tapper,
11:09"...I have great confidence in my son. I love him, and he's on a straight and narrow,
11:14and he has been for a couple years now, and I'm just so proud of him."
11:18If you or anyone you know needs help with addiction issues, help is available. Visit
11:22the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website or contact
11:26SAMHSA's National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP, 1-800-662-4357.
