11天涨势告一段落 令吉兑美元回落至4.442

  • last month
八点最热报 | 马币在过去几天连续上涨,不过昨天令吉兑美元升到4.4250后,今天回软,马币连续11天的升势暂时告一段落。根据《彭博社》行情,马币兑美元早盘开低走低,开盘报4.4262,之后扩大跌幅,更一度贬至4.48令吉兑1美元水平。好在截至傍晚5点,令吉兑美元汇率报4.442令吉,单日跌幅1.06%。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:30In the past few days, the global geopolitical situation has made people worry, but the current situation in China and the market trend is very exciting.
00:49Anhua believes that the measures taken by the Ministry of Finance and sub-departments have played an important role in strengthening the interest rate.
00:58Prime Minister Anhua spoke at a meeting of the Ministry of Finance and sub-departments today.
01:02He knows that tariff-based subsidies are not a popular policy, but this policy has strengthened investors' confidence in China.
01:10Because what investors value is a policy that is responsible and has no loopholes.
01:15Anhua said that the government has proven that tariff-based subsidies can save more than RMB 400 million.
01:20Almost all the previous parties in the government agreed to stop the leak.
01:27I don't understand why politicians defend tariff-based subsidies.
01:32Who doesn't want to be popular? Who doesn't want to be happy?
01:34So just spend it. Give it. Want money? Give it.
01:37We can still borrow. We can borrow.
01:39If you want to borrow RMB 3-4 billion, you can. What's wrong with that?
01:41But is that a responsible economic base?
01:45Anhua also said that the fiscal budget for 2025 will focus on reducing the burden on the people's lives, solving the problem of monopoly and rising prices.
01:54He has asked the Ministry of Finance's policy planning unit to develop a cross-departmental solution.
