The UK Is Revolting Against Globalist Open Borders (Ep.14) - 08/06/24

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In this episode of Bongino Report Early Edition, Evita covers the UK's revolt against globalist open borders.
01:00Good morning and welcome to Bonjina Report Early Edition. I am your host, Ovita. There's
01:18a lot to talk about today. The UK has erupted into massive anti-open border protests. I'm
01:25going to explain why I think that unfortunately they will not be effective. Nancy Pelosi thinks
01:31that Joe Biden should be featured on Mount Rushmore. Bill Gates is creating genetically
01:37modified bugs for all of us to eat. Plus, a professor from my alma mater wants to block
01:43the sun in order to fight climate change. Our government is spending millions of our
01:49tax dollars to the Taliban. Kamala did an off-the-cuff interview and her remarks were
01:55pretty brain dead. And lastly, the left is attacking Joe Rogan. And I'm going to explain
02:02why this all comes down to hating men. All of this on Bonjina Report Early Edition.
02:20So the UK has erupted into open border protests, you guys, and I think that the demonstrations
02:27are ultimately doomed to fail. And I'm going to explain why. But first, I'm going to give
02:33you the back story on what what's going on in the UK. So last Monday, a 17 year old male
02:39born in Wales to Rwandan immigrant parents reportedly took a taxi to a dance school in
02:47Southport, England, where this 17 year old brutally stabbed little children and other
02:54adult attendees at a Taylor Swift themed dance workshop. And three little girls aged six,
03:01seven and nine were murdered. Ten other people, eight of whom were children, were injured,
03:08some of them quite severely. And the stabbing turned out to be a tipping point for many
03:16people in the UK. Citizens are angry. They're angry that their homeland is descending into
03:23chaos and violence and that their culture is evaporating all due to left wing globalist
03:30leaders allowing millions of immigrants from predominantly Islamic countries to enter their
03:36nation. So the UK is now engulfed in these massive demonstrations calling for justice
03:43for the murdered, injured children and an end to open borders. I think we have some
03:47video of what that looks like. And the people are sick of the British government importing
03:54people from Muslim countries who they believe. Right. And I think that they're right about
03:58this, that their religion is inherently intolerant to non-Muslims. Read the Koran. You'll understand
04:04what I'm talking about. And they're fed up with things like no go zones, violence against
04:09non-Muslim women in the UK. It's gotten to the point where even Irish and British nationalists
04:15are standing side by side in these demonstrations against their leaders' open border policies.
04:23And many people are simply peacefully protesting. They're taking to the streets. They're expressing
04:28their frustrations. Others are storming into hotels, housing migrants and asylum seekers.
04:35And the British media and the American media, as well as the UK's leftist Prime Minister
04:42Keir Starmer, are characterizing the protesters as far right thugs. And the prime minister
04:49has even vowed to take every step possible. And that's a quote to keep the Muslim community
04:55safe, which is, of course, understandably very enraging to many, many British people
05:01who are wondering why isn't their prime minister interested in keeping innocent Britons like
05:06the little girls at the dance workshop safe. Now, the prime minister's statement is even
05:12more insulting, given that the large, a large number of armed gangs of masked Muslims are
05:20roaming the street of Britain right now, shouting Allah Akbar in counter protest. We have some
05:26video of what that looks like.
05:37So John Woodcock, who is the UK's current government advisor on political violence,
05:44is calling for the government to consider, quote, coronavirus style lockdowns to stamp
06:07out the so-called far right uprising. And you guys, if this happens, I think these protests
06:14will ultimately come to an end because there's something very key missing from the demonstrations.
06:24And I have a lot of sympathy for what they're doing. I think we're facing very similar problems
06:28here in America. But the fundamental tension right now is one of culture. So, yes, mass
06:36immigration puts strains on resources. That's 100 percent true. But the part of uncontrolled
06:43mass immigration that really rips a nation apart are the cultural disparities. The protesters
06:51in Britain know in their course that these mostly Muslim immigrants don't share their
06:57values, but they can't properly defend their British values because they themselves have
07:04forgotten them. The UK's national flag is St. George's Cross, which was originally used
07:12by crusaders, including English soldiers, as a symbol of their faith and commitment
07:18to reclaiming the Holy Land from Muslim control. Christianity is at the root of British culture
07:27and identity. It's who they are. Or maybe it's who they were. Because the percentage
07:33of Christians in the UK who attend church at least once a week is currently 5 percent.
07:42The loss of identity is going to make it very difficult for these protests to be meaningful
07:49in any long-term way. This revolt against globalism has to be tied to a return to Christianity.
07:57Because if it isn't, they are doomed to fail. You cannot recover a culture that you have
08:05already forgotten. We're going to come back and cover the states. You guys will not believe
08:14what Nancy Pelosi suggested on CBS Sunday. Just watch this interview.
08:35Oh, that is patently insane. You guys know what? It might not be insane in a generation
08:51or two. Because look at what the schools have taught children about FDR. I learned that
08:58he was some sort of hero. Mikey, did you learn that? Yeah. FDR is one of the greatest American
09:03presidents of all time. FDR put people in internment camps. He extended the depression
09:08by almost a decade. He refused to follow the tradition of two-term limits because he wanted
09:16to have king-like power. He implemented the entitlement programs that are currently bankrupting
09:23America. But we all learned FDR is amazing. And guys, Biden is worse. This is a guy who
09:30declared war on the First Amendment. That is Joe Biden's legacy. We're told all that
09:36Joe Biden is so amazing. The rewriting of history is starting right now. No, Joe Biden
09:42established a literal ministry of truth in his administration. His administration demanded
09:49gag orders on his political opponent. The Biden administration directed tech censorship
09:55to silence criticisms of themselves, shutting down anyone who dared to speak about election
10:01integrity, COVID lockdowns, or the COVID vaccine efficacy and COVID vaccine injuries.
10:07He's targeted pro-lifers, trad Catholics, January Sixers, anyone who's a MAGA supporter.
10:12He is a serial plagiarist. Throughout his entire career, he's plagiarized multiple people.
10:19He's potentially embroiled in one of the biggest influence-peddling scandals in American history.
10:24We cannot let Democrats rewrite history. Biden is one of the worst presidents in American history.
10:31And you'll have to tell your children and your grandchildren because the schools are going to lie
10:35about who he was and what he did to destroy America. The rewrite is already happening.
10:44We're going to switch gears here a little bit because back in 2012,
10:48the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded something called All Things Bugs, which was a
10:55project to develop a novel food product made from insects to apparently treat malnutrition and
11:03famine in third world countries. Today, All Things Bugs has expanded into developing
11:12genetically modified insects with the help of the U.S. Department of Defense.
11:19Now, All Things Bugs states that with funding from DARPA,
11:23we are using CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing and other methodologies to develop base technologies for
11:30creating insects as a new bio-resource. Now, here's the issue, you guys. In the United States,
11:38there is currently no legal approval process or prohibition process of insects for human
11:46consumption. So insect containing foods have already reached U.S. consumers in protein bars
11:51and protein shakes. They're also now being found in many restaurant menus, promoted in pet foods.
11:58And because there are so few U.S. regulatory barriers, All Things Bugs is one of several
12:05of Bill Gates's insect-based food investments. And this is potentially very dangerous
12:12because all GMOs need to be tested for the presence of pathogens, possible allergens,
12:19any substance that may be toxic to humans. And they also should be clearly labeled for the consumer.
12:27But it doesn't seem like the government is interested in warning the public
12:31about Bill Gates's bugs. For all of the regulations out there, the fact that the
12:37government doesn't care to vet genetically modified insects seems pretty backward.
12:44Because what's the purpose of all this, right? Eating bugs is supposed to help the climate.
12:48And we want to save the planet from so-called global warming because we want to preserve
12:54humanity. So you'd think they'd care about the health of humanity and making sure we're not
13:01consuming things that are potentially dangerous to us. But the climate change movement isn't about
13:09protecting and preserving humanity. It really is anti-human at its core.
13:17I'm going to elaborate more on that in a second, but I have one more headline
13:21for you guys on this topic. My alma mater is in the news right now and not for a good reason.
13:28University of Chicago professor David Keith is making headlines for wanting to pollute the
13:34stratosphere with millions of tons of sulfur dioxide to block out the sun and supposedly
13:42offset global warming. Keith believes that blasting aerosols and other reflective substances
13:50such as, I guess, diamonds and aluminum dioxide into the atmosphere will replicate the effects of
13:57volcanic eruptions in blocking sunlight and lowering global temperatures. And Keith is not
14:03alone. Many other scientists have suggested similar plans. Bill Gates. Michael, why is it
14:08always Bill Gates? Bill Gates is funding a Harvard venture aimed at spraying dust into the atmosphere
14:15to block the sun as well. He does need to get some hobbies other than trying to control what
14:23people eat, how they reproduce. And this guy is the worst. OK, so of course, both of these plans
14:30are horrible, horrible ideas. And we have no idea what the real effects of them would be. A lot of
14:34scientists have predicted that these plans to block the sun would bring on potentially catastrophic
14:40climate disasters. Now, why would we risk that? I'm still waiting for the world to boil over.
14:46It was already supposed to end. What was it supposed to end? Right. Like.
14:51Right. Great, great lakes dried up in 2020. Oh, they're still here.
14:55I live on Lake Superior. I can tell you still there. And what these mad scientists
15:02are doing is jeopardizing life on Earth. What gives them the right to do that?
15:08It honestly seems like the climate activists want people to die. You have bans on meat and dairy
15:14being proposed by these activists that will leave people severely malnourished. You need protein
15:19for meat. Sorry, bugs and vegan diets can't replace real meat. Bans on fossil fuels mean
15:27an end to durable buildings, heating and cooling systems, weather warning systems.
15:31Fossil fuels protect people from a dangerous climate. And the places with the lowest life
15:39expectancies in the world are areas where they don't have access to modern life provided by
15:44fossil fuels. And here's the deal. The climate cult is fundamentally anti-human. Do you guys
15:52remember those just stop oil protesters back in June? They spray painted Stonehenge, really famous
16:00historical monument. Look, let's pull up that video, Michael, if we can. Ancient, ancient monument
16:10in Britain. Just spray painting them, destroying them.
16:19Disgusting. Now, just stop oil. That's not just that.
16:22They threw tomato soup over a Vincent van Gogh painting not long ago. Let's play that video.
16:31No, no respect. And the reason why climate activists feel the right and indeed the need
16:42to destroy treasured testaments of of human flourishing, which is what Stonehenge and
16:48a priceless painting are, it's because they hate humanity. We have to understand this
16:55about the climate cult. Guys, we're going to take a quick break, but when we come back,
17:01you will not believe who our tax dollars are going toward. Don't go away.
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18:08intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Thank you to our sponsors who
18:13keep this show free. Really appreciate you guys. This next story is truly absurd. The U.S.
18:20government has sent at least $239 million in taxpayer funds to the Taliban since the 2021
18:31U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan. So according to a report published by the
18:37Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, the money was dispersed to
18:43the State Department by the State Department to implement development projects intended to
18:49help achieve American foreign policy goals in Afghanistan. But the investigators found that
18:56the State Department failed to comply with its own counterterrorism vetting requirements before
19:03awarding at least 39 grants likely to the Taliban. This is from Judicial Watch. The agency
19:10has a system to identify whether prospective awardees have a record of ethical business
19:15practices and is supposed to conduct a risk assessment to determine if programming funds
19:20may benefit terrorists or terrorist affiliates before distributing American taxpayer dollars.
19:26And more than two dozen cases examined, the agency did not bother and failed to keep proper records.
19:36Guys, we're funding the Taliban in more ways than one. The Taliban has set up multiple fraudulent
19:42non-governmental organizations or NGOs to foot big chunks of the $3 billion in humanitarian aid
19:51that the U.S. has given to Afghanistan since its withdrawal. So they're taking that money,
19:56that humanitarian aid, and it's not just the aid that they're getting from the U.S. Also,
20:01the United Nations has received $1.6 billion in U.S. funding for Afghanistan and a large
20:08percentage of that money most likely went to the Taliban as well because the U.S. government does
20:15not require the U.N. to report on taxes, fees, or duties incurred on American funds for activities
20:21in Afghanistan. It is infuriating, but it's also to be expected. Congress has the power to defund
20:34all of these corrupt agencies, but they refuse to exercise that power. We know we can't trust
20:41the executive branch, the state department, any of these agencies to be ethical with our tax dollars,
20:50to even do their due diligence when it comes to sending our taxpayer dollars to places all across
20:56the world. Congress can start cutting the budgets of agencies that have proven themselves to be
21:05complete failures, to be frauds, and frankly malicious actors, but instead Congress continues
21:14to give them money. If you're funding the Taliban, your agency has too much money. It is that simple.
21:22Congress needs to put an end to this. Speaking of our corrupt executive branch, after the hostage
21:30swap last week, Kamala Harris went off the cuff on no prepared remarks with these inspiring words.
21:40Let's play that video. This is just extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president
21:47who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in
21:55understanding the significance of diplomacy and strengthening alliances. This is an incredible day.
22:03Okay, I'm going to read that quote back to you guys. This is just an extraordinary
22:08testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy
22:13and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy.
22:18What? Meanwhile, you have Biden in the background there. He's just standing looking
22:24utterly confused. For those of you who are listening, does not know where he is at all. It's
22:30so bad. Now, there's some back and forth right now between the Kamala and Trump campaigns about
22:35when and where the debate will be, and if they do have a debate, I don't think Kamala is going to
22:41fare much better than Biden, but you guys should drop a comment. Give me your debate predictions.
22:46Who do you think is going to win? I think it's going to be a slam dunk because Kamala is just not that articulate when she's off the prompter.
22:55My question is really looking at that clip and a few others from that night is
22:59who is running the country right now? Is it the administrative state just running itself?
23:05Is it the Obamas? Obama is, of course, one of the first presidents to break precedent
23:12and take up residency, permanent residency in Washington. That's not normal. Drop a comment.
23:18Who is running the country? You know who I know isn't running the country? Joe Biden. You guys
23:23have to watch this video of him welcoming the freed hostages last week where he appears to
23:29confusingly board this short plane and everybody around is looking totally confused. Let's play
23:35that video. So if you're listening, you see Biden and Kamala walk up to the to the airplane
23:45where the hostages came off of. And Kamala is just standing there looking completely confused.
23:52All the agents are looking confused as Biden just boards the plane like he's going to
23:56get on and take off. And he's there for like a full minute or more.
24:03Yeah, Michael's going to skip through that, so you guys have to just sit as we're all sitting
24:06there waiting for Biden to deplane. And then he sort of confusingly exits the aircraft
24:15as he realizes, oh, I'm taking the car out of here. I'm not getting on a plane, taking a limo.
24:25Yeah, everybody looks baffled by him. Nobody knows what's going on.
24:33And Kamala just looks awkward right at all. She doesn't know what to do.
24:38Now, you guys, all of these fact checkers have come out to say false. Biden didn't
24:43mistakenly board the prisoner plane. And let's throw up a fact check there. There's a lot of
24:48ones. No, Biden did not board empty plane after prisoner exchange. OK, there's a lot of other
24:53fact checks. Want to know what their evidence is that Biden didn't actually board this plane
24:59mistakenly? White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates said, quote, President Biden wanted
25:06to personally thank the flight crew who brought these brave individuals home to their families.
25:12Do you believe that, Michael? OK, no, we do not believe that. Kamala and her agents
25:22looked completely baffled by what he was doing. He didn't look like he knew where he was. I'm
25:26not buying that at all. Our evidence that this didn't happen was because Biden's comms department
25:34said so. Be real, be so for real. And this, again, comes back to Biden's legacy, making it seem like
25:44he's some incredible president, when in reality, this guy has been a senile tyrant the whole time.
25:50We cannot let them lie about who he is. OK, last story, you guys, Joe Rogan's new Netflix special
25:58Burn the Boats premiered on Saturday night on Netflix. And before it was even released,
26:05this guy named Luis Chilton, snivelly reporter from The Independent, wrote this article. Joe
26:13Rogan's Netflix standup special might seem a major moment for comedy, but it's not. And I have a quote
26:20from this guy's ridiculous article. To date, Rogan's unprecedented success could maybe be seen
26:25as a symptom of a society warped by ignorance, misinformation and male grievance. For him to
26:31become Netflix's poster boy of the week is a damning reminder of what it takes to really
26:35make it in the world of comedy today. If it was just jokes, that wouldn't be a problem.
26:41So in other words, this guy is arguing that without even seeing the comedy special and he
26:46admits that he didn't even see the comedy special, Joe Rogan isn't funny and he just
26:51appeals to disgruntled men in America because he's a misogynist and a conspiracy theorist.
26:57Michael, let's start a picture of this guy that wrote the article.
27:02Complete beta male. If you're listening, you guys,
27:06this guy could be the poster boy for soy milk. Let's compare him to Joe Rogan.
27:10Very different men here. You can just see the weakness and jealousy on that reporter's face.
27:20We go back to him for a second. And you guys, what this comes down to is a hatred of men who
27:30are just men. Joe isn't a misogynist. This guy just opposes men competing against women in sports.
27:38That's a pretty reasonable thing to believe. In fact, Joe Rogan is pretty liberal on a lot of
27:43things. This is a guy who thinks healthcare should be free and abortion and gay marriage should be
27:46legal. He's not far left. He's not far right. He's just a guy. And the left hates strong, masculine,
27:56normal men because they fear them. Think about it. Who is standing up against the open borders
28:04in the UK? It's men. If we stand a chance against spiritual warfare, encroaching globalism,
28:12the sexualization of children, the transing of children, the disintegration of our culture and
28:17our way of life, men are going to have to take action and lead. And that's a very scary thought
28:24for our corrupt leaders, because in order to continue abusing the public, men need to be
28:30low-key and docile. Joe Rogan is neither, which is why they fear him and the influence that he has
28:38over young men in America. And with that, thank you all for tuning in. Reminder that I'm here live
28:44on, Suspendina Report at 9 a.m. Eastern time, five days a week. If you're listening on
28:49Apple and Spotify, please like, follow and rate this podcast. I would really appreciate it. See
28:55you all tomorrow.
