Love’s Rebellion (2024) Episode 9 Eng Sub

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07:49I thought I was supposed to sleep on the floor.
08:07You were dreaming last night and fell asleep on my bed.
08:11Fell asleep on your bed?
08:15You should have told me. What's going on?
08:22What's in your head all day?
08:29Come out with me so you don't have to stay tonight.
08:32What for?
08:38I'm not interested.
08:44You have to go to Huigu to find the Heart of Snow.
08:47It's very likely to encounter demon cultivation, you know?
08:50Then I'll take more poison.
08:51The kind that can kill the demon.
08:56With your cultivation,
08:57if you encounter an elder-level demon cultivator,
08:58you are the one who will die.
09:06if you can improve your cultivation to the level of Jiedan,
09:09Thunder and Fire are not in the picture.
09:11It will also help you to practice Cui Du in the future, you know?
09:19Of course.
09:21Let's go.
09:22From today on, I'll teach you in person.
09:30Both feet, right foot, left hand.
09:39Five hearts facing the sky.
09:46Our Yangyue Sect
09:48doesn't usually teach you how to play the zither and play the zither?
09:52I'm very strict with my lessons.
09:53Except for the Danxiu lesson,
09:55I don't really listen to the other lessons.
10:00Then you should at least know a little about the basic skills, right?
10:05Oh, right.
10:06I remember that the sect leader taught us two skills.
10:10It's important to sleep more and work less.
10:12It's important to walk after eating.
10:14Stay up late less and soak your feet more.
10:16The meridians are smooth and you can live until you're old.
10:24Now I'm going to teach you the Yin Qi skill that is commonly used in Wuzhou.
10:29Have you memorized it?
10:33Memorize it carefully.
10:34Memorize it with your heart.
10:39The sky is clear and the air is clear.
10:44Those who are clear are golden, those who are deep are dark.
10:49Those who are bright are bright, those who are dark are dark.
11:03The human life is only 60 to 70 light years.
11:06The cultivators are different.
11:08Even if you only put in the qi,
11:09you can live longer than a human for 20 years.
11:12The centipede lives for 100 years.
11:14The dragonfly lives for 150 years.
11:16The eagle lives for 300 years.
11:18The god of painting lives for 500 years.
11:21This is the so-called living with heaven and earth.
11:27Then you are already an eagle now.
11:30In the future, you still have to practice the god of painting.
11:33Then you will become an old monster at the age of 500.
11:42Are you going to practice or not?
11:43I will.
11:55The essence of the body is to be in the body with the qi.
12:12When you feel the power you have,
12:14you have already felt the qi.
12:19If you can turn the qi of heaven and earth into qi,
12:22and form your own spiritual power,
12:24you have already reached the first level.
12:30Practice the qi.
12:35How is it?
12:36Do you understand?
12:39Your Majesty,
12:41the Huigu will be opened in a few days.
12:43You are the emperor.
12:45Don't you have any method to speed up the process?
12:49If you are not afraid of being caught,
12:51there are three methods to speed up the process in this world.
12:53What are they?
12:55Passing the bow and reversing the sword.
12:59What else?
13:05isn't it just right?
13:06It's indescribable.
13:08We have been friends for a long time.
13:09What else do you know?
13:12What speed into wings?
13:13Tell me quickly.
13:14It's inappropriate.
13:20Is it inappropriate or indescribable?
13:26I thought you were very capable.
13:29I didn't expect you to be indescribable.
13:35Then listen carefully.
13:37The third method is double cultivation.
13:41How to cultivate?
13:43Why are you so...
13:46So unprincipled.
13:47Success is my principle.
13:49As long as I can master the skill quickly,
13:51I'm willing to try any method.
13:54You can try any method?
13:58Success is not a small matter.
14:00Only you dare not think about it.
14:01I dare not do it.
14:06Why are you leaving?
14:07Come back.
14:08Why are you leaving?
14:10Come on.
14:11Why are you leaving?
14:17Why are you leaving?
14:18Don't fight with me.
14:47Don't fight with me.
14:48Don't fight with me.
14:49Don't fight with me.
14:50Don't fight with me.
14:51Don't fight with me.
14:52Don't fight with me.
14:53Don't fight with me.
14:54Don't fight with me.
14:55Don't fight with me.
14:56Don't fight with me.
14:57Don't fight with me.
14:58Don't fight with me.
14:59Don't fight with me.
15:00Don't fight with me.
15:01Don't fight with me.
15:02Don't fight with me.
15:03Don't fight with me.
15:04Don't fight with me.
15:05Don't fight with me.
15:06Don't fight with me.
15:07Don't fight with me.
15:08Don't fight with me.
15:09Don't fight with me.
15:10Don't fight with me.
15:11Don't fight with me.
15:12Don't fight with me.
15:13Don't fight with me.
15:14In the middle of the mountains,
15:17we meet in the sea of people.
15:21When the dream is over,
15:25I will turn into an oasis.
15:28I will stay with you in the storm.
15:32I will wait for you.
15:35I will break the curse of fate.
15:39I will pierce the dark clouds.
15:41I hope it will last forever.
15:43I hope this love will last forever.
15:48I hope time will never stop.
15:51I will stay with you in the storm.
15:55I will wait for you in the storm.
15:59Looking back at the long darkness,
16:02the past has broken the curse of fate.
16:05As long as you are with me,
16:08I will see through the secular world.
16:13We will stay with each other for the rest of our lives.
16:33Lord Dijun,
16:34how is my practice?
16:37In just seven days,
16:38you have breathed in and out.
16:41If you keep practicing,
16:43you will be able to get rid of the elixir soon.
16:45Then you will be able to fight against the devil.
16:50If I want to become a cultivator like you,
16:53how long do I have to practice?
16:56A normal cultivator takes at least 180 years.
17:00But if it's you,
17:01it's a different story.
17:05Because I'm very talented, right?
17:10You are indeed very talented.
17:12You are also good at all aspects.
17:15You can be called a demon.
17:19So I'm that good?
17:22Am I the son of destiny
17:24that my mother said?
17:27What did she say?
17:29She said there is a kind of person
17:31who goes up the mountain to get the fairy branch,
17:33goes down the sea to get the pearl,
17:34sits on a beautiful woman's lap,
17:35and walks all over the world.
17:37This kind of person,
17:38even if his destiny is a bit difficult,
17:40it's just a temporary trouble.
17:42After the trouble is over,
17:43he will be reborn.
17:45Then he can enter the heaven and enter the earth.
17:47What kind of trouble is that?
17:50This is the case with Lord Nan.
17:55Let me remind you.
17:56Don't be complacent.
17:58You still have to practice hard in the future.
18:00Once you have a clear mind,
18:01you will no longer be inferior to the demons.
18:04Thank you for your reminder, Lord Nan.
18:08your spiritual power is close to the end of your life.
18:10In the future,
18:11use weapons such as needles
18:13to increase your power several times.
18:15If it's not the moment of life and death,
18:16you can only give five out of ten.
18:19Remember the two words of the hidden pearl.
18:21Destiny will be reborn.
18:26I understand.
18:27Just like Lord Nan,
18:29he is like a tiger eating a pig.
18:30He will come here
18:32as soon as he sees the sun.
18:36The father is a bandit,
18:38and the teacher is a monk.
18:40I can't practice for a day.
18:41Lord Nan,
18:42I want to take a day off.
18:46Where are you going?
19:24Lord Dijun is in a good mood today.
19:26Come with me to visit Fang's.
19:28I'm flattered.
19:33You're here.
19:35do you have any good blood works?
19:36You're just in time.
19:37I just got a batch of new goods.
19:38I'll get it for you.
19:43Why do you buy it?
19:46It's dangerous.
19:47Don't be careless.
19:48If you prepare more spiritual medicine,
19:49you won't make a mistake.
19:51Especially you.
19:56Although your heart rate has stabilized a lot,
19:58you were injured by Ding Wen last time,
20:00and you haven't fully recovered yet.
20:02Now the club is about to open.
20:04It's dangerous and unknown.
20:06It's better to prepare some life-saving medicine for you
20:08than to go empty-handed.
20:12Boss, do you have any more?
20:13Give me another one.
20:15Let me see.
20:18Look at this.
20:23You said
20:24there is a martial art hidden in Huigu.
20:26The one who wants to grab it
20:28will not remember the number.
20:30Although you are a cultivator of Yuan Ying,
20:32don't forget that
20:33you also have a hidden weakness.
20:36A tiger can't defeat a group of wolves.
20:38If you don't prepare well,
20:40how can you be assured?
20:42It doesn't matter.
20:43I'll send it back as soon as possible.
20:46It's easy to say.
20:47That's Huigu.
20:51I'll take all of them.
20:53Don't worry.
20:54I have to come back to be your medicine man.
20:56If you leave me,
20:57I'm afraid your mother's illness
20:58will be delayed for a while.
21:06It's strange.
21:07When it comes to Huigu,
21:08he is always so simple and gentle.
21:10But in my heart,
21:12why am I always angry?
21:19Did you let me catch you?
21:22The young master is shopping with his wife again.
21:24He really cares about his wife.
21:29He is so talkative.
21:31I think he didn't buy enough last time.
21:37He is so talkative.
21:39Why didn't I hear it?
21:43By the way,
21:44there are many new magic instruments in the shop.
21:46It's okay.
21:47Bring your wife to play.
21:50My wife said
21:51your shop is very expensive.
21:53She asked me to go to another shop.
22:25Ji Yang.
22:36It's not my turn.
22:48Little fox.
22:49I'm looking for you.
22:51Where are you going?
22:52I'm going on a trip.
22:53You promised me.
22:55My Long Aotian Poetry Club
22:57has been suffering for a long time.
23:00I finally came up with a way
23:02to attract talents.
23:06What is this?
23:08Long Aotian Poetry Club.
23:11You can register for free.
23:15It's rare.
23:17And it's free.
23:18Do you really want me
23:19to be your target?
23:23To be precise,
23:24it's a lucky item.
23:26You are the face of our Poetry Club.
23:30I'm not going.
23:33You can kill me, but you can't humiliate me.
23:35I have the qualification.
23:40What qualification do you have?
23:42You have to go if you promise.
23:44Go back to your original form.
23:49I'm willing to apologize.
23:53It's good for you.
23:54Why do you want the Poetry Club?
24:04If you really don't want to go,
24:06there is another option.
24:11Eat it.
24:12Turn it into something else.
24:14I can do whatever you want.
24:25How about this?
24:27I'll ask Nan Yan to do it.
24:29Let her kick you out
24:31of the club.
24:33I'll do it.
24:39You are so mean.
24:41That's right.
24:42It's still early.
24:45With your little fox bag,
24:46you can definitely make the Poetry Club bigger.
24:49Come on.
24:55Not bad.
24:57Let's go.
25:03Let's go.
25:12Where is he?
25:21Why does he look like a three-year-old kid?
25:23It's so easy to find him.
25:28Have you ever seen a puppet show?
25:33Let's go.
25:34It's time to go back.
25:46Since you helped me out,
25:48I'll show you a free puppet show.
25:51Take it.
25:54It's said that eating is expensive.
25:56The hero protects the little girl behind him
25:59until the thief runs away.
26:01When the thief runs away,
26:03the thief will die.
26:06The hero asks the little girl.
26:08Little girl,
26:09if anyone dares to bully you in the future,
26:11you can call my name.
26:12My name is Long Aotian.
26:19The hero turns around and leaves.
26:23After the hero leaves,
26:24the little girl is lonely.
26:27The little girl thinks,
26:28when can I see my Long Aotian again?
26:31The next year,
26:33when the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet,
26:36the hero and the little girl meet again.
26:39The little girl is very happy.
26:41The hero is very happy.
26:42The hero asks the little girl.
26:44Long time no see.
26:45Long time no see.
26:46Long time no see.
26:47Long time no see.
26:48Long time no see.
26:49Long time no see.
26:50Do you remember me?
26:51Do you remember me?
26:53The little girl says,
26:54day and night.
26:56Day and night.
26:58The little girl has the courage to ask the hero.
27:00Did you come back to me
27:02because you like me?
27:05Say you like me.
27:07Do you like me or not?
27:09Say you like me.
27:18How was it?
27:19In the past,
27:20every year,
27:21my mother took me to see the puppet show.
27:23So I can memorize these lines.
27:25Do you want me to play another story for you?
27:29No need.
27:30Go back early.
27:33I have to go back to see my mother.
27:35Do you want to go back with me
27:37to have a meal?
27:40If I go to your place,
27:41I may not have time to eat.
27:46I'll wait for you on the mountain.
27:47I'll go first.
27:55I'll go first.
28:02You see,
28:03I have to say,
28:04it's you, little cutie.
28:06You see how popular you are.
28:07How long has it been?
28:09All of them come to sign up.
28:15You scared me.
28:20Those who just signed up,
28:22how many people will really join?
28:24I tell you,
28:25none of them will.
28:26They just want to touch me.
28:34Now you know shame.
28:36Now you know shame.
28:38Now you can feel what I felt that day.
28:41I tell you,
28:42when I hugged your leg that day,
28:44I was also ashamed.
28:45I was also ashamed.
28:49So you did it on purpose.
28:55There is no such thing as a heart-to-heart talk.
28:57You just want me to be ashamed.
29:00I can forget the world.
29:01There is a man and a sheep.
29:03That's enough.
29:04That's enough.
29:07Why didn't I find it before?
29:09You are so good at calculating.
29:10There is no way.
29:11Who made your little fox
29:12cunning and cunning?
29:13I have to find a way
29:14to educate you.
29:19Twenty years old.
29:33All right.
29:34Don't be angry.
29:37It's going to be over sooner or later.
29:41You should know this better than I do.
29:50are we going to make a comeback?
29:52Make a comeback?
29:53Make a comeback?
30:23What are you doing?
30:37What are you doing?
30:39Why did you fall asleep outside?
30:41It's so cold.
30:42What if you catch a cold?
30:44I want to see the stars.
30:48I fell asleep while looking at the stars.
30:54It's already the end of autumn.
30:56It's so cold at night.
30:58How can there be stars?
31:02It's so ugly.
31:04You said such unlucky words again.
31:15Did you drink again?
31:19I'm brewing wine,
31:21not drinking.
31:22I just brewed half of it.
31:24I want to take a rest here.
31:27Now that you're back,
31:28help me turn over the wine stove
31:31and bury it under the tree.
31:34Didn't we agree?
31:36We agreed not to drink.
31:39And you want me to turn over the wine with you.
31:43If I turn over the wine today,
31:44you won't be able to hold your liquor tomorrow.
31:47Maybe you're an old drunkard
31:49and you want to take me with you
31:50to be a little drunkard.
31:51I don't care about you.
31:56You really don't want to?
32:02Can you listen to me?
32:04Just hold it for a few months.
32:06Wait for me to use the five-poison elixir
32:08to fix your bad habits.
32:11You can drink as you want.
32:13I won't care about you.
32:15At that time,
32:16let alone your liquor,
32:17let's go to Zhongdu and Donghai
32:20and drink the most expensive wine there.
32:23Even if I get the wine
32:25in Donghai and Zhongdu,
32:28no one dares to look down on me.
32:32In Daoshengtian and Longdu,
32:34there are countless rivers and lakes.
32:36Why are you bragging here again?
32:39You're an amateur.
32:41You can't taste the wine.
32:44If you give my wine
32:46to your Lord Dijun,
32:49he must be willing to drink it.
32:59You know everything?
33:04Why didn't he come back with you?
33:10He was injured to protect me.
33:12So I let him go back first.
33:15He protected you?
33:19How many times?
33:25two, three, four times.
33:29This boy
33:31has a fast heart.
33:33A man who doesn't talk
33:35often cares about you the most.
33:38You don't waste your effort on him.
33:42Don't talk nonsense.
33:44When did I...
33:46You came back to me.
33:48Is it because you like me?
33:51Say it.
33:59It seems that my A Yan is enlightened.
34:03It's good.
34:04Do you think
34:06he used to be so young
34:09but now he's drunk and heartbroken?
34:14I can't get rid of your wine in three sentences.
34:16You're always like this.
34:19All right.
34:21I'm going back to Yangyue Sect.
34:23Are you not going to stay with me?
34:24Recently, the sect has an order
34:26that it's not safe to stay outside.
34:29I'll come back in a few days
34:31to cook for you.
34:35You don't have to come back.
34:36It's a waste of time.
34:37Let's go.
34:38I'm leaving.
34:41Don't drink too much.
34:47A Yan.
34:53Do you know
34:56why I like this wine?
35:01Didn't you say
35:02this wine was brewed at the time of Chan Ming Lu Shui?
35:08the wine tastes the most pure?
35:12I'll tell you
35:14when you come back next time.
35:17Listen to me.
35:36A cup of tea.
35:39The wind blows into the tea cup.
35:42A cup of tea.
35:44Warmth warms the cold.
35:46A cup of tea.
35:50A cup of tea.
35:54I'm afraid
35:56I won't be able to drink it again.
36:12A cup of tea.
36:31Why did you sleep on the floor again?
36:35Your bed is too hard.
36:36I can't sleep well.
36:42A cup of tea.
36:52This kid
36:54has a fast heart.
36:56The man who doesn't say anything
36:58often cares about you the most.
37:12The emperor chose a good day today.
37:14I have to go out when I have to go out.
37:15I'm tired of shopping.
37:16And Mr. Tian Long
37:18helps people buy quilts.
37:32Is it you?
37:43A cup of tea.
37:52You can do it yourself.
37:54I'm hot.
37:58I can see that
37:59your ears are red.
38:04Put it on.
38:12A cup of tea.
38:29How is it?
38:30Do you feel better?
38:38I'm fine.
38:42A cup of tea.
38:43A cup of tea.
38:44A cup of tea.
38:45A cup of tea.
38:46A cup of tea.
38:47A cup of tea.
38:48A cup of tea.
38:49A cup of tea.
38:50A cup of tea.
38:51A cup of tea.
38:52A cup of tea.
38:53A cup of tea.
38:54A cup of tea.
38:55A cup of tea.
38:56A cup of tea.
38:57A cup of tea.
38:58A cup of tea.
38:59A cup of tea.
39:00A cup of tea.
39:01A cup of tea.
39:02A cup of tea.
39:03A cup of tea.
39:04A cup of tea.
39:05A cup of tea.
39:06A cup of tea.
39:07A cup of tea.
39:08A cup of tea.
39:09A cup of tea.
39:10A cup of tea.
39:12The HSBC is less than two days away from reopening.
39:17We're still unable to capture Shao Cang.
39:22With such inefficient actions, show me how we can make things clear to Xue Nai.
39:30Xin Zheng...
39:31I heard that a few days ago, after Shao Cang left Fang Shi, you fought with him.
39:42It's my disciple. I don't know him.
40:02Dijun Shao Cang, Yangyue Villa.
40:04Dijun Shao Cang, Yangyue Villa.
40:06Dijun Shao Cang, Yangyue Villa.
40:08Dijun Shao Cang, Yangyue Villa.
40:30Brother Qin, Ma Rui.
40:32You two follow the Heavenly Master to search.
40:34The rest of you, follow me to Aiger's room to search.
40:38Even if you have to dig three feet deep, you have to catch Shao Cang.
40:48How dare you break into Yangyue Villa?
40:52Why did you hit him?
41:10Sister, take a break.
41:12Leave all these to me.
41:14You do this.
41:20The Heavenly Master is here again.
41:22He said he received a letter from Yi Neng.
41:24He is sure that Dijun is in Yangyue Villa.
41:35Dijun Shao Cang.
41:36Dijun Shao Cang.
41:37Dijun Shao Cang.
41:38Dijun Shao Cang.
41:39Dijun Shao Cang.
41:40Dijun Shao Cang.
41:41Dijun Shao Cang.
41:42Dijun Shao Cang.
41:43Dijun Shao Cang.
41:44Dijun Shao Cang.
41:45Dijun Shao Cang.
41:46Dijun Shao Cang.
41:47Dijun Shao Cang.
41:48Dijun Shao Cang.
41:49Dijun Shao Cang.
41:50Dijun Shao Cang.
41:51Dijun Shao Cang.
41:52Dijun Shao Cang.
41:53Dijun Shao Cang.
41:54Dijun Shao Cang.
41:55Dijun Shao Cang.
41:56Dijun Shao Cang.
41:57Dijun Shao Cang.
41:58Dijun Shao Cang.
41:59Dijun Shao Cang.
42:00Dijun Shao Cang.
42:01Dijun Shao Cang.
42:02Dijun Shao Cang.
42:03Dijun Shao Cang.
42:04Dijun Shao Cang.
42:05Dijun Shao Cang.
42:06Dijun Shao Cang.
42:07Dijun Shao Cang.
42:08Dijun Shao Cang.
42:09Dijun Shao Cang.
42:10Dijun Shao Cang.
42:11Dijun Shao Cang.
42:12Dijun Shao Cang.
42:13Dijun Shao Cang.
42:14Dijun Shao Cang.
42:15Dijun Shao Cang.
42:16Dijun Shao Cang.
42:17Dijun Shao Cang.
42:18Dijun Shao Cang.
42:19Dijun Shao Cang.
42:20Dijun Shao Cang.
42:21Dijun Shao Cang.
42:22Dijun Shao Cang.
42:23Dijun Shao Cang.
42:24Dijun Shao Cang.
42:25Dijun Shao Cang.
42:26Dijun Shao Cang.
42:27Dijun Shao Cang.
42:28Dijun Shao Cang.
42:29Dijun Shao Cang.
42:30Dijun Shao Cang.
42:31Dijun Shao Cang.
42:32Dijun Shao Cang.
42:33Dijun Shao Cang.
42:34Dijun Shao Cang.
42:35Dijun Shao Cang.
42:36Dijun Shao Cang.
42:37Dijun Shao Cang.
42:38Dijun Shao Cang.
42:39Dijun Shao Cang.
42:40Dijun Shao Cang.
42:41Dijun Shao Cang.
42:42Dijun Shao Cang.
42:43Dijun Shao Cang.
42:44Dijun Shao Cang.
42:45Dijun Shao Cang.
42:46Dijun Shao Cang.
42:47Dijun Shao Cang.
42:48Dijun Shao Cang.
42:49Dijun Shao Cang.
42:50Dijun Shao Cang.
42:51Dijun Shao Cang.
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42:56Dijun Shao Cang.
42:57Dijun Shao Cang.
42:58Dijun Shao Cang.
42:59Dijun Shao Cang.
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43:11Dijun Shao Cang.
43:12Dijun Shao Cang.
43:13Dijun Shao Cang.
43:14Dijun Shao Cang.
43:15Dijun Shao Cang.
43:16Dijun Shao Cang.
43:17Dijun Shao Cang.
43:18Dijun Shao Cang.
43:19Dijun Shao Cang.
43:20Dijun Shao Cang.
43:21Dijun Shao Cang.
43:22Dijun Shao Cang.
43:23Dijun Shao Cang.
43:24Dijun Shao Cang.
43:25Dijun Shao Cang.
43:26Dijun Shao Cang.
43:27Dijun Shao Cang.
43:28Dijun Shao Cang.
43:29Dijun Shao Cang.
43:30Dijun Shao Cang.
43:31Dijun Shao Cang.
43:32Dijun Shao Cang.
43:33Dijun Shao Cang.
43:34Dijun Shao Cang.
43:35Dijun Shao Cang.
43:36Dijun Shao Cang.
43:37Dijun Shao Cang.
43:38Dijun Shao Cang.
43:39Dijun Shao Cang.
43:40Dijun Shao Cang.
43:41Dijun Shao Cang.
43:42Dijun Shao Cang.
43:43Dijun Shao Cang.
43:44Dijun Shao Cang.
43:45Dijun Shao Cang.
43:46Dijun Shao Cang.
43:47Dijun Shao Cang.
43:48Dijun Shao Cang.
43:49Dijun Shao Cang.
43:50Dijun Shao Cang.
43:51Dijun Shao Cang.
43:52Dijun Shao Cang.
43:53Dijun Shao Cang.
43:54Dijun Shao Cang.
43:55Dijun Shao Cang.
43:56Dijun Shao Cang.
43:57Dijun Shao Cang.
43:58Dijun Shao Cang.
43:59Dijun Shao Cang.
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44:06Dijun Shao Cang.
44:07Dijun Shao Cang.
44:08Dijun Shao Cang.
44:09Dijun Shao Cang.
