Loves Rebellion Ep 9 Eng Sub

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00:00Translated by Hua Chenyu English Subs
00:25走过你的白天 Walking through your day
00:28我的黑夜 My dark night
00:29在醒来之前 Before I wake up
00:32跟随城市的云 Following the city's moon
00:35穿越这流年 Crossing through these years
00:38迎着相思的剑 Meeting the sword of love
00:42黄昏沉淀 Falling into a trance
00:44落在你指尖 In your fingertips
00:46能争取些心愿 Can try to make a wish
00:49能为相知握住肩 To hold your hand
01:20威震世海 鸣吹青石 The world is in turmoil, and the wind is blowing the green stone
01:26就你那两首破打游诗 还鸣吹青石 You're the only one who can play this song so well
01:30我看是一筹万年吧 I think you've been playing this song for tens of thousands of years
01:33堂堂公主 You're the princess
01:34我出尔反尔 你出尔反尔 I'm just doing my best
01:38你要是再啰嗦 If you keep talking
01:39我就把你团成就给踢出去 I'll kick you out of Tuan Cheng Jiu
01:41我告你 I'll sue you
01:42我不要 I don't want to
01:43撞你撞你 I'll hit you
01:49撞你撞你 I'll hit you
02:19撞你撞你 I'll hit you
02:49这家伙是吃了秤砣是吧 This guy is eating a scale, isn't he?
03:06差点把小爷的腰都给压死了 I almost crushed the waist of Xiao Ye
03:16你怎么在这儿 Why are you here?
03:18你是觉得我也应该晕了是吧 Do you think I should faint, too?
03:23你也没中毒 You're not poisoned, either
03:25是蘑菇的毒性开始发作了 It's the poison in the mushrooms that's starting to show
03:56这这 This is the poison in the mushrooms that's starting to show
04:12体军 You're acting tough
04:16所以刚才我和他的对话你都听到了吗 Did you hear what we just talked about?
04:19I don't know.
04:24You think you can get the Seven-Talisman Leaflet?
04:32You can think about why I can't.
04:37You stay in Yangyue Sect
04:39not only for the treatment, right?
04:43Then what do you think I'm doing for?
04:46Of course, it's to wait for the opening day of Hui Valley,
04:48enter Hui Valley, and take the God's Palace.
04:52But there are many dangers in Hui Valley.
04:55Whether you can get the Seven-Talisman Leaflet
04:57depends on your luck.
04:59Even if you are much higher than me,
05:00so what?
05:01The one who can't keep a smile until the end
05:04is me.
05:06You have a bad temper.
05:09I can't blame you if you want to die in Hui Valley.
05:12But let me remind you,
05:14as long as you stay in Yangyue Sect,
05:16you must stand up straight
05:18and be a good and sensible dragon.
05:22You don't have to say that.
05:23Since Nan Yan has promised me
05:25that she would lend me the Silver Pearl one day,
05:27I won't let her down.
05:28I won't do anything else.
05:33I don't think you dare.
05:52Good morning.
05:53What's the matter?
05:55Tell me.
05:56Why did you poison me?
06:00You got poisoned?
06:02It's incurable.
06:04We need to go and see the elder sister right now.
06:06Elder sister, elder sister.
06:07Go, go.
06:12When you eat hot pot, that mushroom is poisonous.
06:15You didn't know that you brought it here?
06:19I saw that the mushroom was plain.
06:21How would I know that it's poisonous?
06:25In the end, I was too young.
06:27I didn't get to see a lot of things.
06:31Especially my sister.
06:33If something happens to her, I'm afraid I'll regret it.
06:35I'd hate to spend my life poisoning the mushroom.
06:39So, you mean it?
06:42It's more real than a pearl.
06:46It's just...
06:48If I get poisoned to death,
06:50not only will my sister be heartbroken,
06:52even you, who is kind, won't agree, right?
06:57Let me tell you. I'm not interested in your life.
07:01But, since you have the intention to regret it,
07:04then, I'll immediately make up for my mistake.
07:08How about this?
07:09I'll go make a cup of tea right now.
07:13To cure your poison.
07:14Stop right there!
07:16Let me tell you. If you treat me like a fool again,
07:18I'll really go crazy!
07:20Go, go, go.
07:26Then, tell me.
07:28What should I do so that we can make up?
07:34I can forgive you about Xia Mu.
07:39I have a condition.
08:03Shouldn't I be sleeping on the floor?
08:06Last night, you dreamt that you were sleeping on my bed.
08:10Sleeping on your bed?
08:14Explain yourself. What's going on?
08:21What are you thinking about all day?
08:29So that you won't dream again tonight, come out with me.
08:32What for?
08:34To practice martial arts.
08:35Practicing martial arts?
08:38I'm not interested.
08:44If you want to enter Huigu to look for Xin Xue Jing Zhi,
08:47it's very likely that you'll meet a demon cultivator. Do you know that?
08:50Then, I'll just bring more poison.
08:51The kind that can kill the demon.
08:55With your cultivation,
08:57if you meet an elder-level demon cultivator, you'll be the one to die.
09:05if you can improve your cultivation to the level of Jiedan,
09:08you won't have to worry about fire and lightning.
09:11It will also help you with your cultivation in the future. Do you know that?
09:18Of course.
09:21Let's go. From now on, I'll personally teach you.
09:30Both feet, right bottom, left top.
09:34Let's go.
09:57Five stars facing the sky.
10:05By the way, I remember you taught us a couple of sayings.
10:09Take more naps, don't work too hard.
10:12It's important to take a walk after a meal.
10:14Stay up late, soak your feet more.
10:16The meridians are flowing, live until you're old.
10:24I'm going to teach you the five-character idiom.
10:28Wu Tiaoling, remember this.
10:33Remember it with your heart.
10:34Remember it with your heart.
10:39The universe is made of spirit.
10:41It rises and falls by itself.
10:44Those who rise are the spirits.
10:46Those who fall are the demons.
10:49Those who rise are the spirits.
10:51Those who fall are the demons.
11:00In the life of a mortal, there are at most 60 to 70 rays of light.
11:03Those who are cultivators are different.
11:05They can only absorb qi.
11:07They can also live longer than a mortal.
11:09They can live longer than a mortal for 20 years.
11:11A centipede can live for 100 years.
11:13A dragonfly can live for 150 years.
11:15A hawk can live for 300 years.
11:17A god can live for 500 years.
11:19This is the so-called living with heaven and earth.
11:25Then you are already a hawk now.
11:28In the future, you will become a god.
11:32Then you will become an old monster of 500 years.
11:41Are you going to practice or not?
11:54The essence of absorbing qi is that
11:56the qi is in the body.
12:11When you feel the power you have,
12:14you have already felt the qi.
12:18If you can turn the qi of heaven and earth into qi,
12:21and form your own spiritual power,
12:23you have already reached the first level.
12:27Practice the qi.
12:32How is it?
12:33Do you understand?
12:36Your Majesty,
12:37the Huigu will be opened in a few days.
12:39You are the emperor.
12:41Don't you have any method to speed up the process?
12:45If you are not afraid of being caught,
12:47there are three methods to speed up the process in this world.
12:49What are they?
12:50There are three methods to speed up the process in this world.
12:52What are they?
12:54Passing the bow and reversing the sword.
12:58What else?
13:04it's not a correct answer.
13:05It's indescribable.
13:07We have known each other for a long time.
13:09What else do you know?
13:11What is the method to speed up the process?
13:12Tell me quickly.
13:14It's not appropriate.
13:15It's not appropriate?
13:17It's not appropriate?
13:18Or you don't know how to do it?
13:22I thought you were very capable.
13:25But I didn't expect that you don't know how to do it.
13:31Listen carefully.
13:33The third method is double cultivation.
13:37How to cultivate?
13:39Why are you so...
13:42Why are you so unprincipled?
13:44Why are you so unprincipled?
13:45Why are you so unprincipled?
13:46Success is my principle.
13:48As long as I can master the skill quickly,
13:50I'm willing to try any method.
13:54You can try any method?
13:57The one who achieves great things does not fear small tribulations.
13:59Only you dare not think about it.
14:00I dare not do it.
14:02It's indescribable.
14:05Why did you leave?
14:06Come back.
14:07Why did you leave?
14:09Come on.
14:10Why did you leave?
14:15Come on.
14:16Fight with me.
14:44Fight with me.
14:45Fight with me.
14:46Fight with me.
14:47Fight with me.
14:48Fight with me.
14:49Fight with me.
14:50Fight with me.
14:51Fight with me.
14:52Fight with me.
14:53Fight with me.
14:54Fight with me.
14:55Fight with me.
14:56Fight with me.
14:57Fight with me.
14:58Fight with me.
14:59Fight with me.
15:00Fight with me.
15:01Fight with me.
15:02Fight with me.
15:03Fight with me.
15:04Fight with me.
15:05Fight with me.
15:06Fight with me.
15:07Fight with me.
15:08Fight with me.
15:09Fight with me.
15:10Fight with me.
15:11Fight with me.
15:12Fight with me.
15:13Fight with me.
15:14Fight with me.
15:43I only wish for love to last forever
15:48I've never stopped time
15:51I'll hold on to you for the rest of my life
15:54I'll give you a galaxy of memories
15:58I can't help but look into your eyes
16:01Memories of the past linger
16:05As long as I have you by my side
16:08I'll travel the world to see the end of time
16:12I'll hold on to you for the rest of my life
16:15I'll give you a galaxy of memories
16:18I can't help but look into your eyes
16:21Memories of the past linger
16:24As long as I have you by my side
16:27I'll travel the world to see the end of time
16:30I'll travel the world to see the end of time
16:33I'll travel the world to see the end of time
16:36I'll travel the world to see the end of time
16:39I'll travel the world to see the end of time
16:42I'll travel the world to see the end of time
16:45I'll travel the world to see the end of time
16:48I'll travel the world to see the end of time
16:51I'll travel the world to see the end of time
16:54I'll travel the world to see the end of time
16:57I'll travel the world to see the end of time
17:00I'll travel the world to see the end of time
17:03I'll travel the world to see the end of time
17:06You're very talented, aren't you?
17:10You are indeed very talented
17:12You are also well-known all over the world
17:15You are also well-known all over the world
17:19So I'm that good?
17:22Am I the son of destiny that my mother said?
17:27What did she say?
17:28She said there is a kind of person
17:30who goes up the mountain and gets a fairy
17:32who goes down the sea and gets a pearl
17:34who gets a beautiful woman and travels the world
17:37Even if this kind of person's destiny is a bit difficult
17:40it's just a temporary trouble
17:42After the trouble is over, he will be reincarnated
17:45and then he can go to heaven and earth
17:50That's what Chief Nan said
17:55Let me remind you
17:56Don't be complacent
17:58You have to practice more in the future
18:00Once you have the confidence
18:01you are no longer inferior to the demons
18:04Thank you for your reminder, Lord Dijun
18:08Your spiritual power is close to the end of your life
18:10In the future, use poisonous needles and other weapons
18:12and you will be more powerful than before
18:14If it's not the moment of life and death
18:16you can only give five out of ten
18:19Remember to hide the two words
18:21so as not to make trouble
18:25I got it
18:26Just like Lord Dijun
18:28play a pig and eat a tiger
18:30What day-worshipping mountain day-worshipping tribe
18:32Just open your mouth and come
18:36Fufei Shizun
18:38One day of practice
18:40One day of practice is not enough
18:42Lord Dijun
18:43I also want to take a day off
18:46Where are you going?
19:23Lord Dijun is in a good mood today
19:25Come with me to visit Fang's
19:27I am flattered
19:30There are all kinds of small things
19:32Here you are
19:34Do you have any good-quality blood centipedes?
19:36You came just in time
19:37I just got a batch of new goods
19:38I'll get it for you
19:43Why do you buy it?
19:46It's dangerous to know the bones
19:47Never be careless
19:48Prepare more spiritual medicine to protect yourself
19:49There will always be no mistakes
19:51Especially you
19:55Your heart rate now
19:56Although it has stabilized a lot
19:58But last time
19:59You were injured by Diwan's men
20:00You haven't fully recovered yet
20:02The blood centipedes are about to open
20:03It's dangerous to know
20:05Prepare more medicine to protect yourself
20:07It's better than going empty-handed
20:12Do you have any more?
20:13Show me one more
20:15Let me see
20:17Look at this
20:22You said it
20:23There is a martial art hidden in the blood centipedes
20:26The one who wants to grab it
20:27It's also incalculable
20:29Although you are a cultivator of Yuan Ying
20:32But don't forget
20:33You also have a plaything
20:35A tiger is hard to defeat a group of wolves
20:37If you don't prepare more
20:39How can you make people feel at ease?
20:41It doesn't matter
20:42I'll send it back as soon as possible
20:45It's easy to say
20:46That's the bone
20:50I want all of this
20:52Don't worry
20:53I have to come back
20:54Make medicine for you
20:55Leave me
20:56I'm afraid your mother's illness
20:57It's going to take a while
21:00it is good
21:05Speaking of bone
21:06He is always so gentle
21:09But in my heart
21:10Why do you always pull it up?
21:18Let me catch it
21:20The young master is shopping with his wife again
21:22I really feel sorry for my wife
21:24I really feel sorry for my wife
21:29Slippery mouth
21:30I think he didn't pick up enough last time
21:37Slippery mouth
21:38Why didn't I hear it?
21:43By the way
21:44A lot of new magic instruments have entered the shop
21:46It's okay
21:47Bring your wife to play
21:50My wife said
21:51Your store is so expensive
21:53Let me go to another store
22:37I will take it
22:48Stinky fox
22:49Looking for you
22:51where to go
22:53What about the terms you promised me?
22:55My Long Ao Tian Poetry Club
22:57It's been a long time
23:00I finally came up with one
23:02A way to attract talents
23:06What is this
23:08Long Ao Tian Poetry Club
23:11Sign up for free
23:13touch the tiger
23:16Still rare
23:17Still come
23:18You really want to take me as a spiritual pet
23:23To be precise
23:24Is auspicious
23:25You are the face of our poetry club
23:30I won't go
23:33It can be killed
23:34I have a license
23:36Stop me
23:39You have a shit license
23:41You have to go if you agree
23:43You, you change back to the original form
23:48I am willing to apologize
23:50You apologize
23:51You, you apologize, it's useful for you to apologize.
23:54Why do you want the law firm?
24:03If you really don't want to go,
24:06there's another option.
24:11Eat it.
24:12Turn it into whatever you want.
24:14I can do whatever you want.
24:24how about this?
24:26I'll talk to Nan Yan.
24:28Let her kick you,
24:29the heartless little fox,
24:31out of Yangyue.
24:38You're so cruel.
24:40That's right.
24:42It's still early.
24:44With you, the little fox,
24:45I'm sure you can make a big impact
24:47and make the world proud.
24:49Come on.
24:51Come on.
24:55Let's go.
24:57Let's go.
25:11Where is he?
25:12How come he's like a three-year-old kid?
25:14It's so easy to find him.
25:19You've never seen a play, have you?
25:25Let's go.
25:26We have to go back.
25:32I want to see you.
25:34I want to see you.
25:35I want to see you.
25:36I want to see you.
25:37I want to see you.
25:38I want to see you.
25:39I want to see you.
25:40I want to see you.
25:43Thank you.
25:46Since you helped me break out of the trap,
25:48I'll show you a free puppet show.
25:51Take it.
25:55It's weird to say it's true.
25:57The hero protects the little girl behind her
25:59until the thief runs away.
26:01His hand is cut off.
26:03The thief is dead.
26:06The hero asks the little girl.
26:08Little girl,
26:09if anyone dares to bully you in the future,
26:11you can call my name.
26:12My name is Long Aotian.
26:19The hero turned around and left.
26:23After the hero left,
26:24the little girl was lonely and lonely.
26:27The little girl thought,
26:28when will I see my Long Aotian again?
26:32The next year's Qixiao Festival
26:33is the time when the ox and the wolf meet.
26:37The hero and the little girl
26:38met again.
26:40The little girl was very happy.
26:41The hero was also very happy.
26:43The hero asked the little girl.
26:44Long time no see.
26:46Long time no see.
26:48Long time no see.
26:49Long time no see.
26:50Do you still remember me?
26:52Do you still remember me?
26:53The little girl said,
26:55day and night.
26:57The little girl didn't have the courage to ask the hero.
26:59You came back to me.
27:01Is it because you like me?
27:04Say you like me.
27:05Say you like me.
27:07Do you like me or not?
27:09Say you like me.
27:18How was it?
27:19Every year at the temple fair,
27:21my mother took me to see the Buddha play.
27:23So I can memorize these lines.
27:25Do you want me to play another story for you?
27:27The story of the white snake repaying kindness.
27:29No need.
27:30Go back early.
27:32I have to go back to see my mother.
27:34Do you want to go back with me?
27:36Have a meal.
27:39If I go to your place,
27:40Lingtang may not have time to eat.
27:45I'll wait for you on the mountain.
27:46I'll go first.
28:02If you don't say it,
28:03you have to be a little cute.
28:05You see how many people like you.
28:07How long is this?
28:09All come to sign up.
28:15Scared me.
28:20Those who just signed up,
28:21how many people really know how to play the snake?
28:23I tell you, none of them know.
28:25They just want to touch me.
28:33Now you know you're ashamed.
28:35Now you know you're ashamed.
28:37Now you can feel what I felt that day.
28:40I tell you,
28:41when I hugged your leg that day,
28:43I was also ashamed.
28:44I'm also ashamed.
28:48So you did it on purpose.
28:55There is no such thing as recruitment.
28:57You just want to embarrass me.
29:00I can swear to God.
29:02It's enough.
29:03It's enough.
29:07Why didn't I find it before?
29:08You're so good at calculating.
29:10There's no way.
29:11Who made your little fox cunning?
29:13I have to think of a good way
29:14to educate you.
29:19Twentieth year.
29:30Twentieth year.
29:33All right.
29:34Don't be angry.
29:37You'll have to pay it back sooner or later.
29:41You should know this better than I do.
29:50are we over?
29:53Completely over.
30:30What are you doing?
30:37Why are you sleeping outside?
30:39It's so cold.
30:40What if you catch a cold?
30:42I want to see the stars.
30:47I fell asleep while looking at the stars.
30:53It's already the end of autumn.
30:55It's so cold at night.
30:57How can there be stars?
31:01It's so ugly.
31:04You say such unlucky words again.
31:14You're drinking again.
31:18I'm making wine,
31:19not drinking.
31:21I just made half of it.
31:23I'm tired.
31:24I want to rest here.
31:26Now that you're back,
31:28help me turn the winery upside down.
31:30Put it under the tree and bury it.
31:33Didn't we agree?
31:35We agreed not to drink.
31:38And you want me to turn the winery with you.
31:42If I turn the winery today,
31:43you won't be able to hold your liquor tomorrow.
31:46Maybe you're an old drunkard
31:48and want to take me with you
31:49to be a little drunkard.
31:50I don't care about you.
31:56I really don't want to.
32:02Can you listen to me?
32:04Just hold it for a few months.
32:06Wait for me to use this five-poison elixir
32:08to fix your heartless problem.
32:11You can drink as you want.
32:13I won't care about you.
32:15At that time,
32:16let alone your wine,
32:17let's go to the capital,
32:19to the East China Sea
32:20to pick up the most expensive wine.
32:23My wine
32:25can go to the East China Sea and the capital,
32:28but no one dares to look down on it.
32:31Daoshengtian and Longdu
32:33have a lot of wine.
32:36Why are you bragging here again?
32:38You're an amateur.
32:40You can't taste the wine.
32:44If you give my wine
32:46to your Lord Dijun,
32:48he will definitely accept it.
32:58You know everything?
33:03Why didn't he come back with you?
33:09He got hurt to protect me.
33:12So I let him go back first.
33:15He protected you?
33:19How many times?
33:22Two or three times.
33:28This boy
33:30has a fast heart.
33:32The man who doesn't say anything
33:35often cares about you the most.
33:37You don't waste your effort on him.
33:41Don't talk nonsense.
33:43When did I...
33:45You came back to me
33:48because you like me?
33:50Say it.
33:51I like you.
33:58It seems that my A Yan
34:00is enlightened.
34:02It's good.
34:04Do you think
34:06you used to be so young
34:08but now you're drunk
34:10and heartbroken?
34:13I can't get rid of your wine in three sentences.
34:16You're always like this.
34:18All right.
34:20I'm going back to Yangyue Sect.
34:22You're not going to stay with me for a while?
34:24Recently, the sect has an order
34:26that it's not safe to stay in the mountains.
34:27They don't allow me to stay outside.
34:29I'll come back in a few days.
34:31You can cook something delicious.
34:34You don't have to come back.
34:35It's a waste of time for me to play cards.
34:37Let's go.
34:38I'm leaving.
34:40Don't steal the wine.
34:42A Yan.
34:47A Yan.
34:53Do you know
34:56why I like this wine?
35:01Didn't you say
35:02this wine is made from the ten branches of the Chanming Deer Water?
35:08the wine tastes the most pure?
35:12When you come back next time,
35:14I'll tell you.
35:17Be good.
35:19Chinese Poetry
35:49Gu Ling.
35:54I'm afraid the one in the Middle East
35:56will never see you again.
36:19Gu Ling.
36:31Why did you sleep on the floor again?
36:35My bed is too hard.
36:36I can't sleep well.
36:50This boy.
36:52He's a quick-tempered man.
36:55The man who doesn't say anything
36:57often cares about you the most.
37:15The emperor chose a good day today.
37:17I have to go out when I should go out.
37:19I'm tired of shopping.
37:20I have Mr. Tian Long
37:22to help me buy quilts.
37:35Where did he go?
37:48You can do it yourself.
37:50I'm hot.
37:54I can see that
37:55your ears are hot.
37:59Put it on.
38:17How are you?
38:29How are you?
38:30Are you cold?
38:38Are you all right?
38:47I'm fine.
39:12It's less than two days
39:13from the opening of Hui Valley.
39:16We still can't catch Shao Cang.
39:21You are doing so badly.
39:23How can I explain to Xuan Dai?
39:30Xing Zheng.
39:32I heard that
39:34a few days ago, after Shao Cang left Fang Shi,
39:37you fought with him.
39:40I'm a disciple.
39:42I won't insult anyone.
40:01Emperor Shao Cang.
40:03Yangyue Villa.
40:09Emperor Shao Cang.
40:29Xing Zheng. Ma Rui.
40:31You two follow Tian Zhu and continue to search.
40:34The rest of you
40:35search in my room.
40:37Even if you have to dig three feet deep,
40:39you have to catch Shao Cang.
40:48How dare you break into Yangyue Villa?
40:51I won't hit anyone.
41:08Sister, take a break.
41:10Leave all these to me.
41:12You do this.
41:18Dao Kun and Tian Rui came again.
41:20They said they received an anonymous report letter.
41:22They are sure that
41:23the emperor is in Yangyue Villa.
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